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本文使用2011-2020年我国38家A股上市银行数据,按照前五大业务占比构建赫芬达尔指数,用于衡量商业银行收入结构的多元化水平.同时,通过建立动态面板数据模型,采用两步系统GMM方法,估计商业银行非利息收入和收入结构多元化对经营绩效的影响.实证结果发现,银行非利息净收入占比提升,能够提高净资产收益率;收入结构多元化水平提升,能够降低净资产收益率的波动性和不良贷款率.本文进一步将商业银行分成四类,通过LSDV方法进行分组估计发现,国有大型银行的非利息净收入占比和收入结构多元化水平的提高,均可提高风险调整后的总资产净利率;股份制商业银行收入结构多元化水平的提升,可降低净资产收益率的波动性;城市商业银行非利息净收入占比提升,会降低风险调整后的净资产收益率;农村商业银行收入结构多元化水平的提升,可降低总资产净利率的波动性.本文结合商业银行的业务经营以及不同类型银行的经营特点,对实证结果进行了解释,并对商业银行发展非利息收入业务和多元化经营策略提出了建议.  相似文献   

比率分析是对一家公司的财务状况和经营业绩进行评价的重要方法。比率分析方法的基础元素是由资产负债表或损益表中的两个项目相除而得到的比率。这样的比率包括很多类型。仅仅通过单一比率,我们很难了解公司的整体财务状况。在众多指标中,最能反映公司整体经营状况的是资产利润率(ROA)和净资产利润率(ROE)。资产收益率(ROA)和净资产收益率(ROE)分别用总资产和净资产作为分母,是衡量公司经营效益的两个较为相似的比率。资产收益率(ROA)反映的是公司每美元总资产的收益,而净资产收益率(ROE)衡量的则是公司每美元净资产的收益。假设一…  相似文献   

公司资本结构与业绩之间存在一定的相关关系。现有研究大多是以一组样本选择一个业绩指标或一个行业多个业绩指标来检验上市公司资本结构与业绩之间的相关性。本文以创业板上市公司作为样本并从中选取了包括每股收益、加权平均净资产收益率、销售毛利率、销售净利率和总资产利润率在内的多个业绩指标对本类型中小型公司资本结构与业绩的相关性进行回归分析,结果表明除净资产收益率、销售净利率外其余业绩指标都存在着负相关。  相似文献   

运用普通面板数据模型,以深、沪两市1993年-2012年我国制造业上市公司为样本,采用总资产收益率(ROA)和净资产收益率(ROE)衡量企业绩效,专业化率(S)衡量多元化,同时将公司年龄(AGE)、资产负债率(DA)等作为控制变量,用多元回归的统计方法检验了多元化对公司绩效的影响。实证结果表明多元化和公司绩效显著负相关。多元化对公司绩效的影响金融危机前大于金融危机后。  相似文献   

为了探索寿险公司实施全面风险管理对企业价值的影响,选择58家寿险公司2010~2015年度公开披露的数据信息,以总资产收益率ROA作为寿险公司企业价值变量指标,以ERM作为全面风险管理核心变量指标,包括全面风险管理组织结构指标ERM1和技术能力水平指标ERM2。其中,ERM1从3个维度衡量全面风险管理组织结构体系的影响,ERM2从3个维度7类风险衡量全面风险管理技术能力水平的影响,ERM3(ERM1×ERM2)衡量全面风险管理组织结构和技术能力水平的共同作用。运用赋值法和固定效应回归模型进行实证研究。结果显示,ERM1、ERM2、ERM3均与企业的总资产收益率ROA之间存在显著的正相关关系,相关系数分别为0.0128***、0.00530**和0.00278***,表明寿险公司全面风险管理组织结构体系有非常显著的影响,技术能力水平有比较明显的影响,而二者共同作用则有非常显著的影响。具体来说,拥有完善的全面风险管理组织结构的公司,资产收益率将相对提高3.84个百分点(1.28%×3=3.84%);拥有完善的全面风险管理技术能力水平的公司,资产收益率将相对提高3.71个百分点(0.53%×7=3.71%);同时拥有完善的全面风险管理组织结构和技术能力水平的公司,资产收益率将相对提高约5.84个百分点(0.278%×3×7 =5.838%)。由此可见,完善全面风险管理组织结构体系、提升全面风险管理技术能力水平,能够显著提高寿险公司的企业价值,最后,提出了相应的建议。  相似文献   

