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李桃 《中国外资》2014,(6):240-240,253
消费者行为学作为一门应用性很强的学科,在教学中如何提高其教学效果,发展一套趣味性与实践性于一体的教学模式,是消费者行为学课程改革中的难题。本文在实践教学的基础上,提出消费者行为学在课堂讲授的过程中,应充分运用广告、案例、角色扮演等教学方法,丰富消费者行为学课堂教学。  相似文献   

2012年注定是保险行业重塑诚信品牌,引领保险消费者信任感的回归之年,保险消费者权益保护处于更加突出的位置.保险消费者权益保护成为社会热点话题,缘于保险产品的特殊性和保险消费者的弱势地位所引起,诸如机动车辆保险"霸王条款"、 "高保低赔"、 "无责不赔"等"理赔难"情形损害保险消费者权益的诉讼案例成为新闻媒体高度关注的热点问题,车险诉讼案件急剧增多,司法实践中多以保险人败诉结案,主要涉及保险人惜赔、拖赔、拒赔等损害保险消费者权益的情形.本文主要意图在于以车险合同诉讼案例实证分析的方法,以100个样本案例为研究对象,从保险业务流程对损害保险消费者权益的样本案例进行分类人手,揭示审判机关以多元化的保险法律调控手段和方式来保护保险消费者权益;探讨保险消费者权益保护缺失的成因;分析在保险消费者权益保护方面应当采取的积极路径,提出构建保险消费者权益保护的六项机制.  相似文献   

《消费者行为学》是市场营销专业的主干专业课,是培养市场营销专业学生实践能力和观察分析能力的重要课程。在《消费者行为学》的教学过程中,教师需要不断探索新的教学方法,把案例分析法、分组讨论法、情景模拟法等多种教学方法综合利用,借助模块化、多样化特色教学平台,精心安排授课内容和思路,完善课程考核方式,才能使授课效果更加理想,同时能够使学生对专业知识掌握得更加扎实。  相似文献   

组织行为学,是一门以组织中人的心理活动和行为规律作为研究对象的应用性组织管理理论.组织行为学认为,人是组织的主体,在现代化管理中,最主要的管理是对人的管理,其中,行政管理行为是组织行为学理论一个重要研究领域,管理者在某种程度上影响着组织的发展趋向.  相似文献   

栗超超 《时代金融》2012,(24):183+194
组织行为学又叫管理心理学,顾名思义就是通过对个体的心理活动进行有效的识别和控制,达到组织预期的结果和组织与个体的双赢。此文通过对组织行为学中"个性理论"进行阐述,并分析其在企业人力资源管理中的具体作用,以提高企业在"招聘"、"升职"和"绩效"方面的竞争优势,从而达到增加员工满意度和降低离职率的效果。  相似文献   

栗超超 《云南金融》2012,(8X):183-183
组织行为学又叫管理心理学,顾名思义就是通过对个体的心理活动进行有效的识别和控制,达到组织预期的结果和组织与个体的双赢。此文通过对组织行为学中"个性理论"进行阐述,并分析其在企业人力资源管理中的具体作用,以提高企业在"招聘"、"升职"和"绩效"方面的竞争优势,从而达到增加员工满意度和降低离职率的效果。  相似文献   

刘富先 《中国外资》2010,(14):255-256
本研究以网络游戏消费者为研究对象,从消费者行为学的角度,对网络游戏消费者的参与游戏动机进行了实证研究,并根据研究结果对我国的游戏运营商和开发商提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

本研究以网络游戏消费者为研究对象,从消费者行为学的角度,对网络游戏消费者的参与游戏动 机进行了实证研究,并根据研究结果对我国的游戏运营商和开发商提出了一些建议.  相似文献   

2013.8.4北京悠唐皇冠国际假日酒店左手是"定位之父"杰克特劳特的理论渊源,右手是加多宝从1亿到200亿元的应用案例,厚德培训创始人于雷在2013年中国管理会计论坛上与企业财务人员分享了定位在企业发展战略中的作用。定位理论认为,决定消费者选择的是心智认知,而非产品质量的细微差别。比如在没有包装的条件下,消费者甚至无法从口感  相似文献   

中国消费者的购买决策模型研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
问题的提出   购买决策过程是消费者行为学中的一个非常重要的部分,是营销研究的核心内容,从营销实践角度而言,有助于企业进行有效市场细分、市场定位及制定明确的营销组合战略.而消费者的购物决策风格如何影响其购买决策过程,从而在购买决策过程上形成差异呢?   ……  相似文献   

This study investigates the consumer credit risk characteristics of Turkish households by analyzing factors related to their income and expense differentials. This study assumes that the income and expense patterns are the key elements of consumer credit risk. Based on a data set ranging from 8,551 to 25,566 households, during the period 2003-5, we employ a logistic regression method to model the determinants of income and expense differentials. We first concentrate on the income-expense balance of households to highlight those that are eligible for consumer credit. We reinforce our results by further analyzing the expenditure behaviors of households to find those that should be either primarily eliminated or targeted for consumer credit by financial institutions. Our overall results provide evidence on the factors identifying household income and expense profiles and, hence, consumer credit risk characteristics of Turkish households.  相似文献   

