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本文提出股东导向(相对利益相关者导向)与稳定性(相对波动性)两个非Gray(1988)会计价值维度,并理论分析其如何受主要环境因素影响。研究认为:相比个人主义和阳刚之气,集体主义和阴柔之气的社会更易形成利益相关者导向与稳定性价值,且这种价值更易受到权力距离大、不确定性规避程度高的社会的偏好;自由主义政治意识形态和分权型政治组织体制社会更易形成股东导向与波动性价值,且这种价值偏好在市场主导经济体制、普通法与股权型融资系统的社会也更易占主导,而税会合一程度越高,其会计价值越倾向于利益相关者导向与稳定性价值。研究有助于完善Hofstede-Gray的文化-会计价值理论框架,为政策制定者与当前会计准则国际趋同提供参考。  相似文献   

针对我国的会计改革与发展这一主题和近年来会计研究中出现的一些值得注意的倾向 ,本文根据邓小平理论 ,通过系统的环境分析提出社会主义市场经济会计模式的基本特征或中国会计应当具有的特色。本文阐述的主要观点是 :(1)邓小平理论是构建社会主义市场经济会计模式的理论基础 ;(2 )社会主义是我国会计改革与发展的政治方向 ;(3)为国家宏观经济调控服务是我国会计的首要目标 ;(4 )实行国家统一的会计制度要求强制性的会计规范 ;(5 )社会主义精神文明中的思想道德体系应成为维护国家会计统一性的文化条件。本文还指出西方经济学各流派以及实证研究在我国的局限性 ,认为它们只能作为某种参考和补充。  相似文献   

与已有研究不同,本文结合投资规模和投资效果来界定过度投资,并将会计稳健性区分为条件稳健和非条件稳健,以研究过度投资与会计稳健性的相互关系.通过对我国2007-20013年A股上市公司样本的分析,本文发现在结合投资规模和投资效果来界定过度投资的情况下,过度投资和会计稳健性的相互影响明显比仅仅根据投资规模来界定过度投资的情形更显著,而且更为精确.与价值(业绩)上升企业相比,价值(业绩)下降企业的条件稳健性对过度投资具有更强的治理作用,而价值(业绩)下降企业的过度投资行为对非条件稳健性产生了显著的负向影响.  相似文献   

目前关于社会责任信息披露与融资约束之间关系的研究还较少,且未有研究将社会责任信息披露与会计稳健性联系起来,考察二者对融资约束影响的交互效应,这不利于在实务上为企业的决策提供理论指引。本文以我国A股上市公司为样本,区分民营企业和国有企业考察了社会责任信息披露、会计稳健性及融资约束之间的关系,研究发现:(1)社会责任信息披露有助于缓解融资约束,且这种影响主要体现在民营企业中,在国有企业中并不显著;(2)由于资源约束的限制,企业社会责任信息披露与会计稳健性在对融资约束的影响上主要呈现出替代关系;(3)社会责任信息披露对融资约束的影响及其与会计稳健性之间的替代效应主要存在于经济发达地区,在经济发展水平较低的地区并不显著。  相似文献   

论文以2011-2015年全部A股上市公司为研究对象,实证检验了会计稳健性与融资约束的关系.研究发现,稳健的会计信息有利于缓解企业的融资约束,并进一步发现这种关系会同时受到企业产权性质和所在地区市场化程度的影响.具体而言,当企业所在地区市场化程度越低时,会计稳健性对民营企业融资约束的缓解作用比国有企业更为明显,而当企业所在地区市场程度较高时,会计稳健性与融资约束的关系受产权性质的影响较小.  相似文献   

李艳 《会计师》2010,(8):31-32
<正>加入WTO后,经济和企业的发展要求我国加快与国际会计准则的趋同。2006年颁布的新企业会计准则采取了"原则导向型"框架,引入了公允价值这种新的计量属性,这是会计发展的必然趋势。这一主要变化增加了企业会计准则的灵活性,也使更多的会计核算越来越依靠会计人员的职业判断。本文从公允价值和会计职业判断的定义及特点出发,从两个方面说明了它们之间的关系:公允价值依靠会计职业判断,会计职业判断促进公允价值的应用,举例说明公允价值在会计职业判断中的应用,在最后对会计人员职业判断的提高提出了几点建议。  相似文献   

会计稳健性是一项备受争议的会计信息质量要求,考虑到我国企业普遍受融资约束影响的背景,本文以2007-2015年A股上市公司为样本,实证检验了会计稳健性、融资约束及投资效率之间的关系。研究发现:(1)会计稳健性对投资过度和投资不足均具有抑制作用,融资约束会抑制投资过度而加剧投资不足;(2)融资约束加强了会计稳健性对投资过度的抑制作用,二者在一定程度上存在协同效应;(3)融资约束加强了会计稳健性对投资不足的抑制作用,会计稳健性表现出治理效应。本文揭示了会计稳健性与融资约束的交互作用对投资效率的影响机制,从而提供了改善投资效率的有效途径,证明了会计稳健性存在的必要性,有利于为企业的决策提供理论指引。  相似文献   

