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张峥  尚琼  程祎 《金融研究》2012,(1):167-179
本文应用中国股市2007年至2011年的数据,研究了上证50ETF市场价格和基金净值的相关关系,以及折溢价水平及其影响因素。基于ETF的申购赎回和交易机制,在成分股涨跌停板和停牌期间,由于ETF二级市场价格具有价格发现功能,ETF市场价格可能较大偏离(形式上的)ETF净值,造成ETF的异常折溢价,而此类异常折溢价并不是真正的套利机会。另外,上证50ETF的市场价格与基金净值存在显著同步变动的关系;在涨跌停板和停牌期间之外,上证50ETF的折溢价水平低于套利所需的交易成本。本文研究表明,上证50ETF具有较高的定价效率。  相似文献   

本文借鉴国内外研究成果,对2017年10月10日至2019年2月26日华夏上证50ETF市场表现进行了实证分析。研究结果表明,华夏上证50ETF较好地复制了其标的指数,误差来源于自身及标的指数的波动性,主要表现为复制误差。其次,对市场套利行为的研究发现前一日的较高折溢价水平并不会引起当期二级市场价格收益率的大幅变化。文章将前一期折溢价水平对当期交易量的影响分析作为稳健性检验,发现折溢价水平并不会对当期交易量造成主要影响,从而得出近年来市场套利行为不活跃的结论。  相似文献   

本文通过对上证50ETF的市场表现及套利机制进行分析,选取了的数据进行统计,对我国ETF套利成本进行估算,确定ETF套利空间,并发现我国ETF市场存在在牛市中,ETF多表现为溢价交易,且平均折溢价水平相对较低;而熊市中则以折价交易为主,且平均折溢价水平有所提高的现象。  相似文献   

本文在分析ETF基金特点的基础上,提出了5种不同的ETF基金套利交易模式,并认为在二级市场上,通过融资融券建立ETF-ETF套利组合是适合普通投资者的套利模式.本文以上证50ETF、上证180ETF为例,在分析其标的指数收益率内在联系的基础上,提出了建立上证50ETF、上证180ETF套利组合的方法,使用国泰安数据库相关数据进行了模拟分析,得出该套利组合获得正利润的结论.最后,论文指出了在二级市场建立ETF-ETF基金套利交易的模式存在基差风险的三个原因  相似文献   

2008年,在全球证券市场大幅下跌的情况下,ETF(交易所交易基金)取得了进一步的发展并实现了不俗的业绩表现。文章介绍了ETF的交易特点及套利机制,并以我国ETF的市场表现为基础,以ETF套利机制及其对ETF定价的影响为主要研究内容,选取了金融危机前后两个阶段的数据进行统计,对我国ETF的套利成本进行估算,初步确定了我国ETF的套利区间。在此基础上本文分析得出,我国ETF市场上仍有套利机会,即ETF折溢价水平仍存在一定的不合理性。最后,本文对我国ETF市场的发展提出了几点建议。  相似文献   

本文通过套利均衡模型刻画了ETF折溢价的形成过程,分析了ETF折溢价预测未来ETF收益的条件,并利用投资组合和Fama-Mecbeth回归检验了ETF折溢价对未来ETF收益的可预测性。研究结果显示:ETF折溢价是噪声冲击和投资者对信息反应不足导致的错误定价,这种错误定价主要发生在ETF层面,错误定价的修正表现为折溢价对未来ETF收益有负向预测作用,溢价率越高,未来ETF收益越低,投资者利用多空对冲策略每周可以从ETF错误定价修正中获得0.94%的收益。同时,ETF折溢价对未来ETF收益预测具有持续性,平均而言,ETF折溢价对未来ETF收益的预测可以持续4周,意味着市场完全修正ETF错误定价至少需要4周时间。本文进一步从套利限制的角度解释了ETF折溢价对未来收益预测的持续性,发现套利限制越大,折溢价对ETF未来收益预测的持续性越强,投资组合获得的收益也越高。  相似文献   

