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我国目前的上市公司基本是由母公司和众多的子公司、合营企业和联营企业组成的企业集团,其对外公布的报表包括母公司个别报表和合并报表.母公司个别报表反映了其自身的财务状况和经营成果,而合并报表则由母公司根据其个别报表和其所能控制的子公司的个别报表,在抵销集团内部各种交易后合并而成,反映了整个企业集团的财务状况和经营成果.合并后的报表与母公司个别报表在资产结构、资本结构、盈利能力、偿债能力、营运能力方面存在差异,有时甚至差异很大.会计信息使用者在进行决策分析时究竟是看母公司个别报表还是看合并报表,即应从哪里入手呢?本文以海尔股份有限公司2006年度的财务报表为例,对这一问题予以探讨.  相似文献   

合并报表是反映企业集团财务状况、经营成果和现金流量的重要信息,对于母公司及母公司股东如何利用合并报表进行管理来说尤为重要.本文旨在从合并报表的编制出发,研究合并报表对财务、税务的影响,希望在利用合并报表进行管理上有所启示.  相似文献   

合并报表是指将两个或两个以上有法人资格的企业历控股和被控股关系所形成的企业集团作为一个会计主体,以其各自在合并当期提供的财务报表为基础而编制的财务报表,它综合地反映了企业的经营成果、财务状况及其资金变动情况。编制合并会计报表要以一定的理论为依据。所谓合并理论,实际上是指认识合并会计报表的观点或问题的角度,即如何看待由母公司与子公司所组成的企业集团(合并主体)及其内部联系。合并理论主要有母公司理论、实体理论与所有权理论。  相似文献   

集团公司利润分配方面主要遵循两个基础,其一是母公司的报表,其二是合并报表.集团公司在利润分配过程应该遵循那一个基础,一直困扰着公司领导.本文通过查阅大量的中外文献,就集团公司利润分配基础进行浅要分析,并提出自己的看法,希望对集体公司的利润分配有一定帮助.  相似文献   

对四种外币报表折算方法的评论   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
曹伟 《金融会计》2005,(1):23-26
外币报表折算是将以一种货币反映的财务报表按照一定的汇率折算为另一种货币反映的财务报表的行为。需要进行外币报表折算的情况一般有如下几种:1.跨国公司的母公司为了在年度末编制反映集团公司财务状况、经营成果、现金流量情况的合并会计报表,必须首先将以外币反映的子公司财务报表折算为与母公司个别财务报表相同货币反映的财务报表,否则,将无法编制合并报表。  相似文献   

柯香 《上海会计》1995,(12):12-13
外币报表折算方法简述柯香东北财经大学跨国公司的母公司为了让其股东或债权人了解整个公司的财务状况和经营成果,往往需要将分布在世界各地、按各种不同外币表述的子公司财务报表合并成以母公司所在国货币(或某国货币)反映的报表。而编制合并报表的先决条件是把国外子...  相似文献   

王肖宁 《财会学习》2016,(13):126-126
本文重点强调了母公司报表与合并报表两者对比分析的重要地位。通过两者的分析,能够看出集团公司资金管控模式和母子公司控制关系紧密的程度,能够达到对合并报表分析的补充说明。  相似文献   

合并财务报表是以母公司和子公司组成的企业集团为会计主体,根据某公司和所属子公司的财务报表,由母公司编制的综合反映企业集团财务状况、经营成果及现金流量的财务报表。根据我国《企业会计准则第33号-合并财务报表》规定:母公司应当将其全部子公司纳入合并财务报表的合并范围。由于《企业会计准则第2号-长期股权投资》明确母公司对子公司的投资的会计处理方法应采用成本法,因此,在编制合并财务报表时,存在如何在工作底稿中将母公司个别报表中成本法反映的"长期股权投资"余额调整为权益法余额的问题,本文结合实际工作,作一探讨。  相似文献   

我国与美国合并报表方法的比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
报表合并主要有母公司理论和实体理论。从我国颁布的《合并会计报表暂行规定》(以下简称《暂行规定》)及《合并会计报表准则(征求意见稿)》可以看出,我国采用的是母公司理论。美国的报表合并也是以母公司理论为基础的。从报表合并理论来看,似乎中国与美国没有什么差异。其实不然。因合并报表方法不仅取决于采用什么合并理论,还受长期股权投资核算方法及某些特殊规定的影响。笔者从报表合并方法这个层面对中美在合并报表上的差异进行比较分析。一、长期股权投资核算采用不同权益法的影响长期股权投资核算,美国采用复杂权益法。中国在…  相似文献   

