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在税收筹划对企业自身有极作用的基础上,税收筹划目标应该是一个由直接目标和最终目标组成的目标体系;在设计和执行税收筹划方案时,要协调好税收筹划与税收政策、涉税利益和非税利益、企业发展战略与税收筹划、整体利益与局部利益、企业与税务机关等方面的关系。  相似文献   

周霞 《中国外资》2012,(14):228+230
财务管理是企业管理中的一个必要组成部分。财务管理的目标是让企业相关利益最大化。而税收筹划作为一种企业筹划行为是财务管理的一部分,又由于税收的影响存在于企业的筹划、经营和分配等每个环节中,所以在企业的整个财务活动中都会受到税收筹划的影响。因此,税收筹划作为一个实现财务管理目标的重要手段,我们必须要有充分的认识与理解。  相似文献   

财务管理是企业管理中的一个必要组成部分.财务管理的目标是让企业相关利益最大化.而税收筹划作为一种企业筹划行为是财务管理的一部分,又由于税收的影响存在于企业的筹划、经营和分配等每个环节中,所以在企业的整个财务活动中都会受到税收筹划的影响.因此,税收筹划作为一个实现财务管理目标的重要手段,我们必须要有充分的认识与理解  相似文献   

在现代经济学研究中,一直以经纪人假设为前提。企业作为市场经济的参与者,其目标是实现利润最大化。有效的运用税收筹划方法,最大限度的减轻税收成本,是企业实现利润最大化目标的重要手段之一。本文在阐述了企业税收筹划的意义之外,进一步提出我国企业在税收筹划中存在的问题,并给出相应的对策建议。  相似文献   

探析房地产企业税收筹划的风险以及防范措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈晓菲 《中国外资》2013,(2):114+116-114,116
税收筹划是企业的一项重要财务管理活动,也是房地产企业实现利润合法化、最大化的重要手段,税收筹划给房地产企业带来利润的同时也存在风险;其中,常见的税收筹划风险有以下几点:税收政策风险,法律风险,房地产行业间的风险与财务风险。因此,必须对房地产企业税收筹划的风险进行管理,制定防范措施,从正确认识税收筹划的风险,实现税收筹划与税法、政策同步,健全会计核算制度,到保证税收筹划方案的综合性,从而减少涉税风险发生,使税收筹划实现收益最大化、风险最小化。  相似文献   

税收筹划在企业财务管理中具有重要的作用,是实现企业管理目标的重要手段.本文首先说明了税收筹划的涵义及特点,其次分析了税收筹划在财务管理中的意义和可行性,最后就税务筹划在企业财务管理中的应用作了详细论述.  相似文献   

任何管理都是有目的的行为,税收筹划也不例外。税收筹划作为企业财务管理的重要组成部分,其目标客观上受企业财务管理目标的制约。税收筹划目标是税收筹划理论与实务的基础导向,不同的税收筹划目标必然产生不同的理论逻辑层次关系,对税收筹划基本理论与实务应用有着重要的影响。只有确定合理的税收筹划目标,才能更好地引导企业的税收筹划活动,实现科学高效的实施效果。因此,要科学界定税收筹划的内涵,理性拓展税收筹划理  相似文献   

税收筹划可以让企业合理节约税款,降低税收成本,实现企业财务管理的股东价值最大化的目标。只有坚持税收筹划的一些基本原则,才能保证顺利实现税收筹划的目标,为企业带来最大的收益。这些原则是税收筹划取得成功的基本前提。  相似文献   

税收筹划是指纳税人在不违反法律、政策规定的前提下,通过对经营、投资理财活动的事先安排和筹划,尽可能地减轻税收负担,从而获得最大的税收利益。税收筹划是企业的一种理财行为,应始终围绕着企业的财务管理目标来进行,其目的是实现企业价值最大化。实现企业价值最大化目标,离不开企业的筹资、投资及分配活动的组织,更离不开组织资金运动过程中的税收筹划。税收筹划的意义在于依托税收法规的导向,通过对企业筹资、投资和收益分配等活动的调整,寻求企业收益与税收负担的最佳配比,从而实现企业价值最大化的目标。  相似文献   

