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我国政府会计目标定位研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从分析我国政府会计环境入手,剖析了对我国政府会计目标定位影响较大的政府资源来源、财政管理体制、政治体制和市场经济等环境因素,并由此归纳了我国政府会计信息的主要使用者及其对信息的需求,最终提出了我国政府会计的目标定位。  相似文献   

会计目标指导着经济活动的发展并对其发展具有重要作用。会计目标有受托责任观和决策有用观两种观点。会计环境是影响会计目标定位的主导因素,而不同的会计信息使用者对会计信息的不同需求也对会计目标产生影响。本文通过对两种观点的分析,结合具体的会计环境分析,思考我国现阶段会计目标的定位及发展趋势。  相似文献   

政府财务报告问题研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
政府财务报告是政府会计信息的载体,是研究政府会计改革的重要问题。美国、英国等主要市场经济国家都是在不断丰富、完善政府财务报告内容,力求更为客观、完整、科学地反映政府财务状况,为政府宏观经济管理服务。本文拟对国际会计师联合会以及美国、英国等国的政府财务报告相关问题进行重点研究。一、关于政府财务报告的目标政府财务报告目标与政府财务报告使用者的定位以及政府管理需求直接相关。政府财务报告目标的选择,直接决定着政府财务报告披露内容、形式,并决定着政府会计准则中会计主体、会计基础、会计政策等相关问题。政府财务报告主要目标是提供满足使用  相似文献   

近年来政府会计改革已经成为热点问题,由于我国的政府会计信息仍然处于供需失衡的状态,所以本文深入研究了政府会计信息的各类使用者,并对其信息内容需求和质量需求进行了分析,在此基础上提出了基于需求导向型的政府会计信息披露建议,以促进政府会计改革.  相似文献   

我国传统预算会计的基本目标是为了满足国家宏观经济管理对会计信息的需求,而未来的政府会计既要为政府制定政策、进行绩效评估提供信息,同时更要为纳税人提供有关整个政府财务的信息。因此,未来我国传统的预算会计模式需要借鉴国外经验,向政府会计模式转变。而要建立政府会计模式,必须明确基金会计的改革取向,推动我国政府会计的全面改革。  相似文献   

会计管理体制国家化与会计信息国际化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
郭婷婷 《会计研究》2004,(12):68-69
本文所讨论的会计管理体制,是指国家为确保会计信息质量而对会计人员和会计活动等进行组织和管理的有关体系和制度的总和.其目标是确保会计信息的质量,使会计信息质量能够满足相关方决策和管理的需要;其管理主体,既包括政府的财政部门,也包括政府的证券监管等其他相关部门和注册会计师协会等行业组织;其涉及领域,则涵盖了企业会计和公共会计领域的相关会计人员和会计活动等.其中,企业会计管理体制是指为确保企业会计信息质量,而对企业会计标准、会计人员及其执业行为进行组织和管理的体制;公共会计管理体制是指为确保会计信息鉴证质量,而对注册会计师行业的从业人员(注册会计师)、执业规范和会计服务市场进行组织和管理的体制.为确保会计信息质量,会计管理体制必须以会计信息监管为核心,包括会计信息的生产、披露和质量鉴证三个基本环节.  相似文献   

会计信息质量特征是由会计目标和会计环境影响的,是通往会计目标的桥梁.我国还没有专门规范会计信息质量特征的文件,只在<企业会计准则>和<企业会计制度>中以一般原则和总则的形式提出,本文在对国内外关于会计信息质量特征的研究成果进行研究的基础上.结合我国现阶段所存在的突出问题,为建立我国会计信息质量特征体系提供了参考意见.  相似文献   

刘朝坤 《会计师》2010,(5):9-10
<正>本文通过对两种会计目标理论观点和我国会计信息使用者不同需求的比较分析,论述了我国会计目标的定位和发展方向,同时论述了公允价值计量是决策有用观的会计目标的反映,指出了公允价值计量存在的问题及提出了完善建议。  相似文献   

