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我国基金家族明星基金溢出效应显著性的实证分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
明星基金溢出效应是指基金家族中业绩高且稳定的基金增加了同家族其它基金的现金流入,国外大量文献也证明基金家族中确实存在明星基金溢出效应。本文基于因子分析对基金业绩进行综合评价,选取两组基金,运用均值检验比较这两组基金现金流入的差异。实证结果显示,存在明星基金的基金组现金流入显著高于不存在明星基金的基金组现金流入,即我国基金家族明星基金溢出效应具有显著性。  相似文献   

投资者的选择与基金溢出效应研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文着重研究基金家族中明星基金对家族内部基金的溢出效应,即明星基金对基金资金流入增长率的影响。对中国证券市场54家基金家族管理的281只开放式偏股型基金的面板分析发现,拥有明星基金能够显著提高基金家族的新基金流入的增长比例,但拥有垃圾基金并不能显著地减少;明星基金比非明星基金能给自身吸引来更多的新资金,明星基金家族的非明星基金与非明星家族的基金相比没能被笼罩在这样的优质光环下。  相似文献   

基金作为重要的机构投资者,长期面临赎回率高企问题,不利于基金公司成熟稳健发展。本文聚焦基金公司的治理特征对于基金业绩与赎回行为关系的调节效应,实证分析基金业绩对基金赎回率的影响,从四个层面考察基金公司治理特征的调节效应,从静态与动态双维度视角实证检验其调节效应。结果发现:基金公司的股东规模、股权集中度、基金经理的团队、机构投资者的市场规模及其市场占比对基金业绩和基金赎回率具有显著的正向调节效应;基金公司的董事会规模与基金经理的性别对基金业绩和基金赎回率具有显著的负向调节效应,而独立董事规模与基金经理学历的调节效应不显著。  相似文献   

全面系统地研究了基金家族长期暂停申购明星基金的内在动因及效果。运用2007年至2013年的数据,发现暂停申购明星基金可以产生溢出效应,提高基金家族的资金净流入增长率,而明星基金暂停申购后的业绩并未改善,说明暂停申购明星基金只是基金家族的一种营销手段,而不是为了保护投资者权益。  相似文献   

全面系统地研究了基金家族长期暂停申购明星基金的内在动因及效果。运用2007年至2013年的数据,发现暂停申购明星基金可以产生溢出效应,提高基金家族的资金净流入增长率,而明星基金暂停申购后的业绩并未改善,说明暂停申购明星基金只是基金家族的一种营销手段,而不是为了保护投资者权益。  相似文献   

误区5:崇拜明星基金经理.只购买明星基金经理管理的基金分析:基金业绩的好坏与基金经理的投资风格和能力固然是密不可分的,但是基金的投资不仅仅是基金经理一个人决定的,与其背后的投研团队也是密不可分的,时下,很多基金管理公司都推行明星投研团队而不是明星基金经理。所以,基金业绩的好坏不仅与基金经理有关,与基金公司和基金经理背后的团队关系也很大。  相似文献   

本文选取2012—2013年度拥有2只及2只以上股票型和混合型基金的基金家族作为研究样本,构建了基金家族的整体业绩评价指标,包括加权平均业绩、加权排名百分位数、优质基金比率、业绩极差等,并从两个方面进行了相关的应用研究,其实证研究显示:明星家族的整体业绩水平显著高于非明星家族,是真正的明星家族;无论是明星家族还是非明星家族,整体业绩水平都不会长期保持,投资者不能单纯的依赖明星家族的年度业绩水平作为投资依据。  相似文献   

黄雪霞 《理财》2012,(10):48-49
时隔近3年半的意外降息令人纠结:降为GDP,不降为CPI。在降息背景下的基金投资者该如何选择不同的基金产品?为此,笔者回顾了自2003年以来(开放式基金面世后)我国不同利率调整周期中不同类型的基金产品业绩表现情况,并试图解释其业绩差异表现背后的主要原因。传统理论认为,任何资产的内在价值取决于持有资产可能带来的未来现金流收入,而未来现金流取决于投资者的预测,需  相似文献   

看排名选基金是投资者最常使用的选基方法,某段时间内业绩表现突出的明星基金总是能吸引大多数投资者的眼球,尤其是年度排名前十的基金,经常成为吸引投资者的风向标。但近几年中,"看排名选基金"的方法却频频失效,尤其是部分明星基金的业绩变脸让投资者很受伤。常常听到  相似文献   

在一系列政策措施的刺激下。A股在2009年一季度走出一轮“小阳春”行情。快速反弹的股票市场使得基金在连续四季度亏损的颓势下重现生机。在市场巨大的变化过程中,各基金系的风格、投资策略表现出了什么样的特点?这些特点对基金投资业绩的影响怎样?  相似文献   

