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证券期货市场人工智能交易具有强大的预测分析能力、投资策略制定能力以及敏锐的市场反应能力。与之相适应,刑法对证券期货犯罪的规制重点也应当从交易的行为方式向交易技术转移。鉴于利用人工智能交易可以实施滥用技术优势型市场操纵犯罪行为,刑法有必要对人工智能交易予以规制,并且这种规制利大于弊。规制应当明确区分人工智能交易的正当使用和滥用,并进一步完善操纵证券、期货市场罪的规定。  相似文献   

独立结算模式和专属结算模式是国际期货市场结算体系的基本模式。在国际期货结算体系的发展实践中,两种模式各有利弊、相互交融、长期共存。随着全球衍生品市场竞争日趋激烈,交易所之间的战略合并成为衍生品市场发展的新趋势。但就期货产品的结算模式而言,专属结算模式成为各个交易所集团共同的选择或发展方向。目前我国期货市场的结算由四家交易所的内设结算部分别进行,随着期货市场创新发展的进一步深入,现行结算模式存在的问题也逐渐显现。建立期货市场独立统一的结算公司或成立交易所控股的结算公司,将是我国期货市场结算模式的路径选择。  相似文献   

I identify a “slope” factor in the cross section of commodity futures returns: high-basis commodity futures have higher loadings on this factor than low-basis commodity futures. Combined with a level factor (an index of commodity futures), this slope factor explains most of the average excess returns of commodity futures portfolios sorted by basis. More importantly, I find that this factor is significantly correlated with investment shocks, which represent the technological progress in producing new capital. I investigate a competitive dynamic equilibrium model of commodity production to endogenize this correlation. The model reproduces the cross-sectional futures returns and many asset pricing tests.  相似文献   

按照持有期货合约的部位,将商品期货交易者细分为:标的商品生产商、加工商和投机者。在满足终期效用最大化的条件下,通过联立商品期货、现货和证券市场,推导出一个商品期货投资收益模型,证明了商品期货投资收益由期货市场的系统性风险溢价和非系统性风险溢价两部分组成,并解释了“持有期成本套利”、“现货一期货溢价”和“资本资产定价”三种理论适用于确定商品期货投资收益的前提条件。根据国内商品期货市场与证券市场之间存在负相关性的实证结论,说明发展商品基金、减少证券一商品期货市场跨市场投资的交易成本等措施有利于我国资本市场的发展和完善。  相似文献   

关于我国发展衍生品投资基金的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国期货市场创建至今,经历了初创期、清理整顿期、规范发展期。时至今日,期货市场却依旧是散户主导的市场,基金等机构投资者只是旁观者。衍生品投资基金相对于其他投资产品具有明显优势,大力发展衍生品投资基金对于壮大我国期货等衍生品市场具有重要作用。在股指期货即将上市和国内外经济联系日益密切的背景下,急需推出衍生品投资基金以稳定市场,扩大市场规模和流动性,进而增强我国在国际商品市场上的定价权。  相似文献   

This article extends the study of the financialization of commodities (Rouwenhorst and Tang [Annu. Rev. Financ. Econ., 2012, 4, 447–467]) by considering an investment in the term structure of commodity futures prices. Specifically, we analyse the benefits of adding a distant commodity futures contract and/or a spot commodity (near month futures contract) to a portfolio of bonds and stocks in a setting similar to Brennan and Schwartz [The use of treasury bill futures in strategic asset allocation programs. In Worldwide Asset and Liability Modeling, edited by W.T. Ziemba and J.M. Mulvey, pp. 205–230, 1998 (Cambridge University Press: Cambridge)]. Our analysis employs an empirical study that covers the post financial crisis period. We show that the spot commodity considerably improves the value of the portfolio. However, an investment in the whole term structure of futures contracts is optimally achieved through high opposite positions in the spot commodity and distant futures contracts. We find that these extreme calendar spreads can result in an inappropriate investment.  相似文献   

