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本文从制度涵义的视角考察了公允价值会计对上市公司金融投资行为以及债务风险的影响机理。研究发现,公允价值计量模式由于遵循价值相关性原则和提供了可供出售金融资产利得交易管理工具,因而对金融投资行为具有显著激励作用。进一步研究显示,在公允价值计量的影响下,随着金融资产规模的增加,债务风险呈现了显著上升,主要是有息债务比率显著增加。本文的研究为深入理解公允价值会计及价值相关性原则对微观主体和宏观经济的影响提供了分析基础。  相似文献   

系统性风险转移、金融危机与公允价值披露   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
金融创新过程中系统性风险的转移突破了证券投资中收益与风险的传统对应关系,使衍生工具成为一种能有效规避系统性风险的投资载体。公允价值按市值计价的会计处理方法存在着一定的不足,即反映收益的同时忽视了对风险的应有监督;而同时披露收益的相关性和风险的相关性这两方面的信息是提升公允价值信息决策有用性的重要一环。这就需要从披露的视角研究公允价值的具体应用,探讨公允价值披露的改进。  相似文献   

赵平 《新金融》2010,(9):29-31
银行公允价值会计计量属性与银行审慎性监管存在根本性冲突,在这一认识的基础上,文章具体分析了银行实施公允价值会计对资本充足性监管和监管风险评级的不利影响,认为公允价值会计计量属性的采用削弱了审慎性银行监管的有效性。这一研究结论事实上为最近两年有关"公允价值会计核算与金融危机挂钩"的业界观点提供了一种解释,因为金融危机的形成一般都会找到来自于银行监管方面的原因。  相似文献   

徐国祥  吴婷  王莹 《金融研究》2021,490(4):38-54
本文将银行系统遭遇外部共同冲击作为研究起点,建立了一个共同冲击和异质风险交互传导与放大的简化模型,冲击的传导包括“原始冲击”、“增量冲击”和“违约冲击”三个风险传染阶段。基于2018年我国15家上市银行的股票收益率和年报数据、2006年至2018年的银行评级数据,本文构建了贝叶斯分层图模型和银行间拆借矩阵,并利用蒙特卡洛模拟测度不同触发银行所引发的系统性风险损失、单个银行的系统性风险杠杆能力(文中定义为“传染乘数”指标)以及政府监管介入的效果。模拟结果显示:共同冲击损失远大于异质风险损失;规模和网络关联性是决定传染乘数的重要因素,且当规模因素不突出时,网络关联性对传染乘数的决定作用相对更强,极容易出现小规模、高关联性银行具有较高的传染乘数;当银行风险资产损失率在10%至25%之间时,造成系统性风险损失的杠杆能力普遍增强;政府监管介入能较好地降低系统性风险。本研究的相关结论为系统性风险的监管设计提供经验证据和参考。  相似文献   

通过分析2011-2020年房价、汇率波动以及上市银行收益率的数据发现,房价波动对于银行系统性风险的冲击较汇率冲击更加明显,其影响在较长时期内存在。在房价与汇率联合作用下,房价波动的冲击效果被汇率波动的影响削弱,但是汇率波动的冲击则会因房价下跌的影响而扩大。异质性研究发现,国有商业银行系统性风险对房价与汇率波动的反应较股份制银行和城商行更小。监管部门要加强房价与汇率波动的监测,进行预防性调控,防止银行系统性风险加剧。  相似文献   

2008年全球金融体系经历狂风骤雨危机,对这场金融风暴前因后果的讨论持续数年,公允价值会计处于风暴中心被认为放大了损益表的盈余波动并具有顺周期效应.本文通过从实际银行样本中抽取的"四大国行"2008-2010年度损益表,比较公允价值会计在正常和极端二种经济条件下的商业周期中对银行损益表的影响,甄别产生公允价值会计顺周期效应的方式,便于准确评估公允价值会计对银行损益造成的影响,为银行监督者和高管层提供科学量化的见解.研究结果揭示:损益表的波动受市场环境的影响反映经济体自身波动,不一定具有顺周期性,公允价值会计并非必然导致顺周期效应.  相似文献   

