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本文以52家在A股与H股两个市场挂牌交易的上市公司为研究对象,通过衡量样本公司在两个市场的IPO抑价程度以及上市后的中长期股价表现来比较两个市场的IPO定价效率,并通过多元回归的方法找出两个市场中影响IPO定价效率的因素.研究表明,A股市场的IPO定价效率显著低于H股市场,针对此现状,本文提出了改革A股市场新股发行定价制度的相关政策建议.  相似文献   

本文以52家在A股与H股两个市场挂牌交易的上市公司为研究对象,通过衡量样本公司在两个市场的IPO抑价程度以及上市后的中长期股价表现来比较两个市场的IPO定价效率,并通过多元回归的方法找出两个市场中影响IPO定价效率的因素,研究表明,A股市场的IPO定价效率显著低于H股市场,针对此现状,本文提出了改革A股市场折股发行定价制度的相关政策建议.  相似文献   

我国IPO抑价影响因素的实证分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以2006年末至2010年末之间在A股市场上市的451只股票为样本,从IPO发行的一级市场,二级市场,以及企业自身绩效入手研究IPO抑价的影响因素。研究结果表明,IPO抑价产生部分来自一级市场的人为操作和二级市场的过度买卖,同时,企业绩效变量也显著抑制了IPO抑价的结果,即净资产回报越高的企业,IPO抑价越低。  相似文献   

陈友翠 《时代金融》2011,(11):52-53
我国创业板市场开通至今,已有一百多家公司在其上市,在首次新股发行时,其抑价程度将影响股市的稳定性。本文结合创业板的IPO抑价率、首日换手率、发行市盈率、新股发行与上市之间的时间间隔、发行规模、公司规模等方面,对创业板IPO抑价及其影响因素进行了实证分析,并提出建议。  相似文献   

陈友翠 《云南金融》2011,(4Z):52-53
我国创业板市场开通至今,已有一百多家公司在其上市,在首次新股发行时,其抑价程度将影响股市的稳定性。本文结合创业板的IPO抑价率、首日换手率、发行市盈率、新股发行与上市之间的时间间隔、发行规模、公司规模等方面,对创业板IPO抑价及其影响因素进行了实证分析,并提出建议。  相似文献   

本文以2006—2014年上市的1107家A股IPO公司为样本,研究了承销商声誉对公司媒体报道、进而对IPO首日抑价的影响。研究发现:(1)媒体关注与IPO首日抑价正相关;(2)承销商通过媒体报道这一中间传导环节提高新股首日抑价;(3)IPO承销商声誉有助于公司获得更高的媒体关注,特别是来自地方性媒体的关注,2009年6月IPO发行政策改革后,承销商声誉对媒体关注影响增强。本研究有助于进一步揭示并理解金融中介对资产定价影响的内在机理。  相似文献   

以2004-2010年沪深A股上市公司为研究样本,追踪企业IPO(首次公开募股,Initial Public Offerings,简称IPO)后5年,考察并购行为是否为企业进行IPO的重要动因之一.结果表明:现金对价方式的并购支出与IPO初始资金筹集量显著正相关,与SEO资金筹集量显著正相关;股票对价方式的并购支出与IPO抑价显著正相关,与Jensen指数显著正相关;并购总支出与IPO成本显著正相关,与企业债务资本筹集量显著正相关,与发行价格调整正相关但不显著.  相似文献   

创始人、创业投资与创业板IPO抑价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
IPO高抑价是创业板市场的显著特征之一。本文从公司治理的视角,运用信息不对称和信号理论分析创始人、创业投资与IPO抑价之间的关系并进行实证研究。研究表明,创始人通过持股数量和兼任CEO具有一定的信号传递作用,降低了IPO抑价,而创业投资降低IPO抑价的作用并不显著。创业投资都具有低价发行保证上市成功的动机,创业投资存在只求上市,不求成长的现象。  相似文献   

