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本文以1999年-2003年在上海和深圳证券交易所发生管理层收购事件的24家上市公司为样本,运用事件研究法分析管理层收购事件对上市公司股票收益率的影响。研究结果表明,在管理层收购事件发生期间,这些公司股票存在正向的异常收益率,而且这些异常收益率在2003年进一步提高了。此外,还发现这些异常收益率与收购价/市场价的比率负相关,与管理层持股比例呈非线性关系。  相似文献   

2009年,创业板推出之后,高送转股票的数量急剧增加。本文以2011年至2012年沪深两市推出10送转10及以上的高送转方案上市公司为样本。选取公告日前15天和公告日后15天为事件窗口,采用事件研究法,研究高送转预案公布日事件前后股票收益率的异常波动。结果表明:高送转股票在预案公布日之前存在显著的正超额收益率。布局高送转股票的最佳时机为预案公布日前7个交易日,风险最小,收益最大;而预案公布日之后,投资风险明显加大。  相似文献   

高送转仅仅只是会计项目之间的一种转换,对企业的基本面等没有任何改善,但近年来的高送转股票频繁成为证券市场上炒作对象,送转公告发布后经常产生大幅累计超额收益.本文以2015年和2016年进行高送转的上市公司为样本,对各阶段时间节点的超额收益进行分类统计.研究结果表明事件期内确实存在较为显著为正的超额收益,并通过多项logistic方法以及多元线性回归构建相关因子之间的关系,得到送转时间、送转比例、换手率和公司净利润增速是超额收益效应的主要影响因素.  相似文献   

为检验上市公司定高送转预案公告发布对其股票价格的影响,本文以2009年至2010年沪深两市推出高送转预案的285家上市公司为样本,选取公告日前10日至公告日后20日为事件窗口,运用事件研究法对高送转公告效应进行实证研究。结果表明:中国股市具有明显的高送转公告效应,上市公司高送转预案公告发布前后股票具有显著的正价格效应,会产生持续的累计异常正收益;然而,由于信息不对称,部分投资者通常会提前获得有关高送转的内幕信息并提前买入,并以此获得可观的超额收益,而普通投资在公告发布后买入只能获得小部分的超额收益并且需要承担更大的风险。  相似文献   

上市公司高送转是陷阱还是馅饼,关系广大投资者的利益。本文实证分析了中国A股市场高送转预案公告对股票收益率的影响,比较了不同板块不同送转比例的市场效应。研究发现:所有股票在高送转预案公告前后,均存在显著为正的累计超额收益,但并不存在显著的板块差异;累计超额收益主要产生于高送转预案披露前;上市公司高送转给普通投资者的大概率不是馅饼,而是陷阱。本文结论为监管层出台相关规范高送转行为和内部人减持行为的政策提供了经验证据。  相似文献   

肖淑芳  喻梦颖 《会计研究》2012,(8):49-57,97
本文以《上市公司股权激励管理办法》颁布后的2006年1月1日至2011年6月30日沪深两市公告股权激励计划的上市公司为对象,研究了股权激励与股利政策的关系。结果表明,股权激励公司的送转股水平和现金股利水平从公告计划前一年起显著高于非股权激励公司;上市公司公告股权激励计划对送转股和现金股利水平均有正向的影响,但从股利政策影响因素的回归结果来看,上市公司的现金股利政策较为适合自身的特征,但在送转能力不足的情况下依然"异常高送转",表明送转股是管理层眼中最大化其股权激励收益的更为理想的掘金工具。  相似文献   

侯青川  靳庆鲁  刘阳 《金融研究》2016,437(11):112-127
中国资本市场于2010年3月31日正式放开卖空管制,投资者可以对特定的股票进行卖空。放松卖空管制后,大股东如果继续侵占公司利益,投资者可通过卖空公司股票对大股东进行制衡。当卖空导致的股价下跌损失大于大股东侵占现金的收益时,现金资产被侵占的可能性降低,现金价值会有所提升。本文采用2007-2014年的中国上市公司为样本,借助放松卖空管制这一外生事件检验了这一问题,研究发现,放松卖空管制提高了公司的现金价值,并且这一影响主要体现在第一大股东持股比例较高的民营企业样本。  相似文献   

