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对于会计信息失真的原因存在多种解释。本文从会计信息质量的监管角度出发,分析当前监管制度安排存在的多层激励冲突,从而提出通过加强对会计信息质量监管的透明度建设及合理的制度安排,解决会计信息质量监管中多层委托代理中的激励冲突问题,形成会计监管的激励相容机制,提高会计信息质量。  相似文献   

对于会计信息失真的原因存在多种解释。本文从会计信息质量的监管角度出发,分析当前监管制度安排存在的多层激励冲突,从而提出通过加强对会计信息质量监管的透明度建设及合理的制度安排,解决会计信息质量监管中多层委托代理中的激励冲突问题,形成会计监管的激励相容机制,提高会计信息质量。  相似文献   

会计信息产权问题分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
资本市场有效运行的基础是具有透明度和充分含量的信息,会计信息是在市场中流动的众多信息中最重要的一部分。会计信息已成为信息使用者赖以决策与分析的基础,人们越来越重视会计信息的有用性。在现有产权制度安排下会计信息是一种公共物品,本文通过会计回归与会计外部化构想下的俱乐部制度安排拟解决当前会计信息市场的诸多问题。  相似文献   

事实证明,仅从契约和制度层面无法解决会计信息失真的所有问题。本文以背景分析为起点.剖析了会计信息失真的另一重要原因在于伦理机制缺陷,并从伦理层面构建了会计信息失真的治理机制。  相似文献   

总体来说,事业单位会计信息失真主要可以归结为两方面的原因:一是制度不完善,二是人为因素。因此,要解决事业单位会计信息失真这一问题也必须从这两方面从严入手,只有这样才能提高事业单位会计信息的真实性和完整性。本文主要以事业单位的会计信息为研究对象,探讨如何预防会计信息失真。  相似文献   

金敏 《中国外资》2013,(12):78-78
会计信息失真是指会计信息不能够真实、全面地将会计主体经济活动的客观事实反映出。会计信息的质量会直接影响到投资者决策。然而,由于我国现代企业制度还不完善,财会制度还不健全,会计信息失真问题较突出。本文就对会计信息失真的危害进行了分析和探讨,并提出了相应的对策。  相似文献   

本文首先界定会计信息的内涵,描述了会计信息失真的两大表现形式,接着从五个方面分析了会计信息失真的内在原因,最后提出解决会计信息失真的三大对策。  相似文献   

吴联生根据会计信息产生的原因不同提出了会计信息失真的“三分法”,把会计信息失真区分为规则性失真、违规性失真和行为性失真。本文主要从制度伦理的角度分析规则性失真.并得出会计规则制订者应尽量从制度的伦理价值——公正与正义及制度伦理价值的层次——正当与善的角度去选择制订制度以提高会计规则对会计域秩序的契合度从而提高会计信息质量的简要结论。  相似文献   

会计信息失真问题一直都是会计诚信受到质疑的驱动力之一,本文就会计信息失真的原因及其解决对策作简要分析。  相似文献   

会计信息失真的“三分法”:理论框架与证据   总被引:90,自引:11,他引:90  
吴联生 《会计研究》2003,4(1):25-30
会计信息失真是一个国际性、历史性的问题 ,也是世界各国当前需要着力研究解决的重大问题。本文根据会计信息失真的成因 ,提出会计信息失真“三分法” ,将会计信息失真分为规则性失真、违规性失真和行为性失真等三类 ,并分别从会计域秩序、信息不对称和人类有限性的角度 ,分析了这三类会计信息失真的不同成因 ,并给出相应的证据 ;本文最后简要地探讨了三类会计信息失真之间的相互关系 ,在此基础上简要地提出相应的治理思路。  相似文献   

姜英兵  严婷 《会计研究》2012,(4):69-78,95
本文以2007~2009年沪深A股上市公司数据为研究样本,实证检验了制度环境对会计准则执行的影响。选取地区市场化程度、法律保护、政府干预以及社会资本水平作为制度环境因素解释变量,以盈余管理水平和会计信息披露评级作为会计准则执行效果的替代变量。研究结果表明,地区市场化水平越高、法律保护越好、政府干预越少、社会资本水平越高,则该地区上市公司的会计信息质量越高,从而会计准则在该地区的执行效果就越好。  相似文献   

基于中国证券市场股权分置改革的制度背景,结合地区制度环境,从会计规则内外部执行机制耦合的角度,运用盈余信息含量和价值相关性的经验模型,本文首次研究了制度环境与股权分置改革两者共同对会计信息决策有用性的影响。研究发现:地区制度环境越好、股改对价越低的上市公司,其会计信息的决策有用性越高。本文对国内关于股权分置改革的会计信息经济后果研究进行了一定程度的拓展,并结合地区制度环境对会计信息质量的考察提供了一种崭新的研究视角。  相似文献   

