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商业银行市场风险压力测试研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2007/8年金融危机暴露了全球银行业对压力时期的市场风险预测失灵。危机后,西方国家通过压力测试来评估银行的资本充足状况。这一举措起到了恢复市场信心的作用。因为影响市场的风险因素众多,所以市场风险压力测试有别于其他风险类别的压力测试。虽然市场风险压力测试在学术领域、监管层面和实际应用中都得到了一定程度的研究与发展,然而当前压力测试方法还存在诸多不足,如不能提供压力情景可能性分析、无法涵盖模型外风险因素的测度、受限于产品定价模型的假设等。在未来发展中应更加关注压力测试结果在银行的运用,及充分考虑尚未被普遍纳入压力情景的隐性风险因素。  相似文献   

2008年国际金融危机后,压力测试逐步成为量化评估金融体系系统性风险、推进宏观审慎管理的重要手段。本文以银行体系的不良贷款率为风险测度指标,运用Logistic模型,分别模拟2008年历史情景和历史最差情景来测算宏观经济因素波动对银行体系的冲击大小。从设置的两种情景压力测试结果看,消费和投资增速变化形成信用风险因子时,湖南省银行体系形成的不良贷款率都低于初期不良贷款率,湖南省银行体系稳定性较高。  相似文献   

压力测试是银行加强信用风险管理和监管部门实施宏观审慎监管的有用工具,但是压力测试模型的科学性制约了我国提高压力测试的水平。本文把传统的Logistic模型扩展为包含宏观冲击因子的MF-Logistic模型,将其用于信用风险压力测试。实证结果显示:基于MF-Logistic模型的信用风险压力测试能科学地度量宏观冲击因子和微观风险因素对信用风险的影响,并且能直观地显示银行在不同压力情景下的资本充足水平,对于商业银行和银行监管机构都具有较高的实用价值。  相似文献   

本文以不良贷款率作为评估银行主要风险的指标,建立SUR模型对我国国有商业银行、股份制银行,城市商业银行和农村商业银行四类银行进行了宏观压力测试。通过构建房价下跌和物价上涨的极端情景,运用蒙特卡洛模拟方法得到宏观经济因素冲击下四类银行的贷款损失分布,结果表明在设定的压力情景下,四类银行的贷款损失率都有不同程度的上升,国有商业银行的稳健性最好,而城市商业银行表现相对较差。  相似文献   

流动性风险管理是银行经营管理过程中的基础性工作,无论是在宏观经济平稳发展时期还是经济大幅波动时期,流动性风险始终是金融市场关注的重要方面。目前我国宏观流动性较充裕,商业银行整体流动性风险可控,但也存在一定的风险隐患。本文根据我国商业银行的实际情况,对银行流动性风险进行压力测试分析,研究极端市场情况对商业银行流动性可能造成的不利影响。分析结果表明,在轻度压力情景下,商业银行流动性降低的幅度并不大。若经济不断恶化,市场环境处于严重压力情景时,银行流动性水平将急骤下降,银行将面临巨大流动性风险。  相似文献   

本文首先描述了当前房地产市场的现状和未来房地产市场的发展动向,随后介绍了个人住房贷款客户理性违约发生成本,最后着重论述了银行压力测试中针对房价因素的敏感性分析方法,并利用该方法对某股份制商业银行一级分行数据进行测试,判断了该分行在房价下跌的不同情景假设下承受风险的能力。  相似文献   

欧洲中央银行于2022年7月发布气候风险压力测试结果,共有104家重要大型银行参加,测试需要银行提供三个方面的定性和定量材料:开展气候风险压力测试的能力、对高碳排放行业收入的依存度、不同时点和不同压力情景下的表现情况。测试结果显示:一是60%的欧元区银行未建立气候风险压力测试架构,大多数银行未将气候风险纳入信用风险模型,仅有20%的银行在放贷时考虑气候风险;二是在银行从非金融企业获取的利息收入中,有三分之二来自高温室气体排放行业;三是物理风险对银行具有异质性影响。此外,对41家银行在不同气候情景下的分析表明,相较于无序转型或温室世界下不作为的银行,有序转型的银行受到的气候冲击影响最小。本刊编译了此篇论文,以期为读者带来启发和思考。  相似文献   

