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中国人民银行发布公告进一步完善银行间债券市场交易管理4月13日发布的公告要求,全国银行间同业拆借中心、中央国债登记结算有限责任公司和银行间市场清算所股份有限公司应当切实做好银行间债券市场的债券交易、清算及结算的日常监测与管理,  相似文献   

银行间债券市场介绍 全国银行间债券市场是指依托于全国银行间同业拆借中心和中央国债登记结算公司,包括商业银行、农村信用联社、保险公司、证券公司等金融机构进行债券买卖和回购的市场,成立于1997年6月6日。经过近几年的迅速发展,银行间债券市场目前已成为我国债券市场的主体部分。记账式国债的大部分、政策性金融债券都在该市场发行并上市交易。银行问债券市场的债券交易包括债券回购和现券买卖两种。债券回购是交易双方进行的以债券为权利质押的短期资金融通业务,  相似文献   

9月5日,全国银行间债券市场交易信息备案系统正式上线。此系统为银行间债券市场的结算代理行开展债券交易信息备案(未通过交易系统达成的债券交易信息,需提交全国银行间同业拆借中心备案)提供了便利,这些债券交易包括现券买卖、质押式回购和买断式回购。  相似文献   

刘辉 《西南金融》2011,(12):74-76
巴塞尔协议Ⅲ倡导将做市商交易制度与场外市场交易相结合。目前,我国银行间债券市场正努力推行做市商交易制度。本文从央行的视角探讨了银行间债券市场做市商交易制度的意义,指出了其存在的问题,并尝试性提出了完善其制度的建议。  相似文献   

中国外汇交易中心暨全国银行间同业拆借中心(以下简称交易中心)为银行间同业拆借市场、债券市场、外汇市场等提供交易、交易后处理、信息、基准、培训等服务,是我国银行间市场重要基础设施的提供和组织者,也是传导央行货币政策、支持宏观金融决策的重要平台。  相似文献   

李豫 《武汉金融》2003,(1):8-10
一、中国银行间债券市场历史 根据中国人民银行推动货币市场发展的部署,为了规范银行间的资金交易,建立覆盖全国的统一货币市场,并推进利率市场化的进程,全国银行间同业拆借中心于1996年1月3日在上海成立(与中国外汇交易中心是两块牌子、一套人马),此后又于1997年6月16日起推出银行间债券交易(包括现券买卖和回购交易)业务,银行间债券市场由此形成.  相似文献   

近年来,银行间债券市场已成为我国债券市场的主体,市场容量不断扩大,交易活跃程度进一步改善。为了突破市场在工具和制度上的瓶颈,2005年央行不断在银行间市场推出债券创新产品和创新制度。本文旨在分析近来我国银行间债券市场创新的动力、形势与未来发展趋势,同时指出债券市场创新在我国金融改革中具有举足轻重的作用。  相似文献   

目前,我国债券市场交易主要集中在银行间债券市场,而开设丙类账户的机构投资者是该市场的主要参与力量,对其监管关系着债券市场整体监管的成败.我国银行间债券市场中丙类账户交易具有普遍性、隐蔽性、短时性、关联性等特点,给监管带来了很大的难度.本文对丙类账户的对敲、代持、内幕交易、利益输送等异常交易行为及风险进行探讨,从交易模式、信息披露模式、监管模式等方面分析了丙类账户交易问题产生的原因,提出发展做市商制度、建立信息披露制度、理顺监管体制等对策.  相似文献   

本文通过对关键期限利率债进行Delay系数分析比较,来观察银行间债券市场在2013年监管综合治理前后的市场效率状况及变化,从而检验监管综合治理政策的有效性。研究显示,经过两年的综合治理,银行间债券市场效率已显著改善,通过健全完善债券市场交易机制,可以减少市场摩擦,提升市场效率。  相似文献   