随着上证50ETF期权的推出,期权交易能否提高标的资产定价效率的问题显得愈发重要。本文从对定价效率影响最大的套利机制入手,研究上证50ETF期权推出前后,其对应标的——华夏上证50ETF市场价格和净值的偏差所带来套利机会的多少,进而得出期权交易对标的资产定价效率的影响。研究发现:期权交易在刚推出的一定时间内降低了标的资产的定价效率,但是随着时间的推移,标的资产的定价效率会重新提高并且超过初期。因此从长期看,期权交易能够提高标的资产的定价效率,期权交易对标的资产的定价效率的影响是一条"J"形曲线。  相似文献   

股指期货和ETF基金是我国资本市场现有交易品种,投资者分别通过股指期货或ETF可进行套利交易。股指期货的特点是高杠杆性;ETF的特点是价值稳定﹑流动性高。本文通过对上证50ETF和沪深300股指期货历史交易数据进行分析,发现两者都是非平稳时间序列数据,因此利用协整检验,发现二者具有长期均衡的协整关系,进而构建协整模型,证明沪深300股指期货与上证50ETF基金可以进行复合套利,并得出二者回归模型。  相似文献   

股指期货和ETF基金是我国资本市场现有交易品种,投资者分别通过股指期货或ETF可进行套利交易。股指期货的特点是高杠杆性;ETF的特点是价值稳定﹑流动性高。本文通过对上证50ETF和沪深300股指期货历史交易数据进行分析,发现两者都是非平稳时间序列数据,因此利用协整检验,发现二者具有长期均衡的协整关系,进而构建协整模型,证明沪深300股指期货与上证50ETF基金可以进行复合套利,并得出二者回归模型。  相似文献   

50ETF对其成份股波动性影响的实证研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
本文探讨了50ETF对上证50指数成份股的波动影响情况。本文使Andersen et al.方法和GARCH模型的无条件方差测度上证50指数成份股的波动性变化,实证结果显示,ETF的设立显著提高了上证50成份股的波动性;ETF对不同市值规模股票的波动性影响不存在显著差异,但对不同行业的波动性影响存在明显差异。本文认为ETF价格变化可以反映市场信息以及改变投资者的资产配置,进而影响其对应成份股价格的波动性变化。  相似文献   

Based on the put-call-futures parity model, this article studies the equilibrium relationship between the Shanghai 50 stock index futures and the Shanghai 50 Exchange-Traded Fund (ETF) options markets by analyzing the arbitrage opportunities and profits between these two derivative markets. This article reveals that the cost spread, option volatility, days from the expiration date, moneyness of options, trading strategy, and policy factors all have a great impact on the arbitrage profits and opportunities. In addition, significant arbitrage profits and opportunities indicate violations of put-call-futures parity. Although no equilibrium relationship exists between the Shanghai 50 stock index futures and the Shanghai 50 ETF options markets, efficiency in these markets has gradually improved.  相似文献   

We provide novel evidence supporting the notion that arbitrageurs can contribute to return comovement via exchange trade funds (ETF) arbitrage. Using a large sample of US equity ETF holdings, we document the link between measures of ETF activity and return comovement at both the fund and the stock levels, after controlling for a host of variables and fixed effects and by exploiting the ‘discontinuity’ between stock indices. The effect is also stronger among small and illiquid stocks. An examination of ETF return autocorrelations and stock lagged beta provides evidence for price reversal, suggesting that some ETF‐driven return comovement may be excessive.  相似文献   

We study the potential factors that determine the large and persistent price deviations in Chinese equity exchange-traded funds (ETFs). Our results suggest that ETF liquidity and arbitrage activity are positively correlated with ETF price efficiency, and the relation is more pronounced with higher institutional ownership. We also evaluate the effect of two exogenous shocks in the Chinese market. Using a policy change that added market makers to ETFs on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange (SZSE) and Shanghai Stock Exchange (SSE), we find that market makers improve price efficiency and that the impact is stronger for ETFs with lower liquidity. We also exploit a change in trading rules on the SZSE and show that the relaxation of arbitrage restrictions improves price efficiency. Altogether, these findings provide evidence that lack of liquidity, due to the unique market structure and regulations of the Chinese market, contributes to price inefficiency of Chinese ETFs.  相似文献   

