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美国在全球经济中的地位决定了其货币政策调整势必对我国产生溢出效应。在美联储进入加息周期的背景下,本文研究美国货币政策对我国资产价格的溢出效应,有助于我国及时调控和降低国内经济波动。通过构建DCC-GARCH模型和TVP-VAR模型,本文发现美国货币政策与中国资产价格之间具有较强的相关性,且相关性随着美国货币政策的调整而变化。短期内美联储加息或缩表会对国内房地产市场、股票市场和债券市场带来明显的负向冲击,但在中长期对国内资产价格产生的冲击有限。本文的研究对于加强我国宏观调控具有较强的现实意义。  相似文献   

本文研究了我国A股上市公司发布盈余公告后,债券价格反应对于关联股票未来回报的预测能力。研究发现,盈余公告前1日至后1日债券收益率的变动可以预测公告公布后窗口期为20日的股票持有超额累计回报;实证结果显示,这种预测能力不会因为盈余信息的好坏而存在显著的差异;最后基于似无相关模型SUR的检验后,发现上市公司的机构持股比例越低,债券价格反应对于股票回报的预测能力越强。本文研究表明,我国被富有经验的投资者所主导的债券市场中债券价格相对于股票价格会更迅速地吸收消化盈余公告信息。  相似文献   

企业债券市场是我国金融市场重要组成部分。从影响债券价格变动的主要因素出发,结合宏观经济总体形势,笔者分析了我国的企业债券市场。通过对货币政策、通货膨胀预期,企业债券相关制度法规以及其他影响债券需求的因素进行分析后,判断我国债券市场仍旧有着良好的中长期发展态势,企业债券成为众多企业融资的重要工具,也将成为备受投资者青睐的投资工具。  相似文献   

康怡 《国际金融》2004,(4):38-40
国际债券投资正成为中国金融机构重点开拓的重要业务之一。债券投资回报预测是债券投资决策过程的首要阶段,美国债券市场是世界上最发达的债券市场,也是我国商业银行和其它机构投资者重点投资的债券市场。货币政策分析是债券投资回报预测的基本依据。本文以美国债券  相似文献   

王永钦  徐鸿恂 《金融研究》2019,464(2):20-39
杠杆周期理论表明,杠杆周期会影响金融体系的稳定性,资产的质押率(相应地,杠杆率)上升会提高资产价格;由于杠杆率一般是内生的,所以在实证上一直很难确立杠杆率与资产价格之间的因果关系。本文首次运用2017年1月到8月中国证券交易所债券市场和银行间债券市场的债券发行数据,利用中国银行间债券市场和交易所债券市场对同类债券的不同质押率规定的自然实验,对杠杆率与资产价格之间的因果关系进行了实证检验。结果表明,债券的可质押属性可以提高债券的价值,这验证了杠杆周期理论的预测,即杠杆率上升会使得资产价格上升。因此,杠杆率对资产价格有重要影响,是宏观审慎监管的一种工具,也应该成为货币政策的一种工具。  相似文献   

潘伟 《金融与经济》2021,(7):38-46,90
根据美联储数据特征构建LT—TVP—VAR模型,从加息和缩表两个层面实证研究美联储非常规货币政策退出对中国金融市场的外溢影响.理论分析和实证结果表明:美联储加息将主要通过流动性供给冲击和跨境资本流动渠道导致我国货币和债券市场利率上行以及人民币对美元汇率的贬值,对我国股票市场的影响有限;美联储缩表的目的是回收过剩流动性,并促进货币政策正常化,短期内对我国金融市场的影响有限,其长期外溢效应取决于缩表的速度和力度.美联储非常规货币政策退出对我国金融市场外溢影响的长期效应,大于短期效应,要积极应对美联储非常规货币政策退出的外溢效应,提升金融市场应对非预期冲击的能力,防范外部冲击造成的系统性金融风险.  相似文献   

