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审计师任期、事务所任期与审计质量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文选择2007年至2012年沪深A股上市公司为研究对象,使用估计的可操控性应计间接衡量审计质量,来验证强制审计师轮换制度的实施是否起到预期的作用,并探讨了事务所任期与审计质量的关系.通过一系列的实证检验得出,当审计师任期超过5年后,随着审计师任期的增加,审计质量逐渐下降验证了签字会计师5年期强制轮换制度的适当性.另外,也得出在控制审计师任期后,随着事务所任期的延长,审计质量随着下降,为事务所轮换提供了证据.  相似文献   

签字注册会计师的自然轮换状态与强制轮换政策的初步影响   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
李爽  吴溪 《会计研究》2006,(1):36-43
本文考察了中国证券市场中签字注册会计师的自然轮换规律以及强制轮换政策产生的初步影响。自然轮换状态下的经验证据显示,会计师事务所与上市客户之间的长期业务关系普遍以个别签字注册会计师的长期连续签名方式维系。强制轮换政策施行后,各证券特许会计师事务所对该政策的遵循程度从2003年审中的50%左右提高到了2004年审中的80%左右。通过观察签字注册会计师强制轮换前后的审计结果变化,我们初步估计签字注册会计师的强制轮换对提高证券特许会计师事务所公开报告上市公司潜在财务报告问题的促进作用是有限的。  相似文献   

近些年来,接连不断的财务欺诈案件使CPA的公正性和作用深受质疑,审计质量的提高再次成为各界关注的焦点。任期过长导致会计师事务所或CPA与被审单位相互融通和依赖,审计独立性丧失,被认为是导致审计质量下降的主要原因,于是人们把希望寄托于审计轮换制度。然而轮换制度对审计质量提高的有效性在学术界和实务界颇具争议。本文通过实证研究方法,对进行签字CPA强制轮换公司轮换当年的盈余质量与强制轮换前一年盈余质量、自愿性会计师事务所变更的公司盈余质量当年以及自愿性所内签字CPA变更的公司盈余质量进行了对比,并检验了几种变更形式对不同盈余方向的作用。  相似文献   

近些年来,接连不断的财务欺诈案件使CPA的公正性和作用深受质疑,审计质量的提高再次成为各界关注的焦点,CPA任期过长导致会计师事务所与被审单位关系过于密切而丧失审计独立性,审计独立性的下降被认为是导致审计质量下降的主要原因,于是人们把希望寄托于强制轮换制度。然而轮换制度对审计质量提高的有效性在学术界和实务界颇具争议,目前国外很多文献在理论上均认同会计师事务所的轮换,而在实证上由于绝大多数的研究都不是在强制轮换的背景下进行的,利用其得出的结论尚不能直接说明强制轮换制度对审计质量的影响。本文首先回顾了我国强制轮换制度变迁及现有的强制轮换对审计质量影响的研究现状,然后从委托代理理论、“理性经济人”假设理论和制度经济学理论分析了强制轮换对审计质量的影响,最后提出基于加强强制轮换制度的建设进而提高审计质量的建议。  相似文献   

近些年来,接连不断的财务欺诈案件使CPA的公正性和作用深受质疑.审计质量的提高再次成为各界关注的焦点。任期过长导致会计师事务所或CPA与被审单位相互融通和依赖。审计独立性丧失。被认为是导致审计质量下降的主要原因,于是人们把希望寄托于审计轮换制度。然而轮换制度对审计质量提高的有效性在学术界和实务界颇具争议。本文通过实证研究方法.对进行签字CPA强制轮换公司轮换当年的盈余质量与强制轮换前一年盈余质量、自愿性会计师事务所变更的公司盈余质量当年以及自愿性所内签字CPA变更的公司盈余质量进行了对比,并检验了几种变更形式对不同盈余方向的作用。  相似文献   