姚秦  傅东升 《上海金融》2006,(11):42-44
交易机制会对市场的稳定性造成影响。从理论上说,由于做市商具有维持市场稳定有序的义务,所以,通常做市商市场的稳定性较高。本文基于银行间债券市场的交易数据,利用非参数检验和Levene方差检验,实证验证了我国银行间债券市场做市商对市场波动性的影响,发现做市商并没有起到降低市场波动的作用,并分析了其中的原因。  相似文献   

This paper models the banking competition in loan and deposit markets on two levels. We measure the competition among different banks and among banks and non-bank financing and saving alternatives. We estimate a model of demand, cost, and market equilibrium equations for differentiated products by using data from the confidential reports that Spanish banks provide to the Bank of Spain during the period from 1988 to 2003. This database contains information on the effective interest rates on new loans and deposits, and the expected loan losses obtained from the Spanish Credit Register. The estimated price elasticities show that the products offered by different banks are close substitutes, which puts pressure on the banks’ profits margins. However, the substitutability between bank and non-bank products is much lower than the substitutability among products offered by different banks. The results also show that Spain’s entrance into the Eurozone did not cause a structural change in the demand and cost conditions of Spanish banks. The banks financed most of the imbalances between bank loans and domestic deposits before the crisis through the interbank market.  相似文献   

在融资类银信合作理财产品监管趋严并受到限制的背景下,投资银行间市场的理财产品快速发展是2011年理财市场的一个重要特点。本文的研究表明:一是在现有经济金融环境下投资者对较高收益率资产的需求与银行之间的存款竞争等多个因素共同促进了银行间市场理财产品的快速发展;二是银行间市场理财产品的发行不会对银行在市场中的地位产生影响,总体上对银行体系的稳定影响有限;三是银行间市场理财产品的发行对银行体系流动性总体有利,但会产生时点上的不利影响,并给中小机构的流动性管理带来压力;四是银行间市场理财产品的发行是一种金融创新.有利于金融机构的长远发展。本文建议:适当提高存款基准利率水平,稳步推进利率市场化;对现有银行间市场理财产品进一步加强监测与规范;在加强监管的前提下,继续鼓励银行金融创新.  相似文献   

This paper examines the roles of foreign ownership and home-host country distance in the impact of bank market power on bank liquidity creation in a selected Southeast Asian country (Malaysia) over the period 2001−2017. A key finding is that the impact of market power on liquidity creation is either significantly negative or insignificant for domestic banks, but is significantly positive for foreign banks, irrespective of the liquidity creation measures used. This finding points to evidence of “home-field advantage” of domestic banks as the banks possess greater ability to withstand interest margin compression, while competing with foreign banks in liquidity creation market. Moreover, this paper finds that foreign banks originated from countries with cultural, economic and institutional distance to the host country require greater market power to boost their liquidity creation performance, as compared to their domestic counterparts. Further analysis also indicates that the influence of host-home country distance is more evident among small foreign banks which have lower franchise value. Overall, the findings of this paper suggest that although bank competition policies may promote customer welfare, foreign banks should be granted with some degree of market power in the host country to help alleviating the banks’ operational challenges arising from home-host country distance.  相似文献   

Most community banks face relatively high levels of diversifiable credit risk because they have relatively few loan customers (idiosyncratic risk) and are not geographically diversified (local market risk). We simulate mergers among community banks to quantify the relative contributions of idiosyncratic risk and local market risk to the default risk assumed by community banks. We find that the greatest risk-reduction benefits are achieved by increasing a community bank’s size, regardless of where the expansion takes place. We interpret this result as evidence that idiosyncratic risk dominates local market risk, especially at rural banks. Community banks face enormous pressure to grow, yet the pressure to geographically diversify is limited. As a consequence, larger community banks are likely to replace smaller community banks, but their focus on relationship lending will not disappear.  相似文献   

