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张戎 《广东财政》2001,(8):47-47
随着电子商务的迅速发展,网络技术的日益成熟。在政府采购工作中,要求采用网上采购方式的呼声越来越高。实施网上采购,不仅方便、快捷,而且交易成本低、信息公开化程度高,的确是一种很有发展前途的采购方式。从国外的情况看,许多发达乃至发展中国家都建立了大规模的因特网采购体系,如巴西,1998年3月开始建立全国范围的网上采购体系,当年进行网上采购5,600余件,总支出即比上年减少11%,取得了良好效果。对于从1998年才开始全面推行的我国政府采购工作而言,要建立我国的因特网采购体系,我们还需做些什么呢?  相似文献   

随着科学技术的不断进步,高校物资采购管理模式日趋完善.“网上竞价”采购模式是近年来高校物资采购过程中重要的应用形式,对规范采购过程,提高采购效率,优化管理模式有着重要影响.本文将对高校物资网上竞价采购模式的实践应用展开详细论述,对其应用现状进行分析,并着重探讨出进一步优化该模式实践应用的有效对策,以促进高校物资采购更加高效、规范.  相似文献   

据了解,上海市市本级一年的汽车采购量为1000多辆,对时效性要求较高。这样的需求特点,使网上竞价采购方式成为可能。网上竞价方便了预算单位和供应商记者了解到,上海市公务用车网上竞价采购方式在探索中不断完善。前两年是不定期的网上竞价,发布采购公告后就要求在固定时间进行网上竞价。这样,供应商感觉还不是非常方便。  相似文献   

试谈网上竞价采购   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
为了提高我军物资应急采购能力,扎实做好应急作战物资准备工作,上半年笔者所在单位在总部有关部门的指导下开展了应急物资采购作业演示。其中“网上竞价采购”方式首次登上军队物资采购的舞台,6月10日、6月30日和8月25日,三次采购台式计算机137台,获得了圆满成功。其方式之新颖、效果之明显,受到业内广泛关注。本文试就“网上竞价采购”问题谈一些不成熟的认识和看法。  相似文献   

经过半年的努力,南京市政府采购协议供货网上竞价采购改革顺利完成,并于2011年1月1日正式启用。本文介绍了南京市协议供货产品网上竞价采购的主要做法、特点以及成效,其成功经验可以为其他省市提供借鉴。  相似文献   

电子商务在房地产业的应用前景初探   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
电子商务是一种高效率、低成本的新型交易方式,房地产企业可以利用互联网进行建筑材料和设备采购,但网上售房还有很多障碍,难以大规模开展,网上广告与网下交易结合是目前现实的营销方式。  相似文献   

网上虚拟市场的出现从根本上改变了企业的原材料采购和销售环境,整个经济运行越来越呈现出期货经济的特征。因此期货原材料采购是一个值得深入研究的领域。现有相关研究总体上分为期货商品相关企业的生产和套期保值决策研究、网上虚拟市场的存在与企业采购决策研究两方面。结合期货相关理论进行的原材料采购问题研究,还有必要进一步深入。  相似文献   

郝杰 《理财》2001,(9):33-34
一医药电子商务的作用(一)网上采购有利于规范药品购销行为,净化医药市场。由于医疗单位对药品实行联合采购的方式,上网的药品由专家委员会把关,非法医药市场经销的药品因不能提供合法的销售代理文件,无法通过专家委员会的合法性审查,堵住了假冒伪劣药品流入医院的路子,较好地保证了药品质量和临床用药的安全。(二)网上采购能够有效地遏制药品采购中的不正之风。联合采购采用了新的分工机制,改变了以医院为单位的分散决策,代之为采购集团的集体决策,将过去那种长期沿用的“人对人”交易模式改变为“人机对话”的交易模式,使过…  相似文献   

为建立更加高效、公开、透明的采购新模式,浙江省庆元县开发了在线交易"网上竞价"系统,使得政府采购走向规范化、阳光化、精细化、科学化。但是,网上竞价并非完美无缺,同样也存在一些不足,本文就协议供货和小额采购网上竞价的利弊进行了分析。  相似文献   

个人消费者网络虚拟团购模型构建及优化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文在分析研究目前网上拍卖所存在的问题的基础上,构建了基于消费者采购目标的网络虚拟团购模型,在此模型中,个人消费者采购的产品的价格将大大降低,无论是企业消费者还是个人消费者都将享受数量折扣和累加数量的价格折扣,从而保证虚拟团购的顺利实施.  相似文献   

网络借贷作为金融与科技融合的数字金融业态,市场需求旺盛,未来必然会长期作用于民间金融。网络借贷在发展中存在着诸多问题,是源于网络借贷生态环境的缺陷。网络借贷需要在规范经营中探索业务模式和监管方式的创新,加强监管协调,引入“监管沙盒”机制。因此,需要加强大数据、云计算、人工智能在网络借贷中的应用,并完善社会征信体系和法制体系,改善社会信用环境,完善行业自律机制,建立良好的网络借贷生态环境,以促进网络借贷健康可持续发展。  相似文献   

随着以电子商务为核心的网络经济的日益壮大和发展,传统的市场营销理论与观念发生了革命性的变革,网上营销观念也就应运而生。本文从分析企业营销观念的概念和演变入手,较为深刻地论述了网上营销观念的概念及其要点,指出突出服务、迅速及时、锐意创新是网上营销观念最为重要的重点。  相似文献   