本文以2007-2009年沪市公司为研究对象,实证分析了这些上市公司的审计师性别差异与审计质量之间的关系。研究发现,签字注册会计师中女性审计师占的比例越大,所审计的公司操控性应计越低,两个审计师如果都是女性其操控性应计最低;签字注册会计师中女性审计师占的比例越大,越可能签署非标意见,两个审计师如果都是女性,最可能签署非标意见。进一步研究发现,女性审计师签署非标意见受上一期审计意见、本期操控性应计和自身学历的显著影响。  相似文献   

本文以2006-2010年在沪、深上市的上市公司数据为样本,并根据企业产权性质的不同将样本数据分为国有企业和非国有企业样本数据,用审计师发表的非标准审计意见衡量审计质量,全面研究强制、自愿条件下轮换审计师或者会计师事务所对审计质量的影响.实证研究结果表明,自愿轮换会计师事务所与审计质量显著正相关,并且这一相关关系在非国有企业中更显著;在非国有企业中,自愿轮换审计师与审计质量显著负相关,而在国有企业中,自愿轮换审计师与审计质量不相关;强制条件下的轮换,无论是审计师层面还是事务所层面,与审计质量均无显著的相关关系.  相似文献   

本文实证检验了注册会计师定期轮换规定对我国上市公司会计报告盈余稳健性的影响。研究发现:签字注册会计师任期对客户公司的会计报告盈余稳健性的影响受到会计师事务所与客户公司经济依存度的作用,在事务所经济重要程度较低的客户公司中,签字会计师任期的延长显著降低会计报告的盈余稳健性;而在事务所经济重要程度较高的客户公司中,任期与会计盈余稳健性的关系则并不明确。同时,上市公司在按照《关于证券期货审计业务签字注册会计师定期轮换的规定》更替签字注册会计师后,会计稳健性并未发生显著变化。这表明尽管注册会计师定期轮换规定的实施在我国是必要的,但其实施规定对上市公司盈余稳健性的提高并不完善。本文建议未来轮换规定可以考虑在事务所轮换层面提供更细致的要求,削弱现有轮换规定下客户公司与事务所长期合作关系。  相似文献   

2011年,PCAOB要求上市公司在审计报告中披露注册会计师姓名,引起广泛争论,而我国2001年资本市场中就已披露注册会计师的姓名。因此,本文以2001-2011年我国A股上市公司为样本,研究发现,如果注册会计师曾有过报表重述,则当前客户报表重述的可能性较高、线下项目较大、获得非标准无保留审计意见的可能性较高。本文还发现,如果客户曾发生过报表重述,其审计师未来市场份额很可能会降低。研究结果表明,在注册会计师姓名披露制度下,审计声誉发挥了审计质量的信号作用。  相似文献   

资源控制权与审计师轮换的治理效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
审计师轮换是构建独立审计秩序化格局以防范会计舞弊的重要监管手段。本文基于会计师事务所内部治理尤其是资源整合的角度研究了审计师轮换对审计质量的影响,结果发现,审计师轮换后,会计师事务所出具非标意见的概率显著上升,高客户资源控制权个人化会计师事务所显著抑制了公司的正向盈余管理水平;高客户资源控制权个人化会计师事务所在审计师轮换后抑制公司正向盈余管理水平的提高幅度大于低客户资源控制权个人化会计师事务所。结果表明,审计师轮换提高了审计独立性和审计质量,有助于实现客户资源控制权个人化向会计师事务所化的转变。  相似文献   

审计师变更与审计质量:一个理论分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过建立股东、管理层和审计师三方参与的两委托人-单代理人博弈模型,研究了固定审计费用下不同审计师变更方式对审计质量的影响。研究结果表明,审计师强制性单期变更与审计师强制性定期变更下,审计师与管理层之间的合谋将导致严重的财务舞弊;而在审计师自愿性变更下,股东可以利用解聘现任审计师这一威胁来阻止审计师和管理层之间的合谋,使得审计师和管理层的最优策略均为真实披露公司的盈余信息,并发表标准无保留审计意见。  相似文献   

