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境外战略投资者的引入是否能够实质性地改善我国商业银行的公司治理从而提升经营绩效,这是我国银行业对外开放以来备受实务界、政策层和学术界广泛关注的重要课题。本文运用我国银行业33家上市或非上市商业银行在1998~2010年间的面板数据,实证研究境外股东持股如何影响我国商业银行的经营绩效。同时采用资产收益率和不良贷款率来度量经营绩效,并在控制了其他公司层面因素的影响后发现,境外股东的引入显著地改善我国商业银行的公司治理效力,提升经营绩效,表现为资产收益率的显著上升和不良贷款率的显著下降。根据实证研究结果,本文提出了有针对性的政策建议。  相似文献   

对上市公司控股股东侵占中小股东利益的探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年来,我国上市公司控股股东侵占中小股东利益的事件频频发生。控股股东作为上市公司的所有,是通过直接侵占上市公司利益进而间接侵占中小股东利益的。既然控股股东也是公司的所有,利益也与公司利益紧密相关,因而,这种侵占行为也必然会给自己造成损失。那么,控股股东侵占上市公司利益(进而侵占中小股东利益)的动机又是什么?本试图就控股股东的侵占动机、强烈程度进行量的度量、分析,提出保护中小股东利益的建议。  相似文献   

陈红  杨凌霄 《上海金融》2012,(2):22-29,116
金字塔股权结构广泛存在于我国上市公司之中,并以其复杂的结构降低公司透明度,隐藏终极股东身份,发挥放大控制权的杠杆效应,加剧股东之间的利益冲突。本文以2008年至2010年我国大宗股权转让事件为样本研究金字塔结构与终极股东之间的关系,结果表明金字塔形态特征和内部权力结构对终极股东利益侵占水平存在不同程度的影响。完善公司治理结构,加强上市公司信息披露制度和对大股东的监管势在必行。  相似文献   

负债的公司治理作用是公司财务研究的重要问题。已有文献探讨了负债在股权分散公司中的公司治理作用,而在股权集中公司中负债对大股东与中小股东之间的代理问题的影响,已有的经验证据相当有限。本文以我国国有控制权转移上市公司为样本,研究了负债在股权集中公司中的治理作用。研究发现,负债与大股东的利益侵占存在显著正相关关系;相对于国有控股公司来说,私有公司的负债水平更高,其原因在于私有大股东通过负债对中小股东利益的侵占程度高于国有大股东。本文提供了负债与大股东利益侵占之间关系的直接证据,揭示了大股东通过负债侵占中小股东利益的行为,以及所有权性质对大股东通过负债侵占小股东利益行为的影响。  相似文献   

依据2014年一直有境外股东持股的沪深 A股上市公司样本数据,考量不同类型外资持股的治理效应进行实证检验。结果表明:境外股东持股能够提升公司治理效率,不同性质的境外投资者对公司治理的影响存在差异。外资基金和非金融类外资股东的治理效应是显著的,QFII未能对上市公司经营者形成有效监督和制约,外资银行、保险、证券公司反而一定程度上加重了上市公司的代理冲突。此外,外资持股在民营企业中的治理效应优于国有企业。  相似文献   

境外战略投资者持股比例对中国商业银行绩效影响研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文选取28家国内银行1995-2008年的面板数据,研究引入境外战略投资者持股比例对我国银行盈利能力、资产质量、稳定性、资产配置能力、创新能力、公司治理等经营层面的影响。研究结果显示,境外战略投资者的持股比例提高有助于提升银行贷款质量和改善公司治理,但境外战略投资者持股比例对银行盈利能力、稳定性、资产配置能力、创新能力影响并不显著。境外战略投资者持股比例对不良贷款率和存贷比的影响呈U型,该比例在达到一定水平(拐点)后会增加银行的贷款投放,而在增加银行贷款投放的同时不良贷款率也会增加。  相似文献   

随着经济体制改革的深入,频繁发生的高管侵占型职务犯罪已成为影响经济社会健康发展的重要问题。本文运用中国上市公司高管侵占型职务犯罪数据,实证检验了高管侵占型职务犯罪所引发的市场反应。研究结果发现,高管侵占型职务犯罪会引发显著负向的市场反应。进一步的研究发现,只有机构投资者持股较高公司的高管侵占型职务犯罪才会引发显著负向的市场反应。本文的研究对于当前理论界和实务界充分认识高管侵占型职务犯罪的经济后果提供了经验证据,也对于重新认识机构投资者之于资本市场的作用提供了新的视角。  相似文献   

一、引言大股东拥有上市公司的控制权是大股东侵占中小股东利益的根源,有人把大股东掌握和运用公司控制权可以获得的收益分为两种:一是控制权的共享收益,即由于大股东改善公司管理和监督  相似文献   

本文以2008~2016年共计35个季度、被QFII持股的我国A股上市公司为研究对象,实证分析了QFII持股与上市公司绩效之间的相关关系。研究结果表明:QFII持股比例、QFII持股制衡度均与被持股上市公司绩效存在正相关关系,并且当考虑滞后效应时,这样的正相关关系依然存在。同时,将上市公司按照属性分为国有上市公司和非国有上市公司后,发现与非国有上市公司相比,QFII持股比例、QFII持股制衡度与国有上市公司绩效的正相关关系更强。  相似文献   

