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一、现阶段我国社会保障水平不均衡的原因分析改革开放以来,我国的社会保障事业有了长足的发展,成为保障社会成员生存、促进社会安定的一个重要载体。然而,由于我国的社会保障事业刚刚起步,社会保障制度尚未完善,特别表现在社会保障基金统筹上还局限于“县级统筹”、“市场统筹”、“省级统筹”与“行业统筹”,没有形成真正意义上的社会统筹,势必形成地区之间、行业之间社会保障水平的差异,出现了有些地区、行业社会保障基金结余较多、支付水平较高,有些地区、行业社会保障基金收不抵支,不能按时足额支付巨支付的水平较低,难以保…  相似文献   

胡亚娣 《浙江金融》2005,(12):46-46
城镇职工基本医疗保险制度是整个社会保障体系的重要组成部分,我国医疗保险制度改革的目标是建立一个低水平、广覆盖的医疗保障体系,而目前基本医疗保险制度存在一定缺陷,无法满足各类不同群体的医疗消费需求,笔者认为只有在基本医疗保险制度的基础上构建起多层次的医疗保障体系,才能真正达到保障群众疾病风险和防止因病致贫、因病返贫的目的.  相似文献   

入世在即,中外企业在我国许多行业的竞争日趋激烈.就银行业服务市场来说,入世后中外资银行将就优质客户、高附加值的中间业务、专业人才、传统的存贷款业务、新兴零售业务和城市金融业务展开激烈的角逐.面对强劲的对手,我国银行企业必须真正加快深化体制改革和发展,惟此才能在激烈的竞争中立于不败之地.  相似文献   

完整的理财合同由产品合约和理财产品说明书组成。一般来讲,产品合约在真正购买时才能看到,因此理财产品说明书对投资者的投资决策起着关键性的作用。毕竟金融产品带有一定的专业性,说明书措辞上难免会有不够通俗易懂之处,往往不经意间的一个短句,就隐藏有更多的内涵。  相似文献   

社会保障是指国家依据一定的法律法规,为社会全体成员提供基本生活保障而建立的一种社会制度。在市场经济条件下,社会保障对社会安定和经济发展起着稳定器的作用。可以说,没有社会保障,也就没有真正的社会主义市场经济。目前,由于社会保障体系不够完善在一定程度上影响了企业改革的深化和发展。本文拟从企业的角度对进一步建立完善社会保障体系进行一些初步的探讨。  相似文献   

国税及窗口行业的选购标准 随着我国“金税工程”第三期工程的启动,税务行业的工作强度在不断增加。如果无法确保票据打印机的高效、稳定,那么,提升国税行业的工作效率真正实现“金税工程”的第三期发展目标就只能是“纸上谈兵”。 而在窗口行业,票据打印机的需求程度非常高,“窗口行业最大的使用特点就是长时间、不间断的连续打印。”一位用户表示:“这就对打印机的安全行和稳定性提出了严格的要求,故障率的高低是很关键的因素。这是我们的重要考察指标之一。”  相似文献   

一、实时事件营销的应用背景 随着利率市场化改革的不断深入,国内商业银行的存贷利差不断缩小,传统的盈利模式已经无法持续,因此纷纷转型,大力发展零售银行业务。零售业务面向广大的个人客户,银行如何才能发现个人客户的个性化需求并及时提供相应的产品和服务呢?银行传统的市场营销模式,是通过客户历史数据的分析,挖掘客户特征以及对于产品的共性行为.设定推广活动或者产品推荐。  相似文献   

徐洁 《财政监督》2003,(6):17-17
随着改革的不断深化,要求建立一套与社会主义市场经济发展相适应的完整的社会保障制度。在目前我国财力不足的情况下,社会保障资金的筹集就成为关系到是否能成功构建社会保障制度的核心问题之一。从现行社会保障费的统筹制度来看,存在着许多问题,具体说来:一是目前的社会保障费征收缺乏刚性。社会保障费的征收不是依据法律,而是凭借各部门行使权力制定成的文件、法规进行的,因此在收缴时有较大的弹性,各种讨价还价、暗中交易的现象屡见不鲜,从而减少了正规的社会保障费的收入,也影响了社会保障制度功能的发挥。二是目前的社会保障费采取条块分割的征缴方式,造成了不同地区、不同行业、不同所有制企业的统筹参加者的负担不均衡。这种各行其是的统筹方法违背了社会保障制度的公平性原则,不利于劳动力要素在不同地区、不同行业和不同性质企业间的自由流  相似文献   

