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本文以我国2007-2014年A股上市公司为样本,理论分析并实证检验了供应链关系方面的一个重要特征——供应商/客户集中度,对于企业银行借款能力的影响。结果发现,供应商/客户集中度越高,企业的银行借款能力越强。具体表现为,当企业向前五大供应商的采购比例或向前五大客户的销售比例较高时,其所获得的全部银行借款、短期借款和长期借款规模都会更大。进一步,本文发现,供应商/客户集中给企业带来的借款优势在其议价能力较高时表现的更为突出。但议价能力的这种调节效应,主要表现在供应商/客户集中度对企业全部银行借款和短期借款的影响中。本文结论说明,企业的供应链关系是银行在授信决策过程中予以考量的重要因素。  相似文献   

本文利用我国证券市场推出融资融券制度这一准自然实验,基于放松卖空管制的经济后果这一研究基础,进一步研究放松卖空管制如何影响企业的债务融资成本。从卖空机制对公司信息披露质量、公司现金价值及对公司会计稳健性的治理作用来看,放松卖空管制通过这一系列治理作用降低了公司的债务融资成本。进一步在不同产权性质条件下,对其进行分组回归,发现卖空机制在民营企业中对债务融资成本的降低作用更为显著,并且在股权集中度高的样本中,债务融资成本的降低作用更为显著。  相似文献   

本文以融资成本和借款期限作为银行借款契约的代理变量,实验检验内部控制质量、企业规模与银行借款契约的关系。研究显示:提升内部控制质量有助于企业获得较低的借款融资成本和较长的借款期限;银行债权人出于自我保护动机导致了债务人的企业规模会影响借款契约条款的设置,即与小规模企业相比,大规模企业获得了更为宽松的借款契约条款;与大规模企业相比,高质量的内部控制对降低借款融资成本和获得较长期限的贷款在小规模企业中更为显著。因此,企业为获得更为宽松的借款契约条款,应加强和完善内部控制制度建设,同时,小规模企业应适时扩大规模分散风险。  相似文献   

本文基于2004~2009年城市商业银行数据,分析了我国城市商业银行的公司治理结构对其信贷行为、不良贷款和银行业绩的综合影响。本文研究发现股权结构是影响我国城市商业银行信贷行为和经营业绩的重要因素。第一大股东的控股能力越强,银行的不良贷款率越高,贷款集中度越高,经营绩效也越差;银行的大股东同样存在的"掏空"动机,第一大股东股权性质为地方政府的银行不良贷款率更高。而银行中的独立董事对银行大股东的"掏空"行为有着显著的抑制作用。我们还发现,股权结构会通过影响城市商业银行的贷款集中度和贷款流向影响银行经营业绩,从而揭示了股权结构影响银行绩效的作用途径和机制。本文的研究为银行公司治理与银行绩效之间关系提供了新的证据,同时对于加强我国城市商业银行的贷款风险控制、防范金融风险和加强金融安全也具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

曲铖 《中国外资》2011,(24):103-103
股权融资成本是决定企业公司融资决策的重要因素,探讨企业股权融资成本受哪些因素影响对于企业合理进行融资决策有着非常重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

本文基于中国制度环境特点,以2001-2011年沪深A股上市公司为样本,实证检验了会计稳健性债务契约假说的普适性,并结合中国资本市场的制度设计,为会计稳健性作用债务融资路径补充了新的理论分析。研究发现:上市公司会计稳健性越高,获得债务融资越少,股权再融资的概率越低。这是由于企业和银行在信贷决策中主导地位的差异,影响了对会计稳健性作用债务融资的路径,上市公司在银企关系中的强势地位,推动了会计稳健性内部治理改善对债务资金需求的降低。  相似文献   

李欢  李丹  王丹 《金融研究》2018,456(6):138-154
本文用2007~2012年所有A股上市公司披露的前五大客户数据,检验了客户资源是否影响企业的贷款能力。结果发现,客户集中度越高的公司银行贷款的规模越大、期限也越长;当优质客户(上市公司和国有企业)的比例越高时,这种现象越明显;但以上关系只在遭受“信贷歧视”的民营企业中成立。上述结果表明,大客户(尤其是优质客户)能够以自身声誉为企业提供收入保障和实力认证,在银行看来对企业价值判断的正向作用大于其潜在的经营风险和利益侵占带来的负向作用,进而供应链资源能够帮助银行进行信贷决策判断,缓解民营企业融资约束。  相似文献   

论文以2007-2016年发行公司债和中期票据的我国上市公司为样本,从公司治理绩效和治理机制两个方面检验了公司治理对债券融资成本的影响.结果表明,公司治理绩效越高,债券融资成本越低;董事会治理、经理层治理与控股股东治理对公司债和中期票据的融资成本都有显著影响.文章进一步地检验了2015年1月《公司债券发行与交易管理办法》修订前后公司治理绩效和治理机制对债券融资成本的影响.研究发现,2015年债券市场发展之后,公司治理对债券融资成本的影响更加显著.  相似文献   

