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金融危机之后,我国商业银行的运营面临更加复杂的市场环境,需要面对的问题是自身转型和可持续发展两方面,私募股权基金为我国商业银行的转型和发展提供了机会,但在运营环境和监管环境下,我国商业银行发展私募股权基金业务过程中面对很大的困境和挑战,文章主要围绕商业银行私募股权基金业务发展问题展开,分析发展中面临的外部困境和内部挑战,最后得出发展建议。  相似文献   

为适应市场发展需要,进一步改善经营效益,我国商业银行在经营方式、市场拓展等方面不断加大了转型力度。 在经营方式方面,我国商业银行加强了非利差收入业务的拓展,主要商业银行都纷纷组建了金融租赁公司、信托投资公司、基金管理公司等,开展多元化经营业务。理财业务、现金管理业务、投资银行业务、衍生金融业务等得到快速发展.  相似文献   

商业银行视角下的私募股权融资研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国是一个私募股权融资正在勃兴的巨大市场,私募股权融资不仅有利于我国产业结构的调整、行业的整合,而且可以促进我国多层次资本市场的发展。商业银行特别是大型商业银行为私募股权融资提供服务具备多种优势。商业银行的介入既推动了私募股权融资的发展,也拓展了自身的业务领域,增加了中间业务收入。虽然私募基金和商业银行选择项目都采用定性分析与定量分析相结合的方法,但是它们选择项目的方法论是不同的,前者一般以静止的观点看待企业,而后者则用发展的眼光选择企业,它们选择项目的具体标准存在较大区别。  相似文献   

私募基金市场发展推动了资本市场“脱媒化”进程,为机构和个人投资者提供了更多投资选择。商业银行在面临挑战的同时,也迎来了业务拓展的新机遇。  相似文献   

《证券投资基金法》(修订)的颁布标志着我国私募基金进入规范发展阶段.本文分析我国私募基金规制立法的利弊,建议我国对公司型和有限合伙型私募基金的运作作出必要规范,出台“证券投资基金法实施细则”或制定专门的“非公开募集基金投资管理办法”,进一步拓展私募基金参与期贷市场的范围并加强对其参与期货市场的监管,适当调低专门从事非公开募集基金管理业务的基金管理人从事公开募集基金管理业务的进入门槛,通过行政和法律措施促使有限合伙型私募基金成为我国私募基金主流发展方向.  相似文献   

桑榕 《新金融》2006,(6):35-37
美国商业银行经营基金业务已有几十年的历史,而且在这方面积累了许多可借鉴的经验。本文首先对美国商业银行经营基金业务的历史发展及现状、进入基金业的动机等方面进行了概述,然后对我国商业银行发展基金业务从组织模式、进入方式以及经营产品的策略等几个方面提出了相应的建议。  相似文献   

毕波 《黑龙江金融》2010,(11):59-60
近些年,随着私募股权基金在我国的投资活动日益增多,更多人开始关注和研究私募股权基金在我国的发展情况。PE在我国的发展也影响到了作为我国金融市场主要参与者的商业银行。作为一种新兴业务,PE业务不仅给我国商业银行带来了前所未有的机遇,也带来了诸多挑战。  相似文献   

近年来,开放式基金迅速成长,成为基金市场一道亮丽的风景线。基金业的发展,为商业银行拓展新型的中间业务提供了巨大的商机。因此,分析我国商业银行基金业务的现状及前景,并进一步研究商业银行发展基金业务的主要策略,就成为一项极具实践性的重要课题。商业银行基金业务现状及发展前景1998年,经中国证监会和中国人民银行核准,工行、农行、中行、建行和交行等五家银行成为国内首批从事基金托管业务的商业银行。2002年底,光大银行和招商银行也取得了基金托管资格。目前,国内10多家银行都在开展开放式基金代销业务。经过五年的发展,现阶段商业…  相似文献   

次贷危机的爆发,使得诸多国际私募股权基金纷纷转战中国,挖掘中国市场价值。当前,中国已经成为全球私募股权基金的投资中心之一。从我国私募股权基金市场的格局来看,目前已经形成了多种组织模式并存、参与者逐渐扩大化的态势。与传统的靠天吃饭的盈利模式不同,券商开展直投业务不仅有利于自身赢利空间的拓展,而且有利于发挥地域优势,针对中小企业的需求提供特色服务,其自身也具备一定的优势。本文沿袭这条思路,重点对我国券商参与直投业务的相关规定、券商开展直投业务的现状及其问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   

私募股权基金的发展与商业银行经营转型中的机会   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
私募股权基金作为一种投资工具,在世界上已经有100年的历史了。我国的私募股权基金也已经有20多年的发展历史,但无论从法律和政策环境,还是从发展规模看,还处于起步阶段。未来随着私募股权基金地位的确定,私募股权基金在我国将有一个较大的发展。商业银行正在进行经营  相似文献   

工商银行私人银行业务研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
私人银行业务以财富管理为核心,是个人金融业务的高级形式,也是商业银行资源综合运用能力的体现.该业务正是外资银行进入中国后将重点开展的业务,也将是内外资银行竞争的焦点.面对竞争激烈的私人银行业务市场,工商银行必须在打造中国第一零售银行的基础上,不断增强竞争实力,争抢个人高端客户,在私人银行业务上做大做强.本课题即在私人银行业务研究的基础上,结合目前中国私人银行市场现状及工商银行财富管理业务开展情况,对国内商业银行发展私人银行业务策略进行粗浅探讨,以期提供一些参考与借鉴.  相似文献   