黎文靖  路晓燕 《金融研究》2015,426(12):97-112
本文发现企业环境绩效对机构投资者投持股比例有正向影响,并且这种影响只体现在长期机构投资者的持股比例上,短期机构投资者的持股比例不受企业环境绩效的影响。本文还发现环境绩效较好的企业有更高的超额回报,这意味着机构投资者投资于环境绩效较好的公司能够带来更高股票收益。进一步分析表明,环境绩效较好的企业,银行贷款更多、贷款成本更低、所得税负担更轻,可能说明政府为了鼓励企业提升环境绩效在银行贷款获得与所得税优惠方面给予支持,政府的支持可能带来企业长期价值的提升。以上所有结果仅在国有企业样本中存在。  相似文献   

机构投资者的投资行为对股票市场的风险与收益产生了极大的影响,机构投资者的大量参与有助于股票市场的稳定、特质风险的分散以及超额收益的减少。文章选取机构投资者持股占股票市值比例这一指标来刻画机构投资者的行为,检验机构持股比例、特质风险和股票收益之间的关系。实证发现,在中国股市,特质风险与股票收益呈显著的正相关关系;机构大量持股有助于降低股票的特质风险;机构投资者持股比例越低的股票,特质风险越大,股票预期收益越高。  相似文献   

现金作为企业流动性最强的资产,其持有量的大小直接影响着企业资产流动性的强弱以及盈利能力的大小.本文选取我国A股上市公司为样本,研究企业的产权性质、管理层持股比例以及流通A股比例对企业现金持有量的影响.研究表明,相对于国有企业,非国有企业现金持有水平较高;管理层持股比例与企业现金持有量正相关;流通A股比例与企业现金持有量负相关.  相似文献   

In this article I present a test for detecting abnormal returns when the event analyzed induces volatility and the portfolio is small. The results show that the test is well specified and leads to significant gains in power. I subsequently analyze the abnormal returns around the stock split ex date according to the split factor and find significant abnormal returns only when the factor is greater than 2. The varying motives behind the splits may explain this finding.  相似文献   

This paper aims to differentiate between optimistic splits and overoptimistic/opportunistic splits. Although markets do not distinguish between these two groups at the split announcement time, optimistic (overoptimistic/opportunistic) splits precede positive (negative) long‐term buy‐and‐hold abnormal returns. Using the calendar month portfolio approach, we show that the zero‐investment, ex ante identifiable, and fully implementable trading strategy proposed in this paper can generate economically and statistically significant positive abnormal returns. Our findings indicate that pre‐split earnings management and how it relates to managers’ incentives, is an omitted variable in the studies of post‐split long‐term abnormal returns.  相似文献   

We present evidence that the Federal Reserve stress tests produce information about both the stress-tested bank holding companies and the overall state of the banking industry. Our evidence goes beyond a standard event study, which cannot differentiate between small abnormal returns and large, but opposite-signed, abnormal stock returns. We find that stress test disclosures are associated with significantly higher absolute abnormal returns, as well as higher abnormal trading volume. More levered and riskier holding companies seem to be more affected by the stress test information. We find no evidence that stress test disclosures have reduced the production of private information. After disclosure begins, stress tested firms attract equity analysts without changing analysts’ forecast dispersions or their mean forecast error.  相似文献   

We find that firm managers have private information when they decide on open‐market share repurchases, and that this information is significantly correlated with announcement period and post‐announcement abnormal returns. We further find that long‐term post‐announcement abnormal returns are related to private information differently for firms that actually repurchase shares when compared to firms that announce a repurchase program but do not acquire shares. Our results indicate that managers’ private information is only ambiguously revealed by the repurchase announcement, and that the market waits for the firm's subsequent actions, such as actual repurchase, to further interpret the private information.  相似文献   