谭&#;J明 《中国外资》2009,(16):109-109
会计信息质量特征是由会计目标和会计环境影响的,是通往会计目标的桥梁。我国还没有专门规范会计信息质量特征的文件,只在《企业会计准则》和《企业会计制度》中以一般原则和总则的形式提出,本文在对国内外关于会计信息质量特征的研究成果进行研究的基础上,结合我国现阶段所存在的突出问题,为建立我国会计信息质量特征体系提供了参考意见。  相似文献   

在政府会计改革方面,我国政府发现权责发生制对政府会计改革的有利影响,从而引用了权责发生制.为了从根本上提升政府会计信息的精确性、有效性和及时性,政府会计部门愈加注重对权责发生制的运用.本文对权责发生制政府会计改革的困难及应对措施进行了分析,目的在于帮助政府会计部门更好地开展会计改革工作.  相似文献   

政府对国有商业银行股份制改造管理职能的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李桂琴 《金融论坛》2006,11(2):36-40
国有商业银行股份制改革,既是一个宏观层面的课题,又涉及企业微观个体。在这一进程中,作为微观主体和改革对象的国有商业银行必须围绕建立和完善公司治理结构,实施产权变革;作为管理宏观经济和国有资产所有者的政府,其角色和职能也对改革影响深远。本文从政府角色论的发展演变入手,逐一分析市场和政府、企业和政府的相互关系,通过阐述国有商业银行产权特殊性和行业特殊性以及股份制改革的重要性,进而指出在其股份制改造过程中,政府应当在制定战略规划改革方案,支持财务重组和产权重组,规范推动公司治理,实施有效监管,创建良好和谐的金融生态环境等方面发挥应有的管理职能。  相似文献   

From the viewpoint of a developing country which is in need of foreign capital and foreign investments to finance its economic growth, the need for high quality financial information has vital importance. The need for IFRS in Turkey was brought up by the same reasons as a developing country and as an emerging market. With the internationalization of capital markets and the increased volume of international investments, companies functioning in Turkey needed to provide high quality financial information to access financial resources. Furthermore, internationally accepted and reliable financial information is also needed for the overseas customers of the domestic companies. Another reason facilitating the need for IFRS is Turkey's candidation for European Union membership.This paper attempts to explain the development process of accounting standards around the world and its practical results in a developing country: Turkey. Within this context, brief information is given about the structure of International Accounting Standards Board (IASB), and adoption process of IFRS in Turkey. During this adoption process, Turkey encounters several complications such as complex structure of the international standards, potential knowledge shortfalls, and difficulties in application and enforcement issues. This paper explores these difficulties and shares the Turkish experience from a viewpoint of a regulator and an academician, and discusses the proper and consistent way implementing a “Principle Based” IFRS in Turkey.  相似文献   

随着我国资本市场建设的不断深入,除IPO发行股票外,选择并购重组方式上市的企业逐渐增多.针对集团整体上市、借壳上市等并购方式,我国政府部门陆续发布了一系列的相应规范.笔者从信息披露、财务核算、股份发行对价三方面,对目前并购重组实务中仍存在的一些重点问题进行了阐述并提出了完善建议供相关部门参考,以期进一步完善我国资本市场的制度建设,营造公开、公平、公正的证券化市场.  相似文献   

Stock market liberalization is a decision by a country’s government to allow foreigners to buy securities in that country’s capital market. This study examines how the liberalization of the Korean stock market affected stock price behavior and changed the role of accounting information for investment decisions. The Korean stock market opened its door to foreign investment in 1991. Prior to this, market inefficiencies, such as the superfluous co-movement of stock prices with industry or market indices or investment based on rumor and speculation, were widespread. Since the opening of the stock market to foreigners, a more rational pricing behavior has emerged. This setting provides a unique opportunity to investigate how stock price behavior has changed with market liberalization and what was the role of accounting information in this process. Our results indicate that the co-movement behavior of stock prices by industry decreased and stock price differentiation based on individual firm characteristics increased after market liberalization. The results also show that the explanatory power of accounting numbers increased after market liberalization. Overall, the results imply that foreign investors contributed to the improvement of market efficiency with the opening up of capital markets in Korea. We believe that our results provide useful evidence to other capital markets that are in a similar situation.  相似文献   