We examine the individual and joint effects of auditors’ non-audit services (NAS)/abnormal NAS fees and length of audit partner tenure on audit quality. Our results raise questions about the ‘one size fits all’ approach imposed by the current audit partner rotation requirement in Australia as a result of (1) a learning differentiation that we observe between Big 4 and non-Big 4 auditors and (2) higher discretionary accruals associated with non-Big 4 auditors. We find abnormal NAS fees to have a positive association with both absolute and positive (income-increasing) values of discretionary accruals for firms with short audit partner tenure. NAS/abnormal NAS fees are also negatively associated with the issuance of going concern opinions to financially distressed firms when partner tenure is short. In terms of policy implications, regulators are able to gauge the efficacy of the CLERP 9 reforms which currently impose a five year mandatory audit partner rotation requirement.  相似文献   

Recent regulatory initiatives targeting the statutory audit regime support the notion that the audit expectation gap is still a driver of change. This study seeks to analyse causes of the gap as well as the impact of proposed changes to the current statutory audit regime using an approach that differs from those used in prior literature. This approach allows us to attribute the audit expectation gap under the current regime to a failure of the public, the standard-setter, or the auditor. Based on a questionnaire survey conducted in 2011 in Germany, we find the public to have exaggerated expectations of auditors' responsibilities under current standards. Other causes of the gap relate to the public's difficulty in assessing the performance of auditors, but also to deficiencies in auditors' performance. In addition, we find that auditors are not fully aware of their responsibilities. Increasing the information content of the audit opinion is expected to narrow the gap. By contrast, recent proposed changes, such as mandatory rotation and a ban on non-audit services, may reduce the gap only to a lesser extent. Overall, it can be shown that the audit expectation gap is by its nature a persistent phenomenon comprising complex social aspects and interactions with changing accounting requirements, such as increased uncertainties in accounting estimates.  相似文献   

Prior governmental research implies a positive relation between auditor specialization and audit quality, but the effect of specialization on audit fees is mixed. However, no single governmental study investigates the effect of auditor specialization on both audit quality and audit fees. Also, prior studies focus on either large- or small audit firms and often employ indirect proxies for audit quality. We study the effects of auditor specialization on perceived audit quality and audit fees. Our data represent both Big 5 and smaller audit firms and include three market-based measures of specialization. We survey 241 Florida local government finance directors and find that specialization is positively associated with perceived audit quality but not with audit fees. We also find that Big 5 auditors, often used as a proxy for higher audit quality in prior research, are not uniformly associated with increased perceived audit quality but consistently charge higher audit fees. Our results confirm a relation between measures of audit firm specialization and audit quality and raise questions regarding audit firm size and audit quality in the municipal sector. Our findings suggest that engaging specialized auditors may be good policy for many local governments.  相似文献   

Global repercussions of the Enron scandal and particularly the enactment of the Sarbanes–Oxley Act (SOX) in the USA, resulted in significant changes in the UK regulatory regime for audit and corporate governance, including an increased role for audit committees and independent inspection of audit firms. UK-listed company chief financial officers, audit committee chairs (ACCs) and audit partners were surveyed in 2007 to obtain views on the impact of 36 economic and regulatory factors on audit quality post-SOX. Four hundred and ninety-eight usable responses were received, representing a response rate of 36%. All groups rated various audit committee interactions with auditors among the factors most enhancing audit quality. However, International Standards on Auditing (ISAs) and the audit inspection regime, aspects of the ‘standards-surveillance-compliance’ regulatory system, are viewed as less effective. Exploratory factor analysis reduces the 36 factors to nine independent dimensions: economic risk; audit committee activities; risk of regulatory action; audit firm ethics; economic independence of auditor; audit partner rotation; risk of client loss; audit firm size and, lastly, ISAs and audit inspection. Post-SOX regulations have introduced additional dimensions to the factors influencing audit quality. Respondents commented that aspects of the changed regime are largely process and compliance driven, with high costs for limited benefits, a finding consistent with regulatory over-reaction.  相似文献   