本文根据2010年之前成立的我国31只货币市场基金相关数据,实证分析了我国货币市场基金流动性风险的有效影响因素,并利用有效影响因素设定压力情景和压力测试模型,检验我国货币市场基金行业和不同规模的货币市场基金在一定压力情景下对流动性风险的承压能力.研究发现:上海同业拆借利率变动率、货币市场基金的收益率、国内生产总值增长率、基金资产组合的剩余到期期限、基金所属公司的资产管理规模对货币市场基金流动性风险有显著性影响;在重度、中度、轻度的压力测试下,我国货币市场基金均出现了严重的流动性风险,小规模货币市场基金的承压能力更加出色.  相似文献   

<正>一、引言商业银行的市场风险主要包括利率风险与汇率风险,而根据巴塞尔协议Ⅲ,商业银行必须计量和核定市场风险大小并配置资本,且要求商业银行对市场风险实施压力测试,以便动态地跟踪市场因子变化对银行的影响。因为对于商业银行而言,实施压力测试可以深入分析其抵御风险的能力,充分了解潜在风险因素与银行持续经营之间的关系,及时预防极端事件可能对银行带来的冲击,从而有效控制风险;对于监管部门而言,实施压力测试可以使其充分了解单家银行  相似文献   

本文以商业银行本币债券市场风险压力测试实践为例,利用确定的价值评估模型计算出在确定的压力情景下,债券资产组合的风险状况,实证研究压力测试在债券业务市场风险管理中的应用,并提出相关建议。  相似文献   

李敏波  梁爽 《金融研究》2021,492(6):21-38
对系统性金融风险进行识别和评估,日益成为各国中央银行的核心关切。囿于数据频率,基于金融机构经营稳健性评估的金融系统性风险监测存在一定的滞后性,不利于中央银行及时进行风险应对,利用金融市场交易数据进行风险监测可极大程度克服滞后性问题。本文根据中国金融市场特点,选取债券市场、股票市场、货币市场和外汇市场17个有代表性的指标,运用经验累积分布函数法分别构造了各子市场的压力指数,以各子市场之间时变的相关关系刻画系统性金融风险的跨市场传染特征,合成金融市场压力指数,并通过建立马尔可夫区制转换模型,对金融市场压力状态进行识别。金融市场压力指数能有效反映样本域内的压力事件,并兼具稳健性、能逐日监测等优点,为监测评估系统性金融风险、选择政策实施窗口和评估政策实施效果等提供了有力工具。  相似文献   

We examine the impact of the financial crisis on the stock market valuation of large and systemic U.S. bank holding companies (BHCs). Using the Bertsatos and Sakellaris (2016) model of fundamental valuation of bank equity, we provide evidence that the financial crisis has not altered investors’ attitudes towards bank characteristics. In particular, before, during, and after the crisis, investors in large and systemic U.S. BHCs seemed to penalize leverage, albeit temporarily. Both before and after the crisis, they reward size in the short run. This pattern is appearing only briefly during the crisis. We also show that bank opacity plays no role in market valuation either in the short run or in the long run. Last but not least, we find evidence that stress testing has been informative to the market and that those BHCs that failed at the post-crisis stress tests were not subsequently valued differently by the market.  相似文献   

我国资本市场国际化进程中的金融风险研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
肖峻 《海南金融》2006,(11):10-13
结合我国资本市场国际化进程的最新进展,主要从溢出效应的冲击、波动性风险、金融危机及传染效应和金融机构的风险等方面,对这一进程中蕴含的金融风险进行了分析,最后提出了风险防范的对策。  相似文献   

论银行市场风险的资本计提——兼评内部模型法的适用性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
市场风险及其监管资本要求的计量历来为业界和监管当局所关注。近期,次贷危机爆发导致的市场动荡使得全球银行业和监管当局开始重新审视其市场风险管理和监管资本要求。文章结合国际银行业和监管机构计量市场风险及其监管资本要求的当前做法,针对我国银行业的实际情况,重点探索了内部模型法在我国银行业的适用性,尤其是从方法论、特殊风险计量、验证等角度探讨了内部模型法的主要工具——风险价值体系在我国银行业计量市场风险及其监管资本要求的适用性,并从方法论和应用层面提出了相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