与金融危机相比,新冠肺炎疫情主要是对实体经济产生冲击,继而导致金融体系产生动荡,经济陷入衰退.通过对2008年全球金融危机和新冠肺炎疫情暴发后美联储使用的操作方式进行对比分析发现,美联储再次使用了大规摸资产购买、降低基准利率及前瞻性指引等工具,在稳定市场波动的同时,给予了市场足够的信心和充分的政策预期.但宽松政策在带来积极作用的同时也会产生负面影响,包括影响市场正常运转和价格发现功能、引发全球金融市场动荡、导致市场主体出现过度风险承担等.我国应警惕美联储政策的外部溢出效应并做好政策退出后的应对安排,同时货币政策应坚持以我为主、松紧适度,把握调控节奏,在稳增长与防风险之间建立长期均衡.  相似文献   

基于前瞻性指引溢出效应的相关理论,选取17个代表性新兴市场国家为研究对象,运用面板向量自回归(PVAR)模型实证分析美联储前瞻性指引对新兴市场国家的溢出效应.结果表明:美联储前瞻性指引在短期内对新兴市场国家金融市场具有一定的冲击,在长期内对新兴市场国家经济增长存在滞后的正向作用.新兴市场国家应采取应对策略,做好风险识别和预警,加强预期管理,增强货币政策协调和合作,有效防范和化解外溢影响.  相似文献   

随着金融市场深化与资本市场发展,资产价格波动对货币政策提出新的挑战。该文在回顾相关理论研究的基础上,从完善资产价格统计范围的角度,对我国资产价格与货币供应量的实证关系进行了研究。结果发现,资产价格变动确会对货币政策中介目标产生影响,且不同资产价格对不同层次货币供应量影响不一。建议密切关注资产价格,提升货币政策的前瞻性。  相似文献   

随着我国改革开放不断深入,股票、债券、基金、外汇、房地产等资产在居民财富中的比重越来越高,资产价格波动对居民和实体经济的影响越来越大。货币政策是否应该干预资产价格变动,如何将资产价格纳入到货币政策指标体系中,这些问题引起国内外广泛深入的研究。本文在分析国内外研究成果经验的基础上,结合当前我国国情,探讨了资产价格波动下提高货币政策有效性的途径。  相似文献   

郝大鹏  王博  李力 《金融研究》2020,481(7):38-56
本文构建包含国际投资者、外资企业和银行流动性冲击的DSGE模型来探究美联储货币政策变动和政策不确定性对我国宏观经济的影响和作用机制。研究发现:(1) 美联储加息会导致我国产出、投资和通货膨胀的下降、汇率贬值、国际资本外流和银行系统流动性紧张。随着金融摩擦程度的增加和银行杠杆率的上升,美联储加息对我国产出、投资和资产价格的负面影响会进一步增强。(2) 美联储货币政策不确定性的增加会直接导致外资企业的投资、劳动需求和产出的下降,并对我国总产出、总投资和资产价格产生明显的负向外溢效应,进一步加剧我国宏观经济的波动。(3)为应对美联储的利率变动,适当限制国际资本流动能有效稳定我国经济波动和改善社会福利,而实施固定汇率和央行盯住美国利率的政策会加大宏观经济的波动,并导致社会福利下降。  相似文献   

This article investigates how uncertainty impacts the effect of monetary policy surprises on stock returns. Using high-frequency US data, we demonstrate that stock markets respond more aggressively to monetary policy surprises during periods of high uncertainty. We also show that uncertainty asymmetrically influences the transmission of positive and negative monetary policy surprises to stock market prices. The amplifying effect of uncertainty is found to be stronger for expansionary shocks than for contractionary shocks. Our robustness analysis confirms that financial uncertainty has a significant role in shaping the influence of monetary policy on the stock market.  相似文献   