税收筹划问题是企业的一个永久话题,企业运用税收筹划可以为其节约纳税成本,但税收筹划也是一柄"双刃剑",如果运用不得当,将会给企业带来一定的税务风险。而基于财务战略视角下的税收筹划研究,不仅使得企业规避短期行为,还有助于其"价值最大化"的实现。本文将以A公司为例,对企业基于财务战略视角的税收筹划进行一定的研究,并提出相关的税收筹划建议。  相似文献   

商业战略会通过影响一个公司对风险的态度进而影响公司的避税行为,从上述理论出发,文章研究了商业战略和避税行为之间的关系,发现与采用探索者战略的企业相比,采用防御者战略的企业避税行为更消极,也意味着防御者认为激进税收筹划带来的成本和不确定性超过了节税的收益。同时研究还发现,由于产权安排导致的避税激励差异,上述战略对于避税行为的影响主要存在于国有企业。  相似文献   

关于战略导向全面预算的探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
战略导向全面预算具有传统的全面预算所无法比拟的优势。它建立在企业战略的目标基础之上,以企业的战略为导向和依据,是企业战略在财务管理上的分解和具体化,从而可以充分地发挥企业战略对生产经营活动的引导和控制作用,并依此有效地保证企业战略目标的实现。实施战略导向全面预算,就是要实现战略与预算的对接,使全面预算成为支持企业战略的工具。  相似文献   

应用层次分析法原理,在分析和研究东道国纳税环境的基础上,建立层次分析结构模型,依据层次分析方法,确定各经营地点方案的相对重要性权重,为跨国公司纳税筹划中国外投资地点的优化决策,提供一种可适用的数学方法和科学依据。  相似文献   

Ichizo Yamauchi 《Futures》1983,15(5):328-341
Until the early 1970s Japanese industry did not employ strategic corporate planning. Rather, a working textbook setting out national industrialization goals provided the basis for government and industrial policy, and its influence persists. Through a historical analysis this article traces the development in the past decade of long-range strategic planning in Japanese R and D, and identifies the distinction between ‘leader’ countries (such as the USA) and ‘follower’ countries (like Japan) as being more vital to understanding Japanese industrial policy/structure and corporate strategy, than cultural factors.  相似文献   

企业在制度环境的变迁中做出的经营决策关乎其生存与发展。作为“放管服”改革的重要内容,由点到面推开的“营改增”增强了企业自觉适应市场环境的活力,其带来的巨大减税效应以及专业化分工效应是否会促使企业放弃被误认为“粗放型发展”缩影的多元化经营策略呢?本文利用“营改增”这一准自然实验作为外生冲击,基于我国2010—2017年沪深A股制造业上市公司样本数据,使用双重差分模型研究发现,“营改增”政策促进制造业企业多元化经营,且注重横向多元化经营,主营业务中制造业业务增多,制造业业务收入增加。同时发现在“营改增”政策背景下,企业价值也大幅提升,在一定程度上从“营改增”政策角度为多元化溢价论还是折价论的争议提供了部分结果,也为我国“营改增”政策实施效果的进一步评价提供了参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

科学合理的税费制度对于海南自由贸易港发展具有至关重要的作用.行将启动的简并增值税、消费税、车辆购置税、城市维护建设税及教育费附加等税费,以及已经启动的在货物和服务零售环节征收销售税的税制改革是实现海南自由贸易港税制设计目标的重要举措.海南自由贸易港销售税宜采取"窄税基、高税率"的设计思路.销售税征收宜根据不同应税商品的...  相似文献   

