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国际再保险监管的现状和发展趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前,按照加入WTO的承诺,我国保险市场已全面对外开放.经过这段时间的开放我们发现,外资再保险公司纷纷看好我国潜力巨大的保险市场,已有多家专业再保险公司和再保险中介进入中国.由于我国过去的再保险监管比较薄弱,相关的保险法律法规更是滞后,因此,为加快与国际保险市场监管接轨的步伐,我们应抓紧再保险监管实践,修改和完善保险法律法规.笔者在这里首先分析国际上再保险监管的现状、对再保险实行监管的必要性,然后对国际上现有的再保险监管内容和形式进行归纳,最后分析国际再保险监管的发展趋势,以期对建立我国再保险监管体系和完善我国保险市场监管起到一些参考作用.  相似文献   

我国再保险市场发展中存在的一个突出问题是,保险资源在再保险和原保险之间的配置失当,资源过度向原保险倾斜,造成再保险发展滞后,再保险供给严重不足。这突出表现为中资再保险公司资本和承保能力相对不足。2005年8月,中国财产再保险公司完成增资扩股,资本金从8亿元增至14.5亿元,中国人寿再保险公司仍然维持8tL元的注册资本金。  相似文献   

570亿近日,金融监管总局通报了十年来银行业保险业支持共建“一带一路”服务情况。2020年7月,原银保监会指导11家中外资保险公司成立中国“一带一路”再保险共同体,通过发挥再保险独特的专业技术优势,加强产品创新和业务数据标准化,全面提升中资海外利益特殊风险保障水平。目前,“一带一路”再保险共同体成员已有中国再保险集团、人保财险等共23家中外保险、再保险公司。  相似文献   

在金融监管领域中,再保险监管一直以来基本上是一个盲点。究其原因,一是因为再保险业务本身具有国际性,一国监管部门对国际业务的监管受到诸多限制;二是因为再保险业务的交易双方都是原保险公司和再保险公司的专业人员,他们掌握着必要的法律知识.保险知识和风险控制技术。因此,  相似文献   

近年来我国保险业快速发展,部分规模较大、复杂度较高的保险机构因与其他保险机构关联度高而居于再保险网络的核心,决定了再保险市场的系统性风险传播机制,对我国金融体系整体稳健性以及服务实体经济的能力具有重要影响,为此,迫切需要对系统重要性保险机构和保险业系统性风险进行识别判断。本文将再保险市场统计意义上的结论运用到风险传染动力学模型的构建中,使校准后的模型更贴近实际,研究了再保险国际化比率、破产阈值、紧急折价抛售系数、保险赔付占保险损失比率等因素对再保险市场稳健性的影响。运用最大熵理论解决了再保险交易对手方的信息不完全问题,寻求再保险转移矩阵和我国保险业发生系统性风险时总赔付额的临界点,研究发现我国的再保险复杂网络中有可能存在再保险旋涡,部分资金规模庞大且偿付能力充足的保险公司广泛进行再保险业务,导致风险集聚,但发生再保险旋涡的概率极其低,再保险复杂网络整体上十分稳健。论文探索了再保险市场的风险传播机制,论证了"联系太紧密而不能倒"的保险机构相比于"太大而不能倒"的保险机构,一旦倒闭对再保险市场稳健性的影响更大,为识别系统重要性保险机构,及早发现并防范保险业系统性风险提供了新的方法和思路。  相似文献   

周卫东 《上海保险》2009,(8):14-15,19
为强化保险公司风险管理,加强保险监管,提高风险防范能力,2007年4月6日中国保监会制定印发了《保险公司风险管理指引(试行)》。将保险公司应当识别和评估的主要风险划分为保险风险、市场风险、信用风险和操作风险等。其中,保险风险指由于对死亡率、疾病率、赔付率、退保率等判断不正确导致产品定价错误或者准备金提取不足,再保险安排不当,非预期重大理赔等造成损失的可能性。信用风险是指由于债务人或者交易对手不能履行合同义务,或者信用状况的不利变动而造成损失的可能性。各类风险的识别与评估是建立在信息基础之上的,笔者认为其中的保险风险和信用风险的识别、评估要从完善保险单证的设计入手。  相似文献   

偿付能力监管是现代保险监管方法的重要组成部分,更是衡量保险公司经营稳定与安全性的主要指标,如何改善偿付能力是保险业界必须讨论和研究的热点问题。再保险特别是财务再保险,由于其自身所具有的本质特性,将成为改善保险公司偿付能力的主要手段之一。本文基于再保险的角度去探索改善保险公司偿付能力的途径,从财务再保险的基本理论出发,介绍了财务再保险的定义、特征和分类,并结合保险公司偿付能力的有关知识分析了二者之间的关系。通过模型计算,得出了财务再保险与偿付能力最适边界和可解决域,这将极大的方便保险公司在购买财务再保险时的决策。  相似文献   

