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叶陆政 《金卡工程》2009,13(3):72-72
在人类想到自己能够制定或改变法律之前,法律已然存在很长一段时间了。要实现立法权行使正当,必须把立法权的行使放在更宽阔的空间--"法的生成"这个概念中来理解。立法权的行使只是满足社会需求的方式,立法不能脱离社会。  相似文献   

一、税收立法权划分模式的国际比较1.美国的税收立法权划分。美国是联邦制国家,政府机构分为联邦、州、地方三个层次,这三级政府均有各自相对独立的税收体系,并拥有各自的税收立法权。美国的州和地方政府有相对独立的税收立法权,可以对属于本级税收体系的税种单独立法,但分别都受到上级法律的监督和制约,即它既可以控制下级政府税收权限范围,又可以使下级政府在一定幅度内行使较为灵活的必要的职责。2.德国的税收立法权划分。德国是联邦制国家,与美国不同的是,其绝大部分的税收立法权都集中在联邦。联邦除了对关税拥有单独立法权以外,还对联邦专享税,联邦、州、地方的共享税以及各州和地方的专享税都享有优先立法权,即如果联邦尚未立法,各州有权立法;如果联邦已  相似文献   

在我国,人大及常委会的预算监督权行使主要通过两种途径:一是立法权,即通过制定与预算有关的法律来行使监督权;二是预决算的审批权和调整权。相比1999年部门预算改革之前,钱袋子的权力在地方人大逐渐兴起,特别是省人大在立法和政策制定领域的影响越来越大。但基于法律与体制障碍,在其预算中的影响力仍然有限。  相似文献   

行政许可作为一种门槛式的前置监管方式,被作为监管正处于新兴发展阶段的我国证券市场的一种非常重要的方式,中国证监会是证券市场行政许可的最主要实施者。然而,中国证监会行使行政许可权过程中存在着越权增设许可事项、增设许可条件、未按法定程序实施许可等问题,此外行政许可设定机关立法不规范也导致中国证监会行政许可权力过大。本文对这些问题进行了分析并提出完善建议。  相似文献   

陈鹏 《当代金融研究》2017,2017(3):95-108
我国的主流学说将宪法的"立法解释"片面理解为立法机关在从事宪法监督过程中对宪法的解释。实际上,立法机关解释宪法的另一个面向,是其在实施普遍意义上的立法机关固有职权活动时附带地解释宪法,此类职权活动满足宪法解释的全部形式性要素。即便在采取司法违宪审查制度的国家,立法机关也通过行使立法权、人事权、财政权等固有职权解释宪法,我国的全国人大及其常委会亦然。虽然全国人大常委会可同时在行使立法机关固有职权过程中以及在行使宪法监督权过程中解释宪法,但宪法监督过程中的宪法解释易被其行使立法机关固有职权时的解释所遮蔽。  相似文献   

论税收立法权的划分及立法体制的改革   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
胡学勤 《涉外税务》2003,(10):22-26
本文认为税收立法改革的基本原则是:集中税权,统一税政,适当分权。将重要税种的主立法权从国务院转到全国人大手中,其辅立法权仍放在国务院和国务院税务主管部门;非重要地方税种的主立法权也仍由国务院掌握,同时适当增加省级人大和省级政府对非重要地方税种的辅立法权,以便建立“倒金字塔型税收立法体制”。  相似文献   

刘敏 《金卡工程》2009,13(12):196-196
美国是一个三权分立,相互制衡的以权制权的政府体制。美国宪法明确规定了对外贸易的立法权由美国国会这一立法机关所享有。本文从国会立法权的法律依据,美国国会在对外外贸易的立法权的体现,并且从议员,利益集团,行政机关这三个角度论证了国会是如何行使对外贸易方面的立法权。  相似文献   

目前我国税收立法权纵向划分存在着缺乏稳定的规则、行政性特征明显、税收立法权过度集中于中央、地方隐性税收立法严重等突出问题.我国税收立法权纵向划分改革的基本思路是:在宪政的基础上通过法律的方式建立适合我国国情的分税制公共财政体制;在此框架下结合分税制其他配套制度的完善将税收立法权总体上集中于中央;赋予地方必要的税收立法权,并对其进行制约与监督.  相似文献   

岳阳 《中国外资》2013,(24):1-3
我国证券市场监管体制以政府监管为主、自律管理为辅,随着市场的发展变化,中国证券监管体制经历了一个从地方监管到中央监管、由分散监管到集中监管的过程。目前存在着政府干预过度、自律性管理不足,特别是证券监管的法律体系不完备等问题。随着经济全球化的迅速发展,应当借鉴发达国家的经验,基于我国证券监管自身的不足,逐步建立并完善证券监管体制。本文建议提升中国证监会的法律地位,并从立法、行政、监督相制衡的角度出发,将证监会的部分职能交由其他新设机构行使,构建中国集中型监管体制。  相似文献   

程燕菲 《上海会计》2003,(12):44-46
一、税收立法权的特征 税收立法权是国家立法权的重要组成部分,是指政权机关依据一定程序制定、颁布、实施、修改、补充和废止税收法律、法规的权力。广义的税收立法权还应包括税收法律的解释权,因为任何一项税收法律都只能由制定这项法律的立法机关或经授权的执法机关负责解释。它与税收行政权和税收司法权一同构成了税权。在税收的立法、行政、司法权中,税收立法权是最基本的、原创性的权力,是税收行政权和司法权存在的前提和基础,税权划分和合理分权是其核心内容。税收立法权具有以下几个特征:  相似文献   

