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货币政策、美元走势以及投机活动都是影响大宗商品价格的重要原因,由于不同供给价格弹性的商品对于货币供应冲击在短期内的反应不同,各国货币管理者必须对从大宗商品价格到普通消费品价格的传导效应有所警觉。  相似文献   

本文基于1997-2012年的季度数据和向量自回归误差修正(Recursive VECM)模型,研究国际大宗商品价格的驱动因素及中国因素的相对重要性。结果发现,总需求是国际大宗商品价格的主要影响因素。中国因素对国际大宗商品价格的影响呈增大趋势,但是作用不如发达国家显著,而且其影响机制主要是总需求而非流动性。金融危机影响了大宗商品市场的运行机制,总需求对大宗商品价格的影响在危机时期比危机前更显著,而流动性对大宗商品价格的影响在危机前比危机中更显著。为减小国际大宗商品价格波动给中国经济带来的负面冲击,中国需要转变经济增长模式,提高在国际大宗商品定价中的主导权,同时密切关注发达国家货币政策对大宗商品市场的溢出效应。  相似文献   

中国作为制造业大国,一直密切关注大宗商品价格的变化。运用MS-VAR模型,考察在三种区制下,中美货币政策对大宗商品价格的影响。基于MSI(3)-VAR(1)模型实证和累积脉冲响应结果分析表明:在经济增长收缩期,中美货币政策不能影响大宗商品价格的走势;在经济增长平稳期,大宗商品价格主要受美国货币供应量的影响;在经济增长扩张期,尤其是2008年次贷危机后,大宗商品价格主要受中国货币供应量的影响。  相似文献   

中国作为制造业大国,一直密切关注大宗商品价格的变化。运用MS-VAR模型,考察在三种区制下,中美货币政策对大宗商品价格的影响。基于MSI(3)-VAR(1)模型实证和累积脉冲响应结果分析表明:在经济增长收缩期,中美货币政策不能影响大宗商品价格的走势;在经济增长平稳期,大宗商品价格主要受美国货币供应量的影响;在经济增长扩张期,尤其是2008年次贷危机后,大宗商品价格主要受中国货币供应量的影响。  相似文献   

基于大宗商品收益率与便利收益服从均值回复过程的假设,建立带协整效应的多资产大宗商品期权定价模型,求解多资产大宗商品期权价格的解析解,将大宗商品期权定价推广到更一般情况.结果表明:标的资产收益率增加,期权价格上升,替代品期权价格下降;标的资产的便利收益增加,期权价格下降,相应替代品的期权价格上升.  相似文献   

本文基于2001年12月至2013年12月的月度数据,以铜为例,运用协整理论、脉冲响应函数和方差分解,研究了我国货币政策变量,M1、M2、利率、信贷与大宗商品价格的长期均衡与短期动态关系,结果表明,期铜价格与货币政策变量之间存在着长期的均衡关系,短期内,货币政策对期铜价格的影响显著,其中,狭义货币供给量M1与期铜价格的关系更为密切,利率的影响效应不够显著.  相似文献   

李雪 《时代金融》2014,(6Z):11-12
本文主要介绍了美国四轮量化宽松货币政策的内容与背景,分析了对大宗商品价格的影响,以及影响大宗商品价格的因素。最后对未来形势进行了预测,得出2014年大宗商品价格将温和上升的结论。  相似文献   

本文主要介绍了美国四轮量化宽松货币政策的内容与背景,分析了对大宗商品价格的影响,以及影响大宗商品价格的因素。最后对未来形势进行了预测,得出2014年大宗商品价格将温和上升的结论。  相似文献   

文章利用大量经验数据,对国际大宗商品价格波动给我国货币政策造成的影响进行了实证分析。分析表明,国际大宗商品价格变化会对我国货币需求产生重要影响,特别是在我国大宗商品市场规模不断扩大和国际化程度不断提高的情况下,国际大宗商品价格波动通过影响我国大宗商品现货和期货市场,进而影响我国货币政策的机制已逐步形成。  相似文献   

随着中国经济快速发展,中国经济的对外贸易依存度也越来越大,中国必须从国际市场进口大量的大宗商品原材料.由于国际大宗商品价格波动剧烈,必然会对中国的经济带来一定程度的影响.本文首先选取CRB(Commodity Research Bureau)指标代替大宗商品价格变动和上证综合指来反映我国证券市场变动,对大宗商品价格变动对我国金融市场的传导机制进行定性分析,然后分析大宗商品和证券市场的Granger因果检验,并建立相应的VAR模型,解释大宗商品价格变动对我国金融市场的溢出效应.  相似文献   

本文以20世纪80年代中后期的日本为对象,从理论和实证两方面研究在低利率、物价稳定的背景下,资产泡沫形成的原因,以及日本银行货币政策失误的教训,并对我国当前低利率、物价稳定、资产价格上涨并存的现象提出政策建议。本文认为,应避免汇率升值对利率产生过大的影响,维持国内利率政策的独立性;货币政策以物价稳定为主要目标,但应密切关注持续的资产价格上涨;维持稳健的货币政策,防止货币政策矫枉过正。  相似文献   