张金清  尹亦闻 《金融研究》2022,503(5):170-188
投资者对股指期货与现货有着不同的模糊厌恶,本文首先将此假设条件引入带交易成本的Garleanu and Pederson (2013)投资模型中,并以指数基金对冲策略为例,构建了一个股指期货动态对冲的理论模型。与非对冲策略相比,基于上述模型设计的对冲策略投资绩效更好,动态最优成交额占目标交易额的比例更小,目标成交额对收益率预测因子的敏感性更大。借助上述模型,本文选取2010年4月至2021年6月的中国ETF指数基金和股指期货数据,并以2015年9月股指期货管理措施实施为界进行区间划分,实证研究发现:(1)中国A股市场的ETF投资组合进行股指期货对冲显著提升了投资绩效,但股指期货管理会削弱该作用;(2)投资绩效改善主要来源于交易成本的下降与目标成交额因子敏感性的提升,该机制受到股指期货管理的约束;(3)与Garleanu and Pederson (2013)、Zhang et al. (2017)相比,本文对冲策略保留“抗跌”特点的同时增加了“易涨”特性。本文研究结果表明,在当前大力发展机构投资者的背景下应不断丰富股指期货、股指期权产品谱系,降低股指期货交易成本并完善持仓约束。  相似文献   

现代期货市场在套期保值和价格发现功能基础上演绎出丰富的功能类型。在发达国家,期货投资基金规模庞大,具有成熟的交易策略和交易技术,已经成为期货市场所有功能有效发挥的中坚力量。中国要全面提升期货市场功能,确保价格安全和产业安全,应加快探索期货投资基金的具体模式、市场结构和法律框架,将期货投资产业链中的各要素进行重新整合,确立不同品种期货的产业集群式发展模式。为此,政府应主动打破路径依赖,实现以投资者结构多样化为基础的期货市场全面创新。  相似文献   

世界黄金期货市场、工具与法规政策环境的比较分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文比较了世界主要黄金期货市场、投资工具与各国黄金市场法规政策环境,分析了不同的市场条件、法规政策环境对本国黄金期货市场发展产生的影响,探讨了成为国际性黄金期货市场应具备的基本要素:现货市场发展程度、市场规模、现货商影响力对黄金衍生工具的发展产生重要影响;外汇管制政策和进出口政策对确定本国黄金期货市场是国际性市场还是区域性市场起到关键性作用;黄金市场流通、增值税、监管政策对确定本国各类黄金市场交易的活跃度产生关键性作用。  相似文献   

分析沪锌期货的特征,发现沪锌期货价格存在非线性和波动集聚性的特点.选择沪锌期货的相关指标作为参数,运用人工神经网络训练数据,进行价格涨跌预测,构建BP神经网络和卷积神经网络沪锌期货预测模型.实证研究结果表明:模型预测准确率高,预测效果良好,在盘整行情中可获得较高收益,为投资决策提供重要参考,并可在期货市场中进行广泛应用.  相似文献   

We document a new stylized fact, that the relationship between the volatility of oil futures prices and the slope of the forward curve is nonmonotone and has a V-shape. This pattern cannot be generated by standard models that emphasize storage. We develop an equilibrium model of oil production in which investment is irreversible and capacity constrained. Investment constraints affect firms' investment decisions and imply that the supply elasticity changes over time. Since demand shocks must be absorbed by changes in prices or changes in supply, time-varying supply elasticity results in time-varying volatility of futures prices. Estimating this model, we show it is quantitatively consistent with the V-shape relationship between the volatility of futures prices and the slope of the forward curve.  相似文献   

This paper examines the causal structure between daily closing price series of the Chinese stock index and futures from April 16, 2010, the launch date of the futures, to November 14, 2014, through a rolling approach that takes into account window sizes of a half, one, one and a half, and two years. Except for several subperiods associated with the half- and one-year window, the two series are tied together through cointegration and adjust equally toward the long-run relationship. Considering different forecasting lengths, the out-of-sample Granger causality test for each window generally reveals that no series gains forecastability from another. These results shed light on the evolving causal structure between the two series, which is determined to be stable. The futures market, however, has not been fully developed to serve as a price discovery source. Increasing openness of investment channels and policy incentives to attract well-informed traders may stimulate futures market development.  相似文献   

There are no rules within existing Generally Accepted Accounting Principles that apply to investment in commodities futures. In this paper, the accounting implications of investing in futures are explored. The accounting problems relate to the first record of the contract and to the subsequent recognition of gains and losses. There is no unequivocal answer under GAAP as to how futures contracts should be recorded. As with many other items in conventional accounting practice, the method of recording depends upon managers'intentions. This has obvious, and serious, implications for auditors.  相似文献   