段军山 《金融论坛》2006,11(6):53-57
商业银行直接或间接地参与股票市场,就会因股票价格的波动影响银行资产质量进而影响银行资产负债表和银行稳定。理论和实践证明股票价格的急剧波动和银行部门不稳定性扩散之间存在紧密的联系;同时,银行信贷的扩张对股票价格的波动有很大影响。对我国的经验分析表明:银行间信贷市场与股票市场的资金连通存在较强的相关性;上市银行脆弱度与上证综合指数的相关性在5%水平上显著。在综合经营的大背景下,应加强对我国金融脆弱性的识别和监管,疏通货币市场与股票市场正常的资金联系,加强对商业银行的审慎管理,银行自身也要加强风险管理。  相似文献   

以我国15家上市银行为研究对象,就银行间的风险联动关系进行研究。研究主要包括:上市银行收益率两两间的时变相关系数测算、4家大型国有商业银行与11家股份制商业银行间的整体相关程度的测算,以及根据我国上市银行间的动态相关关系构建银行体系风险联动的预警指标。研究发现:我国上市银行间普遍存在显著的非对称的动态相关关系,4家大型国有银行间的平均动态相关系数比他们和其余11家银行间的相关系数高;我国的4家大型国有商业银行与11家股份制商业银行的整体相关程度也很高;15家上市银行两两的动态条件相关系数序列构建的银行体系系统性风险预警指标能够及时检测市场风险。  相似文献   

我国银行业的市场竞争、金融创新与风险防范   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
朱毅峰 《金融论坛》2004,9(3):22-26
竞争是商业银行进行金融创新的动力,而金融创新是提高银行核心竞争力的重要途径.在我国加入WTO后,商业银行面临的竞争日趋激烈,这不仅包括银行业内部的竞争,还包括与外资银行、非银行金融机构及资本市场的竞争.在这种环境下,我国的商业银行必须注重在观念、制度以及金融工具三个方面进行创新,这是提高核心竞争力的主要途径.然而,金融创新是一把双刃剑,其在提升商业银行核心竞争力,争取更大市场份额的同时,也给商业银行带来了无法回避的风险,有时这种风险甚至是致命的.因此,商业银行在创新过程中,必须加强对金融创新的监管并重视监管的有效性.  相似文献   

We find that increases in implied market volatility (a proxy for market fear) have a significant impact on returns of bank stocks, above and beyond systematic risk proxied by the expected excess market return during a bad economic regime. Large bank returns are favorably affected by increases in implied market volatility during the crisis, while small banks are adversely affected by increases in implied market volatility. We attribute the different effects among the size-categorized bank portfolios to the perception that large banks are protected by too-big-to-fail policies. Within the sample of small banks, the adverse share price response to increased implied market volatility is more pronounced for banks that rely more heavily on non-traditional sources of funds, use a high proportion of loans in their assets, have a higher level of non-performing assets, and have a relatively low provision for loan losses. The adverse effect of negative innovations in implied market volatility on small bank returns during the crisis is primarily driven by exposure of their loan portfolio to weak economic conditions.  相似文献   

我国二元的信贷市场结构,决定了中小银行定位于中小企业很大程度上是一种被动选择。中小企业总体风险天然大于大型企业,中小银行如何实现中小企业的市场定位、持续良性的业务发展、行之有效的风险防控三者之间的有效契合,有必要进行研究探讨。莱商银行作为一家中小城市商业银行,经过多年摸索,逐步实现了被动选择基础上的主动适应和积极作为,走出了一条适合中小银行自身特点的、与国有商业银行和全国性股份制商业银行进行差异化竞争的发展路径,被业界称为"莱商现象"。本文以莱商银行为例,对其成长过程进行还原、再现和剖析,以期对中小银行的业务拓展和风险防控有所裨益。  相似文献   

This paper analyses the implications of bank market power and funding structure for risk and return. It employs a sample of 978 banks in 55 countries leading up to the 2008 financial crisis to test for two related hypotheses. First, competition reduces internal capital as the level of market power increases when banks use internal funding to diversify into non-interest income generating activities. Building on these results and employing various specifications of Lerner index and funding strategy, the second test suggests that the relatively low insolvency risk among banks in emerging and developing countries during 2000–2007 is attributed to the high degree of market power and the use of internally generated funds.  相似文献   

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