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冯云国 《金融博览》2011,(11):11-12
天津市文化艺术品交易所新推出的两只艺术品股票价格的暴涨暴跌,使人们不免有疑问.艺术品“股票”靠什么拥有如此高的回报率7解决了变现和分享我们不妨把艺术品”股票”看做是艺术品金融化的又一个尝试。所谓艺术品金融化,其含义是在艺术品领域融入金融的手段和工具.使金融与艺术品投资相结合.实现两者相互促进发展。应当说,艺术品市场非常需要金融机构的参与,把金融投资的~些理念融入艺术品行业,可以扩大市场想象空间,激活市场,带动更多的人参与市场.快速提升市场活跃度。  相似文献   

黄隽 《新金融》2013,(4):49-52
近些年,财富增加和政策环境使中国艺术品市场快速发展。艺术品质押、基金、信托、保险、价格指数等各类金融产品创新活跃。然而中国艺术品市场还不成熟,很多基础性的问题还没有解决,需要加强深层次的理论和政策研究,应理性看待艺术品市场的投资价值,应该把金融服务的重点放在培育艺术品产业链的形成上。  相似文献   

乔秀强 《时代金融》2014,(29):27-28
在人均GDP逐年递增的驱动下,我国艺术品投资市场空前繁荣。普通人民群众对艺术品投资的需求,推动艺术品投资市场交易额稳步上升。在探索"金融与艺术品结合"的模式的过程中,以信托模式交易为主的艺术品产权类交易发展迅速。天津文交所的艺术品股票,将艺术品投资证券化创新推到了风口浪尖。本文将通过对国外艺术品投资证券化发展进行分析,参照发达国家经验,对我国推动艺术品投资证券化进行初探。  相似文献   

在人均GDP逐年递增的驱动下,我国艺术品投资市场空前繁荣.普通人民群众对艺术品投资的需求,推动艺术品投资市场交易额稳步上升.在探索“金融与艺术品结合”的模式的过程中,以信托模式交易为主的艺术品产权类交易发展迅速.天津文交所的艺术品股票,将艺术品投资证券化创新推到了风口浪尖.本文将通过对国外艺术品投资证券化发展进行分析,参照发达国家经验,对我国推动艺术品投资证券化进行初探.  相似文献   

众所周知,1995年,现代油画作品《毛泽东去安源》被建行广东分行以550万元收藏,当时在国内金融界引起了不少争议,时至今日,如果再拿出来拍卖,估价应该在2000万元左右,如此诱人的投资收益,令人心旷神怡,然而国内金融业的艺术品投资市场仍然处在一个观望徘徊的阶段。  相似文献   

艺术品金融化是艺术品投资不可逆转的趋势,艺术品份额化交易模式是我国在艺术品金融化道路上的一项创新。该模式在理论上能够促进艺术品投资市场提高流动性,但从实际运作情况看还远不能达到预期效果,需要继续修正和完善。  相似文献   

一、国内艺术品投资市场现状艺术品与经济的关系表现出了前所未有的紧密程度,其标志就是投资。艺术品与股票、房地产已并列为三大投资对象,且投资增长率呈现逐年递增的现象。20年来,全世界艺术品市场每年的投资增长率超过30%。近年来中国艺术品投资市场也相当火爆,  相似文献   

艺术品投资在我国还处于起步阶段,国内的商业银行发展艺术品投资业务的也还非常有限。然而,艺术品投资存在着巨大的潜在市场,如何能够对于这个市场有更好的挖掘,国内的各大商业银行都在不断探究中。本文将具体谈谈建设银行艺术品投资初探。  相似文献   

郭敬 《时代金融》2016,(5):95-97
资产证券化是一国金融创新水平的重要标志,也是推动金融深化、完善投融资体系的重要工具。现有文献大多集中在房地产、企业类贷款等资产证券化问题上,较少关注艺术品等文化消费类产品的资产证券化。本文在深入考察艺术品资产特性的基础上,全面研究艺术品的资产证券化问题,提出建立我国特色的艺术品资产证券化体系,促进消费结构升级与投资结构优化。本文指出,在艺术品资产证券化的监管上,应重点解决艺术品的价值评估、逆向选择、道德风险、信息披露等问题,形成透明互信的高流动性市场。  相似文献   

张隽 《理财》2004,(8):96
近来,不少有眼光的投资者把目光转向世界上效益最好的三大投资产业项目(金融、房地产、艺术品投资)之一的艺术品市场.  相似文献   

艺术品份额化交易模式是我国在艺术品金融化道路上的一种探索形式。本文详细介绍了天津文交所艺术品份额化交易的推行主体、上市流程和主要交易规则,就其运营以来出现的问题进行分析,并在此基础上对我国艺术品金融化提出几点建议。  相似文献   

