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2008年金融危机爆发至今,美国为刺激经济推行了三轮量化宽松货币政策,启动了一系列全新的政策工具,对世界各国经济产生了深远影响。本文主要对量化宽松货币政策传导机制、政策效应及其对新兴市场经济的影响三个方面的内容文献进行梳理,并在全球经济复苏好转,量化宽松货币政策面临退出问题的背景下提出相应的研究展望。  相似文献   

金融危机中,西方发达国家使用了形式多样的量化宽松货币政策来引导经济发展。但随着经济的缓慢复苏,美国正在削减购债规模,逐渐退出量化宽松货币政策。发达国家量化宽松货币政策的实施与退出,不但在发达国家内部产生了政策效果,而且对其他国家,特别是新兴市场国家也产生了溢出效应。本文从汇率波动、进出口贸易和资本流动等多个传导渠道,对发达国家量化宽松政策的溢出效应进行了综述研究,同时探讨了溢出效应对中国的影响,并在此基础上梳理了新兴市场国家应对新型货币政策冲击的措施与效果。  相似文献   

论文运用向量自回归(VAR)、脉冲响应分析、方差分解等方法,对2008年次贷危机以来,美国量化宽松货币政策对中国经济溢出效应的赁币政策传导机制进行实证比较研究。研究发现,对比赁币渠道和信贷渠道在货币政簸传导机制中的作用和效果,信贷渠道突出传导效果的时效性、显著性,而贷币渠道侧重传导效果的稳定性和持久性,在制定具体贷币政策应对美国量化宽松政策的影响时,中国央行仍然应该以货币供应量M2作为比较合意的中介目标。  相似文献   

2013年12月19日,美联储宣布削减量化宽松每月资产采购规模100亿美元,标志着正式启动QE退出,美联储QE退出增加了全球经济复苏的不确定性,对我国跨境资金流动产生深远影响,从而引起了市场的高度关注。本文回顾了美国量化宽松政策的实施过程和退出步骤,分析了量化宽松政策退出的主要传导机制与渠道,剖析了美联储量化宽松政策退出对我国跨境资金流动的影响,并提出了相关政策建议。  相似文献   

2013年12月19日,美联储宣布削减量化宽松每月资产采购规模100亿美元,标志着正式启动 QE退出,美联储 QE退出增加了全球经济复苏的不确定性,对我国跨境资金流动产生深远影响,从而引起了市场的高度关注。本文回顾了美国量化宽松政策的实施过程和退出步骤,分析了量化宽松政策退出的主要传导机制与渠道,剖析了美联储量化宽松政策退出对我国跨境资金流动的影响,并提出了相关政策建议。  相似文献   

2013年12月19日,美联储宣布削减量化宽松每月资产采购规模100亿美元,标志着正式启动QE退出,美联储QE退出增加了全球经济复苏的不确定性,对我国跨境资金流动产生深远影响,从而引起了市场的高度关注。本文回顾了美国量化宽松政策的实施过程和退出步骤,分析了量化宽松政策退出的主要传导机制与渠道,剖析了美联储量化宽松政策退出对我国跨境资金流动的影响,并提出了相关政策建议。  相似文献   

2008年国际金融危机之后,美联储两次实施量化宽松货币政策以推动经济复苏,其规模巨大和持续时间都属少见。有鉴于此,本文首先介绍了美联储量化宽松货币政策的出台背景以及传导机制,随后,本文根据政策传导效果和市场表现分析指出,美国量化宽松货币政策的短期效果比较明显,但对美国经济的长期刺激作用有限,且给美联储及其他各国央行的政策操作带来了不利影响。  相似文献   

欧洲是中国最大的经济贸易伙伴之一,其政策变动对中国构建新发展格局至关重要。基于此,本文利用GVAR模型分析欧洲央行量化宽松措施对中国宏观经济的溢出效应及其传导机制。结果表明:欧洲央行量化宽松措施对国内大循环的价格水平影响最大;对国内金融市场的影响较大,但主要金融指标对欧洲央行量化宽松措施单位冲击的响应均不超过5%个单位;对外汇市场及通货膨胀预期的影响均不超过0.5%个单位。从国内国际“双循环”的传导效应来看,一方面,欧洲央行量化宽松政策通过欧元区和美国货币市场短期利率、日本商品市场通货膨胀以及英国商品市场产出增速等主要影响中国通货膨胀和资本流动,但对中国宏观经济与金融市场其它领域的影响相对有限。另一方面,中国通货膨胀和资本流动对自身存在相对明显的正向推动作用,且中国跨境资本流动同步影响中国的通货膨胀,是传导欧洲央行量化宽松冲击的主要渠道。因此,中国要进一步夯实国内大循环的主体地位,维护多边经济贸易体系,审慎管理国际资本流动。  相似文献   