The financial crisis forced the development of new approaches for determining capital adequacy in banks since extant methods clearly did not prepare banks or their supervisors sufficiently. The success of stress testing as a crisis response tool, particularly in the U.S. in 2009, has led to its adoption postcrisis as the tool of choice for assessing capital adequacy in banks and testing resiliency to economic and financial shocks. But the increased reliance on stress testing in financial peacetime has given rise to a new risk concentration, namely, in the rather narrow set of scenarios and their translation to outcomes and impact on bank financials.  相似文献   

This paper develops a method for selecting and analysing stress scenarios for financial risk assessment, with particular emphasis on identifying sensible combinations of stresses to multiple factors. We focus primarily on reverse stress testing – finding the most likely scenarios leading to losses exceeding a given threshold. We approach this problem using a nonparametric empirical likelihood estimator of the conditional mean of the underlying market factors given large losses. We then scale confidence regions for the conditional mean by a coefficient that depends on the tails of the market factors to estimate the most likely loss scenarios. We provide rigorous justification for the confidence regions and the scaling procedure when the joint distribution of the market factors and portfolio loss is elliptically contoured. We explicitly characterize the impact of the heaviness of the tails of the distribution, contrasting a broad spectrum of cases including exponential tails and regularly varying tails. The key to this analysis lies in the asymptotics of the conditional variances and covariances in extremes. These results also lead to asymptotics for marginal expected shortfall and the corresponding variance, conditional on a market stress; we combine these results with empirical likelihood significance tests of systemic risk rankings based on marginal expected shortfall in stress scenarios.  相似文献   

With the issuance of the latest adjustment on the Chinese securitisation regulatory framework, the originating institution only needs to hold 5% capital for each class of the securitised assets. Previously, the originating institution needed to hold a certain percentage of the lowest class of the securitised assets in one single securitisation deal, and the percentage in principal, should not be less than 5% of the entire term of the securitisation deal. This adjustment of the reduction of the minimum risk retention (MRR) requirement has to large extent, addressed the limitation of financing in participating in securitisation for Chinese banks. However, it has increased the risk of securitisation failure or even a crisis in the Chinese banking sector compared with the previous regulatory framework.In the light of the potential risks of this latest adjustment, the study critically examined the effectiveness of the regulatory framework of the current Chinese securitisation market drawing from the US experience during the global financial crisis (GFC). Overall, we evaluated the regulations on the current Chinese securitisation market as relatively effective, whilst we also raised concerns on the future of the regulations and thereby provided suggestions for improvements.  相似文献   

本文通过实证方法探讨次贷危机引发和扩散中的利率风险问题。主要结论是:从长期利率角度看,对房市的"松"货币政策从2001年降息一直持续到2005年6月;过低的长期利率会过度挤压金融机构放贷的长期收益,进而增大金融体系的利率风险。次贷危机的直接原因是,高利率、强美元导致的大量外资流入与混合调息抵押初始低利率相结合,共同推动了高风险次贷的发放;在高息和房价下跌条件下,大量混合调息抵押集中进入初次利率重置期,导致次贷违约状况的急速恶化。次贷危机扩散中,尽管联邦基金利率快速下降,但高风险的金融环境导致低利率对增加金融市场流动性的刺激作用失效。  相似文献   

Constructing the China’s financial stress index (CFSI), this paper investigates the asymmetric impact of financial stress on precious metals by employing a novel quantile-on-quantile approach. The results show that precious metals can be used as a safe haven to hedge financial market risks. However, the risk aversion of precious metals varies under different precious metals market conditions. In addition, the structural changes in the effect on precious metals are found after the global financial crisis, reflecting the heterogeneity of the relationship between financial stress and precious metals before and after the global financial crisis. These results have meaningful implications for investors and risk managers.  相似文献   

以债权债务关系、信用基础为起点,对税收风险管理和银行风险管理的风险性质、风险管理发展历史、风险管理理念和目标进行了比较分析,指出了税收风险管理和银行风险管理的诸多相似之处;进而提出了借鉴商业银行风险管理的成果和经验,在组织架构、量化管理技术、流程再造、风险预警、内部控制、数据质量、压力测试等方面对税收风险管理体系建设的启示。  相似文献   

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