网上证券交易作为证券交易的一种交易形式,在给证券交易带来便利和快捷的同时,也给相应的立法和司法提出了新的需求和问题。作为网上证券交易发展历史较短的我国,随着网上证券交易的实践逐步增多,其中的民事侵权行为也开始出现,而对网上证券交易侵权责任归责原则的认识是对侵权行为认定的核心,对民事侵权的立法和司法显得尤为重要。本文对我国网上证券交易侵权责任归责原则进行探讨,以期对我国网上证券交易侵权责任的认定、民事侵权制度的完善及我国网上证券交易民事侵权的实践起到积极的推动作用。  相似文献   

网络团购这个渠道是否能为企业带来新的利益增长点,这个利益增长点起到的作用能否大于网络团购对传统渠道可能形成的冲击,是值得研究的问题。研究表明,网络团购的作用不仅仅是为了达成交易量,同时也具有推广和宣传的作用,带来更多的潜在消费群体在传统渠道上进行消费;而传统渠道能为企业带来稳定的收益,是企业开展网络团购活动的基础。网络团购与传统渠道的关系是像企业的两支手,它们面临着不同的消费群体,并存在各自的优势与劣势,避免冲突并形成合作互补才是最佳途径。  相似文献   

Past research has focused on the dimensions (consequences) of perceived risk and the effect of global risk on e-commerce adoption by consumers. This paper uses a new approach to examine the influence of perceived risk on e-commerce adoption and, on the basis of the Theory of Planned behaviour (TPB), develops an integrative model that includes the effect of three risk sources (i.e. technology, vendor and product) on the attitude towards the website use and online purchasing intention of users. In addition, this study examines how involvement, one of the main determinants of consumer behaviour, affects the role of these sources of perceived risk in e-commerce adoption. The results obtained in a sample of 1083 users of tourist services suggest that technology risk is the main determinant of online purchasing intention, which is also influenced by the variables from the TPB model. For its part, the technology risk and vendor risk have a negative influence on attitude towards the website use. In addition, both types of risk have a higher negative effect on attitude in the case of high-involvement users, supporting the moderating influence of involvement on e-commerce adoption. From a practical point of view, the findings of this research help managers to implement actions aimed at reinforcing the users’ trust in their websites and, consequently, at fostering the online purchase.  相似文献   

Inherent home bias and trade barriers (particularly local protectionism in China), which are difficult to separate, are two main explanations of border effect. We attempt to solve this problem by analyzing online trade. Different from offline trade, inherent home bias is the only cause of online border effect because local governments are usually unable to restrict online trade. Thus, the difference between the border effect in online and offline trade can be reasonably interpreted as the existence of government protectionism in the offline market. We find a statistically significant difference between online and offline border effects in China, which can be interpreted as strong evidence that policy barriers remain significant and hinder interregional trade.  相似文献   

We find that annual shareholder meetings conducted online can significantly increase the participation of shareholders, especially minority shareholders. This finding is more evident when the cost of physically attending the annual meeting is higher and when the firm's ownership is more dispersed. We further document significant positive stock returns when firms initiate annual online meetings. We also find that such online meetings help improve corporate governance. Overall, we provide evidence that online shareholder meetings provide shareholders a cost-effective way to participate in governance issues.  相似文献   

在这个网络社会愈发深化的时代,通过互联网科技完善和发展线上供应链金融成为必要的发展方向。本文首先梳理了传统供应链金融的基本模式,发现了其存在的不足;然后重点介绍了当前三种主要的线上供应链金融模式,总结了线上供应链金融的优势;最后,提出相关政策建议,认为金融机构应该不断升级线上供应链金融产品,逐步完善供应链金融线上操作系统,监管机构需要出台更加严格的监管规则对线上供应链金融进行有效监管。  相似文献   

Harm-advocating online content includes pro-eating disorder, pro-self-harm, pro-suicide, and the positive portrayal of the deaths of real people (snuff or death sites). This material is often user-generated and easily accessible for an average online user, therefore offering a potential source of risk for many Internet users. This cross-sectional study examined the association between exposure to harm-advocating online content and users’ subjective well-being (SWB) among American (n = 1032) and Finnish (n = 555) young people aged 15–30. Exposure to different types of online harm-advocating content was prevalent in both countries. Lower SWB was associated with exposure to this material even when controlling for social networking site (SNS) activity and online and offline victimization. In the US sample, seeing death sites was not associated with SWB, but seeing other harm-advocating sites was. In both countries, those with high SNS activity were more likely to be exposed to online harm-advocating material. These results from two advanced information societies underline the importance of recognizing the existence of harmful online communities. These communities are grounded on social interaction that might involve risks for the well-being of adolescents and young adults.  相似文献   

The present paper conducts a critical analysis of the potential for gambling-related harm in relation to online poker participation, and a theoretical evaluation of current responsible gambling strategies employed to mitigate harm in online gambling and applies the evaluation of these strategies specifically to online poker gambling. Theoretically, the primary risk for harm in online poker is the rapid and continuous nature of poker provisions online, and has been demonstrated to be associated with disordered gambling behaviour, including the chasing of monetary losses. The following responsible gambling features were deemed relevant for consideration: informed player choice, voluntary self-exclusion, employee intervention, pre-commitment, in-game feedback, behavioural tracking tools, and age restriction and verification. Although current responsible gambling features are evaluated as theoretically robust, there remains a fundamental need for experimental validation of their effectiveness. Furthermore, despite online poker gamblers perceiving the responsible gambling features as valuable tools, in reality very few players regularly use available responsible gambling features. Ultimately, for the online poker gambling industry to retain market credibility and avoid substantial top-down regulation, it is imperative to demonstrate effectiveness of responsible gambling approaches, and increase customer utilisation of available harm-mitigation features.  相似文献   

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