家庭智能防盗系统的市场分析与产品选购   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
新兵 《金卡工程》2006,10(5):67-69
家庭智能化防盗报警系统是一种非常奇特的产品。从技术上讲似乎是大同小异,但又各有千秋,贵的让人无法接受,便宜的让人不可思议,若外行人士选择此类产品确实是不知所措;从市场上讲是圈内热,圈外冷,业内人士认为前途光明而市场上真正的用户又没有几个知道。到底投资该产业有没有市场前途?真正涉及到投资时又该如何做比较与分析?这些问题一直令人困惑。一、市场现状随着社会的发展,农村城镇化和人员流动性增大,社会治安状况更趋复杂,因此作为社会的基本单元家庭的安全防范问题就显得尤为重要。传统的机械式(防盗网、防盗窗)家居防卫在实际使用…  相似文献   

建立社会保障扩大内需消费   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
扩大内需消费是推动我国经济增长的治本之策。从货币职能推论的结果是,没有一个覆盖全民的社保体系,消费有后顾之忧,则无法有效调动内需消费。为此,只有建立健全社会保障,才能把扩大内需这篇文章做实。  相似文献   

市场利率变化对于不分红终身寿险产品退保的影响很大,终身寿险保单不能够通过选择较长的缴费期来缓解市场利率变化引起的退保压力,调整预定利率能缓解退保压力;适当的分红政策能够大大缓解市场利率变化对分红型终身寿险退保的影响,但是经营效益差,分红水平低于市场预期的寿险公司产品可能会遭遇到更大的退保压力。  相似文献   

The present contribution analyzes the implications of two central factors influencing the asset allocation decision of (German) life insurance companies, the development of the equity market on one hand and the interest rate guarantees included in traditional life insurance products on the other. The adverse development of share prices in 2000–2002 implies the necessity to consider not only ?normal“ volatility but also worst case-developments for the purpose of risk control. Formally this is done by using the risk measures value-at-risk and conditional value-at-risk. The specific ?myopic“ nature of interest rate guarantees in German life insurance products, which are granted on a yearly basis implies — beyond the general control of the shortfall risk with respect to the guaranteed interest rates — the necessity to per-form the asset allocation on a yearly basis to be in conformity with the time horizon of the liabilities.On the basis of a quantitative approach corresponding model calculations are performed. Thereby not only a pure market valuation is considered but also institutional peculiarities (hidden reserves, accounting norms) of German life insurance companies. The possibility of a riskless one-year investment, either based on market values or on balance sheet values, is revealed to be crucial for giving interest rate guarantees on a yearly basis.  相似文献   

Global inflation and economic cyclical fluctuations have accelerated the depreciation rate of monetary assets. Safeguarding the purchasing power of long-term life insurance products’ cash flow becomes an issue of great theoretical and practical significance for life insurance. Using data from China, this article designs a long-term life insurance policy denominated in ounces of gold, and compares it with traditional long-term life insurance policies. For the time frame of interest to this study, we confirm that a long-term life insurance policy denominated in ounces of gold provided significant protection against the effects of inflation and economic cyclical fluctuations. We propose a risk management program aimed at price risk, interest rate risk, currency risk and investment risk as a result of the insurance policy denominated in ounces. Our recommended strategy includes an inducing index method to hedge against the losses caused by price fluctuations of gold.  相似文献   

Variable annuities are investment vehicles offered by insurance companies that combine a life insurance policy with long-term financial guarantees. These guarantees expose the insurer to market risks, such as volatility and interest rate risks, which can be managed only with a hedging strategy. The objective of this article is to study the effectiveness of dynamic delta-rho hedging strategies for mitigating interest rate risk in variable annuities with either a guaranteed minimum death benefit or guaranteed minimum withdrawal benefit rider. Our analysis centers on three important practical issues: (1) the robustness of delta-rho hedging strategies to model uncertainty, (2) the impact of guarantee features (maturity versus withdrawal benefits) on the performance of the hedging strategy, and (3) the importance of hedging interest rate risk in either a low and stable or rising interest rate environment. Overall, we find that the impact of interest rate risk is equally felt for the two types of products considered, and that interest rate hedges do lead to a significant risk reduction for the insurer, even when the ongoing low interest rate environment is factored in.  相似文献   