我国推进期货市场"走出去"及国际化战略须以跨境期货交易法律机制构建为前提。文章通过厘定跨境期货交易内涵边界及监管正当性,省思主要法律困境及应对思路,提出应致力于跨境期货交易立法监管理念创新,确立跨境交易监管认同机制,提升跨境期货衍生品交易经纪能力,适度扩大衍生品跨境投资参与主体范围,逐步取消QDII投资品种限制,并从跨境期货交易运行保障、立法监管、风险控制以及解纷机制等方面建构系统法律保护体系,切实保障跨境交易整体性金融安全。  相似文献   

Overreaction reported in the equity markets of the United States, Spain, and Brazil is also observed in the Hong Kong stock market. The “loser” portfolios of the 33 stocks in the Hang Seng Index (HSI), on average, outperform the “winner” portfolios by 9.9% 1 year after the formation periods. Besides its emphasis on the importance of the Hong Kong market in international investment, this paper is unique in some special features related to the overreaction study. Hong Kong has markets for index futures and stock futures. Only three stocks are used in the portfolios. All the stocks in the HSI have large market capitalization and liquidity and can be shorted with no up-tick rule. Unlike other studies in international stock markets, the “arbitrage” portfolio of buying the loser portfolio and shorting the winner portfolio can actually be formed with minimum cost and easy execution, which makes the overreaction phenomena in this study very powerful.  相似文献   

Identifying the comovement of price between China's and international crude oil futures can help different market players gain a deeper understanding of the world crude oil market. This paper uses the wavelet (wavelet coherence and phase) methods to study the comovement characteristics at different time scales from three aspects (the strength of comovement, the direction of comovement and the lead-lag relationship of price fluctuation) and uses the complex network method to explore the evolutionary characteristics of the comovement with time. We use the daily closing prices of WTI, Brent and China's crude oil futures (INE) as sample data. The results show that the comovement between INE and international crude oil futures is extremely different from that between other international crude oil futures, and the comovement at different time scales is also different. Compared with the comovement between WTI and Brent crude oil futures, the comovement strength between INE and international crude oil futures is weak and the comovement direction is unstable. China's crude oil futures price fluctuation also tends to lag behind that of international crude oil futures. Compared with the long-term, the short-term comovement strength is weaker, the comovement states are more diverse and the transition between comovement states is more complex. Moreover, during the evolution of time, some comovement states have a higher probability of occurrence and they are also more stable than others. These findings are helpful for policy makers to design policies and for investors to make investment decisions.  相似文献   

This study utilizes foreign currency futures contracts to evaluate the tax timing options created by the 1981 Economic Recovery Act. Our findings suggest that the act had an impact on contracts with less than six months to maturity and that the marginal trader in those contracts is a long-position holder. Similarly, the results suggest that the option of tax year selection for foreign currency futures in valuable.  相似文献   

The psychological background of technical analysis usage is investigated to further explain the popularity and common usage of technical analysis as an investment decision tool. Attitudes toward technical analysis of professional futures market traders and neophyte investors, represented by finance students, were examined. Technical analysis is one of the most popular methods supporting investment decisions and it is much more popular among future market traders than among neophyte investors. The concept of processing information was used to explain this phenomenon. Neophyte investors are more experiential and intuition-driven while using technical analysis models, while futures market traders are more rationally driven. Technical analysis methods help professional traders on futures markets, which are less transparent than regulated stock markets, to process information; those methods are perceived by them as rational, cognitive tools supporting their decision making.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the producer's optimal use of commodity futures in hedging. The framework for analysis is an intertemporal consumption and investment model. The producer makes his production decisions at the beginning of the period and realizes his return at the end of the time interval. During the period, he faces both price and output uncertainties. In applying stochastic dynamic programming methods, this paper shows the effect of these risks on his consumption behavior. Further, the paper investigates his optimal hedging positions in the futures market over time and his optimal production decisions. Finally, implications of these results on the futures markets are discussed.  相似文献   

In this study, a price prediction model for futures markets of crypto assets is presented. Random Forest was used to study three scenarios as a function of input variables: technical indicators, candlestick patterns and both simultaneously. In turn, the model parameters, the time intervals, and the most suitable investment horizons were studied. In addition to showing the results from the model, a one-year out-of-sample prediction was simulated. The entire year of 2020 was chosen because the three possible stock market scenarios occurred in this year: a sideways market, a bear market resulting from the global pandemic and an end-of-year bull market. Last, this out-of-sample simulation was analyzed as a real operation, that is, by retraining the model after each new collection of data, so that the model had the maximum information at all times. In conclusion, using candlestick patterns instead of technical indicators, improves the efficiency of the results.  相似文献   

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