货币政策、信息披露质量与公司债务融资   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
信息透明度是影响企业债务融资成本的重要因素。本文以2002-2010年深圳A股公司为样本,研究发现:信息披露质量较好的公司在货币政策趋紧时获得了更多的银行借款,且随着融资需求的增大,获得的银行借款更多,银行借款的利率也更低。结果表明,较高的信息披露质量有助于降低银企间的信息不对称程度,增强企业获得银行贷款的资信度,降低企业的债务融资成本,从而减轻货币政策变动对企业债务融资带来的不利影响。  相似文献   

本文基于中国16家上市银行2008~2011年的数据,从股权集中度、董事会规模、董事独立性和监事会规模等方面反映银行的公司治理状况,并运用面板数据模型,实证分析商业银行公司治理与信用风险之间的关系。研究结果表明:商业银行股权集中度、商业银行董事会规模与信用风险显著正相关;商业银行董事独立性、商业银行监事会规模与信用风险显著负相关。  相似文献   

This study examines whether the use of tax haven subsidiaries by U.S. multinational corporations (MNCs) is associated with the cost of bank loans. We find that more intensive tax haven subsidiary use by MNCs is positively associated with the cost of bank loans. In cross-sectional analyses, we identify channels through which the positive association between tax haven intensity and bank loan costs is more pronounced, such as a weak information environment, poor corporate governance, high CEO pay-for-performance and corporation-related wealth, and low managerial ability. We also find that intensive tax haven use is positively (negatively) associated with non-price loan contract terms, such as collateralization and financial covenants (loan maturity and general covenants). Our main result holds when public bonds are substituted for bank loans. Finally, additional analysis shows that MNCs with high levels of tax haven intensity are more likely to rely on bank loan financing than on raising debt from the bond market. Overall, this study adds to an emerging body of literature on corporate taxation and debt policy.  相似文献   

In the context of global climate governance, greater carbon emissions of enterprises often result in a higher potential risk of environmental violations. Taking the non-financial companies listed in China from 2008 to 2018 as research samples, this paper empirically examined the impact of firm carbon emission on their acquisition of new bank loans and its mechanism of action. This paper empirically finds that if the carbon emission of an enterprise is higher, it will be granted with less new bank loans. The results remain robust after pairing analysis and instrumental variable analysis. The mechanism analysis shows that corporate credit rating plays a significant moderating role in the relationship between corporate carbon emission and new bank loans. Carbon emission leads to the improvement of earnings management of enterprises and the significant decline in the conservatism and comparability of accounting information, which is likely to be an important channel for the reduction of corporate bank loans. Upon further analysis, we find that the carbon emission of enterprises will not significantly affect the cost of acquiring bank loans, but it will significantly reduce the loan term structure. The cross-sectional analysis shows that the effect of carbon emission on new bank loans is more obvious in state-owned listed enterprises, enterprises with high internal control quality and enterprises with strong environmental law enforcement. The research results of this paper enrich the research on the economic consequences of carbon emission, reveal the implementation effect of green credit policies, provide empirical evidence for bank credit to play a role in green governance, and promote enterprises to actively reduce carbon emission.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the role of intellectual property rights (IPR) protection on the cost of bank loans for firms in 48 countries. Using substantial reforms of patent rights as a source of identifying variation, the paper provides strong evidence that borrowers from countries that underwent IPR reform experience significant reductions in the cost of bank debt. Importantly, the effects of IPR reform on loan rates are significantly larger in industries that are more IP-intensive. Additional analysis shows that in the wake of reforms borrowers obtain larger size loans, which indicates that improvements in IPR are associated with greater credit availability. IPR reform also increases foreign lenders participation in loan syndicates. Overall, these findings suggest that legal protection afforded to intellectual property has a significant impact on the cost of corporate borrowing and the ability of innovative firms to raise debt capital.  相似文献   

This paper examines the effect of the Federal Reserve's quantitative easing (QE) on the cost of bank loans and documents large heterogeneous effects across different firms. In QE1, the average loan spread is 22.7 percent lower compared to the non-QE period. This effect falls in QE2 and OT and then rises in QE3 and the tapering period. The rates of riskier loans are restrained more than less risky loans during QEs as banks take more risks by offering lower rates to attract risky borrowers. The Fed mortgage-backed securities purchases have a larger impact in narrowing the borrowing cost difference between riskier and safer loans than the Fed Treasury purchases. Our results are robust to borrower, year-quarter and bank fixed effects. Overall, our findings support that the risk-taking channel of QE plays a significant role in the corporate bank loan market.  相似文献   

