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The introduction of industry policies creates a non-market-oriented policy arbitrage space, which in turn triggers enterprises to adopt "strategic" investments to obtain government policy preferences, which may induce irrational over-investment behaviors and even lead to long-term investment inefficiencies. For an empirical study of the impact of industry policy for the cross-region enterprise investment in specific locations, we manually collected information on industry policy in various regions, as well as data on the establishment of subsidiaries of Chinese listed companies from 2006 to 2019.The results show that enterprises are more likely to invest in regions supported by industry policies. If the enterprise's location is not supported by policies, the impact of this policy "gap" will be strengthened. We find that the higher the level of finance in the region where the enterprise is located, the greater the possibility of the enterprise's cross-region investment. Our research also shows that private enterprise has more substantial incentives to engage in "policy arbitrage", and state-owned enterprises are less affected. In china, a lot of enterprises in regions with high returns on capital have been investing in regions with low returns has increased. However, the increased intensity of investment in low-return regions will significantly inhibit the production efficiency of these enterprises. Our findings help clarify the effect of public policies on the enterprise's investment behavior and efficiency, which enriches the research on the impact of government macroeconomic policies on enterprise micro decision-making. We believe that, when promoting regional industrial upgrades through industry policies, it is necessary to guide enterprises to follow market rules to make market-oriented investments.  相似文献   

Using panel data from 242 cities in China, we examine the impact of government research and development (R&D) spending on corporate technological innovation. We find that listed firms located in cities with higher government R&D expenditures are more innovative than firms in other cities. Further, the positive effect of government R&D spending depends on fiscal instruments and factor allocation. Through subsidies and tax incentives, government R&D spending enhances firm innovation by alleviating financing constraints, improving employee creativity and ensuring efficient operations. We demonstrate that subsidies are more effective than taxes in spurring corporate technological innovation. We also show that the impact of government R&D spending is stronger for state-owned and high-tech enterprises than for other enterprises. Overall, our findings suggest that government R&D spending can substantially improve corporate technological innovation through fiscal instruments.  相似文献   

王筱筱  李时宇  袁诚 《金融研究》2022,501(3):96-114
政府补贴和国有资本参股是政府参与PPP(政府和社会资本合作)的两种主要方式。本文借助一个资本具有外部性的一般均衡模型来分析这两种方式对企业外部融资的影响机制,并进行经验验证。理论分析发现,国有参股的担保效应增加了项目公司对高杠杆的需求,提升了金融中介发放贷款的意愿,使金融中介接受更低的借款利率。政府补贴不影响项目公司与金融中介之间的借贷合约。项目公司外部融资所受影响会进一步传导至参与PPP的企业。因此,国有参股增加稳态时的企业杠杆率,降低借款利率;政府补贴则不影响杠杆率和利率。实证部分通过整合2014-2018年财政部PPP项目库数据和2010-2018年上市公司财务数据,借助PSM-DID分析发现,国有参股程度显著降低参与PPP项目的上市公司的借贷成本并提升其杠杆率,但政府补贴支出没有明显作用,印证了模型结论。此外,市场化程度更高的地区,国有参股程度对参与企业外部融资的影响程度更小。本文研究对PPP模式下如何减少政府债务风险以及控制债务风险向企业转移具有一定的参考意义。  相似文献   

基于实物期权理论,构建自贸试验区企业多阶段研发投资动态决策模型,运用数值模拟方法,考量自贸试验区相关税收、补贴以及知识产权保护等创新支持政策对企业研发投资行为的影响。结果显示:相比传统投资决策方法,多阶段研发投资动态决策模型能更好地帮助企业根据市场环境变化动态调整研发投资策略,发掘政策红利;有助于政府及时调整与完善相关政策,激励与引导企业创新。鉴于此,需完善鼓励类产业目录、优化事中事后监管规则、健全知识产权保护机制、适时调整企业发展战略。  相似文献   