We investigate whether business groups in China act as internal capital markets, in an environment that is characterized by a high level of government intervention, a weak legal system, and an underdeveloped financial market. We study how institutional factors, such as the ultimate owner and level of market development, shape the role of these business groups. We find that business groups help member firms overcome constraints in raising external capital, and that the internal capital market within a business group is more likely to be an alternative financing channel among state-owned firms than among private firms. We also find that the internal capital market is more likely to help those affiliated firms which are private, local government owned relative to those owned by central government, or located in regions with a well-developed institutional environment. We present evidence of the role of business groups in risk sharing among affiliated firms, but find that business group affiliation has no impact on firm accounting performance. This study sheds new light on the theory of the firm and its boundaries, and provides a better understanding of China's rapidly growing economy.  相似文献   

我国商业银行发展私人银行业务研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文从我国商业银行开展私人银行业务的背景出发,对私人银行的发展模式和策略进行了探讨.作者指出,改革开放以来我国经济金融的快速发展,造就了中国富人阶层的崛起和资本市场的快速发展,这为私人银行业务的开展提供了条件.通过对瑞士和美国私人银行模式的比较,认为我国发展私人银行应更多地借鉴美国的发展经验.本文最后针对存在的问题提出了相应的策略:健全相关法律政策和监管体系;培育高素质的符合私人银行业务需要的人才;推进商业银行综合化经营,为私人银行业务提供产品支持;根据我国的实际,定位客户市场;转变理念,创新组织架构;转变传统的营销服务理念;建立健全和完善个人信用体系.  相似文献   

商业银行人民币理财产品中存在问题及对策分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前,多数商业银行推出的人民币理财产品中普遍存在产品层次较低、同质化严重以及忽视风险控制等问题,要解决这些问题商业银行要进一步转变经营理念,细分市场并增加产品差异性,加强理财业务的风险管理,在向零售银行的战略转型中增强理财业务的竞争力.  相似文献   

Using data on internal capital markets in China, this paper examines the influence of internal capital markets on investment efficiency in business groups. The empirical results show that using internal capital markets can alleviate over invests within business groups. In addition, it can alleviate deficiencies in R&D investment in business groups effectively. The impact of internal capital markets on investment efficiency varies between state-owned enterprises and private enterprises. At private enterprises, internal capital market operations significantly alleviate overinvestment and promote R&D investment. However, at state-owned enterprises, internal capital market operations increase overinvestment and reduce investment in R&D.  相似文献   

《Journal of Banking & Finance》2006,30(11):3043-3066
This paper examines the role of private support institutions in determining small and medium enterprise (SMES) growth and performance in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). It finds that SMES in SSA get around market failures and lack of formal institutions by creating private governance systems in the form of long-term business relationships and tight, ethnically based, business networks. There are important links between these informal governance institutions and SME performance. Networks raise the performance of “insiders” and, in the sparse business environments of the SSA region, have attendant negative consequences for market participation of “outsiders,” such as indigenous-African SMES. This is indicated through the determinants of access to supplier credit. Policy interventions will be needed to improve the platform for relation-based governance mechanisms and to address the exclusionary effects of tight networks.  相似文献   

近年来,党中央、国务院出台多项政策措施,优化民营企业政策环境,支持民营企业增信融资。基于民营企业融资的相关文献,总结梳理了民营企业融资的影响因素,运用2008—2018年上市民营企业样本数据,对民营企业融资的影响因素进行实证检验。研究发现,地方政府融资平台对民营企业融资形成"挤出效应"的同时,也可能存在"溢出效应";国有企业对财政金融资源的利用一定程度上影响了民营企业的融资能力;同时,直接融资发展不足,也在一定程度上加大了民营企业的融资约束。基于此,建议通过推动地方政府融资平台有序转型、推行"竞争中性"原则打造公平市场环境、支持民营企业加大直接融资等措施,进一步缓解民营企业融资问题。  相似文献   

This paper examines how the cost of bank debt reflects public information about borrower quality, and whether such information complements or substitutes the private information of banks. Using a sample of small business loans, and the award of a competitive public subsidy as an observable positive signal of external certification, we find that certification is associated with a lower cost of debt for subsidy recipients if the amount of private information of the lender is limited or the local credit market is less competitive. Public information loses importance once the bank accumulates information over the course of the lending relationship or the credit market is more competitive. Our results highlight a positive effect of external certification, driven by the signal it provides to both the lending bank and its competitors, and suggest that public and private information can be substitutes in the pricing of bank debt.  相似文献   

We examine investors’ reactions to announcements of large capital infusions by U.S. financial institutions (FIs) from 2000 to 2009. These infusions include private market infusions (seasoned equity offerings (SEOs)) as well as injections of government capital under the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP). The sample period covers both business cycle expansions and contractions, and the recent financial crisis. We present evidence on the factors affecting FIs’ decisions to raise capital, the determinants of investor reactions, and post-infusion risk-taking of the recipients, as well as a sample of matching FIs. Investors reacted negatively to the news of private market SEOs by FIs, both in the immediate term (e.g., the two days surrounding the announcement) and over the subsequent year, but positively to TARP injections. Reactions differed depending on the characteristics of the FIs, and the stage of the business cycle. Smaller, more financially constrained non-bank institutions were more likely to have raised capital through private market offerings during the period prior to TARP, and firms receiving a TARP injection tended to be riskier and more levered. In the case of TARP recipients, they appeared to finance an increase in credit risk with more stable financing sources such as core deposits, which lowered their liquidity risk. However, we find no evidence that banks’ capital adequacy increased after the capital injections.  相似文献   

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