贾盾  孙溪  郭瑞 《金融研究》2019,469(7):76-95
中国人民银行周期性发布的货币政策相关公告为市场判断货币政策走向提供重要信息。较于实体经济反馈政策信息具有滞后性,股票市场是否在货币政策公告期内及时对政策消息做出反应,即存在公告效应?股票价格是否体现预期货币政策调整带来的不确定性?本文基于2011-2017年A股市场数据,研究我国股票市场在我国货币政策相关公告发布前后几日这一较短窗口区间内的市场反应。结果表明,股市指数在发布货币供应量指标的公告前几天内会出现显著为正的风险溢价,而在指标发布后溢价并不显著,这一现象我们称之为货币政策相关公告的“预公告溢价效应”。本文发现,预公告溢价的产生并非由于市场提前预期到货币政策的走向,而是来源于投资者预先获得了对政策不确定性的溢价补偿。本文进一步就防范系统性风险、从数量型货币政策工具向价格型转变等问题提出了相关政策建议。  相似文献   

Recent studies identify stock return patterns associated with changes in Federal Reserve monetary policy. We find that these return patterns prevail across sixteen industry stock indices. However, significant cross-industry variation exists as the apparel industry exhibits mean annual returns that are 50% higher under an expansive Fed policy than under a restrictive policy, while the same return difference for the oil industry is only 20%. This cross-industry variation suggests that monetary conditions may be used by investors to estimate different expected returns across industries. Furthermore, the findings support the view that monetary considerations should be considered in ex ante asset pricing models such as the CAPM.  相似文献   

Unconventional monetary policies (UMPs) announced by the Federal Reserve, the European Central Bank, the Bank of England and the Bank of Japan exert important spillover effects on asset prices in Switzerland. Using a broad UMP event set and a long-term bond-futures based measure of market anticipation, we show that surprisingly expansionary UMPs lower Swiss government and corporate bond yields, induce the Swiss franc to appreciate, and dampen Swiss equity prices. Four extensions provide further insights. First, the estimated effects are strongest for announcements by the ECB. Second, the impact on government bonds is largest for bonds with residual maturities of 7–10 years. Third, the impact of foreign UMP shocks on exchange rates and Swiss bond yields is less pronounced after the introduction of the minimum rate of 1.20 Swiss franc per Euro by the Swiss National Bank on September 6, 2011, indicating that domestic monetary policy action partially affects the impact of external monetary shocks on domestic financial markets. Fourth, the sign of spillover effects differs for positive and negative UMP surprises, but their strength does not.  相似文献   

This study finds evidence that a rise in economic policy uncertainty (EPU) leads to a decline in stock returns in Chinese market; however, a positive coefficient was observed in the lagged EPU as stock prices rebound. This phenomenon also holds true for a rise in uncertainty innovations in fiscal policy, monetary policy, trade policy and global policy. The evidence leads to conclude that policy uncertainty premiums should be priced into China’s stock prices. An escalation of U.S. policy uncertainty has a significantly harmful effect on Chinese stocks regardless of whether firms are stated own or listed on U.S. market.  相似文献   

We studied the relationship between Islamic bond (sukuk) prices and financial and policy uncertainty conditions using a quantile regression approach. Our empirical results for the period 2010–2014 show that US bond prices had a negative impact and causality effects on sukuk prices, whereas European Monetary Union bond prices only co-moved with sukuk prices. We also show that financial uncertainty had a negative effect that was limited to intermediate sukuk quantiles; moreover, sukuk prices were not affected by economic policy uncertainty or stock market returns. Therefore, although Islamic bonds are distinctive assets, their price dynamics are dependent on other bond-related asset prices and so incorporate financial market uncertainty.  相似文献   

The conventional notion of a monetary policy shock as a surprise change in the fed funds rate is misspecified. The primary news for market participants is not what the Fed just did, but is instead new information about the Fed's future intentions. Revisions in these anticipations show up instantaneously in long-term mortgage rates. Home sales do not respond until much later. This paper attributes this delay—and hence much of the hump-shaped response of economic activity to monetary policy—to cross-sectional heterogeneity in search times. This framework allows one in principle to measure policy impacts at the daily frequency.  相似文献   

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