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王林丽 《时代金融》2014,(17):153-154
在承接产业转移中,产业承接地政府通过提供各种优惠政策,吸引相关企业在当地进行投资。但由于我国中西部地方政府存在着盲目使用优惠政策,过度竞争等行为误区,在一定的程度上对相关企业的投资形成了抑制。为加快中西部地区承接产业转移的步伐,实现区域经济的协调发展。文章着重探讨了中西部地方政府应该树立什么样的产业承接理念和如何规范政府行为,以及建设什么类型的政府行为模式识别系统。  相似文献   

2008年国际金融危机后,以我国为中心的国际产业转移呈现“双向转移”,特别是制造业对外转移较为活跃,一方面附加值较低的产业群向要素成本更低的东南亚国家或地区转移,另一方面高技术产业向欧美日等发达国家回流。企业主要通过对外直接投资和国际贸易向外转移。企业为降低经营成本、获取稀缺资源、获取先进技术以达到利润最大化,是我国当前产业对外转移的动机。此外,制造业低端产能过剩与中高端供给缺乏矛盾加剧产业转移。在此基础上,我国资本和技术密集型产品出口比重增加,高精尖进口产品回流国内;企业走出去步伐加快,直接投资净流出增加;实际利用外资增速放缓,外商直接投资撤资回流发达国家,导致流出压力有所增加。  相似文献   

经济结构调整与中小企业的发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
经济结构调整 ,朝阳和夕阳产业在不同国家有不同的表现 ,在产业轮换中 ,产业进入障碍限制了不同规模企业在部门间的资本转移。新兴产业是中小企业容易竞争优势的地方 ,但新兴产业不是向所有投资者开放。高新技术产业 ,需要全新概念的投资者 ,中小企业的投资者最好把投资局限在自己能力和熟悉的范围内 ,这是中小企业投资者保持投资的成功所在  相似文献   

本文在分析了广东区域经济布局的基础上,研究了影响珠三角产业转移的因素:迫使企业离开珠三角迁往其他地区的推力,即政策推动、土地约束、环保管制和劳动力成本上升;鼓励企业继续留在珠三角的拉力,即规模经济吸引、产业特征粘性、城市功能限制和投资环境差异。珠三角的企业通过权衡这两类因素决定是否往其他地区迁移。在上述分析框架下,本文探讨了金融危机对广东双转移的影响以及广东产业转移的趋势。  相似文献   

徐子福 《中国外汇》2019,(22):38-40
自中美贸易摩擦爆发以来,两国双边贸易呈不断萎缩之势。随着美国将进口需求向越南等东南亚国家倾斜,更引发了对国内产业转移的担优。通过梳理2015年以来浙江对外投资数据并结合实地调研可以发现,当前浙江产业转移呈现出一些新的特征:东南亚新设投资提速;规避关税壁垒而非成本驱动成首要原因;中小型企业正在取代大型企业成为境外投资的主要力量。结合浙江外贸出口特征,短期来看,浙江产业转移有“近忧”,局部行业和地区有集中转移苗头;但长期来看并无“远虑”,一般贸易为主的出口结构,凸显了浙江出口的韧性,产业转移不会导致“产业空心化”。  相似文献   

产业转移是经济全球化和区域经济一体化条件下,资源要素的跨国界、跨区域流动和重新配置,是生产力发展的必然要求,也是产业升级与开放经济的共同结果。据农业银行部分股权董事带队的课题组于2010年底在江苏省淮安、泰州、盐城地区的调研,农行苏北地区分支行以满足转移企业金融需求为突破口,在抓住产业转移机遇、全力服务产业转移项目方面取得了良好的经营成效。  相似文献   

中国加入WTO后,尤其在加入WTO的后过渡期,资源在全球范围内的流动和配置大大加强,企业面临国内外更激烈的市场竞争,越来越多的跨国公司正加快对中国的投资速度,纷纷到中国设立或扩大加工基地与研发基地,国际产业转移呈现许多新动向,资本技术密集型产业纷纷向中国转移,制造业乃至其整个供应链也将随着跨国公司的进入向中国扩展,现代服务业成为其投资重点,物流中心四处布点,一大批中国企业也将真正融入全球产业链,有些还将直接成为国际跨国公司的配套企业,这些都将大大加快中国经济与国际经济接轨的步伐,加剧中国企业在本土和国际范围内与外商的竞争.在这种新环境下,中国的企业和产业也必须运用SCM这个管理利器,提升自己的竞争力和整体优势.  相似文献   