以2007—2021年我国A股上市的28家商业银行作为样本,基于系统性风险分解视角,实证检验了业务多元化对商业银行系统性风险的影响。实证结果表明,商业银行业务多元化与个体风险存在正“U”形的非线性关系,与关联性风险存在负相关关系,与银行系统性风险存在正“U”形的非线性关系。进一步研究发现,银行规模对业务多元化与银行系统性风险之间的非线性关系有显著的正向调节作用。  相似文献   

本文基于2007Q4-2021Q3的中国14家上市银行的数据,运用面板回归模型研究了实体经济波动对银行系统性风险的具体影响。研究发现:在金融周期演化过程的上行期实体经济波动对银行系统性风险有正向影响,在下行期有负向影响;金融周期和经济周期的同步对该影响具有增强作用,两者异步则和该影响具有减弱作用。因此,在银行系统性风险监管过程中,应针对金融周期不同时期采取差异性措施。  相似文献   

产权保护、公允价值与会计稳健性   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
在金融危机和会计国际趋同的宏观背景下,以产权保护为逻辑主线,本文重点考察了公允价值与会计稳健性之间的关系。研究发现:在历史成本会计模式下,公允价值与会计稳健性之间若即若离;在公允价值会计模式下,公允价值与会计稳健性之间彻底悖离;在混合会计模式下,公允价值与会计稳健性之间适度耦合;金融危机中公允价值论战的焦点表面上是会计的技术性问题,实质上是会计的社会性问题,即公允价值充当了一个产权博弈的筹码。  相似文献   

复杂网络为分析系统性金融风险和系统重要性机构提供了全局性视角,但由于数据获取上的局限,我国银行系统网络构建存在困难。利用贝叶斯方法和2013—2015年银行资产负债数据构建银行系统网络,在此基础上建立系统性损失测度指标,并讨论规模与网络中心性在系统重要性银行评估中的作用。研究发现:国有大型商业银行处于银行系统的枢纽位置;同业负债和入度对银行个体风险造成的系统性损失有显著正向影响,而资本缓冲和出度增大能够降低局部危机造成的整体损失。因此,规模仍是影响银行系统重要性的主要因素,而银行之间的关联性也发挥着越来越重要的作用。  相似文献   

There are two competing explanations for the existence of a value premium, a rational market risk explanation, whereby value stocks are inherently more risky than growth stocks, and a market over-reaction hypothesis, where agents overstate future returns on growth stock. Using asymmetric GARCH-M models this paper tests the predictions of the two hypotheses. Specifically, examining whether returns exhibit a positive (negative) risk premium resulting from a negative (positive) shock and the relative size of any premium. The results of the paper suggest that following a shock, volatility and expected future volatility are heightened, leading to a rise in required rates of return which depresses current prices. Further, these effects are heightened for value stock over growth stock and for negative shocks over positive shocks. Thus, in support of the rational risk interpretation, with a volatility feedback explanation for predictive volatility asymmetry.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the allegation that fair value accounting rules have contributed significantly to the recent financial crisis. It focuses on one particular channel for that contribution: the impact of fair value on the actual or potential failure of banks. The paper compares four criteria for failure: one economic, two legal and one regulatory. It is clear from this comparison that balance sheet valuations of assets are, in two cases, crucial in these definitions, and so the choice between ‘fair value’ or other valuations can be decisive in whether a bank fails; but in two cases fair value is irrelevant. Bank failures might arise despite capital adequacy and balance sheet solvency due to sudden shocks to liquidity positions. Two of the most prominent bank failures cannot, at first sight, be attributed to fair value accounting: we show that Northern Rock was balance sheet solvent, even on a fair value basis, as was Lehman Brothers. The case study evidence is augmented by econometric tests that suggest that mark‐to‐market accounting has had only a very limited influence on the perceived failure risk of banks.  相似文献   

When liabilities are accounted for at fair value, a deterioration of a company’s credit risk results in the reporting of an income statement gain; an improvement in a company’s credit risk results in a loss. Many argue that these income statement effects are counterintuitive and that financial statement-users are likely to misinterpret fair value gains as positive signals and fair value losses as negative signals. Utilizing an experiment with CPAs as participants, we find that these arguments are indeed valid. Specifically, we find that over 70% of the participants incorrectly assess a company’s credit risk as improving (deteriorating) when a fair value gain (loss) is recognized. We also find that disclosures that explicitly specify the relation between the direction of the credit risk change and the income statement effect significantly reduce participants’ misinterpretations, and are more beneficial when fair value gains versus losses are recognized. These findings provide empirical evidence in the debate over the recognition of company-specific credit risk changes and offer direction for improving disclosures in the area of fair value accounting.  相似文献   