The rapid development of China’s capital markets necessitated the establishment of a regulatory agency that would administer market operations and protect investors’ interests. The Chinese Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) was established in 1992 for this purpose. In 1999, the Chinese Securities Law recognized the CSRC as the sole regulatory agency responsible for regulating securities instruments and markets in China. Although the CSRC is considered instrumental to Chinese accounting reforms and capital market development, it has remained relatively unexamined in the accounting literature. This paper contributes to the accounting literature by providing insight into an important regulatory agency that has enormous impact on the economic development of China. Specifically, this paper discusses the CSRC’s establishment and development, its regulatory efforts, and its achievements and shortcomings in its efforts to regulate China’s emerging capital markets. The underlying factors that explain some of the CSRC’s regulatory actions are also analyzed by discussing several cases involving fraudulent financial reporting.  相似文献   

本文以中国证监会派出机构负责的期货经营机构事项备案为研究对象,分析了期货类备案的类型以及备案过程中存在的备案范围设定较随意、标准不一、要求不完善、管理不精细等问题,并对更好地完善备案监管立法提出增强备案可操作性、加强备案材料管理等建议。  相似文献   

This paper documents different timeliness in disseminating sanction and enforcement information (SEI) by two types of regulatory agencies in China and the different consequences that flow from them. The China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) does not make timely public disclosures of SEI and, instead, leaves it up to the firms to make a public announcement under their general obligation to disclose price-sensitive information. The firms therefore have considerable discretion in deciding whether and when to disclose SEI. In contrast, the stock exchanges in Shenzhen and Shanghai make SEI public promptly through the media and the exchanges’ official websites. Using Chinese SEI data during the period 1999–2005, we find that the CSRC approach is associated with significantly lagged corporate disclosure (compared with the timely stock exchange approach) and a significantly negative (but delayed) stock price reaction. We also show that the sanctioned firm may take advantage of the less timely CSRC approach to delay its disclosure of SEI for opportunistic reasons such as completing material transactions. We conclude that the CSRC should make immediate public announcements of SEI as these contain price-sensitive information. Furthermore, the immediate dissemination of SEI will bring the CSRC into line with the disclosure practices of China’s stock exchanges and international market regulators.  相似文献   

修订后的《证券法》及证监会制定的《证券登记结算管理办法》通过确立共同对手方、分级结算、货银对付等原则,完善了我国证券登记结算法律,然而对于诸如存管概念、《管理办法》效力权限的不同认识,仍将在实践应用中构成疑问。登记结算机构试图在自己和证券买卖者之间设立防火墙的愿望得到一定程度的实现,但在分离的明晰度上结算环节要好于登记托管环节,证券公司的交易通道功能整体上没有改变。立法应在维护系统稳定与保护投资者间寻求平衡。  相似文献   

证监会发行审核委员会是证券发行制度中的重要组织,其职权行使与证券发行核准制密切相关。在核准制下,发审委需要对发行申请人进行实质审查,使其自身处于行政权力与商业判断的紧张关系中。为此,发审委采用了公私结合的组织结构,试图使其做出的审核决定更贴近市场。但由此也引致了发审委属性不清,委员身份不明,利益冲突缺乏有效约束等弊端;损害了证券监管的专业性、有效性和权威性。因此,发审委制度的完善应当成为证券发行监管制度改革的关键点和突破口。  相似文献   

This paper provides an empirical analysis of international transfer pricing in the People's Republic of China. The examination of the business environment in China reveals a mixed inducement for transfer pricing decisions by foreign investment enterprises (FIEs). The legislation on transfer pricing in China is similar to that of its major trading partners. Competition among local governments for foreign investment, inadequate resources for tax enforcement, and inadequate documentation by taxpayers hinder tax audits on transfer pricing. An analysis of aggregate import and export data does not support the allegation that, in general, FIEs shift profits out of China by over-pricing their imports and under-pricing their exports. However, there was some evidence of outward income-shifting in certain key sectors.  相似文献   

临时冻结权是《中华人民共和国反洗钱法》赋予国务院反洗钱行政主管部门的一项重要权力,这项权力的行使,必将对金融机构、法人、经济组织、公民和全社会产生重大的影响,但它在理论设计上的不完善以及文字表达方面的不准确完整,导致了这项权力行使的理论可行性和实践操作性不强,存在冻结与解冻的矛盾悖论,并产生某些负面作用,其关于临时冻结权的规定应及时予以修改完善.  相似文献   

上市公司非经常性损益信息披露的改进研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
万平  戴辉 《财务与金融》2010,(6):45-48,65
为了保证上市公司的财务信息更客观地反映其财务状况和盈利能力,中国证监会于2008年11月发布公告对2007年的规定进行了修订。通过对100家上市公司财务报表中非经常性损益披露的统计分析,发现新的披露制度仍存在概念界定不完整、披露不统一、与退市政策关联度弱等不足之处,有待于进一步改进。  相似文献   

The system of central discipline inspections has become a key anti-corruption governance tool in China since 2013. This paper investigates the impact of a central discipline inspection of the China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) on initial public offering (IPO) underpricing. We find that IPO firms listed during the inspection period exhibit greater IPO underpricing than those listed outside the inspection period. The reason is the increased focus of the CSRC on maintaining capital market stability, which makes it more inclined to approve IPO firms with lower issue prices during the inspection period compared with other periods. We also find that IPO firms listed during the inspection period have better short-term market performance but poorer long-term returns than those listed outside the inspection period. Moreover, the effect of the anti-corruption inspection on IPO underpricing is more pronounced for non-state-owned enterprises, firms with low-quality auditors and firms located in regions with high corruption. Overall, our paper enriches the literature on IPO underpricing and the economic consequences of the central discipline inspection system.  相似文献   

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