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我国近年来外汇占款随着外汇储备快速增加而持续增长,外汇占款成为中央银行的主要资产,通过基础货币直接对我国货币供应量产生影响。本文详细分析了外汇占款与基础货币之间的内在联系,接着阐述了外汇占款对我国货币供给总量、结构以及供给量内生性的影响。  相似文献   

本文从会计核算视角,系统梳理了外贸方、受投资方、结售汇银行和中央银行外汇占款相关业务会计处理流程,在此基础上,分析外汇资金以及外汇占款人民币资金流向。文章通过数据分析,提示我国目前外汇占款对冲机制的不可持续性。由于存在三元悖论,我国外汇占款的急剧增加,已经极大影响了我国货币政策的自主性,并对国内货币市场和产品市场均衡形成巨大冲击。因此,要解决外汇占款问题,主要靶点不应是外汇占款本身,而是如何实现对冲机制创新。  相似文献   

近年来,我国外汇占款随着外汇储备的快速增加而持续增加,外汇占款的增加对我国货币供给产生影响。本文首先从我国外汇占款持续增加、外汇占款在货币供给中比重不断上升,这两个角度分析我国外汇占款问题的现状;然后根据对我国外汇占款问题的现状分析,提出相应的对策建议。  相似文献   

罗红华 《会计师》2014,(3):26-27
本文从会计核算视角,系统梳理了外贸方、受投资方、结售汇银行和中央银行外汇占款相关业务会计处理流程,在此基础上,分析外汇资金以及外汇占款人民币资金流向.文章通过数据分析,提示我国目前外汇占款对冲机制的不可持续性.由于存在三元悖论,我国外汇占款的急剧增加,已经极大影响了我国货币政策的自主性,并对国内货币市场和产品市场均衡形成巨大冲击.因此,要解决外汇占款问题,主要靶点不应是外汇占款本身,而是如何实现对冲机制创新.  相似文献   

外汇占款作为我国货币供给的重要组成部分,其增减直接影响市场的流动性。因此,分析外汇占款的变动趋势,探讨外汇占款对我国经济增长形势以及资本市场的影响,对维护和促进国内宏观经济及资本市场的健康发展具有重要意义。一、我国巨额的外汇占款及其形成过程外汇占款是指银行收购外汇资产而相应投放的本国货币。银行购买外汇形成本币投放,所购买的外虻资产构成银行的外汇储备。在我国,外资进入中国后需兑换成人民币才能流通使用,外汇占款即人民银行资产负债表中资产项下的外汇,即以本币计价的外汇储备余额。外汇储备即人民银行所持有的外旺资产,其存量的变动必定与基础货币的投放或回笼相对应。  相似文献   

肖瑶 《时代金融》2013,(27):277
本文选取2006年-2012年的数据,通过计量经济模型分析了外汇占款对我国法定存款准备金率调整的影响,得出结论:外汇占款与存准率之间存在长期稳定的关系,外汇占款增加对存准率上调存在单向的传导关系。同时,本文认为随着新增外汇占款的连续增加以及在人民币升值预期下,存款准备金率不会大幅下调了。  相似文献   

路程 《金卡工程》2009,13(2):159-159
外汇占款的大幅度增加,改变了我国货币供给的结构,限制了国内货币政策的方向性和有效性.为此应当进一步深化外汇管理体制改革,分流外汇储备,缓解外汇占款压力;进一步加快货币市场和外汇市场的基础建设,拓宽央行货币调控的空间;进一步完善外汇占款的冲销策略和手段,提高外汇冲销的效率.  相似文献   

在我国整体流动性宽裕和稳健的货币政策背景之下,6月份中国金融机构外汇占款出现自去年11月以来的首次负增长,这表明资金净流出的态势,加大了货币市场紧张的压力。面对这种局势,本文在清楚的阐明外汇占款变化的货币政策背景和其与货币政策的关系之后,分析了近来外汇占款的变化趋势及其原因,最后给出了下半年外汇占款可能的走向趋势以及相关的政策建议。  相似文献   

近些年我国国际收支“双顺差”加剧,外汇占款持续攀升,导致央行被动投放基础货币,形成了巨大的通货膨胀压力。理论与经验数据均发现巨额的外汇占款在一定程度上导致了我国当前的通货膨胀,因此,我国应采取扩大内需、加大境外资本流入的监管力度、扩大资本流出渠道等措施来缓解外汇占款对通货膨胀的压力。  相似文献   

外汇占款对货币政策有效性冲击及调适   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
外汇占款的大幅度增加,改变了我国货币供给的结构,限制了国内货币政策的方向性和有效性.为此,应当进一步深化外汇管理体制改革,分流外汇储备,纾缓外汇占款压力;进一步加快货币市场和外汇市场的基础建设,夯实市场基础,拓宽央行货币调控的空间;进一步完善外汇占款的冲销策略和手段,提高外汇冲销的效率.  相似文献   

本文利用2010-2013年月度时间序列数据,对外汇占款与货物贸易代客结售汇的关系进行了实证分析,认为货物贸易代客结售汇顺差是形成外汇占款的主要原因。在此基础上,结合货物贸易外汇管理改革,对改革中的宏观审慎管理逻辑和工具进行了分析,发现货物贸易宏观审慎管理工具能够有效地提升国内流动性管理水平。最后,今文对完善货物贸易宏观审慎管理提出了政策建议。  相似文献   