从仿真交易看沪深300指数期货的期现套利   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在考虑了交易成本、指数期货保证金水平以及跟踪误差等因素后,本文给出了沪深300指数期货无套利区间。选择ETF组合作为沪深300指数现货的替代,根据日均跟踪误差最小化原则确定各ETF比重。利用中金所仿真交易数据,我们发现,各仿真合约的错误定价率平均都在8%以上,但在7月份以后显著下降;已到期合约IF0707的平均月化套利收益率为9%,三个未到期合约同样存在可观的套利收益。本文通过分析沪深300指数期货的期现套利,以期为期货交易的政策制定者和投资者提供科学的可操作的参考意见。  相似文献   

The main purpose of this paper is to construct an intraday arbitrage price series for each stock in the DJIA using information in the Diamond Trust Fund ETF. We then compute the information shares (Hasbrouck in J Finan 50(4):1175–1199, 1995) for the actual versus the arbitrage prices for each stock. While previous literature documents that ETFs lead stock indices in information origination, we find that some firms are “information leaders” in that the information share that comes from the stock price is larger than that which comes from the ETF-related arbitrage price. Further analysis is conducted to uncover the firm-specific factors that are related to a stock’s role in information generation.  相似文献   

文章比较分析了沪深300股指期货套期保值所采用的几种现货工具:上证180ETF 或上证50ETF 和深证100ETF 构建的 ETF 组合、华泰柏瑞沪深300ETF、嘉实沪深300ETF,实证检验了两只沪深300ETF 以及 ETF 组合对沪深300股指期货的拟合效果的差异,为现货工具的选择给出建议,并为后续对沪深300ETF 的套期保值的研究做出铺垫。  相似文献   

This article investigates Asian Country Exchange-Traded Fund (ETF) price deviation with underlying due to market sentiment. By implementing a dynamic contrarian trading strategy and a buy-and-hold strategy, this article finds that significant abnormal excess trading profit can be generated by capitalizing on the overnight price reversion. The excess return generated by the dynamic strategy over buy-and-hold separates the influence of market sentiment to ETF price deviation from fundamental movements. By studying the relations between variations of the excess returns and market sentiment, the article finds that the ETF price deviation is highly influenced by market sentiment and the effect exacerbates during financial crisis and distress.  相似文献   

本文从资产交易面临的直接约束视角,对套利限制与A-H股定价偏差之间的关系进行分析。以A-H股交叉上市公司为样本,研究发现:(1)套利限制会显著加剧A-H股定价偏差;(2)机构持股比例较高的公司和沪(深)港通开通之后的时间段,套利限制引起的定价偏差边际效应显著降低;(3)相比于制度性限制因子,机构持股和沪(深)港通开通能够更显著降低市场性限制因子对A-H股定价偏差的影响。结果表明,机构投资者的成长、互联互通政策有助于降低市场性限制,从而提高资本市场定价效率,但仍受到内地资本市场既有交易制度设计的约束。  相似文献   

The value of exchange traded fund (ETF) assets has increased from $66 billion in 2000 to almost a trillion dollars in 2010. We use this massive expansion in ETF assets to study what drives ETF flows. Using a data set of over 500 ETFs from 2001 to 2010, we show that ETF investors chase returns in the same way as mutual fund investors. While there is an active debate about whether return chasing by mutual fund investors represents the pursuit of superior talent, the existence of return chasing in this passively managed environment should not represent a search for skilled managers. We also show that ETF flows increase following high volume, small spreads, and high price/net asset value ratios. Finally, we find little evidence of superior market timing in ETF flows. Our results suggest that return chasing in both mutual funds and ETFs is more likely the result of naïve extrapolation bias on the part of investors that has contributed to the growth of the ETF industry.  相似文献   

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