论会计透明度   总被引:112,自引:4,他引:112  
普华永道关于“不透明指数”的研究报告 ,引发了本文对会计透明度的进一步讨论。会计透明度是一个全面、综合性的概念 ,它不仅同时顾及了会计信息自身的质量标准以及实现会计信息质量标准的方式 ,而且还丰富了会计信息质量标准和实现会计信息质量标准的方式 ,是一套全面的会计信息质量标准和一个进行会计信息全面质量管理的“工具箱”。本文还分析了会计透明度的制度基础 ,并以我国证券市场为例 ,讨论了实现高会计透明度的方式。  相似文献   

Proponents of increased regulation of accounting maintain that there are failures in the private market for accounting information. In this paper, it is argued that market failure theories contain a logical fallacy. The optima identified in those theories are not optima because they are defined independently of institutional arrangements necessary to attain them. Existing institutional arrangements, such as markets, should not be condemned until it can be shown that there is an alternative regime which can produce socially superior output.The paper examines theories which explicitly allege that there are failures in the private market for accounting information. In addition, early criticisms of accounting information are restated in economic terms, and it is revealed that those criticisms implicitly assume that private production of accounting information suffers from market failures. The paper concludes by suggesting that, if accounting research is to contribute to public policy formulation, researchers should focus on evaluating the type of information that can be produced by feasible regimes such as markets or government agencies.  相似文献   

This paper presents a critique and development of a previous paper by Laughlin and Puxty. It argues that their worldview perspective is an advance on the established self-interest perspective, but is critical of its abstraction of worldviews from their formation within institutional contexts. An alternative interpretation of accounting regulation is offered which relates accounting regulations and standards to the location and investment of the providers and users of accounting information within existing politico-economic institutional arrangements.  相似文献   

企业价值报告:现代财务报告演进的必然趋势   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文从传统财务报告体系缺乏直接的企业价值信息披露这一制度安排的分析出发,探讨了企业价值报告的演进及其对财务会计、管理会计和投资会计三大会计领域信息报告的影响,根据现代财务理论的价值发掘,提出了相应的企业价值报告整体设计。  相似文献   

从会计信息披露的可靠性、相关性、及时性和客观性的角度入手,构建了一个会计信息质量的综合指数,采用多元回归分析的方法对我国机构投资者与上市公司会计信息质量之关系进行了实证研究,并分析了股权分置改革的实施对上述关系的影响.研究结果表明:股权分置改革前后,机构投资者的持股比例、持股的机构投资者数量、前十大流通股东中机构投资者的数量均与会计信息质量正相关;股权分置改革不会影响上述相关关系.  相似文献   

By integrating and streamlining financial information within and among various organisations, eXtensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL) has been developed with a view to enhancing the efficiency, accuracy, and transparency of corporate accounting information. Taking an inter-organisational focus, this paper investigates the process of how XBRL was institutionalised. It explains and offers insights on how institutional arrangements emerge and become relevant as heterogeneous organisations consider adopting accounting innovations while evidence concerning their benefits is unavailable. The original and overall contribution of this study is that it improves current understanding of coal-face actors' perceptions, behaviours, and strategies as they interact in the organisational field and become engaged in developing accounting innovations to produce the macro-level observations documented in existing institutional theory studies.  相似文献   

This study examines whether the strength of legal enforcement at the country level plays a role in the value-relevance of accounting quality for loan pricing determination, using an international sample of firms reporting under IFRS. The underlying hypothesis is that stronger vs. weaker enforcement should affect the informativeness of financial statements, due to their increased credibility, and thus results in a stronger influence of accounting quality on loan pricing, in case this information is considered more reliable by potential lenders. Evidence indicates that accounting quality is consequential for the determination of loan spread only in combination with the level of legal enforcement, and this only holds for the countries with stronger legal enforcement. This evidence indicates that financial statement quality information is value-relevant and has a significant impact on the determination of loan pricing only if this information is considered to be credible enough by loan providers in a country, and this is the case when legal enforcement is stronger.  相似文献   

In this paper we present an index designed to capture differences between countries in relation to the institutional setting for financial reporting, specifically the auditing of financial statements and the enforcement of compliance with each country's accounting standards. The use of a common set of standards such as International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) aims, in broad terms, to promote the comparability and transparency of financial statements and to improve the quality of financial reporting. However, the effectiveness of IFRS adoption may be hampered by differences, across countries, in the institutional setting in which financial reporting occurs. Studies of outcomes from adopting IFRS use a range of legal system proxies to capture these country differences, but the proxies are deficient in that they seldom focus explicitly on factors that affect how compliance with accounting standards is promoted through external audit and the activities of independent enforcement bodies. To address this deficiency, we calculate measures of the quality of the public company auditors’ working environment (AUDIT) and the degree of accounting enforcement activity (ENFORCE) by independent enforcement bodies. We do this for 51 countries for each of the years 2002, 2005 and 2008, using publicly available data provided by the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC), the World Bank and the national securities regulators. Preliminary tests suggest our indices have additional explanatory power (over more general legal proxies) for country‐level measures of economic and market activity, financial transparency and earnings management. We expect they will prove useful to researchers and other interested parties who require country‐level measures that focus on the degree of enforcement of financial reporting practices.  相似文献   

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