The Enron/Arthur Andersen scandal has raised concerns internationally about auditor independence, audit quality, and the need for regulatory action such as mandatory auditor rotation. China's unique institutional features provide a setting in which we can compare comprehensively the various forms of auditor rotation at different levels (partner vs. firm) and in different settings (voluntary vs. mandatory). In addition, institutional conditions vary dramatically across China, which provides us with an opportunity to test whether the development of market and legal institutions affects the impact of rotation on audit quality. We expect that auditors are less (more) constrained by market forces and less (more) self-disciplined to maintain audit quality in regions with less (more) developed market and legal institutions. Therefore, mandatory rotation may play a more (less) important role in less (more) developed regions. Using auditors' propensity to issue a modified audit opinion (MAO) as a proxy for audit quality, we find that firms with mandatory audit partner rotations are associated with a significantly higher likelihood of an MAO than are no-rotation firms. However, this effect is restricted to firms located in less developed regions. We find similar evidence for voluntary audit firm rotation although the significance level is much weaker than for mandatory partner rotation. Other forms of auditor rotations (i.e., mandatory audit firm rotation and voluntary audit partner rotation), have no effect on MAOs.  相似文献   

Using Swedish data, we investigate how audit quality and audit pricing vary with audit firm and office size. In contrast to prior studies, we use disciplinary sanctions issued against auditors not meeting the quality requirement as the measure of audit quality. We find no significant differences in the likelihood of sanctions between Big 4 audit firms and the fifth and sixth largest audit firms in Sweden (Grant Thornton and BDO). We refer to these collectively as ‘Top 6’. However, we find that the probabilities of warnings or exclusions from the profession are much higher for non-Top 6 auditors in Sweden than for Top 6 auditors. Furthermore, we find a strong negative association between the likelihood of sanctions and audit office size for non-Top 6 auditors. This association is insignificant for Top 6 audit firms. Audit fees follow a similar pattern and indicate that larger audit firms and offices put in more effort or have greater expertise. These results suggest that audit quality is differentiated in the private segment market. However, contrary to prior studies, our results suggest that the important dimensions are Top 6 versus non-Top 6 and the office size of non-Top 6 audit firms.  相似文献   

The importance of information technology (IT) auditing has grown with increased reliance on IT for business operations and new regulations regarding the assurance of IT for these operations. Prior work on IT and financial auditing has suggested several general frameworks that may affect IT audit quality; however, the prior work has not provided measurable constructs nor has it considered whether these proposed constructs are the same or different. Building on prior work that has proposed frameworks of IT audit quality, we identify and evaluate potential constructs suggested by these frameworks as well as financial auditing literature. We develop a survey tool and ask IT and financial accounting practitioners to assess the impact of these items on IT audit quality. A factor analysis is used to refine the set of IT audit quality factors identified, and we are able to provide insight into the prioritized impact of each factor on IT audit quality. In comparison to prior research, we find that additional factors are significant for IT audit quality and that the relative importance of the factors for IT audit quality differs for IT versus financial auditors.  相似文献   

The mandatory dual‐audit and dual‐reporting system (DADRS) for mainland Chinese firms cross‐listed in Hong Kong (AH firms) was abolished in 2010. This study quantifies a positive spillover effect from Hong Kong‐based auditors in the DADRS and examines whether and to what extent this affects the audit quality of AH firms. We find that AH firms exposed to a stronger positive spillover effect have higher audit quality, and the loss of this effect drives the declining audit quality of AH firms after they cancelled the DADRS. This study is among the first empirical works on this research topic.  相似文献   

In this paper, we take advantage of Korea's unique experiment with mandatory audit firm rotation (MAFR) and mandatory audit partner rotation (MAPR) to ascertain their influence on audit quality, proxied by conditional conservatism. Overall, we find that the implementation of MAFR did not have the desired effect. Firms that adopted MAFR demonstrate higher levels of conservatism in previous periods under MAPR (or compared to voluntary adopters). Furthermore, we find that audit tenure increases conservatism levels consistent with the auditor expertise hypothesis. However, whilst evidence suggests MAFR decreases audit quality on the whole, we find that firms that switch from non‐Big 4 to Big 4 auditors demonstrate higher conservatism because Big 4 auditors are more likely to demand conservative accounting practices, consistent with Big 4 audit firm knowledge superiority. Overall, the results suggest that MAFR's negative effect on audit quality can be mitigated by Big 4 auditor supervision.  相似文献   

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