涂燕妮  王守球 《时代金融》2011,(33):163+174
如今我国股票市场制度日益完善,与发达国家接轨日益紧密,曾经受到广泛关注的IPO高抑价现象是否得到改善,IPO前盈余管理对IPO抑价的影响又如何。通过实证分析我国A股市场上2009年IPO的公司数据,发现我国A股市场上2009年IPO前盈余管理对IPO抑价存在正相关关系,而且我国A股市场上首次公开发行的股票仍然存在抑价现象,但明显得到改善。  相似文献   

IPO抑价水平过高已是IPO过程中的普遍现象,其中我国的IPO抑价水平较其他成熟的市场更高.IPO抑价水平的预测有利于承销商及发行公司预知初始设资金定的发行价与拟发行公司真实市值之间的差距,有助于降低IPO抑价水平,体现拟上市公司的真实价值.  相似文献   

This paper explores the link between IPO underpricing and financial markets. In my model the IPO is a mean for a capital constrained initial investor to exit and thereby to raise funds for a new investment opportunity. This investor is privately informed vis-a-vis outside investors about the profitability of the new opportunity and the quality of the firm to be offered in the IPO. He can then use the offer price and the fraction of shares sold as signals of his private information. The model shows that underpricing is not only linked to firm’s characteristics, i.e. firm value, but to elements external to the firm, i.e. new investment profitability and financial markets characteristics. In particular higher market efficiency reduces the cost of listing. This results in lower underpricing and the listing of more valuable firm. Similarly, a higher lower bound of the new investment’s profitability reduces the information asymmetry and hence reduces underpricing and widens the range of firms listed.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the effects of underwriter reputation on initial public offering (IPO) underpricing in the Chinese Growth Enterprise Market, in light of the conflicting evidence in the literature on IPO underpricing. Using data during the post global financial crisis period, we find that IPO firms with prestigious underwriters have lower market-adjusted initial returns on average. We further find that prestigious underwriters reduce IPO underpricing by minimizing the time gap between the offering and listing, choosing high-quality firms to underwrite, and reducing information asymmetry between issuers and investors. In the presence of institutional investors, however, we find that more underpricing occurs, as these investors tend to obtain access to IPO shares at a higher price discount via private placements. This new finding suggests that the institutional investors have a role to play in the case of high under-pricing, which partly gets corrected via underwriter reputation.  相似文献   

以2009年7月至2012年5月间上市发行股票为样本,采用随机前沿模型进行定价分析,以新股发行定价类型,首日发行抑价率正负进行分类.选取折价发行且上市首日"破发"(即首日收盘价低于发行价)公司样本,将其与溢价发行且上市首日未"破发"公司样本,按照"行业-收入规模"标准进行样本配对,计算两组公司上市后1~5年买入与持有收益(BHAR)并进行差异性检验.结果表明:新股上市后前三年均表现不佳,折价发行且首日"破发"的股票在上市后前两年表现更差.这为新股定价与长期表现相关研究提供了新的实证.  相似文献   

Book building has become a popular method of selling new shares. Although previous models suggest that book building is an efficient method for price discovery in initial public offering (IPO) issuance, empirical evidence provides mixed results. Previous empirical findings on IPO methods have been obtained from markets that allow issuers to choose the IPO method, and this setting is not free from endogeneity issues. We investigate the effect of IPO method (fixed price vs book building) in Indonesia, which is an emerging market that offers an exogenous setting for IPO methods. More specifically, Indonesia used the fixed price method for IPOs before October 2000 and used the book building method thereafter following the introduction of new IPO regulations. Using estimation methods that consider clustering phenomena, we find that book building yields larger underpricing and greater volatility than the fixed price method. Moreover, a positive relationship is observed between underpricing and aftermarket volatility for the book building method and book building IPOs underperform fixed price IPOs. No relationship was observed between underpricing and long-term performance for book building IPOs. Compared with previous models, our findings suggest that book building does not represent a quality IPO method and suffers from agency conflict; thus, this method needs improvement.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the impact of market conditions of market return and volatility on choosing an IPO mechanism, using data of 942 IPOs on either Shanghai or Shenzhen stock exchanges of China from 1994 to 2003. We find, on average, the issuers are more likely to have their IPOs offering and listing during times of high market return and low market volatility. The fixed price procedure of the secondary market proportional offering is optimal in minimising the underpricing and cross-sectional variation of the first day returns. The bookbuilding procedure is optimal in counteracting adverse conditions created by low market profitability, high market volatility and uncertainty induced by the time ‘gap’ from offering to listing. By comparing the advantages between the secondary market proportional offering and bookbuilding procedures, the latter is preferred.  相似文献   