量化宽松货币政策的理论、实践与影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
全球金融危机已使全球经济陷入衰退,为应对危机各国央行不断降息.随着短期利率接近零,美、日、英等主要国家的央行转而求助于"量化宽松货币政策",即通过购买长期国债等方式向经济注入巨量的流动性.全球大规模采取量化宽松政策在历史上尚属首次,对世界经济和中国经济都将产生难以估量的影响,对此有必要进行深入的分析.为此,在对量化宽松政策理论基础进行分析的基础上,进一步研究了日本量化宽松政策实践的经验与教训,以及当前量化宽松政策对全球经济的的影响.  相似文献   

量化宽松货币政策通过降低长期利率而发挥作用,较为有效地缓解了流动性危机,其传导机制与常规货币政策的传导基本相同。宏观模型表明,量化宽松货币政策对经济增长和通货膨胀都具有积极影响,这种影响并不仅仅限于金融危机期间。  相似文献   

We study the dynamic response of gross capital flows in emerging market economies to different global financial shocks, using a panel vector-autoregressive (PVAR) approach. Our focus lies primarily on the potentially stabilizing role played by domestic investors in offsetting the response of foreign investors to adverse global shocks. We find that, while foreign investors tend to retrench from emerging markets in response to global risk aversion and monetary policy shocks, foreign asset repatriation by resident investors does not always follow suit. Local investors play a meaningful stabilizing role in the face of global risk aversion shocks, with sizeable asset repatriation largely offsetting the retrenchment of non-residents. In contrast, foreign investor retrenchment in response to global monetary policy shocks is not mirrored by asset repatriation. Finally, we find robust evidence that positive global real shocks tend to have a positive impact on net capital inflows to emerging markets. Our results shed light on the likely impact of the Fed's QE tapering on capital flows to emerging market economies.  相似文献   

We model the effects of quantitative easing on the volatility of returns to individual gilts, examining both the effects of QE overall and of the specific days of asset purchases. The action of QE successfully neutralized the six fold increase in volatility that had been experienced by gilts since the start of the financial crisis. The volatility of longer term bonds reduced more quickly than the volatility of short to medium term bonds. The reversion of the volatility of shorter term bonds to pre-crisis levels was found to be more sensitive to the specific operational actions of QE, particularly where they experienced relatively greater purchase activity.  相似文献   

This paper offers a brief summary of nontraditional monetary policy measures adopted by the Bank of Japan (BOJ) during the last two decades, especially the period 1998–2006, when the so‐called zero interest rate policy (ZIRP) and quantitative easing (QE) were put in place. The paper begins with a typology of policies usable at low interest and inflation rates. They are: strategy (i), management of expectations about future policy rates; strategy (ii), targeted asset purchases; and strategy (iii), QE. Alternatively, QE may be decomposed into a pure attempt to inflate the central bank balance sheet, QE0, purchases of assets in dysfunctional markets, QE1, and purchases of assets to generate portfolio rebalancing, QE2. Strategy (ii), when nonsterilized, is either QE1 or QE2. Using this typology, I review the measures adopted by the BOJ and discuss evidence on the effectiveness of the measures. The broad conclusion is that strategies (i) and (ii) have affected interest rates, while no clear evidence exists so far of the effectiveness of the pure form of strategy (iii), or QE0. Strategy (ii) has been effective especially in containing risk/liquidity premiums in dysfunctional money markets; that is, QE1 has been effective. The effectiveness of QE2, however, is less clear‐cut. The strategies, however, have failed to bring the Japanese economy out of the deflation trap so far. I discuss some possible reasons for this and also implications for the current U.S. situation.  相似文献   