We develop a model of performance evaluation and fund flows for mutual funds in a family. Family performance has two effects on a member fund's estimated skill and inflows: a positive common‐skill effect, and a negative correlated‐noise effect. The overall spillover can be either positive or negative, depending on the weight of common skill and correlation of noise in returns. Its absolute value increases with family size, and declines over time. The sensitivity of flows to a fund's own performance is affected accordingly. Empirical estimates of fund flow sensitivities show patterns consistent with rational cross‐fund learning within families.  相似文献   

Fund families typically claim that closing a fund protects the fund's superior performance by preventing it from growing too large to be managed efficiently. Even though funds with better performance and larger size are more likely to be closed, there is no evidence that closing a fund can indeed protect its performance. Instead, fund closing decisions are more likely to be motivated by spillover effects – by closing a star fund, the fund family signals its superior performance and also brings investors' attention and investments to other funds in the family. Some evidence exists to suggest that the closing strategy is effective in generating higher inflows into the rest of the family, at least in the short run.  相似文献   

Studies of investor responses to exchange offer (EO) announcements find a positive relation between abnormal returns and the proposed change in leverage: a result consistent with the performance signaling hypothesis. In this study of equity-for-debt EO announcements, shareholder wealth declines and the relation between Tobin's Q and announcement effects is consistent with the free cash flow hypothesis. There is no pattern of contemporaneous and subsequent performance of EO firms that systematically supports the signaling, income smoothing, or free cash flow hypotheses. We infer that EOs are motivated by sinking fund considerations, rather than signaling or compensation motives.  相似文献   

This paper assesses the importance of fund flows in the performance evaluation of Australian international equity funds. Two concepts of fund flows are considered in the context of a conditional asset pricing model. The first measure is net fund flow relative to fund size and the second is net fund flow relative to sector flows. We find that incorporating a fund flow measure relative to the sector flow results in a reduction of measured perverse market timing. The results indicate that, at the individual fund level, cash flows are relevant in assessing management outcomes.  相似文献   

We document empirical evidence that both hedge fund (HF) and private equity fund (PE) investments are driven by corporate governance improvements, but address different types of agency conflicts. Whereas HFs focus on firms without a controlling shareholder, in particular family shareholders, PEs invest in firms with low managerial ownership. Both appear to address free cash flow problems differently. Aiming at increasing dividends, HFs tend to use commitment devices that can be implemented over a short horizon. PEs are inclined to longer‐term strategies: they target firms that are particularly well suited for leverage increases because of low expected financial distress costs.  相似文献   

This paper studies, for the first time, the cash flow timing skills of socially responsible (SR) mutual fund investors. Our findings show that SR investors neither worsen nor improve their returns according to their cash flow timing decisions, although they show good timing for net purchase and perverse timing for net withdrawal decisions. When controlling for fund characteristics, investors in larger, institutional, with longer mean manager tenure, lower expense ratio, no load, lower mean turnover ratio and a fee level below the average funds, show better timing results; in other words, sophisticated and better informed investors make better cash flow timing decisions. Controlling for SR strategy, green fund investors (our proxy for profit-seeking investors) had the worst results (similar to those obtained for conventional investors in the prior literature), and religious fund investors (our proxy for the values-driven profile) had results that were most different from conventional investors.  相似文献   

We develop three novel measures of the incentives of equity mutual funds to internalize the price impact of their trading. We show that mutual funds with stronger incentives to internalize their price impact accommodate inflows and outflows by adjusting their cash buffers instead of trading in portfolio securities. As a result, stocks held by these funds have lower volatility, and flows out of these funds have smaller spillover effects on other funds holding the same securities. Our results provide evidence of meaningful fire sale externalities in the equity mutual fund industry.  相似文献   

This paper studies the relation between corporate liquidity and diversification. The key finding is that multidivision firms hold significantly less cash than stand‐alone firms because they are diversified in their investment opportunities. Lower cross‐divisional correlations in investment opportunity and higher correlations between investment opportunity and cash flow correspond to lower cash holdings, even after controlling for cash flow volatility. The effects are strongest in financially constrained firms and in well‐governed firms, and correspond to efficient fund transfers from low‐ to high‐productivity divisions. Taken together, these results bring forth an efficient link between diversification and corporate liquidity.  相似文献   

采用线性与非线性Granger因果检验、协整检验和VECM模型,研究了沪深300股指期货和现货市场的线性与非线性信息溢出,并检验了期货市场的价格发现功能发挥情况。研究结果显示:线性信息溢出方面,沪深300股指期货市场对现货市场只有线性均值信息溢出,现货市场对期货市场只存在线性方差信息溢出;非线性信息溢出方面,两个市场之间不存在非线性均值信息溢出,不过二者之间存在显著的非线性方差信息溢出;沪深300股指期、现货市场之间存在着长期均衡的关系,不过不同于成熟市场中期货市场在价格发现方面居于主导地位的结论,我国股指现货市场在价格发现方面占主导地位,而期货市场处于从属地位。  相似文献   

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