(四)荷兰会计荷兰属北欧会计体系。北欧会计在某些方面与盎格鲁—萨克逊会计极为相似 ,但又在很大程度上受日耳曼会计的影响 ,特别在税法的重要性上影响深远。这一国家集群包括荷兰、丹麦、挪威、瑞典和芬兰。与日耳曼会计及拉丁会计相比 ,北欧会计比较乐观 ,披露信息的透明度较高 ;但与盎格鲁—萨克逊会计相比则略逊一筹。荷兰自17世纪末起即成为海上殖民国家 ,其海外运输和国际贸易的发展历史是相当长的 ,尽管后来殖民体系逐渐瓦解了 ,荷兰在当代仍属于比较发达的资本主义国家 ,拥有一些具有世界影响的大型跨国公司 ,如荷兰化学制药公…  相似文献   

培育与塑造有中国特色的共同会计价值观   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
我国目前会计价值观发展的短视与"功利主义"的倾向,存在会计价值观因经济体制转轨而被边缘化的风险,为此,需要培育与重构有中国特色的共同会计价值观。准确界定价值、价值观、会计价值观和共同会计价值观的概念特性,尤其是共同会计价值观所蕴含的中国特色是分析共同会计价值观培育之必要性的基础。以资源配置效率和规则双重导向的会计准则的不足,理论上需要培育无形约束会计从业人员职业意志与职业行为的共同会计价值观,同时中国经济转轨过程中会计价值观的缺失和"荒漠化"客观上要求塑造具有中国特色的共同会计价值观。深入分析我国及西方国家会计价值观的历史渊源及影响是探寻培育路径的必要前提。要以社会主义核心价值观为内核,以西方国家的会计价值观为参照,彰显中国优秀的传统文化和会计精神,中国特色的共同会计价值观会不仅仅重构着会计行业的职业风气和职业意志,也会发挥其杠杠作用撬动中国社会主义核心价值观的普及与内生。  相似文献   

论产权会计观与产权会计变革   总被引:48,自引:9,他引:48  
郭道扬 《会计研究》2004,26(2):8-15
本文根据党的十六届三中全会关于建立现代产权制度的精神,结合对产权经济学中相关基本理论问题的研究,首先阐明了市场经济是产权经济这一本质问题,并较系统地研究了产权经济与产权经济学的发展对会计理论、会计法制与会计方法所产生的重要影响及会计的发展在对产权经济进行管理控制方面的重要历史贡献。在此基础上,本文把研究的重点放在确立产权会计观和全方位进行会计变革方面,其内容包括:(1)关于建立产权会计的主体理论——产权价值运动论问题;(2)关于产权会计对象研究问题;(3)关于会计从企业契约联结方位对产权价值运动过程与结果的控制问题;(4)关于从产权控制方面建立企业内部控制制度的问题;(5)关于产权会计法律制度体系建设问题等。上述问题的研究对于今后会计学的改革、会计实务的改革,以及对于我国今后建立以产权规范为核心的会计法律制度体系均具有一定意义。  相似文献   

The international accounting classification literature emphasises the importance of understanding how institutional factors shape accounting regulations and practices. With the mandatory adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) in the European Union and Australia in 2005, our empirical study examines whether three international accounting classification systems relating to equity financing, law and culture still had merit as measured on transition to IFRS and explore whether they are effective in grouping accounting systems. Using IFRS as the yardstick, we find statistically significant differences in the measurement of shareholders’ equity as between strong (Class A) versus weak (Class B) equity financing systems, common law versus code law systems and cultural systems based on ‘Anglo’, ‘Nordic’ and ‘More Developed Latin’ cultural groups. With regard to the measurement of net income, however, we find statistically significant differences only in respect of strong (Class A) versus weak (Class B) equity financing systems. Our findings demonstrate that traditional international accounting system differences still persisted at the time of IFRS adoption even after long periods of harmonisation and growing international accounting convergence.  相似文献   

The achievement of better performance from municipal administrations is an ongoing challenge. We use the contingency theory perspective, which concentrates on the specific environmental settings of organisations, to examine the influence of management accounting departments within German municipal administrations. Our findings indicate that as the size of municipalities increases, the level of their administrative performance decreases. We additionally show that this negative effect can be mitigated when management accounting is seen as being highly relevant and when the management accounting department performs well. Furthermore, a comparison of the accounting systems (cash versus accrual accounting) used in municipal administrations reveals that a successful working management accounting department can only exert a positive effect when the municipal administration acts under an accrual accounting regime.  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of deep-elaborative versus shallow-reiterative information processing on students' academic performance. The results show that deep-elaborative students out-performed their shallow-reiterative counterparts in management accounting and accounting information systems courses.  相似文献   

