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本文以银行贷款收益率为收益,以其波动率为标准反映贷款风险,目标是贷款组合CVaR最小,运用了贷款组合优化模型做实例分析研究.该模型用组合CVaR的收益率控制贷款的收益率风险,并且以VaR风险控制作为约束条件,这样银行风险便被设定在一定的承受范围内.  相似文献   

丁浩 《中国外资》2013,(6):184-184
本文以银行贷款收益率为收益,以其波动率为标准反映贷款风险,目标是贷款组合CVaR最小,运用了贷款组合优化模型做实例分析研究。该模型用组合CVaR的收益率控制贷款的收益率风险,并且以VaR风险控制作为约束条件,这样银行风险便被设定在一定的承受范围内。  相似文献   

联保融资模式因为具有分散单个企业信用风险、借助其他企业信用资源绕开抵押物缺乏障碍、实现有效融资的特点,近几年被融资主体广泛采用。但该模式存在的最大缺点是其有效性受经济环境影响较大,即联保融资模式的有效性存在以行业下行信号为标志的边界。本文通过对威海某钢贸城内经营商户采用联保模式融资、因行业景气程度下降引发集体违约的案例进行描述,揭示联保融资模式信用风险分散功能在突破有效边界时从有效变为无效的根本原因,提出引入第三方担保、确保担保机构业务多元化可以在一定程度上防范联保融资模式的系统性风险。  相似文献   

本文在经典的Matkowitz投资组合策略选择的框架下,用CVaR代替了方差作为风险测度,在Black-Scholes模型下,用几何布朗运动来刻画股票价格过程,得出均值-CVaR模型下的动态最优策略和有效前沿边界.  相似文献   

以成立时间在2012年前的21只股票型QDⅡ基金为样本,进行样本基金的评价。首先,采用传统的詹森指数考察基金业绩,然后采用VaR和CVaR对基金进行风险评价。通过计算样本基金的VaR和CVaR,得出基金收益率序列的尖峰厚尾特征对VaR和CVaR有相当大的影响的结论。  相似文献   

最优消费与资产组合选择理论是金融学中资产组合选择理论的扩展和延伸.本文将最优消费和资产组合选择理论文献按照完全市场和非完全市场的假设前提分为两大类进行回顾和总结,并重点介绍了国外学者研究劳动收入风险以及流动性约束对资产组合选择影响的最新成果,这对研究我国居民资产组合选择具有很大的启发.  相似文献   

最优消费与资产组合选择理论是金融学中资产组合选择理论的扩展和延伸。本文将最优消费和资产组合选择理论文献按照完全市场和非完全市场的假设前提分为两大类进行回顾和总结,并重点介绍了国外学者研究劳动收入风险以及流动性约束对资产组合选择影响的最新成果,这对研究我国居民资产组合选择具有很大的启发。  相似文献   

夏江山 《海南金融》2012,(4):36-38,82
本文基于结构风险最小化思想,考虑到投资者不同的风险偏好以及单个资产的集中度、资金规模、交易成本等影响因子,建立了基于CVaR约束的新型金融市场指数追踪优化模型,并利用深圳成份指数历史数据进行了实证检验.实证结果表明本文提出的新方法能够提高样本外追踪效果,从而具有较高的理论和实用价值.  相似文献   

本文首先介绍了投资组合理论与copula,然后给出基于概率的收益率等定义,建立基于概率的收益率的投资组合选择模型并给出具体解法,接着通过选取上证领先指数与深证领先指数2004年9月1日至2006年5月26日的日收盘数据进行实证分析,发现在收益率(基于概率的收益率)一定的情况下,通过投资组合可以降低风险。pápápá  相似文献   

本文首先介绍了投资组合理论与copula,然后给出基于概率P0的收益率等定义,建立基于概率P0的收益率的投资组合选择模型并给出具体解法,接着通过选取上证领先指数与深证领先指数2004年9月1日至2006年5月26日的日收盘数据进行实证分析,发现在收益率(基于概率的收益率)一定的情况下,通过投资组合可以降低风险.  相似文献   

基于概率收益率与概率风险的定义,建立基于风险与收益率的投资组合模型,为了更好拟合联合分布,在具体解法中采用Copula函数来构造多个资产收益率的联合分布。由于不要求收益率服从维纳过程,因此基于Copula的Markowitz投资组合选择模型具有更广的适用性。通过对上证领先指数与深证领先指数收盘数据实证分析发现,在收益率(基于概率ρ0的收益率)一定的情况下,通过投资组合可以降低风险。  相似文献   

Correlation Risk and Optimal Portfolio Choice   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We develop a new framework for multivariate intertemporal portfolio choice that allows us to derive optimal portfolio implications for economies in which the degree of correlation across industries, countries, or asset classes is stochastic. Optimal portfolios include distinct hedging components against both stochastic volatility and correlation risk. We find that the hedging demand is typically larger than in univariate models, and it includes an economically significant covariance hedging component, which tends to increase with the persistence of variance–covariance shocks, the strength of leverage effects, the dimension of the investment opportunity set, and the presence of portfolio constraints.  相似文献   

Theories on loan portfolio swap hedging are based on a portfolio-choice approach. This paper presents an alternative: a firm-theoretic model for bank behavior with loan portfolio swaps. Our paper derives the optimal loan rate and rate-taking loan amount of the banks portfolio, and relates them to the market loan rate, counterparty loan rate, swap default risk, capital-to-deposits ratio, and deposit insurance. We find that in the bilateral default risk approach, the comparative static results are generated by four factors: the banks risk magnitude about the equity market value, loan composition in the swap contract, the substitution effect in the loan portfolio, and the income effect from the swap transaction. The results imply that changes in the payoff asymmetry in the event of swap default and the banks regulatory parameters have a direct effect on the banks loan portfolio for lending and swap transactions.We would like to thank two anonymous referees for helpful comments and advice.  相似文献   

We provide simple methods of constructing known results. At the core of our methods is the identification of a simple concise basis that spans the Capital Market Line (CML). We show that a portfolio whose risky assets weights are the product of the inverse variance‐covariance matrix of (nonredundant) security rates of return times the vector of the excess expected rates of return over the risk‐free rate is a CML portfolio. This portfolio and the risk‐free security span the CML. In addition, with this basis, there is immediate construction of the efficient frontier of risky assets (the 'hyperbola'), 'tangency' portfolios, 'reflection' portfolios, and a CAPM relationship. Our method is quick and simple. It is easy to derive, teach, implement, interpret, and remember.  相似文献   

本文以港交所H股指数期货的收盘价格数据作为实证载体,基于GARCH族模型中残差的正态分布、T分布和广义误差分布(GED)三种不同情形,分别采用GARCH、EGARCH及PARCH模型,计算H股指数期货收益波动序列的VaR和CVaR值,结果表明基于广义误差分布的PARCH模型(GED-PARCH)无论在计算VaR值还是CVaR值方面都是最优的。  相似文献   

Three types of agents acting on different information sets are considered: fully informed agents, insiders, and outsiders. Differences in information quality are shown to affect the properties of their optimal portfolios. For an outsider, the share of wealth invested in the stock is decreasing in the variance of the stock. However, for an insider, the effect of an increasing stock variance on the optimal portfolio weight is ambiguous. In a calibration to U.S. data, the confidence intervals of the insider's demand for the stock converge, whereas the outsider's confidence intervals become wider.  相似文献   

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