王飞 《上海保险》2014,(12):25-28
一、问题的提出我国目前大约有70%的再保险需求是通过境外分出解决的。理论上,我国保险人可以选择国际上任何一家再保险公司进行再保险交易。然而,面对复杂、多变的再保险市场,我国对于选择与监督国际再保险人的制度尚不完善。我国偿付能力监管未能充分考虑保险证券化等新型风险转移工具在保险公司巨灾风险管理中的作用,对于向境外保险证券化特殊目的机构分出业务如何扣减监管资本也缺乏明确规定。  相似文献   

作为一种风险管理和资本补充工具,再保险对资本和风险决策的影响具有内生性。本文采用2009—2020年44家中国产险公司的数据,运用联立方程局部调整模型,首次实证检验了偿付能力监管下中国产险公司资本、风险与再保险的调整机制,并对偿二代实施前后进行了对比研究。研究发现:相比于偿一代,偿二代下资本与风险之间形成了良性互动关系,且偿二代下再保险的风险管理和资本补充作用明显增强,体现为再保险对资本的替代作用增强,风险增加导致再保险运用大幅增加;偿一代监管效力较弱,偿付能力不足的公司不能更广泛地增加资本、减少风险,也不能更快地完成资本、风险与再保险的调整,而偿二代监管效力则有所提升,偿付能力不足的公司更大幅度地增加资本、减少风险及增加再保险运用,并更快地调整资本,但不能更快地调整风险和再保险。为此,本文建议监管者应严格限制偿付能力不足的公司承保高风险业务或投资高风险资产,并通过发展中国再保险市场来降低中国保险公司再保险交易的成本,引导偿付能力不足的公司通过及时减少风险承担和增加再保险运用来缓解偿付能力风险。  相似文献   

随着我国保险市场开放步伐的加快,保险市场竞争日益激烈。保险公司营销创新作为保险公司提升竞争力的重要手段,日益成为保险理论界与实务界共同关注的焦点。本文在总结我国保险营销发展情况的基础上,分析了中资保险公司营销创新的现实背景,并论述了中资保险公司营销创新的必要性。论文最后,对中资保险公司营销创新的思路提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

This article reviews the extant research on systemic risk in the insurance sector and outlines new areas of research in this field. We summarize and classify 48 theoretical and empirical research papers from both academia and practitioner organizations. The survey reveals that traditional insurance activity in the life, nonlife, and reinsurance sectors neither contributes to systemic risk nor increases insurers’ vulnerability to impairments of the financial system. However, nontraditional activities (e.g., credit default swap underwriting) might increase vulnerability, and life insurers might be more vulnerable than nonlife insurers due to higher leverage. Whether nontraditional activities also contribute to systemic risk is not entirely clear; however, the activities with the potential to contribute to systemic risk include underwriting financial derivatives and providing financial guarantees. This article is not only likely of interest to academics but also highly relevant for the industry, regulators, and policymakers.  相似文献   

This paper examines the determinants of financial derivatives use in the United Kingdom life insurance industry. We estimate a probit regression model and a Heckman two-stage sample selection regression model using a sample of eighty-eight U.K. life insurers in 1995. Our results indicate that the propensity to use derivative instruments is positively related to a firm's size, leverage and international links, and negatively related to the extent of reinsurance. We also find that mutual life insurance firms have a greater propensity than stock firms to use derivatives. The positive relation with leverage and the negative relation with reinsurance support the hypothesis that U.K. life insurers use derivatives to offset risk, rather than as a speculative means of income generation. Firm size and organizational form are the main influences on the extent of financial derivatives use.  相似文献   

We examine the relation between loss reserving errors, leverage and reinsurance in the UK’s property–casualty insurance industry. We find that financially weak insurers under-estimate reserves to reduce leverage, and so pre-empt costly regulatory scrutiny. However, at very high leverage, insurers over-reserve, suggesting a non-linear relation between leverage and reserving policy. We also investigate whether monitoring by reinsurers reduces reserving errors, and find that highly reinsured insurers are less likely to make loss reserve errors. However, the use of proportional reinsurance does not affect loss reserve accuracy.  相似文献   

This study compares internal and external sources of capital in the insurance industry by analyzing reinsurance activity between affiliated and unaffiliated insurers. Tests are performed using data from a large sample of property-liability insurers that are affiliated with at least one other property-liability insurer. Results indicate that while demands for internal and external reinsurance have some factors in common, there are cost-based differences in internal and external capital, as well as structural differences in the use of internal and external reinsurance. Results are consistent with previous theories related to internal versus external capital markets.  相似文献   