一、跨国公司合并会计报表的编制目的合并会计报表是指以母公司和子公司组成的企业集团为会计主体,以母公司和子公司个别会计报表为基础而编制的综合反映企业集团财务状况和经营成果的会计报表。当母公司拥有子公司的多数股权但不足100%时,在跨国公司内部就会出现多数股权(取得控制权的母公司股权)和少数股权(子公司的少数股权),需要在合并报表上对其分别进行反映。然而,各国对合并范围及相关问题有不同的理解,从而形成了三种不同的合并理论。不同的合并理论对合并报表的编制目的有所不同,合并信息的主要服务对象也有所不同。第一,母…  相似文献   

合并财务报表的价值相关性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文研究了中国上市公司合并财务报表的价值相关性问题。论文采用市值模型,以2001—2007年的数据为研究对象,检验了合并财务报表是否比母公司个别财务报表更具价值相关性,以及基于主体理论编制的合并财务报表是否比基于母公司理论编制的合并财务报表更具价值相关性。检验结果发现,虽然合并财务报表并不在所有样本期间比母公司个别财务报表更具价值相关性,但合并财务报表可以深入地揭示企业在偿债能力、盈利能力等方面的风险,从而,合并财务报表是有用的。检验还发现,基于主体理论编制的合并财务报表比基于母公司理论编制的合并财务报表更具价值相关性。  相似文献   

合并会计报表若干理论问题探讨   总被引:72,自引:3,他引:72  
作为财务会计三大难题之一 ,合并会计报表理论最近几年经历了重大变化。继美国财务会计准则委员会(FASB) 1995年颁布《合并财务报表———政策与程序》征求意见稿拟以主体观念取代母公司观念之后 ,其他发达国家的会计准则制定机构也纷纷对合并报表的编制观念进行反思。我国关于合并报表的规定也面临着修订和完善。基于此 ,本文拟从理论渊源、合并理念两个角度 ,论述合并报表的三种基本观念———所有者观、主体观、母公司观 ,并进行必要的评述。以此为基础 ,本文还将对我国合并会计报表的理论选择进行探讨。  相似文献   

We examine data for the year ended December 31, 1997 for 80 publicly traded property‐liability insurers that have Best financial strength ratings of their consolidated insurance‐operating subsidiaries. These firms employ a holding company structure, in which a parent owns the stock of multiple insurance‐operating subsidiaries. The operating subsidiaries prepare a consolidated annual report using the Statutory Accounting Principles (SAP), and an analogous set of financial statements based on the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) is released by the parent. We find that the financial characteristics important in determining ratings at the individual firm level—capitalization, liquidity, profitability, and size—are also important at the group level. Further, financial ratios from holding company statements are incrementally useful in the ratings' process, after group‐level ratios have been taken into account. Robustness tests based on a subsample of holding companies with minimal investment outside of the property‐liability industry reinforce our conclusion that parent company statements influence consolidated group ratings. However, our data do not allow us to separate the relative contribution of the GAAP model and underlying transactions to the ratings decision.  相似文献   

由于我国现行《长期股权投资》会计准则规定在母公司个别财务报表中采用成本法核算对子公司的长期股权投资(以下简称为对子公司投资),这割裂了母公司个别财务报表与合并财务报表的本原逻辑关联,削弱了两者间的互补性,且导致母公司股东基于母公司个别财务报表来厘定分红权利虽然符合《公司法》却很不合理,而基于合并财务报表来厘定分红权利虽更为合理但和《公司法》存在明显冲突.我们对该问题进行了深入分析,论证了在母公司个别财务报表之中采用权益法来核算其对子公司投资的逻辑合理性和现实必要性,并建议修订我国现行《长期股权投资》会计准则,在母公司个别财务报表之中由成本法改为采用权益法来核算其对子公司投资.  相似文献   

Financial leverage as reported by a consolidated financial statement may differ substantially from leverage for the parent company. To assess the financial risk for the parent (not the consolidated entity), employing consolidated data is hazardous; the problem is magnified by the fact that virtually all firms report only consolidated data. Consolidated leverage almost always equals or exceeds parent leverage for a wholly owned subsidiary, and many firms reporting only consolidated data have betas significantly greater than otherwise comparable firms that report both consolidated and parent company information.  相似文献   