Multiple large shareholders, control contests, and implied cost of equity   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
In this paper, we examine whether the presence of multiple large shareholders alleviates a firm's agency costs and information asymmetry manifested in the cost of equity financing. Using data for 1165 corporations from 8 East Asian and 13 Western European countries, we find evidence that the implied cost of equity decreases with the presence, number, and voting size of large shareholders beyond the controlling owner. We also find that the identity of the second largest shareholder is important in determining the risk of corporate expropriation in family-controlled firms. Our regional analysis reveals that, mainly in East Asian firms, multiple large shareholders structures exert an internal governance role in curbing private benefits and reducing information asymmetry, perhaps to sidestep deficiencies in the external institutional environment.  相似文献   

本文从作为国有银行股改试点的中行和建行的现有股权结构出发,分析了现有股权结构对其公司治理的不利影响,进而引出了优化股权结构、引进战略投资者的几种方式,并重点讨论了如何以金股方式引进境外战略投资者.  相似文献   

本文利用深交所的社会公众股东网络投票数据,研究了中小股东参与网络投票与公司决策的影响因素和经济后果。结果表明,大股东代理问题严重、机构投资者持股比例较高的公司,中小股东的网络投票参与率较高;中小股东的网络投票参与率与公司股票异常回报正相关,并且这种关系随着大股东代理问题的严重程度而增强。与小股东利益更为相关的股权分置改革提案中,中小股东投票参与率更高,并且这种更高的投票参与率在股权分置改革提案中能为中小股东增进财富。  相似文献   

机构投资者与上市公司会计信息相关性分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
本文从机构投资者与会计信息相关性之间的联系来说明机构持股在公司治理中的作用。本研究以1999~2002年深市A股为样本,研究发现,在样本时间区闸内会计信息相关性与机构持股比例相关性不明显;从年度样本研究发现,随着机构持股比例增加,会计信息相关性增强,说明近年求机构投资者已参与公司治理,并发挥一定怍用。  相似文献   

Dual-class share unifications have typically been argued to be beneficial for voting shareholders, who are usually compensated for the loss of their superior voting privileges. However, no covenants exist that make this compensation mandatory for voting shareholders. In this paper, we examine a subset of dual class share unifications from Italy where, in the main, voting shareholders are not offered any compensation in lieu of the loss of their superior voting rights. We present a simple model describing the conditions under which the controlling voting shareholder will choose not to offer compensation to minority voting shareholders as part of a share unification. Our empirical results support the model predictions.  相似文献   

This study analyzes the effects of institutional and strategic investor equity transactions on the behavior of stock prices on the Copenhagen Stock Exchange (XCSE). Unlike the positive relationship between managerial ownership and security performance, we find that the relationship between ownership and performance is a bell-shaped curve. There is an optimal threshold level of ownership at which security performance, measured by abnormal returns, is maximized. At the threshold level, the management can take advantage of the shared benefit of control. Beyond the threshold level of ownership, the security performance decreases. We attribute this threshold level to an increasing entrenchment benefit.  相似文献   

Agencies can reduce problems by adopting a governance structure of multiple large shareholders. However, multiple large shareholders may collude, thereby reducing the behavior that can create long-term value for the company. This paper uses a sample of companies listed on the Shenzhen and Shanghai stock exchanges between 2008 and 2017 to investigate the relationship between multiple large shareholders and corporate environmental protection investment (CEPI). We find that multiple large shareholders will significantly reduce CEPI. Specifically, external supervision and a company’s ownership structure affect the relationship between multiple large shareholders and CEPI. In addition, after participating in SOEs, non-state-owned shareholders will significantly improve CEPI of SOEs.  相似文献   

Recently, with the migration of wealthy Chinese elites becoming increasingly prevalent, the market has come to believe that firms with controlling persons with foreign residency rights have serious agency problems. We study the impact of controlling persons with foreign residency rights on corporate audit perspective. We find that firms whose controlling persons have foreign residency rights are more likely to use high-quality auditing services, and that this behavior is more obvious in regions with lower marketization and in firms with higher separation of ownership and control. We further study the effect of firms whose controlling persons have foreign residency rights that use high-quality Big 4 auditors and find that such firms have better corporate governance and accounting performance.  相似文献   

This study examines the effect of foreign (Anglo-American) board membership on corporate performance measured in terms of firm value (Tobin’s Q). Using a sample of firms with headquarters in Norway or Sweden the study indicates a significantly higher value for firms that have outsider Anglo-American board member(s), after a variety of firm-specific and corporate governance related factors have been controlled for. We argue that this superior performance reflects the fact that these companies have successfully broken away from a partly segmented domestic capital market by “importing” an Anglo-American corporate governance system. Such an “import” signals a willingness on the part of the firm to expose itself to improved corporate governance and enhances its reputation in the financial market.  相似文献   

本文主要研究法律环境、公司治理与利益侵占的关系。我们以在美国上市的50家中国公司为研究对象,并按照同行业、同规模的标准选取在国内上市的50家中国公司作为配比样本,考察在中、美不同的法律环境下,两组样本在公司治理结构和利益侵占程度方面是否存在差异,以及法律环境和公司治理结构的不同是否能够解释利益侵占程度的差异。实证研究发现,与在中国上市的同类公司相比,在美国上市的中国公司具有更有利于投资者保护的治理结构安排,且利益侵占程度更小,法律环境和公司治理结构安排的不同都能够解释利益侵占程度的差异,但是法律环境的解释能力更强。  相似文献   

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