The Forex market has been one of the most attractive markets to researchers, funds, and traders. Literature shows that a single model algorithm usually cannot perform satisfactorily on the foreign exchange (Forex) time series because of the market's complexity. This study develops an algorithm based on two stacked generalization models consisting of four machine-learning models. First, the optimal lags of features are found using the Fisher discriminant ratio and partial autocorrelation function. Second, one stacked model fits the bullish trends, and the other holds the bearish trends resulting from a hidden Markov model. We reinforce the predictive signals of these models by extracting relationships between currency pairs with correlation and mutual information. Lastly, the proposed algorithm constructs a portfolio based on the strength of signals dependent on correlation and mutual information. As a result, this paper compares the performance of the proposed approach with different states of the model and several established benchmarks regarding return and risk metrics. The outcomes show that the proposed model's added features—such as time series clustering, considering a range of inputs, and internal relationships among different assets—can increase its performance in the Forex market.  相似文献   

基于知识图谱方法,依据Python爬取的数据,考量媒体舆论对社区团购的情感倾向.结果显示:不正当竞争、价格混乱、缺乏售后以及供应链条不畅等,导致媒体舆论对社区团购的情感倾向以"消极"为主.鉴此,应建立健全市场竞争机制和监管机制、完善质量导向定价机制、改进团长主理人培育机制、优化供应链共享合作模式等,以促进社区团购长效健康发展.  相似文献   

牟骋 《中国外资》2011,(16):143-143
采购在整个企业的物料产品生产与服务资源中起到了关键性的作用,然而如何使整个采购过程趋于完美化是所以企业的采购部门必须面对的一大问题。答案是将采购部门与企业物流部门紧密的联系在一起,使其达到最晚没的合作,并将采购部门的采购准则标准化将是最好的途径之一。  相似文献   

《Accounting & Finance》1990,30(1):95-115
Book reviewed in this article: Susan Hely, Women and Money Shannon P. Pratt, Valuing a Business: The Analysis and Appraisal of Closely Held Companies Edna Carew and Will Slatyer, Forex: The Techniques of Foreign Exchange Ronald MacDonald, Floating Exchange Rates: Theories and Evidence Trevor D. Wise, Claudio A. Romano and Victoria J. Wise, Eds., Readings in Income Tax Allocation Thomas Cargill and Soichi Royama, The Transition of Finance in Japan and the United States: A Comparative Perspective  相似文献   

7月12日,北京会议中心上演了一场政府购买社会组织公益服务的盛宴。然而自诞生之日起,政府购买服务这个崭新的字眼就被一个个质疑的问号包围着。政府购买服务出于怎样的考虑?购买资金从何而来?怎样让政府购买民生服务成为一种常态?其中的监督机制又该如何建立?  相似文献   

The adaptive markets hypothesis posits that trading strategies evolve as traders adapt their behavior to changing circumstances. This paper studies the evolution of trading strategies for a hypothetical trader who chooses portfolios from foreign exchange (forex) technical rules in major and emerging markets, the carry trade, and US equities. The results show that a backtesting procedure to choose optimal portfolios improves upon the performance of nonadaptive rules. We also find that forex trading alone dramatically outperforms the S&P 500, with much larger Sharpe ratios over the whole sample, but there is little gain to coordinating forex and equity strategies, which explains why practitioners consider these tools separately. Forex trading returns dip significantly in the 1990s but recover by the end of the decade and have been markedly superior to an equity position since 1998. Overall, trading rule returns still exist in forex markets—with substantial stability in the types of rules—though they have migrated to emerging markets to a considerable degree.  相似文献   

操作风险量化是为降低和控制风险服务的。运用贝叶斯网络分析量化操作风险并改进控制,对提升商业银行的操作风险管理水平是一条有效途径。论文以我国银行的一个典型业务—远期结售汇为例,研究了实践中建立和运用贝叶斯网络来估计操作风险发生频率的具体方法。以流程分析和映射为基础,阐述了风险映射与节点识别、网络结构建立、网络节点描述、节点赋值的实施步骤,并说明了利用贝叶斯网进行因果推理和诊断推理的方法。  相似文献   

The Clearing Corporation of India (CCIL) was set up with the prime objective to improve efficiency in the transaction settlement process, insulate the financial system from shocks emanating from operations related issues, and to undertake other related activities that would help to broaden and deepen the Money, Gilts and Forex markets in India. The role of CCIL is unique as it provides guaranteed settlement of three different products under one umbrella. It has been instrumental in setting up and running NDS-OM, NDS-Call and NDS-Auction system for the central bank that had helped the Indian market to evolve and grow immensely. It had also immensely bolstered CCIL's image in terms of ability to provide transparent, efficient, robust and cost effective end to end solutions to market participants in various markets. The success of its money market product `CBLO' has helped the market participants as well as the central bank to find a solution to unusual dependence on uncollateralized call market. CCIL has introduced many innovative products/tools like ZCYC, Bond and Tbills indices, Sovereign Yield Curve, Benchmark reference rates like CCIL-MIBOR/MIBID and CCBOR/CCBID.  相似文献   

We estimate the response of sovereign bond prices to net supply shocks caused by purchase operations under the ECB's Public Sector Purchase Programme (PSPP). To avoid simultaneity bias in the estimated relationship between prices and purchases, we exploit a PSPP feature that renders securities temporarily ineligible for reasons unrelated to their prices. Using these purchase restrictions as an instrument to identify exogenous variation in purchase volumes, we find that PSPP causes statistically significant and economically relevant upward price impacts. The impacts are short-lived and concentrated in securities issued by higher yield jurisdictions and characterized by higher maturity and lower liquidity.  相似文献   

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