黄隽  李越欣 《金融研究》2019,468(6):188-206
文物艺术品既是一个国家的历史印记和文化瑰宝,也是情感资产和动产。本文基于2000-2017年全球艺术品核心市场——北京、香港、纽约和伦敦核心拍卖行中国书画的微观数据,使用特征价格法构建全球中国艺术品市场价格指数,展示全球中国艺术品拍卖市场发展的全貌,同时创新性地使用重复交易数据探讨离岸和在岸中国艺术品市场投资特征和互动关系。研究表明:北京和香港市场作为中国艺术品最大的在岸和离岸拍卖市场价格相互联动,走势基本一致;艺术品财务收益和精神回报是艺术品投资收藏和消费的主要原因,不同市场间财务收益和风险分散的差异是艺术品市场资产配置和资金流动的动力;纽约和伦敦市场中国艺术品投资收益率低于北京和香港,香港是全球中国艺术品投资收益率最高的地区,重复交易中的北京-香港交易策略占优,离岸香港市场得天独厚的环境优势使香港中国艺术品市场未来发展前景可期。  相似文献   

艺术品金融化是艺术品投资不可逆转的趋势,艺术品份额化交易模式是我国在艺术品金融化道路上的一项创新。本文详细介绍了天津文交所艺术品份额化交易的推行主体、上市流程和主要交易规则,就其运营数月以来出现的问题进行分析讨论,并在此基础上对我国艺术品投资和金融化提出几点建议。  相似文献   

艺术品权益份额市场在2011年发展迅速。从市场制度设计看,形成了三种模式:以天津为代表的"艺术品股票"模式,以深圳为代表的"类证券"模式,以上海为代表的"类基金"模式。艺术品权益份额市场的迅猛发展对证券监管提出了巨大挑战:权益份额发行和交易不同程度地突破了证券公开发行的红线,其是否属《证券法》调整范围急待明确,以艺术品为投资标的的私募基金也存在监管空白。目前以国发【2011】38号文的形式进行的清理整顿,治标不治本。建议修改《证券法》,适时扩大证券法调整范围;艺术品权益份额市场定位为非公开市场,只面向合格投资者发行和交易。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the validity of Islamic art as an investment product. We examine the current and future market potential, as well as, performing a hedonic regression analysis on London auction sales from 1998 to 2007. The main findings of the research are; Islamic art returns out performed both the equity and debt markets over the last 10 years; increases in oil prices have a positive effect on art prices, Islamic terrorist attacks on the Western World significantly reduce the value of Islamic art; and that the increase in future buyers means the Islamic art market has the potential to grow very strongly over the coming years. All these indicate the strong potential of this form of art as an investment.  相似文献   

This article investigates price determinants and investment performance for paintings from mainland China using hedonic regression analysis applied to a new dataset from over 190,000 auction transactions. The price index obtained indicates that from 2000 to 2015, the average annual appreciation in value of Chinese art was 8.42% in real USD. Compared with American artwork, global artwork, and traditional financial assets, Chinese art possesses a comparatively better risk and return profile and a low correlation with other assets. Finally, regarding the masterpiece effect, the conclusion is that highly priced Chinese art does not underperform the market.  相似文献   

African-American consumers differ markedly from their Caucasian counterparts in terms of financial product preferences, product research, and investment asset portfolio composition. This study examines some of the principal differences between African-American and Caucasian households in evaluating and purchasing investment assets and explores differences in asset holdings between the two racial groups. This information can help financial planners seeking to market to the African-American community better understand this community, tailor investment information for the unique needs of this community, and render more effective service to individuals and families that comprise this attractive and growing market segment.  相似文献   

The art market has seen several booms and busts during the last 20 years and, despite its recent downturn, has received more attention from investors given the low interest environment following the financial crisis. However, participation has been reserved for a few investors and the hedging of exposures remains difficult. This paper proposes to overcome these problems by introducing a call option on an art index, derived from one of the most comprehensive data sets of art market transactions. The option allows investors to optimize their exposure to art. For pricing purposes, non-tradability of the art index is acknowledged and option prices are derived in an equilibrium setting as well as by replication arguments. In the former, option prices depend on the attractiveness of gaining exposure to a previously non-traded risk. This setting further overcomes the problem of art market exposures being difficult to hedge. Results in the replication case are primarily driven by the ability to reduce residual hedging risk. Even if this is not entirely possible, the replication approach serves as a pricing benchmark for investors who are significantly exposed to art and try to hedge their art exposure by selling a derivative.  相似文献   

Sean Cubitt   《Futures》2007,39(10):1149-1158
The artworks and debates surrounding the media art scene are used in this article as indicators of advanced research into the state of network communications and what they can tell us about the possible futures of both art and the globalisation process, insofar as both depend on the state of telecommunications. In particular, the article focuses on the claims of locative media art that small mobile devices provide a utopian platform for social experiment. The theme of mobility is then investigated, distinguishing the freedom of capital to move from the stringent controls on human migration.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes auction results for over 4000 paintings by Australian Aboriginal artists to investigate determinants of prices in the Aboriginal art market. This is the first financial study of an indigenous art market, and hedonic, repeat sales and hybrid regression analyses find it shares price determinants with traditional art markets (with price premia attached to artist name, death, painting size, leading auction house, and winter sale). However, Aboriginal art’s unique features significantly affect prices, particularly works that use traditional Aboriginal media and those with reputation-affirming traits. An Aboriginal Art Index provides 6.6% annual return (standard deviation 17.9%), which is comparable to traditional asset classes and superior on a risk-adjusted basis. Returns to Aboriginal art are negatively correlated with returns from other assets, and so it adds value to a diversified investment portfolio.  相似文献   

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