江轩宇  贾婧  刘琪 《金融研究》2021,490(4):131-149
本文在我国保持宏观杠杆率基本稳定及实施创新驱动发展战略的现实背景下,从债券融资的视角,探讨债务结构优化对企业创新的影响。研究发现,债券融资与企业创新之间显著正相关,表明债券融资优化企业债务结构、提升企业创新能力的积极作用占据主导地位。进一步研究表明:(1)债券融资能够通过降低整体债务融资成本并延长整体债务期限促进企业创新;(2)债券融资对于银行贷款存在溢出效应,即企业通过债券融资,还能降低银行贷款利率、延长银行贷款期限,进而促进企业创新;(3)产品市场竞争和代理问题会在一定程度上削弱债券融资对企业创新的促进作用;(4)不同类型的债券对企业创新能力的作用存在异质性,债券发行的便利性是其影响企业创新的一个重要因素。  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine the corporate governance role of banks by investigating the effect of bank monitoring on the borrowers’ earnings management behavior. Our analyses suggest that a borrowing firm’s earnings management behavior generally decreases as the strength of bank monitoring increases. The strength of bank monitoring is measured as (1) the magnitude of a bank loan, (2) the reputation (rank) of a lead bank, (3) the length of a bank loan, and (4) the number of lenders. These results imply that bank monitoring plays an important role in the corporate governance of bank-dependent firms. We further examine other bank loan characteristics (collateral, refinancing, loan types, and loan purposes) and their effects on borrowers’ earnings management behavior. Our analyses show that collateral and loan types are significantly associated with borrowers’ earnings management behavior while refinancing and loan purposes have no association.  相似文献   

理论上,年报被出具非标意见会降低企业的债务融资能力。但本文发现非标意见对企业新增银行借款和债务期限结构没有显著负面影响,不支持理论预期。我们认为,在中国,银行是一个并非完全以利润最大化为目标的独立市场主体,他们会为了地方社会稳定和经济发展向企业提供贷款;另外,企业有政府的隐性支持,银行不需要太关注企业的偿债风险。因此,虽然非标意见传递出会计信息质量低或未来经营风险高等问题,但它对银行借款的影响相当有限。本文的研究有助于我们理解中国上市公司会计造假盛行、非标意见比例过高的现象。  相似文献   

戴亦一  张鹏东  潘越 《金融研究》2019,470(8):77-95
本文首次利用最高人民法院发布的失信被执行人数据(俗称“老赖”)度量地区诚信水平,并以2003—2014年A股上市公司为样本实证检验地区诚信水平对上市公司银行借款比例的影响。研究发现,相比诚信水平较高的地区,上市公司在失信环境下能够获得更多的银行借款。机制检验的结果表明,上市公司信息透明度更高、受外部监督更多,能够缓解失信环境下企业违约风险的提高。进一步研究还发现,当银行作为原告方的诉讼中“老赖”比例越高时,失信环境对上市公司银行借款比例的作用更加显著;而当企业遭遇行业危机或企业所在城市信用体系建设相对完备时,地区诚信水平的影响会被削弱。该结论在经过一系列内生性和稳健性检验之后,依然成立。本文从银企借贷的视角解释了地区诚信水平对企业融资和发展的作用,也为企业获取信贷资源、缓解融资难问题提供了可行路径。  相似文献   

Rather than focusing on the spread of enterprises' bank loans, we focus on the impact of government spending expansion on the amount of bank loans obtained by enterprises. We first build a theoretical model to show that there are the demand effect and loan cost effect of government spending expansion on the bank loans and then use the fixed effects approach to analyze the bank loan distribution effect of government spending expansion by using the data of enterprises listed on the China Stock Exchange between 2003 and 2019. Empirical results show that the demand effect plays a leading role for the central government state-owned enterprises (SOEs), helping them obtain more bank loans from banks. In contrast, for private enterprises, the loan cost effect plays a leading role, hurting them in obtaining bank loans from banks. Further research shows that government spending expansion's crowding-in or crowding-out effect differs from Neoclassicism and (new) Keynesianism. This paper provides a new explanation for why the financing problem of private enterprises is getting worse in China. The policy implication is that when the government implements expansionary fiscal policies, it should also provide convenience for private enterprise financing through window guidance to prevent the expansionary fiscal policies from crowding out private enterprise bank loans.  相似文献   

By using an existing and a new convergence measure, this paper assesses whether bank loan and bond interest rates are converging for the non-financial corporate sector across the euro area. Whilst we find evidence for complete bond market integration, the market for bank loans remains segmented, albeit to various degrees depending on the type and size of the loan. Factor analysis reveals that rates on large loans and small loans with long rate fixation periods have weakly converged in the sense that, up to a fixed effect, their evolution is driven by common factors only. In contrast, the price evolution of small loans with short rate fixation periods is still affected by country-specific dynamic factors. There are few signs that bank loan rates are becoming more uniform with time.  相似文献   

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