本文以中小板与创业板近两年首发上市的公司为样本,研究公司首发上市与盈余质量之间的关系。研究发现,公司上市前一年盈余操纵的程度显著下降,但创业板公司盈余操纵程度大于中小板公司。虽然盈余操纵行为推高了发行价,但投资者的认购热情未受到影响,首日投资回报取决于投资者情绪,与盈利能力及成长性无关。首发上市时的盈余操纵程度随着第一大股东持股比例的增加而降低,但董事长兼总经理的现象导致盈余质量下降,而机构投资者和会计师事务所也未能显著提高盈余质量。创业板公司盈余质量整体上低于中小板公司,但规模大、成立时间长的公司盈余质量相对较高。  相似文献   

The study aims to examine non-linear relationship between initial public offering (IPO) volume and average monthly initial returns for ‘hot’ and ‘cold’ issuing cycles in the Indian IPO markets using a two-state Markov regime-switching vector autoregressive model. The sample considers 557 IPOs during the period 2004–2014. The study establishes the presence of hot and cold states in Indian IPO markets. It finds bidirectional causality between IPO volume and initial returns for ‘hot’ issuing periods. The empirical findings suggest that the market possesses valuable information content in terms of the past issuing activity which has the potential to increase the predictability of future market behaviour.  相似文献   

We revisit initial public offering (IPO) underpricing in China before and after the 2001 China Securities Regulatory Commission reforms targeting the IPO process and strengthening corporate governance, using Habib and Ljungqvist’s (2001) wealth loss measure instead of headline underpricing. Habib and Ljungqvist argue that the extent to which owners care about underpricing depends on both headline underpricing and the percentage of IPO shares issued relative to total shares outstanding. We find that in the post-reform period, relative to the pre-reform period, the wealth loss for pre-IPO owners is lower, the incremental effect of the association between wealth loss and state-retained ownership is significantly positive, and a higher proportion of independent directors on the board moderates the wealth loss. Our findings suggest that the more market-oriented IPO process and the corporate governance reforms provide insiders of Chinese IPO firms with greater opportunities to influence IPO pricing and thereby reduce their wealth loss.  相似文献   

This paper represents a first attempt to employ a macroeconomic approach to explain the high and varying IPO underpricing within a single emerging market. We examine the empirical impact of trade openness on the short-run underpricing of initial public offerings (IPOs) using city-level data. Particularly, we argue that urban economic openness (UEO) has a significant impact on the productivity and on prices of both direct and indirect real estate due to productivity gains of companies in more open areas. This in turn positively affects the firm’s profitability, enhancing the confidence in local real estate markets and future company performance, hence decreasing the uncertainty of the IPO valuation. As a result, issuers have less incentive to underprice IPO shares. We use a sample of Chinese real estate IPOs, which offer a suitable laboratory thanks to their strong geographic investment patterns focused locally and a country with a highly heterogeneous openness across regions. Controlling for traditional firm- and issuing-specific characteristics of IPOs that are used for developed markets and Chinese-related features (i.e. listing location and state ownership), we find the evidence that companies investing in economically more open areas experience less IPO underpricing. Our results show great explanatory power and are robust to different specifications.  相似文献   

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