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借助中国家庭金融调查项目所提供的大样本、高质量的微观数据,分析我国居民人寿保险的需求状况,从人口统计学变量、文化和心理因素、保障方式等方面考察了我国居民在寿险投保率、投保时所选择的具体险种以及主要险种投保金额上的差异,并解释其原因。国内以往从个体层面研究寿险需求问题的并不多,希望此次研究能为后续相关研究提供一定的启发和参考。  相似文献   

借助中国家庭金融调查项目所提供的大样本、高质量的微观数据,分析我国居民人寿保险的需求状况,从人口统计学变量、文化和心理因素、保障方式等方面考察了我国居民在寿险投保率、投保时所选择的具体险种以及主要险种投保金额上的差异,并解释其原因。国内以往从个体层面研究寿险需求问题的并不多,希望此次研究能为后续相关研究提供一定的启发和参考。  相似文献   

购买儿童险,先将以下4个险种做一个比较。险种一:儿童意外伤害险险种特点:保费比较便宜,保障相对较高,没有返还。适用家庭:经济一般的家庭,这类家庭可以考虑作为基础购买,保障孩子的意外伤害。这个险种主要针对的是18岁以下的孩子,当孩子因意外发生造成较高医疗费用,或是发生意外导致残疾,甚至死亡,保险公司便会对这些情况给予孩子人  相似文献   

我国家庭财产保险产品发展现状简析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
陈琦 《上海保险》2005,(2):26-29
一、家财险发展现状 家庭财产保险作为低费率高保障的险种,对于防范家庭风险,降低财产损失有着极其重要的意义,是保障家庭财产安全、防范家庭生活风险的"守护神"。 自从1979年我国恢复国内保险业务以来,家财险和企财险、车险一起作为"老三险"就一直开  相似文献   

随着人们收入的不断增长,除了关心家庭资产如何实现保值增值外,家庭成员甚至家庭财产的保障成为了人们更关注的问题。如今的保险市场不断完善,险种日益丰富,但由于缺乏了解,很多投保人在购买保险的过程中存在一些误区。  相似文献   

说到保险,我们耳熟能详的险种无非就是寿险、意外险、健康医疗险、分红险等等.在家庭一生的保险规划当中,这些保险确实占有举足轻重的位置.但对于某些特殊需求的人群来讲,也许仅有这些险种的保障是不够的.  相似文献   

开发投资型寿险产品是寿险业务的一个必要方向,但以中国保险市场当前的供求状况来看,我国夺险市场产品结构仍应以传统寿险为主,险种变革的主要内容应以改革现有保障型险种、推出新的保障型险种和组合型险种为主。  相似文献   

一、我国机动车辆保险的发展现状及存在的问题 机动车辆保险是目前我国财产保险中举足轻重的险种,我国自1980年恢复办理国内保险业务,企业财产保险一直是核心险种,直到1987年机动车辆保险保费收入首次超过企业财产保险,成为财产保险中最大的险种,其后保费收入逐步增加,近年机动车辆保险保费总收入占财产保险保费总收入的比例一直在60%左右.我国汽车工业的高速发展、国民收入的大幅度提高以及人们消费观念的转变是机动车辆保险迅速发展的主要推动力.机动车辆保险作为现代社会处理风险的重要手段,为保障经济补偿、稳定社会经济发展发挥了积极的作用,成为经济社会中不可缺少的风险管理手段.  相似文献   

为未成年人投保的法律问题探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
未成年人是一类非常特殊的投保群体,未成年人保险在我国有很大的发展空间。各家保险公司如何在法律法规和行政规章的框架下开发出更多满足客户不同保险保障需求的保险险种是一个值得研究的课题。  相似文献   

王涵琪 《上海保险》2023,(11):62-64
近年来,为加速乡村振兴、推进特色农业建设,多省实施了中药材保险试点,为中药材种植户及企业、农民合作社、家庭农场等提供保险保障和保费补贴。河北省虽然为中药材产业大省,政府也高度重视和支持中药材产业发展,但中药材保险目前尚未被纳入省定补贴险种,该险种的推广面临诸多困难,不利于河北省中药材产业的高质量发展。  相似文献   

许栩 《海南金融》2011,(2):54-56
近年来,我国保险市场存在着产品结构不合理的现实问题,虽然强调"转方式、调结构",但主要是针对寿险业务结构的调整,并未注意到寿险业务与非寿险业务比例结构的合理性,财产保险市场发展薄弱.本文首先从产品保障功能的角度对产品结构合理性的衡量问题进行了讨论,引入了"非寿险业务占比"指标作为衡量保险业发展健康程度的指标.通过对国际...  相似文献   

国内和欧美手机银行业务发展的实践与创新   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
熊俊  陆军 《金融论坛》2011,(3):64-67
结合手机银行发展的新趋势,本文选取了美国银行等3家欧美银行和工商银行等4家国内银行为研究样本,围绕服务模式、产品功能、安全性和业务发展等纬度进行对比分析.跟欧美同业相比,国内手机银行针对智能手机的特色服务体系尚待进一步完善,但产品功能更丰富,安全防范层级更高,即将进入快速成长期.因此,国内手机银行应充分把握发展机遇,大...  相似文献   