This research investigates the premise that purchasing e-banking services is perceived to be riskier than purchasing traditional banking services. Unlike previous studies on perceived risk that typically focused on the relationship of perceived risk and information search, this exploratory study examines the dynamics of perceived risk throughout the various stages of the consumer buying process. A survey of 159 respondents reveals a risk premium for e-banking services that follows a systematic pattern throughout the consumer buying process. When viewed as a dynamic process, perceived risk for e-banking services shows more radical changes in risk levels than traditional banking services. The analyses indicate that financial risk drives the risk premium while psychological, physical and time risk play ancillary roles as risk drivers at certain stages of the consumer buying process. A major implication of this study is that there is a risk premium for e-banking services and the risk premium permeates all stages of the consumer buying process. Risk mitigation strategies are addressed.  相似文献   

新古典经济学的严密体系有5个重要的基础性假设:完全理性、完全信息、效用最大化、偏好一致性以及自利性假设。行为经济学对这些假设提出了挑战,指出:消费者具有系统性、可预测的行为偏差,新古典经济学的5个假设与现实不符;金融机构会利用消费者的行为偏差谋利,导致竞争非有效;要在传统纠正市场失灵方法的基础上,重视从更深层面上纠正消费者行为偏差;需要结合具体的偏差类型,采取自由放任、政府干预、市场化取向的政府柔性干预等思路纠正消费者行为偏差;为更好地保护消费者权益,需要对金融机构进行行为干预和产品干预,提高信息披露的有效性,推进金融知识普及和金融消费者能力建设。行为经济学动摇不了新古典经济学的统治地位,但其挑战是有力的,对人类行为的认识和解释更加接近于实际,也促进了新古典经济学的发展。我国在加强金融消费者保护的过程中,应支持行为经济学的发展,重视行为经济学研究成果的应用。  相似文献   

We study job incentives in moonlighting, when public‐service physicians may refer patients to their private practices. Some doctors in the public system are dedicated, and behave sincerely, but others—the moonlighters—are utility maximizers. Allowing moonlighting always enhances aggregate consumer welfare, but equilibrium public‐care quality may increase or decrease; if quality increases, moonlighting improves each consumer's expected utility. Unregulated moonlighting may reduce consumer welfare as a result of adverse behavioral reactions, such as moonlighters shirking more and dedicated doctors abandoning their sincere behavior. Price regulation in the private market limits such adverse behaviors in the public system and improves consumer welfare.  相似文献   

行为金融是当前金融经济学的研究热点。它注重研究投资者的实际决策行为,解释金融市场上的各种现象。个人投资者行为分析是行为金融研究的重要组成部分。行为金融较为成功地解释了个人投资者的判断与决策、投资组合、策略与交易以及退休储蓄等方面的行为。  相似文献   

This study sets out to explore the effects of business and consumer sentiment on stock market performance, within the separate contexts of advanced and emerging markets. The empirical analysis is carried out using the cross-sectionally augmented autoregressive distributed lag (CS-ARDL) modeling approach, which considers time dynamics, cross-sectional heterogeneity, and cross-sectional dependence. The findings for developed markets suggest that business sentiment has positive leading effects on stock returns, across short- and long-term time horizons, while for emerging markets, the price impact of business sentiment turns out to be short-lived. On the other hand, consumer sentiment tends to affect positively both market types, albeit only in the short run. Furthermore, the influence of sentiment indicators seems to be stronger in emerging- than in developed-market countries. The results remain robust, even after controlling for a rich range of potential predictors of stock returns. Generally, such evidence highlights the relevance of psychological factors, such as business and consumer sentiment, in determining the future trajectory of asset prices.  相似文献   

如何践行科学发展观是在当前经济形势下任何行业都要思考的问题,对于发展还不成熟的中国保险业而言,这个问题就显得更为重要。本文从保险的基本原理出发,论证了保护保险消费者利益与保险业科学发展之间的辩证关系,分析了目前市场上存在的因为忽视保护保险消费者利益而妨碍保险业科学发展的现象,并在此基础上提出了从保护保险消费者利益出发促进保险业科学发展的政策建议。  相似文献   

Habits and sentiment are important psychological behaviors in asset pricing. In this article I nest consumer sentiment as a risk factor into the Campbell–Cochrane (CC) habit model and examine its impact on asset prices. The model provides an economic mechanism for the pricing of sentiment risk through its impact on habit sensitivity and equilibrium habit levels but finds its market price of risk much lower than fundamentals. The additional sentiment factor does not improve the CC model, with both models returning a matched moments error of 12 % $12 \% $ from 1980Q1 to 2021Q4. The sentiment factor, however, subsumes risk aversion with a lower resulting risk coefficient than the CC model without sentiment. Furthermore, the model shows that during the COVID period, the risk premium was driven more by consumption growth than sentiment.  相似文献   

卓志  张晓涵 《金融研究》2022,502(4):97-113
保险消费者权益保护是保险监管的目标之一,也是保险市场健康发展与成熟的标志。本文以中国保险监管部门开通首个保险消费者投诉热线作为外生政策变量,利用2009-2018年中国163家保险公司数据设计准自然实验,研究了保险消费者投诉热线的外部监督职能及其对保险公司业绩的影响。研究结果表明:保险消费者投诉热线的开通显著降低了消费者权益保护水平更差的保险公司业绩;佣金激励水平越高,保险消费者投诉冲击对消费权益保护水平更差的保险公司业绩的负向影响越显著;区分人身保险公司与财产保险公司后发现,保险消费者投诉冲击对消费者权益保护水平更差的财产保险公司业绩的负向影响更显著。本文研究成果丰富了消费者权益与保险公司治理理论,对保险消费者权益保护实践和保险市场高质量发展具有启示意义。  相似文献   

Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting - This study demonstrates the way investors psychological traits influence their financial behaviors in the stock market. Results from the Health and...  相似文献   

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