We examine the effects of quantitative easing (QE) on the volatility of and correlation between stocks, short-term bonds and long-term bonds in the UK. Using a multivariate dynamic conditional correlation generalised autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity model, we find that volatility in each of the markets experiences a significant increase during the financial crisis that is reversed during the first phase of QE. We find limited effects of the specific occurrence or intensity of QE activity on either the volatility or correlations for these asset classes, but some evidence that volatility persistence experienced temporary shifts during the sample period. We find short-term variability in the correlations between the markets during the crisis and QE periods, but cannot reject the hypothesis that correlations were constant throughout the sample period.  相似文献   

This paper casts the debate regarding the role of asset prices and financial imbalances in the formulation of monetary policy from the perspective of theoretically optimal policy responses. Within the context of a standard model of the transmission mechanism, several possible motivations for responding to financial imbalances are highlighted. However, preventative policy actions against the build-up of financial imbalances cannot be easily understood within such a framework without fundamental modification to the underlying model. It is argued that a more practical way to evaluate such actions is through the inclusion of concerns for financial imbalances explicitly in the central bank's objective function.  相似文献   

This paper examines gross financial inflows to developing countries between 2000 and 2013, with a focus on the potential effects of quantitative easing (QE) policies in the United States and other high-income countries. We find evidence for potential transmission of QE along observable liquidity, portfolio balancing, and confidence channels. Moreover, we find that QE had an additional latent effect over and above these observable channels, one that survives an array of robustness tests, retains its significance across different types of financial flows, and which cannot be attributed to changes in expectations or elasticity. Our baseline estimates place the lower bound of a QE effect at around 5 percent of gross inflows above trend, for the average developing economy, which is a magnitude comparable to a one standard deviation change along the traditional channels. We also find evidence of heterogeneity among different types of flows; portfolio (especially bond) flows tend to be more sensitive than FDI to our measured QE effects.  相似文献   

近年来,我国宏观流动性投放逐步由以前的被动投放(外汇占款)向主动投放转变,银行业资产配置结构更趋多元化,金融创新更加活跃,这些都在一定程度上改变了金融体系流动性传导的渠道和机制,迫使我们重新审视流动性在金融体系中消长、转移的内在逻辑,探讨新形势下流动性管理的合理方式和路径。本文运用动力系统模型来分析和论证银行资产配置结构变化对市场流动性状况的影响机制,以及中央银行流动性管理工具的有效性。研究表明,银行资产配置趋势的同质化容易导致市场流动性状况的恶化;中央银行需要进一步完善利率传导机制,强化货币政策与宏观审慎评估政策的协同配合,以提升流动性管理的有效性。  相似文献   

Unconventional monetary policy such as Quantitative Easing (QE) is often considered to have considerable spillover effects on emerging market economies (EME). Aims at quantifying these effects so far mostly use high-frequency data around announcement dates, panels or VAR models. This paper proposes an alternative way to estimate the effects of QE on emerging markets that allows us to include macroeconomic, i.e. low-frequency, data together with announcement dates. A Qual VAR is estimated that integrates binary information of QE announcements with an otherwise standard VAR, including US and emerging market variables. A key advantage is that the model accounts for the endogeneity and forecastability of QE announcements. The model uncovers the Fed's latent, unobservable propensity for QE and generates impulse responses for EME variables to QE shocks. The results suggest that QE has significant effects on EME's financial conditions and plays a sizable role in explaining capital inflows, equity prices and exchange rates.  相似文献   

文章结合美国经济金融现状及其历史经验对QE2退出后美国国债收益率和美元汇率走势进行了展望。通过梳理美国货币当局的政策逻辑,文章认为美国在结束QE2之后,短期内可能保持政策稳定,从中期来看进入紧缩周期的可能性较大。由于市场提前消化利空影响,QE2后美长期国债利率未必会大幅上行。联邦基金利率的回升、通胀水平的有效控制及财政赤字的削减,有助于美元汇率在中期阶段性走强;但美元汇率的长期反转,则需要美国经济步入由劳动生产率提高推动的新增长周期。  相似文献   

华予诗 《中国外资》2012,(18):220-221,224
美联储在2010年11月4日实施了第二轮量化宽松政策,这使得中国境内货币流动性大大增加。激增的美元数量给人民币升值带来了巨大压力。本文基于对后续连锁效应的分析,探索并总结了其影响中国房价泡沫的可能传到机制。最后给出了相关政策建议。  相似文献   

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