We consider a competitive and perfect financial market in which agents have heterogeneous cash flow valuations. Instead of assuming that agents are endowed with rational expectations, we model their behavior as the product of adaptive learning. Our results demonstrate that adaptive learning affects security design profoundly, with securities mispriced even in the long run and optimal designs trading off underpricing against intrinsic value maximization. The evolutionary dominant security design calls for issuing securities that engender large losses with a small but positive probability, but that otherwise produce stable payoffs, almost the exact opposite of the pure state claims that are optimal in the rational expectations framework.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to provide a fuller understanding of the process linking security returns and accounting data by focusing on the effect of long return intervals on the association between security returns and earnings and cash flow variables. First, we develop a theoretical basis for empirical analysis of the relationship between security returns and cash flow data over long return intervals. Second, we carry out empirical analysis of both the information content of cash flow variables and the incremental information content of accounting earnings and cash flows using UK data over the period 1985–92 for annual, two year and four year return intervals. Our results provide strong evidence of the valuation relevance of cash flow information for the dataset examined.  相似文献   

我国养老保险制度科学发展的路径探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前,我国养老保险制度运行仍处于较大的风险中:制度模式未实现成功转型、覆盖范围过于狭窄、统筹层次明显偏低、财政投入不足和政府间责任划分不清、管理体制没有理顺。国外养老制度改革注重了制度的可及性、财务上的可持续性、基金的安全性和管理的有效性,为我国提供了可供借鉴的经验。本文提出了促进我国养老保险制度实现科学发展的路径:调整制度基本架构,建立针对非工薪人员的普惠式的国民基础年金(最低养老金)制度和针对工薪劳动者的公共养老金制度,确保全体国民享有养老保障;通过发行认可债券使养老金隐性负债显性化,并通过国家财政、国企分红、划拔国有资产、特别税收等方式逐年偿还;同时,自上而下一步到位实行全国统筹,解决养老金入不敷出、不易监管和保险关系跨地区转移与接续等诸多现实问题。  相似文献   

中国的养老保险制度改革不仅要考虑到人口老龄化的挑战,还需看到经济全球化提出的要求,以及城市化带来的机遇。本文基于详实的数据和深入的前期研究,指出中国的养老保险制度改革仍然具有一些独特的空间,包括老年劳动参与的提高,劳动生产率的提升,养老保险覆盖面的扩大,保险基金投资回报率的提高等。中国的老龄化发生在经济发展水平相对较低的阶段,在经济全球化时代,需要权衡缴费率和国际竞争力之间的矛盾。与人口老龄化相伴随的是城市化,将农村转移劳动力纳入城镇社会保障体系可以在较长时间内改变体系的负担率,同时农村老年人口绝对数量的下降,也可为政府补贴增长提供条件。长期而言,老龄化社会的养老能力根本上取决于劳动生产率的不断提高。  相似文献   

How will international integration affect welfare policies? This paper considers the possibilities of financing public sector activities (public consumption and social security expenses) by general (wage) taxation in an economy which becomes more integrated in international product markets. Even if labour is internationally immobile, the increased mobility of products and hence jobs implies a change in the distortions arising from taxes and social security contributions levied on labour income. Since financing of social security via general taxation involves a common resource problem the effects of international integration depend critically on the institutional structure of the labour market. This paper shows that increased international integration inducing more product market competition implies that it becomes more costly to maintain welfare systems financed by general taxation.  相似文献   

We investigate the potential uncertainty-reducing role of accounting information in the context of contingent Superfund liability valuation. We first develop theoretical arguments for the way reduction of uncertainty regarding these contingent liabilities is expected to affect security prices. Empirical proxies are developed for two types of uncertainty surrounding contingent Superfund liabilities: site uncertainty and allocation uncertainty. In a valuation framework, we then investigate whether financial statement disclosures and accruals reduce uncertainty and thereby affect security valuation. Specifically, we analyze the interaction of private information contained in firm disclosures and accruals with inherent uncertainty surrounding contingent Superfund liabilities. Results suggest that in a regulatory environment allowing substantial reporting discretion, firm-provided financial statement information affects valuation of contingent Superfund liabilities by reducing uncertainty. Further, we find that information revealed through accruals versus disclosures is differentially effective at reducing site and allocation uncertainty.  相似文献   

Activity Based Costing and Management are important topics in today's management accounting literature. While there has been much attention paid in the Activity Based Costing literature to customer profitability analysis, process improvement and product design, there has been far less notice taken of purchasing. In this paper we develop an Activity Based Costing approach for the determination of procurement strategies. Vendor selection using an Activity Based Costing approach is choosing the combination of suppliers for a given product group that minimizes the total costs associated with the purchasing strategy. To this end we develop a mathematical programming model where decisions involve the selection of vendors and the determination of order quantities. The system computes the total cost of ownership, thereby increasing the objectivity in the selection process and giving the opportunity for various kinds of sensitivity analysis.  相似文献   

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