The cash-flow valuation method (CFVM) has been developed in Canada for the valuation of insurance company annuity products. Its range of application is expected to be extended shortly to the valuation of most other life insurance company products. The CFVM is based on the use of “best-guess” assumptions, supplemented by specific provisions for adverse deviations. In this paper, special attention is paid to the calculation of the provision for adverse deviations with respect to the interest rate risk. We show that the determination of this provision is the analog for life insurance and annuity policy liabilities of the calculation by banks of Value at Risk (VaR) with respect to portfolios of securities held for trading.  相似文献   

This article analyzes dynamic hybrid products along with their diverse characteristics and contract variations that are currently available in the German market. Dynamic hybrid products are innovative life insurance contracts combining features of traditional participating life insurance with those of unit-linked policies. This approach is thereby implemented by a mathematical algorithm based on a constant proportion portfolio insurance strategy that periodically reallocates funds (e.g. once per month or day) between the policy reserve stock (with an interest rate guarantee), a guarantee fund and/or equity fund. In this paper, we contribute to the literature by examining the concepts and key features of available dynamic hybrid products with particular focus on the embedded options, which allows the identification of key contract characteristics associated with them. In addition, risk-return profiles are studied and compared, which is of high relevance for regulators and policyholders. Our results show that these strongly vary, depending on the individual rebalancing mechanism and the type and amount of embedded options.  相似文献   

In this paper we develop a contingent claim model to evaluate the equity and liabilities of a life insurance company. The limited liability of shareholders is explicitly modelled. We focus on a specific type of life insurance policy—namely, the profit-sharing policy. In this policy, the policyholder is entitled to a guaranteed interest rate and a percentage of the company's yearly financial revenues. The implicit equilibrium interest rate and profit-sharing ratio are derived and analyzed. We finally discuss regulatory measures frequently encountered in the life insurance business such as rate ceilings, capital ratios, and asset restrictions.  相似文献   

近年来我国寿险公司经营风险加剧,寿险公司资产负债管理正逐渐成为实务界和学术界关注的焦点。本文在深入研究随机规划、利率期限结构、投资组合等相关理论的基础上,对比分析均衡模型和无套利模型的差异,指出无套利模型更适于构楚随机规划问题中利率情景树的构建。在无套利模型中,二叉树Black-Derman-Toy模型简单易操作,可以避免三叉树模型计算量大,效率不高等缺点。因此本文采用二叉树方法以Black-Derman-Toy模型构造利率情景树,与随机规划模型相结合的资产负偾管理方法,协调、管理寿险公司资产负偾现金流,减少了随机规划模型处理随机利率分布的技术性难度。  相似文献   

Participating life insurance contracts typically contain various types of implicit options. These implicit options can be very valuable and can thus represent a significant risk to insurance companies if they practice insufficient risk management. Options become especially risky through interaction with other options included in the contracts, which makes their evaluation even more complex. This article provides a comprehensive overview and classification of implicit options in participating life insurance contracts and discusses the relevant literature. It points out the potential problems particularly associated with the valuation of rights to early exercise due to policyholder exercise behavior. The risk potential of the interaction of implicit options is illustrated with numerical examples by means of a life insurance contract that includes common implicit options, i.e., a guaranteed interest rate, stochastic annual surplus participation, and paid-up and resumption options. Valuation is conducted using risk-neutral valuation, a concept that implicitly assumes the implementation of risk management measures such as hedging strategies.  相似文献   

利率和汇率两种重要政策工具通过影响国民经济增长速度对保险需求产生影响,并通过作用于保单预定利率及投资收益率直接影响着保险企业经营状况及资本充足率。其中,利率的不利变动对保险企业的影响更大,甚至可能危机企业的生存,中国寿险业严重的利差损负担即源于保单预定利率的降低;因地域及目的的不同,汇率对保险企业的影响比较复杂,企业可主动采取的风险防范措施较多。保险企业应加强人才引进和培养,强化对利率、汇率变动趋势的研究,防患于未然;并积极开拓投资渠道,创新风险管理方法,做好资产负债匹配。  相似文献   

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