Recent calls in the information systems research community argue that we know intelligent systems deskill users, and future research should focus on how to design systems that do not deskill, rather than continue to examine whether the phenomenon occurs. This should be a wakeup call for public accounting firms focused on implementing restrictive audit support systems, which leads to de-skilling of novice accounting professionals. Our research focuses on redesigning knowledge-based systems to facilitate expertise development and counteract the de-skilling effects that result from use of such systems. Specifically, we manipulate the design of the system interface by providing information cues in a screen format consistent with expert knowledge representations and manipulate automatic provision versus voluntary use of explanations for users during task completion. Results show that after using the knowledge-based system to complete a series of reenacted client engagements over a three-day period, both the interface design manipulation and automatic provision of explanations had a positive effect on novice accounting professionals’ development of expert-like knowledge structures. The results of the study have important implications for the development of knowledge-based systems intended to support accounting professionals’ (and other knowledge workers’) expertise development processes.  相似文献   

Gray et al. (2014) examined the productivity of expert systems/artificial intelligence research in accounting and came to the conclusion that both research on and practice use of expert systems/artificial intelligence had waned since the late 1990s. In our study, we reconsider these findings based on a broader view that is ‘artificial intelligence’ centric versus ‘expert systems’ centric. The results show that while there was a bit of a lull in the late 1990s, artificial intelligence research in accounting has continued to steadily increase over the past 30 years. Further consideration of artificial intelligence techniques as embedded modules in integrated audit support systems also suggest that use by practice continues to be robust. Based on these findings, we make a call for much more research on the usability, and use, of artificial intelligence techniques in accounting domains. Contrary to earlier perceptions, the research domain remains vibrant and holds great potential for AIS researchers to take a leadership role in advancing the field.  相似文献   

Shyam Sunder 《Abacus》2015,51(4):536-548

当代会计研究方法:检讨和反思   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
自二十世纪九十年代起,中国会计理论研究中越来越重视实证方法,这可能与参照英美国家的实证会计研究趋势有关。但回顾西方国家几十年来的会计研究历史,却发现西方会计学者本身也有很多对实证研究方法的质疑。到了二十一世纪,西方会计研究界也尝试寻求超越实证研究方法的其它研究方法,比如人文诠释研究方法等。从西方国家近几十年的会计研究经验来看,是一个从规范性研究方法到实证研究方法,又从实证研究方法到人文诠释研究方法的过程。西方国家对会计研究方法不同观点反省的经验和教训,对中国也很有参考价值。  相似文献   

Whilst target costing and strategic management accounting (SMA) continue to be of considerable interest to academic accountants, both suffer from a relative dearth of empirically based research. Simultaneously, the subject of economic value added (EVA) has also been the subject of little research at the level of the individual firm.The aim of this paper is to contribute to both the management accounting and value based management literatures by analysing how one major European based MNC introduced EVA into its target costing system. The case raises important questions about both the feasibility of cascading EVA down to product level and the compatibility of customer facing versus shareholder focused systems of performance management. We provide preliminary evidence that target costing can be used to align both of these perspectives, and when combined with other SMA techniques it can serve as “the bridge connecting strategy formulation with strategy execution and profit generation” (Ansari et al., 2007, p. 512).  相似文献   

P. J. M. KLUMPES 《Abacus》1994,30(2):140-159
Describing the politics surrounding accounting rule development may provide greater insights to such processes than analysing written submissions to rule-making bodies. Over a twenty-year period a rule-making contest evolved between the accounting profession and an alliance of pension industry interest groups over the introduction of different forms of regulation (accounting standards versus legislative-backed rules) relating to pension fund accounting. From the perspective of government, the debate about pension fund accounting reflects the outside-initiative model (Cobb and Elder, 1972; Cobb et al., 1976). Issues were created by the (accounting and actuarial) professions, expanded in the relevant (pension and life insurance) industry and then gained entrance to the formal agenda of both regulatory and government deliberations. In this case the accounting profession failed to gain acceptance of its professional rule-making activities. Alternative possible explanations as to why the alliance of interest groups eventually prevailed over the accounting profession are explored.  相似文献   

The academic literature is critical of management accountants for their failure to initiate change and their inability to promote changed accounting information systems and performance measurement. The motivation for this study is provided by Kaplan (1986) who suggests that ‘when manufacturing operations change, the last and most difficult component to change is the accounting system’, and by Dunk (1989) who finds that accounting innovations lag operational innovations and that there are benefits arising from minimizing the time taken to adopt new accounting measures.The introduction of new management accounting systems to support management initiatives, provides the opportunity to investigate those factors contributing to accounting lag, and to determine those strategies which might usefully be employed to reduce accounting lag. This study examines the responses of accounting systems to TQM implementations at six diverse manufacturing sites in Adelaide, South Australia.Wolfe (1994), Rogers (1995), Gosselin (1997) and Bjornenak (1997) provide a theoretical framework for the investigation of the diffusion of accounting innovation and suggestions of the contextual factors which will influence its impact. This study suggests that industry sector, management commitment, organizational structure, participation and financial performance are all influential in the diffusion process, but in an inconsistent manner.  相似文献   

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