本文采用深交所对上市公司信息披露质量的评级作为信息披露质量代理变量,以Jensen指数、净资产收益率、总资产收益率及总资产周转率作为公司绩效代理指标,检验了2002—2005年深市上市公司信息披露质量对公司绩效的影响。研究发现,信息披露质量与公司绩效之间存在显著内在关联性,信息披露质量较高的公司,其市场表现和财务绩效也都较佳。因此,合理引导公司信息披露,对于提升上市公司绩效具有重要导向效应。  相似文献   

一、财务绩效评价指标体系 1.盈利能力指标 盈利能力主要反映企业经营业务创造利润的能力,较强的盈利能力为公司将来迅速发展壮大,创造更好的经济效益打下了坚实的基础.具体指标包括:净资产收益率、总资产利润率、主营业务鲜明率、主营业务利润率.  相似文献   

采用分量回归模型,以2006~2009年间沪深两市汽车行业上市公司的面板数据为样本,选取核心资产收益率、总资产收益率、净资产收益率、市账比和每股净资产为度量公司治理效率的替代变量,考察债务期限结构对公司治理效率的影响。实证结果显示,债务期限结构对核心资产收益率、净资产收益率和每股净资产具有显著的负向影响,表明长期债务的使用比例显著影响公司治理效率。  相似文献   

一、公司业绩评价方法的发展 业绩评价是指运用各种财务的和非财务的指标来综合反映企业的经营状况,为企业相关利益主体决策提供依据.早期简单的企业绩效评价,一般采用单个指标或某些指标进行,如净资产收益率、总资产收益率等,显然,单指标评价不能全面衡量企业经营状况.  相似文献   

根据《国有资本金效绩评价规则》的规定,国有资本金效绩评价(以下简称“企业效绩评价”)指标体系由基本指标、修正指标、评议指标三层次共32项指标构成。现将各项指标的内涵解释如下:一、基本指标基本指标是评价企业效绩的主要计量指标,是整个评价指标体系的核心,用于完成企业效绩的初步评价。基本指标由净资产收益率、总资产周转率、资产负债率、资本积累率等8项计量指标构成。(一)净资产收益率1.基本概念净资产收益率是指企业一定时期内的净利润同平均净资产的比率。净资产收益率充分体现了投资者投入企业的自有资本获取净收…  相似文献   

《Accounting in Europe》2013,10(1):49-67
In response to the financial crisis, the IASB issued on 13 October 2008 an amendment to IAS 39 which enables entities to reclassify non-derivative financial assets held for trading and financial assets available-for-sale. This paper examines the influence of this controversial amendment on the 2008 financial statements of 219 European banks which apply IFRS. I find that approximately one-third of the sample banks have taken extensive advantage of these reclassification opportunities. The mean reclassification amount is 3.9% of total assets and 131% of the book value of equity, respectively. I further document that reclassifying banks avoid substantial fair value losses, and hence, report significantly higher levels of return on assets (ROA), return on equity (ROE), book value of equity and regulatory capital. In particular, the mean ROE switches sign from a negative ROE of ?1.4% to a positive ROE of 1.3% due to gains from reclassifications. Overall, this paper documents a substantial impact of the amendments on banks' financial statements and suggests analysing these reclassifications with particular caution.  相似文献   

Monson (2001) and Hepp and Scoles (2012) argue that some leased assets should be capitalized at the assets' purchase price (whole-asset value) rather than at the present value of future minimum lease payments (right-of-use asset value). The argument is based in part on the notion that the assets under lease generate future income not the obligation related to future lease payments. To test the notion we compare associations between capitalizations representing whole asset values and current and future return on assets (ROA) and return on equity (ROE) with capitalizations representing right-of-use asset values and current and future ROA and ROE. Our results indicate that the whole-asset annuity values are incrementally associated with future ROA and ROE over right-of-use asset values. We interpret our results to suggest that the current practice of capitalizing future lease payments does not fully reflect the income generation provided by leased assets.  相似文献   

This paper examines the relationship between mergers & acquisitions (M & As), diversification and financial performance in the U.S. property-liability insurance industry over the period 1989–2004. The risk-adjusted return on assets (ROA), return on equity (ROE), Z-score and total risk measured by earnings volatility are considered as a relevant indicator of performance. We find that acquirers’ financial performance decreases and earnings volatility increases during the gestation period after the M & As perhaps due to increased frictional costs associated with post-merger integration and agency problems. We find that more focused insurers outperform the product-diversified insurers, implying that the costs of diversification outweigh the benefits. These findings are robust to alternative risk and diversification measures. We also find that marginal increases in commercial line share are associated with higher risk-adjusted profits, but these gains are offset by the extra costs from product diversity when its initial share is low. For insurers initially concentrated in commercial line, a marginal increase in commercial line share is related to higher performance due to positive effects of both direct exposure and indirect focus.  相似文献   