Both acquisition activity and deregulation have had an impact upon share price and performance of commercial bank holding companies. The purpose of this study is twofold: First, to discern the effects of acquisition activity from the effects of the passage of the Depository Institutions Deregulation and Monetary Control Act of 1980 (DIDMCA) and Garn-St Germain Depository Institutions Act of 1982 (GSG) on balance sheet composition of bank holding companies; and second, to examine the effects of deregulation on returns to shareholders of acquiring bank holding companies. This study finds that commercial bank holding companies involved in acquisitions experience significant changes in their balance sheet composition, not as a result of acquisition activity, but as a result of deregulation. Additionally, bank holding companies that announced acquisitions prior to the effective date of deregulation earned abnormal returns that were significantly negative, whereas holding companies announcing acquisitions after enactment of deregulation earned returns that were not significantly different from zero. Also, the abnormal returns found in previous studies of bank acquisitions may be biased upward because of increases in systematic risk associated with the passage of DIDMCA and GSG.  相似文献   

We investigate the causes and consequences of 737 privately negotiated share repurchases in the years 1984–2001. In contrast to the negative announcement returns and positive repurchase premiums reported by past research, we find positive announcement returns and premiums that are not significantly different from zero. Only when we investigate the 60 greenmail events separately do we find results similar to past research. However, for this subsample, we find long-horizon excess returns that are comparable to the average 18% repurchase premium, challenging the widely accepted opinion that managers overpay in greenmail repurchases. Moreover, we find that our understanding of the event improves when we split the non-greenmail repurchases according to the price paid. Repurchases at a premium can be modeled as signals, while other repurchases are mere wealth transfers between the corporation and the selling stockholders, the extent of which is determined by the relative bargaining power of the seller and the repurchasing firm.  相似文献   

We provide a new test of the informational efficiency of trading in stock options in the context of stock split announcements. These announcements tend to be associated with positive abnormal returns. Our traditional event study results show abnormal returns that are significantly lower for optioned than non-optioned stocks, whether traded on the NYSE, Amex, or Nasdaq. After controlling for market returns, capitalization, book-to-market ratio, and trading volume, we find that the abnormal returns are significantly lower for NYSE/Amex optioned than non-optioned stocks. Although the results for Nasdaq stocks are not as clear, the overall effects tend to be lower after optioning. These findings are consistent with the hypothesis that the prices of optioned stocks embody more information, diminishing the impact of the stock split announcement. They provide new evidence of the beneficial effects of options on their underlying stocks.  相似文献   

After corporate executives relocate from origin firms to destination firms, only 3.6 percent of mutual fund managers follow the departing executives: they divest from origin firms while initiating investments in destination firms. This phenomenon is more pronounced for those funds that earned superior returns from investments in the origin firms, and that demand more information regarding the destination firms. Further, comigration funds’ holding changes in destination firms more accurately predict cumulative abnormal returns around earnings announcements than do their investments in other stocks and non‐comigration funds’ new investments. Hiring the migrating executives does not improve the destination firms’ operating performance.  相似文献   

本文选择了28家既在香港发行H股,又在内地发行A股的上市公司作为样本,研究分割市场之间的差异性和互动关系.通过对比相同上市公司在两个市场上的收益性和波动性差异,本文发现:两个市场在年报公告、中报公告、季报公告以及预告事件下获得的超额收益具有显著差异,而在分红通过公告事件下未产生显著差异;同时,除了分红通过公告(旧信息)事件未引起市场产生明显的波动以外,其余事件都对两个市场产生了显著的波动性影响.另外,我们也发现"H股引起A股变化"的可能性要大于"A股引起H股变化"的可能性.  相似文献   

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