We provide the first large‐scale empirical evidence of banks functioning as tax planning intermediaries. We posit that some banks specialize in assisting corporate clients with tax planning. In this role, banks make use of their centrality in financial relationships; access to private information; and ability to structure, execute, and participate in tax planning transactions for clients. We measure bank‐client relationships using loan contracts and measure client tax planning using either the cash effective tax rate or the unrecognized tax benefit balance. Using a difference‐in‐differences design, we find that firms experience meaningful tax reductions when they begin a relationship with a bank whose existing clients engage in above‐median tax planning. The effects of pairing with such tax intermediary banks are concentrated in relationships with larger or longer maturity loans, clients with foreign income or greater credit risk, and when the bank is an industry specialist or has above‐median investment banking activities. Finally, we find that potential clients are more likely to choose tax intermediary banks than nontax intermediary banks, suggesting that tax intermediary banks benefit by attracting new business. Collectively, our results suggest that some banks act as tax planning intermediaries, a role beyond the traditional one of financial intermediary.  相似文献   

Businesses are often subject to energy taxes that impose a charge on greenhouse gas emissions. Theoretically, energy taxes should motivate business spending on emissions abatement up to the point that, at the margin, the cost of reducing emissions equals the amount of the tax that is avoided. We use European Union (EU) data from 2001 to 2008 to test the hypothesized positive relationship between energy taxes and business spending on abatement initiatives for the protection of ambient air and climate. We find that while overall business spending and business investment expenditures are positively related to energy tax rates, current period expenditures are not related to energy tax rates.Supplemental analyses indicate that the imposition of the EU Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) in 2005 affected these relationships. In the pre-ETS period, energy taxes were not related to overall business spending or to current period expenditures, but there was a significant positive relationship between energy taxes and investment expenditures. After the ETS was introduced, there was a significant positive relationship between energy tax rates and both overall business spending and business current period abatement expenditures, but the relationship between business investment spending and energy tax rates was not significant.Our results indicate that energy taxes are effective in motivating business spending on emissions abatement. However, the nature of the effect varies across investment spending and current period expenditures. As both long-term and current initiatives are necessary to meet abatement goals, policymakers should be aware of these differences.  相似文献   

This paper explores the deployment of e‐commerce by Canadian firms in the global marketplace, with an emphasis on the implications of e‐commerce for tax planning. The business press and various government task forces have discussed challenges raised by e‐commerce for traditional “source‐based” tax systems; however, these discussions have presented little evidence of firms' reliance on e‐commerce for tax‐planning purposes. Similarly, academic research has seldom examined whether firms' decisions to implement e‐commerce are by tax‐planning considerations. It is thus largely unknown whether firms actively consider taxation issues when evaluating e‐commerce, how the factors that have been identified as influencing decisions to implement e‐commerce systems are balanced against tax‐planning considerations, and what barriers might exist in practice to using e‐commerce for tax planning. We choose a qualitative interview‐based approach to explore these issues. Our findings suggest that tax planning is not considered by most of our respondent companies in their decisions to deploy e‐commerce. The companies we interviewed tended to implement e‐commerce over several years, starting with back‐office technologies like enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems. Accordingly, the ability to perform online sales transactions, which is a key component of using e‐commerce for tax planning, often was not yet in place. One implication of these results is that if concerns over tax revenue losses are realistic, tax policymakers may have some time to refine tax legislation to address the challenges raised by e‐commerce.  相似文献   

我国正积极优化营商环境以推动公平竞争.网络虚构交易作为新兴商业策略,目前正被网络经营者滥用.已有研究多侧重关注如何维护竞争秩序,而较少关注税制因素对竞争秩序的影响.理论上,网络虚构交易所涉增值税、企业所得税等税款均可申请退税.这在一定程度上间接鼓励网络虚构交易的发生,事实上构成了对守法经营者的税制歧视,最终会扭曲电子商务的竞争秩序.为配合营商环境的优化,税法有必要按形式外观限制相关税款的退税,限制相关成本费用在计算企业所得税时进行扣除,税务机关在税收征管活动中应对网络虚构交易保持警惕.从呼应优化营商环境的改革来看,税法的竞争中立这一议题不应被回避.  相似文献   

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