This paper examines the determinants of bank net interest margin (NIM) and non-traditional banking activities (NII). A system estimation approach is employed to control for the simultaneity between NIM and NII for commercial banks in a group of 28 financially liberalized countries during the period between 1997 and 2004. We find a statistically significant negative relationship between NIM and NII for the period between 1997 and 2002. A generally positive but statistically insignificant association between NIM and NII is found for the subsequent period (2003–2004). Banks’ increasing involvement in non-traditional activities is negatively correlated with risk-adjusted profitability measures in the former subperiod, suggesting no obvious diversification benefits. However, the share of noninterest income is positively related to the return on assets (ROA) and the return on equity (ROE) for the latter subsample.  相似文献   

Predicting stock price remains one of the challenges for investors' investment strategies. This study helps with accurate prediction and the main factors affecting variations in stock prices. It applies an adaptive neuro-fuzzy model on 58 listed firms from both the Abu Dhabi Securities Exchange and the Dubai Financial Market for the period 2014–2018 to estimate the predictive power of corporate performance measures and their significance. After examining four performance predictors—return on asset (ROA), return on equity (ROE), earning per share (EPS), and profit margin (PM)—the study finds that ROE is the most significant predictor and ROA is the least. EPS is the most influential profitability measure and PM the least.  相似文献   

This study examines the causal link between a firm's leverage decisions and the characteristics of its CEO bonus plans. Results from a simultaneous equations model strongly suggest that highly levered firms are less likely to use return on equity (ROE) or ROE-based accounting performance measures to determine executive bonuses. Estimates also indicate that firms with fewer debt covenants, higher interest rates on debt, and a greater proportion of executive pay in the form of stock options are less likely to adopt ROE-based measures for use in CEO bonus plans. These findings lend strong support to the efficient contracting hypothesis. The conflicting interests of corporate stakeholders, especially between stockholders and creditors, encourage firms to tie executive pay to performance metrics like return on assets (ROA) that will strike the optimal balance between the agency costs of debt and the agency costs of equity.Data availability: all data are available from public sources.  相似文献   

Little is known about the relation between the actual governance rating received by a firm and the firm's performance. In this study, we examine the relation between the actual corporate governance rating received by a firm and the firm's performance during the years 2002–2004. We use the institutional shareholder services (ISS) corporate governance quotient (CGQ) rating of a firm's corporate governance structure and analyze this rating in relation to the firm's operating performance. We compare the institutional shareholder services’ CGQ rating to two measures of the firm's operating performance, return on assets (ROA) and return on equity (ROE). Based upon our results, we do not find statistical evidence suggesting that the firms’ operating performance is related to the firms’ ISS corporate governance rating.  相似文献   

In this paper, we focus on voluntary corporate social responsibility (CSR) disclosure, and we test the extent to which the value relevance of CSR reporting is affected by the appointment of female directors. Using a sample of French listed companies belonging to the SBF 120 index from 2001 to 2011, we control for differences in firm characteristics between firms with and without female board membership by using propensity score matching. Our results show that high CSR reporting is more relevant in terms of market value for firms with gender-diverse boards than for firms with completely male directors. This finding holds when we use the accounting-based performance measures, namely, return on assets (ROA) and return on equity (ROE). We also highlight that engaging an external assurance provider for CSR reporting is value relevant for firms without female directors but not value relevant for firms with female directors, suggesting a substitute relationship between gender-diverse boards and CSR assurance. Our results are stable when we consider the presence of at least two and three female directors.  相似文献   

This study examines the relationship between liquidity management and operating performance, and that between liquidity management and corporate value for firms in Japan and Taiwan. We observe that the cash conversion cycle (CCC)–returns on assets (ROA) and CCC–returns on equity (ROE) relationships are commonly negative and sensitive to industry factors. Both Japanese and Taiwanese firms with q>1 have significantly lower CCC than firms with q⩽1. In addition, Japanese firms with q>1 have significantly higher ROA and ROE than firms with q⩽1. Overall, the findings indicate that aggressive liquidity management enhances operating performance and is usually associated with higher corporate values for both countries in spite of differences in structural characteristics or in financial system of a firm.  相似文献   

This paper presents a methodology for arriving at empirical estimates of deposit insurance premiums from market data by using isomorphic relationships between equity and a call option, and insurance and a put option. The data utilizes the market value of equity to solve for the asset value and its volatility. Market perceptions of FDIC bailout policies are explicitly modeled so as to eliminate the bias in inverted values of assets and their volatility. Sensitivity analyses are performed to show that rank orderings based on premiums are robust to changes in specification, thus facilitating allocation of aggregate premium across banks.  相似文献   

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