We examine whether government intervention plays an important role in determining corporate investment allocations and efficiency in China. We find the government tends to intervene to promote corporate investment in fixed assets, equity in other state‐owned enterprises (SOEs), and natural resources including oil, natural gas, and mines, but reduces research and development (R&D) investment. However, the effects of government intervention on these investment allocations are primarily found in local SOEs rather than in central SOEs or in private enterprise. Government intervention also induces a crowding‐out effect in natural resource investments of private firms, suggesting that government intervention distorts investment allocations and reduces investment efficiency.  相似文献   

政府R&D资助与企业技术创新——基于效率视角的实证分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用1998~2007年中国大中型工业企业分行业面板数据,采用柯布-道格拉斯(C-D)生产函数形式的随机前沿模型,基于效率的视角,实证考察了政府R&D资助等因素对企业技术创新的影响。研究发现:政府R&D资助对提升企业的技术创新效率有显著的正向影响;企业自身R&D投入的提高有利于其吸收和利用政府的R&D资助,但企业规模和产权类型对政府R&D资助效果的影响并不显著。  相似文献   

基于2011—2021 年沪深A股上市企业数据,运用固定效应模型和中介效应模型探究金融科技发展对企业创新投资的影响及其作用机制。研究发现:金融科技发展有助于提高企业创新投资水平,能够通过促进企业短期金融资产配置行为、抑制企业长期金融资产配置行为提高企业创新投资水平;高管股权激励和政府补助均对金融科技的创新投资驱动效应有显著的强化作用;在非国有企业中,金融科技对于创新投资的驱动效应更显著。  相似文献   

谢里  郑新业 《金融研究》2020,479(5):151-169
引入宏观经济学的理性预期分析框架来评估未来碳减排承诺如何影响当期的能源投资行为具有重要意义。能源项目投资规模大、持续时间长、不可逆性强,使得投资者在决策时会尽可能地纳入影响未来收益和成本的信息。本文将中国碳排放权交易市场试点政策与发电行业投资行为相结合,理论分析和实证检验了政府规划和实施的碳排放权交易市场试点政策如何影响企业的理性预期作用于当期发电技术项目投资,结果表明,碳排放权交易市场试点政策在规划期会促使企业相对提高试点地区低排放发电技术项目投资,特别是相对提高了这些地区低排放火力发电技术项目投资。碳排放权交易试点政策正式实施之后,企业降低了政策试点地区的高排放发电技术项目投资的实际利用水平。这一发现说明环境管制政策在正式实施之前的规划期,会对企业的投资行为产生预期管理效应,通过释放减排政策信号,促使企业先验地调整能源投资决策,以适应未来减排承诺目标。  相似文献   

政府信息公开是提高政府透明度及行政效率的重要制度安排,深刻影响政府资源配置效率与应用绩效.以我国2011-2015年 A股民营上市公司为样本,研究企业注册地政府信息公开质量对企业财政补贴可获性及补贴绩效的影响,结果显示:政府信息公开程度越高的地区,民营企业通过政治关系获取财政补贴现象得以有效抑制,财政补贴配置效率和财政补贴的使用绩效更高.  相似文献   

徐明东  陈学彬 《金融研究》2019,470(8):113-132
企业投资对资本成本的敏感性是识别货币政策利率传导渠道是否畅通以及IS曲线斜率的重要参数。本文基于新古典投资模型框架,使用2004-2017年中国上市公司非平衡面板数据,估计了中国上市企业投资的资本成本敏感性,并侧重检验了融资约束对企业投资资本成本敏感性的影响。估计结果显示:(1)上市企业投资的加权资本成本弹性显著为负,且已具有较强敏感性(长期弹性系数为-0.16~-0.27),价格型货币政策工具的传导条件在上市公司投资环节正逐渐具备 ;(2)对加权资本成本的结构性估计显示,企业投资主要对债务资本成本的变动较为敏感且系数显著为负,而对股权资本成本的变动敏感程度较低且不稳定;(3)与传统观点相反的是,非国有控股上市企业投资的资本成本敏感性显著低于国有控股上市企业;较强的融资约束是导致非国有控股上市企业投资的资本成本敏感性较低的重要原因,应重视民营经济面临较强的融资约束对价格型货币政策工具传导机制的负面影响。本文的研究为中国货币政策框架的转型以及价格型货币政策传导机制的有效性提供了微观经验证据的支持。  相似文献   

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