FDI的产业转移对我国的产业结构调整起到了非常重要的作用,本文结合我国企业对外投资产业结构不合理的问题,提出必须制定民营企业对外投资产业.选择的结构战略和政府支持战略,提高我国产业的国际竞争力和国际分工地位。  相似文献   

<正>一、产业转移理论产业转移是指在经济环境变化和产业所处生命周期阶段改变的背景下,由企业主导或推动的,将其产业生产部门的部分或者全部由原所在地转移到新的国家或地区的过程。产业转移是生产部门所处空间位置的转移改变,其发生的内在动力是由于生产部门追求利润的最大化。其动因包括:企业对利润的追求、区域经济发展状况的不平衡、国家间或区域间要素成本的差异、社会需求结构的改变、政策影响因素等。所以,在产业转出国家或地区,随着经济的发展和  相似文献   

徐定成  李莎  黄海 《金融纵横》2013,(10):94-98
近年来,苏州地区外资电子通讯制造业企业向中西部地区产业转移情况较为突出,这对相关地区的经济运行产生了较大影响。本文在回顾产业转移相关文献的基础上,从要素供给、产品供给和产业集聚视角分析和验证电子通讯制造业转移的动因,发现要素供给是电子通讯企业产业转移的决定性因素,而产品供给不是转移的原因。在此基础上,提出了适应产业转移趋势、促进地区经济稳定增长的建议。  相似文献   

张悦 《证券市场导报》2012,(7):62-65,77
转融通实质上就是证券金融公司对证券公司的融资融券。证券金融公司是转融通业务的唯一主体,具有一定的垄断地位,但证券金融公司在开展转融通业务时,与证券公司是交易对手,处于平等的民事主体地位,证券金融公司不应定位为交易的中央对手方或者市场组织者。在《转融通业务监督管理试行办法》规定的框架下,证券金融公司可以根据实际情况和需要设计出不同的业务操作模式,但效率与安全应当是考虑设计转融通操作模式的两大基本出发点。从长远看,比照现有的融资融券业务操作模式构建证券金融公司的转融通业务操作模式,是一种可取的选择,值得作进一步的思考。  相似文献   

The popular view that market forces controlled the development of financial reporting practices among nineteenth-century British companies has recently been shown, by Parker (1990), to be an oversimplification. Large companies engaged in the provision of public utilities, transportation and financial services were the subject of close regulation, though not necessarily or only for the purpose of shareholder protection. The nineteenth century also saw the creation of municipal corporations, and their development is marked by a further variation in the process of accounting change. A regulatory structure, including requirements for accountability, was established when the modern municipal corporation was created in 1834, and this broad framework remained in force without major amendment until 1930. The accounting practices employed by municipal corporations underwent fundamental change, however, to accommodate major alterations in the nature of their activities. The process of 'voluntary' change in response to market pressure received reinforcement from recommendations made by the highly active local-authority-oriented professional accounting body.  相似文献   

如果没有公平的竞争环境,跨国公司的发展会受到限制,可以说建立一个公平竞争的国际环境是跨国公司得以发展的最根本的前提。事实上,公平竞争环境不仅包括产品市场竞争、生产要素市场竞争和金融市场竞争,而且还包括税收政策竞争等经济政策竞争。这些竞争环境都是跨国公司发展的必要国际条件。  相似文献   

We examine how tax rates impact investment by corporations in the stock market. We regress changes in intercorporate investment on changes in the various individual and corporate top statutory marginal tax rates (MTRs). We find a significant negative association between changes in individual capital gains MTRs and changes in intercorporate investment, while no such association is evident for changes in either individual ordinary or dividend MTRs. These results support the notion that corporations respond to the after-tax rate of return and/or market efficiency consequences brought about by a change in individual capital gains MTRs. We find a significant positive relation between changes in intercorporate investment and changes in corporate MTRs on ordinary income. These results are consistent with corporations scaling back expansion plans and instead investing free cash flows in equity securities as MTRs increase.  相似文献   