This article considers the role of American International Group (AIG) and the insurance sector in the 2007–2009 financial crisis and the implications for insurance regulation. Following an overview of the causes of the crisis, I explore the events and policies that contributed to federal government intervention to prevent bankruptcy of AIG and the scope of federal assistance to AIG. I discuss the extent to which insurance in general poses systemic risk and whether a systemic risk regulator is desirable for insurers or other nonbank financial institutions. The last two sections of the article address the financial crisis's implications for proposed optional and/or mandatory federal chartering and regulation of insurers and for insurance regulation in general.  相似文献   

This study examines the effect of the state of the international reinsurance market on the demand for reinsurance by U.S. insurers using data from the years 1993 through 2000. Both the overall demand for reinsurance and the utilization of foreign reinsurance by U.S. insurers are explored. In addition to supporting the findings of prior literature related to the traditional motives for the corporate demand for insurance, evidence indicates that the state of the U.S. reinsurance industry impacts the amount of reinsurance demanded by U.S. insurers. The study also investigates reasons why U.S. insurers utilize a reinsurance program composed of both U.S. and foreign reinsurers. The results indicate that the decision to utilize some percentage of foreign reinsurance is driven primarily by the financial and operational characteristics of the ceding company such as firm size, group affiliation, and organizational form. However, no support is found for the hypothesis that possible differences between the foreign and U.S. reinsurance markets impact the decision to utilize foreign reinsurance.  相似文献   

We study the exposure and contribution of 253 international life and non-life insurers to systemic risk between 2000 and 2012. For our full sample period, we find systemic risk in the international insurance sector to be small. In contrast, the contribution of insurers to the fragility of the financial system peaked during the recent financial crisis. In our panel regressions, we find the interconnectedness of large insurers with the insurance sector to be a significant driver of the insurers’ exposure to systemic risk. In contrast, the contribution of insurers to systemic risk appears to be primarily driven by the insurers’ leverage.  相似文献   

We propose multilayer networks in the frequency domain, including the short-term, medium-term, and long-term layers, to investigate the extreme risk connectedness among financial institutions. Using the conditional autoregressive value at risk (CAViaR) tool to measure the extreme risk of financial institutions, we construct extreme risk networks and inter-sector extreme risk networks of 36 Chinese financial institutions through the proposed approach. We observe that the extreme risk connectedness across financial institutions is heterogeneous in the short-, medium-, and long-term. In general, the long-term connectedness among financial institutions rises sharply during times of financial stress, such as the 2015 Chinese stock market turbulence and the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic. Moreover, we note that the insurers are key players in driving the inter-sector extreme risk networks, because the inter-sector systemic importance of insurance institutions is dominant. Finally, our conclusions provide valuable information for regulators to prevent systemic risk.  相似文献   

本文以2006~2017年中国39家产险公司的非平衡面板数据为研究样本,从产险公司再保险决策的持续性和趋同性特征入手,测度了固定效应和传统因素对再保险决策的解释能力,并首次探析了产险公司再保险决策的调整机制问题。本文运用方差分解方法量化了固定效应和传统因素对再保险决策的解释能力;采用分布滞后模型估计了传统因素对再保险决策的中长期影响;运用局部调整模型识别了固定效应和传统因素对再保险决策的影响机制。研究发现:受公司固定效应的影响,产险公司的再保险决策具有很强的持续性,每年主要是根据年份固定效应所代表的监管政策等宏观因素的变化做出迅速调整,而根据反映公司经营特征的传统因素的时间序列变化所做出的调整并不明显。基于上述结果,本文建议监管者应注重提升监管政策的针对性,引导产险公司在综合考量各项经营指标的基础上,把再保险作为全面风险管理、经营效率提升的一项中长期战略安排。  相似文献   

Automobile and workers' compensation insurance are relatively homogeneous products sold under varying regulatory systems among the states. This paper investigates how price regulation affects the capital structure decisions of profit-maximizing insurers who sell insurance in both competitive and/or regulated markets. Specifically, we test the hypothesis that insurers subject to price regulation will choose to hold less capital. In addition, we hypothesize insurers subject to more stringent regulatory pricing constraints will choose even higher degrees of leverage because the benefits of holding additional amounts of capital are suppressed. We conduct empirical tests using cross-sectional data on insurers and find evidence consistent with both hypotheses. These findings have important implications for insurance price and solvency regulation. Stricter price regulation increases the default risk (i.e., reduces the financial quality) of insurance contracts purchased by individuals and firms.  相似文献   

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