姜英兵  严婷 《会计研究》2012,(4):69-78,95
本文以2007~2009年沪深A股上市公司数据为研究样本,实证检验了制度环境对会计准则执行的影响。选取地区市场化程度、法律保护、政府干预以及社会资本水平作为制度环境因素解释变量,以盈余管理水平和会计信息披露评级作为会计准则执行效果的替代变量。研究结果表明,地区市场化水平越高、法律保护越好、政府干预越少、社会资本水平越高,则该地区上市公司的会计信息质量越高,从而会计准则在该地区的执行效果就越好。  相似文献   

在当前国际国内经济形势下,境内外融资成本存在较大差异,部分银行、企业通过资金曲线运作从中获取短期双赢,但在宏观层面上却进一步加大了跨境资金流动的波动性,不利于国际收支平衡,最终会影响到微观经济效率。本文选取了一个境外投资案例,对其资金曲线运作手法、套利模式等进行了深入剖析,进而对当前合法合规套利资金的监管方式进行了延伸性探讨。  相似文献   

Armenia is a third-world country with a marginal economy and no capital markets to speak of. The government is bureaucratic. Corruption is widespread and secrecy has long been a tradition in business. Accounting is cash-based and oriented to the stewardship needs of the government. There is no tradition of accounting for management decision making, much less accounting for external, non-government users. Education for accounting has essentially been in technical bookkeeping. Armenia has been attempting to privatize its economy but in order to do so it needs to restructure its accounting system.  相似文献   

We investigate whether business groups in China act as internal capital markets, in an environment that is characterized by a high level of government intervention, a weak legal system, and an underdeveloped financial market. We study how institutional factors, such as the ultimate owner and level of market development, shape the role of these business groups. We find that business groups help member firms overcome constraints in raising external capital, and that the internal capital market within a business group is more likely to be an alternative financing channel among state-owned firms than among private firms. We also find that the internal capital market is more likely to help those affiliated firms which are private, local government owned relative to those owned by central government, or located in regions with a well-developed institutional environment. We present evidence of the role of business groups in risk sharing among affiliated firms, but find that business group affiliation has no impact on firm accounting performance. This study sheds new light on the theory of the firm and its boundaries, and provides a better understanding of China's rapidly growing economy.  相似文献   

This paper extends the literature on bank capital structure by modeling capital structure as a function of important public policy and bank regulatory characteristics of the home country, as well as of bank specific variables, country macro-economic conditions and country level financial characteristics. The model is estimated with annual data for an unbalanced panel of the 78 largest private banks in the world headquartered in 12 industrial countries over the period between 1992 and 2005. The results indicate that bank capital ratios are significantly affected in the hypothesized directions by most of the bank-specific variables. Several of the country characteristic and policy variables are also significant with the predicted sign: banks maintain higher capital ratios in home countries in which the bank sector is relatively smaller and in countries that practice prompt corrective actions more actively, have more stringent capital requirements, and have more effective corporate governance structures.  相似文献   

市场导向型会计信息披露模式构建   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
纵观历史,企业会计报告模式可大致划分为:企业管理导向、所有者治理导向、政府管理导向和资本市场投资决策导向等四种模式。本文从会计报告模式的决定机理研究入手,分析了现行模式的特征,由此得出结论:现行模式与现实的市场经济模式之间的匹配度不够,在此基础上,提出了构建市场导向型会计信息披露模式的框架思想,其关键是对会计信息的职能和价值的重新认识,由此推导出与市场经济模式更为匹配的会计报告目标;并进一步提出了对现行会计报表体系、内容和结构改进的思路。  相似文献   

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