The fact that auditors are paid by the companies they audit creates an inherent conflict of interest. We analyze how the provision of financial statements insurance could eliminate this conflict of interest and properly align the incentives of auditors with those of shareholders. We first show that when the benefits to obtaining funding are sufficiently large, the existing legal and regulatory regime governing financial reporting (and auditing) results in low quality financial statements. Consequently, the financial statements of firms are misleading and firms that yield a low rate‐of‐return (low fundamental value) are over‐funded relative to firms characterized by a high rate‐of‐return (high fundamental value). We present a mechanism whereby companies would purchase financial statements insurance that provides coverage to investors against losses suffered as a result of misrepresentation in financial reports. The insurance premia that companies pay for the coverage would be publicized. The insurers appoint and pay the auditors who attest to the accuracy of the financial statements of the prospective insurance clients. For a given level of coverage firms announcing lower premia would distinguish themselves in the eyes of the investors as companies with higher quality financial statements relative to those with higher premia. Every company would be eager to pay lower premia (for a given level of coverage) resulting in a flight to high audit quality. As a result, when financial statements insurance is available and the insurer hires the auditor, capital is provided to the most efficient firms.  相似文献   

库藏股法和交互分配法是处理集团内部交叉持股的两种会计方法,其理论基础分别为合并报表理论中的母公司理论和实体理论。通过对这两种方法的比较和分析发现,库藏股法有一定局限性,而交互分配法能够消除各种复杂控股关系下成员公司之间的损益和权益的交叉影响,厘清集团各方主体的利益边界,因此,建议我国准则应采用交互分配法。  相似文献   

Motivated by the recent Discussion Paper (DP) issued by the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) and the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) on how to define reporting entities, this study investigates the value relevance of consolidated statements under the ownership-based approach of U.S. Accounting Research Bulletin No. 51 (ARB 51) and the control-based approach of International Accounting Standard No. 27 (IAS 27). The results show that consolidated financial statements based on a broader definition of control provide more useful accounting information than those based only on majority-ownership control. We also address one concern raised in the DP, namely, whether a reporting entity should use the common control model to include entities that are under common control of an individual investor or family. The results suggest that accounting standard boards should include the common control model in defining the group reporting entity for firms with complex ownership structures.  相似文献   

Many accounting and finance studies investigate the time-series properties of historical accounting records from corporate financial statements. Some of them have recognized the potential benefits of using disaggregated monthly accounting records. Disaggregated data are beneficial because one can use more data points within a relatively short period of time, thus reducing the chance of structural change. The added data points and reduction of the number of variables needed to accommodate potential structural changes can enhance the statistical power of any subsequent analysis. The use of disaggregated data may also improve the predictive ability of time-series analytic approaches. In order to systematically assess various financial indicators and investigate the effects of different organizational characteristics, a large number of monthly statements with certain predetermined characteristics are desirable. However, such statements are not readily available. At best, monthly statements can be obtained from a few volunteer companies. Under this circumstance, simulation of controlled financial statements seems to be a reasonable solution. This research explores a methodology for simulating complete monthly financial statements based on actual company quarterly financial statements. The methodology incorporates the interrelationships among accounting numbers and the effects of exogenous variables. To test the empirical validity and whether the monthly results derived from the quarterly data can accurately track the real monthly figures, we compare the results simulated by the proposed method and those generated by a naive random walk model. We test both complete financial statements for three companies and sales statistics from the retail industry. The results of both tests demonstrate the superiority of the method proposed by this study over a naive random walk model. The proposed simulation method provides an opportunity for researchers to examine the time-series properties of financial statement elements by using the monthly data of a large number of companies. In addition, the simulation approach allows researchers to perform cross sectional comparisons on companies with different characteristics (e.g., sales behavior patterns and degrees of stability) in their financial and economic activities. Moreover, it enables the researchers to manipulate some of these characteristics to test various hypotheses.  相似文献   

《Accounting in Europe》2013,10(1):97-122
The literature on the links between tax and financial reporting suggests that the strength of those links varies over time and from one jurisdiction to another. The links in Germany were seen to be particularly strong, and those in the UK rather weak. Previous literature was largely set in the context of unconsolidated statements but authors have suggested that their findings were relevant for consolidated reporting. This paper examines the scope for tax influence on IFRS consolidated financial reporting in the two above countries. We find that the overall position for Germany and the UK is now similar, that is, that the potential for tax influence is much weaker in Germany than recorded in previous studies. We also find that, even for unconsolidated reporting under domestic accounting rules, the extreme positions recorded for the two countries in the 1990s have been modified.  相似文献   

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