This paper tackles the question of whether a cross-sectional perspective on monetary policy is capable of explaining movements in global commodity prices. In this vein, we contribute to the rich literature on global liquidity in two different ways: on the one hand, to achieve a global series in terms of common monetary policy shocks, we propose a distinction between common and idiosyncratic factors across economies, as proposed by Bai and Ng (2004). Our second innovation stems from the consideration of a Markov-switching vector error correction model when analyzing time-varying short-run dynamics. Having identified the long-run structure which includes a proportional relationship between commodity prices and global liquidity in the first step, our results indeed show that the impact of a global liquidity measure on different commodity prices is significant and varies over time. One regime approximately accounts for times where commodity prices significantly adjust to disequilibria, while the second regime is characterized by either a weak or no commodity price adjustment. The fact that global liquidity also reacts to disequilibria in a specific regime demonstrates the two-way causality between monetary policy and commodity prices.  相似文献   

This study explores the impact of both conventional and unconventional monetary policies in the US and the Euro area on the mean and volatility of certain commodity prices. The analysis considers the prices of eight commodities, i.e. oil, natural gas, gold, silver, aluminium, copper, platinum, and nickel, while the methodology employs the EGARCH-X modelling approach. The empirical findings clearly document that (i) the direction of the impact of both conventional and unconventional monetary policy on commodity returns and commodity volatility is similar and (ii) the impact from unconventional monetary policy on both commodity returns and volatility is relatively more pronounced, while these findings hold valid, irrespective of the geographical region and commodity type. Further investigation of the disparity on the size of the impact through the prism of economic uncertainty reveals that unconventional monetary policy has a stronger effect on economic uncertainty, thereby offering an indirect channel of monetary policy transmission on commodity markets.  相似文献   

In the realm of monetary policy, we explore the transmission mechanism that relates speculative activity, inventory arbitrage activity, and commodity price volatility. In this direction, an ARMA-GARCH model is adopted to test this transmission effect on seven commodities using weekly U.S. data for the period 2008:12 to 2018:6. The results suggest that inventory arbitrage activities transmit monetary policy's effect onto commodities by strengthening the effect of the real interest rate on commodities' prices; in the case of palladium and crude oil's price conditional variances however the opposite effect is established. Speculative activities transmit monetary policy's effect mainly on commodities by increasing the positive effect of the real interest rate on metals and crude oil's prices, and on palladium and crude oil's price conditional variances. Our results show that inventory arbitrage activities are negatively related with commodities' prices, whilst speculative activities are positively related with commodities' prices. The two activities appear to exert mixed effects on commodities' price conditional volatilities. Additional evidence indicates that the relationship between the real interest rate and commodities' prices is positive and significant when unconventional monetary policy is considered, whilst we find that the real interest rate does not have any significant impact on most commodities' price conditional volatilities.  相似文献   

In this paper, we outline China's imported inflation via global commodity prices. We show that the prices of China's imported commodities are strongly related to global commodity prices. Meanwhile, the final goods prices from upstream industries are strongly influenced by global commodity prices. However, this effect is partially offset by the production process—that is, the final goods prices in downstream industries are generally less affected by global prices. This indicates that China's commodity market has a close link with global commodity markets. Therefore, high global commodity prices generally squeeze profits in China's downstream industries; upstream industries generally benefit from high global commodity prices.  相似文献   

Abstract:   This study examines the response of T‐bill and T‐bond futures prices to weekly M1 announcements over the period March 1976 to November 1998 conditioned upon monetary operating procedures and the stance in monetary policy. In concurrence with previous studies, this study finds that unanticipated increases in M1 are negatively related to changes in T‐bill and T‐bond futures prices. However, when the data is sorted by monetary regime, the stance in monetary policy, and direction of money surprise, we find evidence to support the several competing theories historically suggested by Cornell (1983b) to explain the impact of money supply announcements.  相似文献   

本文从货币渠道和信贷渠道对物价与货币政策的关系进行实证检验。结果表明,货币政策与物价水平之间存在稳定的均衡关系,但是货币政策存在滞后性,货币供应量M2的滞后期约为2个月,金融机构各项贷款规模的滞后期约为4个月,并基于此对货币政策调控提出相关建议。  相似文献   

The effects of monetary policy shocks on farm prices and exchange rates in Korea are empirically investigated by using vector auto-regression models with sign restrictions on impulse responses. The main empirical results are as follows. First, (contractionary) monetary policy shocks have significantly negative effects on real farm prices. Second, the SR effect on farm prices is significant but short-lived. The dynamic response of farm prices is consistent with the predictions of the “overshooting” model. Third, the effects of monetary policy shocks on farm prices are more significant than the effects of monetary policy shocks on exchange rates.  相似文献   

Commodity monies are thought to be desirable because of their ease-of-implementation and their generation of stable prices. This paper presents an investigation into these properties and a derivation of the restrictions commodity monies place on monetary policy. It is found that for commodity money systems to be feasible, monetary policy must follow a feedback rule which is a function of the growth rates for all asset stocks and in general a reduction in economic welfare accrues to agents in a commodity money economy. Moreover, the restrictions implied by a commodity money system are often inconsistent with existence of equilibrium.  相似文献   

利用面板分位回归模型,考量不同市场环境下原油价格与经济政策不确定性对大宗商品市场非对称性冲击效应。结果表明:油价冲击对中国大宗商品收益的影响具有非对称性,正负油价冲击对其均有促进作用,但随着市场环境好转,正油价冲击的作用逐渐增强,负油价冲击则逐渐减弱;政策不确定性对大宗商品收益有促进作用,但在牛市环境下有抑制作用;且危机前后,油价冲击对大宗商品收益的影响存在非对称性效应。  相似文献   

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