股票市场的价格高低及变动是对股票内在价值高低及变动的综合反映和表现,其价格的形成直接取决于市场的供求关系,而影响和调节股票供求量的并不是单位股票绝对价格水平的高低及变动,而是股票作为投资品单位内在价值的市场价格水平的高低及变动,同时也隐显了公司价值潜在的变动。因而,对股票内在价值的投资实质上是对公司价值的认可。由于股票收入效应和替代效应的存在又使股票供给曲线向后弯曲提升了股票的内在价值,进而也提升了公司的价值。这一表象正是引起股价波动背后的主要理性因素,从而为投资决策提供了理性依据。  相似文献   

证券投资基金风格、投资行为与股票市场波动   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文研究了我国不同投资风格的证券投资基金投资行为和股票市场波动之间的相互关系,对于正确认识投资基金的作用以及发展机构投资者的政策取向具有重要意义。实证结果显示,证券投资基金股票投资行为在一定程度上引起了股票市场的波动,可以部分平抑市场下跌时的波动风险,同时加剧了市场上涨时的市场波动。成长型基金对股市波动的影响较大,而平衡型基金具有降低股市波动的作用。  相似文献   

The role of venture capital in the creation of the public corporation is now widely recognized. This study investigates whether venture capitalists add value to the going public process by improving the survival profile of IPO issuers. The survival of IPO issuers is not only likely to depend on managerial actions but also on the effectiveness of key market participants such as investment bankers and analysts. The form and function of the venture capital industry allows venture capitalists to influence the actions of managers, investment bankers, and analysts, and attract institutional interest. Conducting survival analyses using the Cox hazard methodology, we find that the involvement of venture capitalists improves the survival profile of IPO firms. Several other variables that are potentially influenced by VC involvement like R&D allocations, analyst following, investment banker prestige, and success on road shows are also positively related to the survival time of IPO issuers.  相似文献   

We examine how state-ownership affects financial constraints on investment of Chinese-listed firms during 1999–2008. We find that although an average sample firm experiences some degree of financial constraints, state-ownership does not necessarily help in reducing the firm's financial constraints on investment. Further evidence shows that state-ownership does not lead to more borrowing from the Chinese banking sector, implying that state-ownership does not necessarily reduce the firm's financial constraints via the state-controlled banking sector. We consider not only the standard factors in the investment equation, but also the firm's equity financing behaviour explicitly. The result is robust to both the conventional proxy for financial constraints, i.e. the investment–cash-flow sensitivity, and a recently developed proxy for financial constraints, i.e. the KZ index. Our results suggest that China's corporatisation movement is effective in that soft budget constraints once enjoyed by former state-owned enterprises have been removed along with the progress of corporatisation. These firms, although still state-involved, can be seen as modern corporations operating in a market environment.  相似文献   

As the ultimate corporate decision‐makers, directors have an impact on the investment time horizons of the corporations they govern. How they make investment decisions has been profoundly influenced by the expansion of the investment chain and the increasing concentration of share ownership in institutional hands. By examining agency in light of legal theory, we highlight that the board is in fact sui generis and not an agent of shareholders. Consequently, transparency can lead to directors being ‘captured’ by institutional investor objectives and timeframes, potentially to the detriment of the corporation as a whole. The counter‐intuitive conclusion is that transparency may, under certain conditions, undermine good corporate governance and lead to excessive short‐termism.  相似文献   

This study examines the association between corporate social responsibility (CSR) and corporate tax aggressiveness. Based on a sample of 408 publicly listed Australian corporations for the 2008/2009 financial year, our regression results show that the higher the level of CSR disclosure of a corporation, the lower is the level of corporate tax aggressiveness. We find a negative and statistically significant association between CSR disclosure and tax aggressiveness which holds across a number of different regression model specifications, thus more socially responsible corporations are likely to be less tax aggressive in nature. Finally, the regression results from our additional analysis indicate that the social investment commitment and corporate and CSR strategy (including the ethics and business conduct) of a corporation are important elements of CSR activities that have a negative impact on tax aggressiveness.  相似文献   

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