方意  王晏如  黄丽灵  和文佳 《金融研究》2019,474(12):106-124
本轮国际金融危机之后,建立“宏观审慎政策专门盯住金融稳定目标,货币政策主要关注经济稳定目标”的双支柱成为国际社会的普遍共识。本文基于系统性风险视角,深入剖析系统性风险的累积和实现机制,从时间和空间两个维度梳理宏观审慎政策实现金融稳定的有效性,以及货币政策对系统性风险造成的潜在溢出性。目前从系统性风险的时间维度探讨双支柱政策的研究已较为丰富,可以总结为宏观审慎政策的“逆周期调节”机制和货币政策的“资本缺口”机制。从系统性风险的空间维度探讨双支柱政策的研究,也即对双支柱政策如何作用和改变金融机构内部关联网络的研究正成为研究热点。本文从政策工具和影响机制上对空间维度双支柱政策进行了系统梳理。基于以上分析,本文对双支柱政策的制定提出如下建议:时间维度宏观审慎政策要关注并消除货币政策对时间维度系统性风险的溢出性,同时要加强空间维度宏观审慎政策工具的创新力度。  相似文献   

This study examines the relationship between systematic liquidity risk and stock price reaction to large 1‐day price changes (or shocks). We base our analysis on a yearly updated constituents list of the FTSE All share index. Our overall results are consistent with the price continuation hypothesis, which suggests that positive (negative) shocks will be followed by positive (negative) abnormal returns. However, further analysis indicates that stocks with low systematic liquidity risk react efficiently to both positive and negative shocks, whereas stocks with high systematic liquidity risk underreact to both positive and negative shocks. Our results are valid irrespective of various robustness tests such as size of the shock, size of the firm, month‐of‐the‐year and day‐of‐the‐week effects. We conclude that trading on price patterns following shocks may not be profitable, as it involves taking substantial liquidity exposure.  相似文献   

We show that unpriced cash flow shocks contain information about future priced risk. A positive idiosyncratic shock decreases the sensitivity of firm value to priced risk factors and simultaneously increases firm size and idiosyncratic risk. A simple model can therefore explain book‐to‐market and size anomalies, as well as the negative relation between idiosyncratic volatility and stock returns. Empirically, we find that anomalies are more pronounced for firms with high idiosyncratic cash flow volatility. More generally, our results imply that any economic variable correlated with the history of idiosyncratic shocks can help to explain expected stock returns.  相似文献   

Is affiliation with a multibank holding company beneficial for bank stability? We revisit this question by examining the response of market-based risk measures of independent and multibank-holding-company banks to an exogenous negative shock (the 2005 US hurricane season). We find evidence consistent with bank holding companies playing an important role in mitigating negative shocks, with affiliates of more liquid holdings remaining more stable in terms of both systemic and individual stability. We also conduct an event study showing that markets perceive multibank-holding-company banks' dynamics after the shock as value-enhancing.  相似文献   

This paper extends the canonical, neoclassical investment‐based asset‐pricing model through the incorporation of intangible capital and the formulation of a joint productivity distribution with economic uncertainty shocks at the firm level. The distinctive evolutionary dynamics of intangible capital as opposed to that of physical capital mitigate the negative impact of temporary uncertainty shock on production and serve well to explain the value premium with modest assumptions. The value premium is unconditionally positive, but the realized value spread plummets to negative after major transient second‐moment shocks, for example, the Loma Prieta Earthquake and the 9/11 terrorist attack.  相似文献   

New economy companies often use convertible and redeemable preferred shares with equity and debt characteristics as financing tools to reduce risk during their early stages of growth. According to relevant accounting standards, such preferred shares should be classified as financial liabilities and measured at fair value, with changes in fair value recognized in profit or loss. This can lead to confusing financial information: the better a company’s development prospects, the higher its redemption or conversion price and loss, which can result in a large negative net asset value. A successful initial public offering, however, could offset large losses and negative net asset value. Following the development of accounting standards, this article thoroughly analyzes various proposals to modify relevant accounting standards and eliminate confusing information. This article also proposes possible problems and solutions as a reference for accounting standard setters and the various stakeholders in new economy companies.  相似文献   

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