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为有效实施新资本协议中的第一支部评级法高级法。柱,即最低资本要求,新协议对于信用风标准法的大致方法是根据外部评级险、市场风险、操作风险等三大风险的度机构对银行资产的评级结果,对应不同量规定了有关计算方法(见下图),供各级别资产的监管风险权重,信用风险的国银行监管  相似文献   

姚雯 《财政监督》2004,(12):51-51
银行业是一个风险管理的行业,它通过有效的风险管理来创造自身价值。虽然混业经营已呈大势所趋,但信贷风险管理仍是银行业的重点和难点。许多国际著名银行的信贷风险管理成功经验非常值得我们学习和借鉴。2002年发布的《新巴塞尔资本协议》对银行的风险管理提出了新的要求。要达到《新巴塞尔资本协议》对风险控制的新要求,首先必须建立和完善信贷风险评级制度。一、新巴塞尔资本协议的资本监管下的内部评级法在新巴塞尔资本协议这种内部评级法下,针对信用风险的监管资本的基本框架包括五个方面:风险暴露分类、风险要素、风险权重函数、最低要求和监管检查。新协议中的监管资本标准由  相似文献   

谈伟宪  董红蕾 《上海金融》2004,(5):33-34,29
巴塞尔委员会《新资本协议》所推出的内部评级法.提供了一套以银行内部风险评级为基础的资本充足率计算及资本监管的动态监管方法,本文探讨了实施内部评级法对中国银行业提高风险管理能力、改进资本监管要求的激励效应,提出了金融开放下中国银行业加快引入并实施内部评级法的重要性。  相似文献   

新资本协议与我国商业银行风险管理   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
新资本协议对我国金融机构的风险管理提出了新的更高的要求。我国商业银行要在实施全面风险管理的基础上,逐步推进新资本协议所倡导的内部评级法,构建风险管理的整体机制。树立全面风险管理理念,营造风险管理的执行文化氛围;实施以内部评级为主的风险计量方法,注重风险缓释技术的应用;创建风险计量模型,构筑信息数据平台;提高风险管理的制度化水平,增强风险预警能力;建立现代企业制度,构建风险管理市场机制;发挥监管当局作用,强化外部监督。  相似文献   

对新兴市场国家而言,实施新巴塞尔资本协议将面临两大难题:一是允许采用专业评级机构信用评级的标准法几乎无法把资本要求和风险有效地结合;二是许多国家缺乏实施内部评级法的专门技术。对此,作者提出了集中评级法。对在风险不同的多个国家经营的国际性银行而言,如果使用内部评级法,其资本要求可能比使用旧巴塞尔协议或新协议标准法更高。针对跨境监管,作者提出了成立监管当局联合会、进行联合检查和披露要求等三项建议。  相似文献   

罗平 《中国金融》2006,(20):56-57
2004年6月,巴塞尔委员会正式公布新资本协议,建立了资本监管三大支柱体系,有效地将资本充足率与银行有效管理各类风险的能力紧密地结合在一起。新资本协议复杂的资本计量方法对银行风险管理提出了更高要求,强调了风险计量的精确性、敏感性和标准化,尤其突出了依赖银行内部量化指标计量信用风险的内部评级法(Internal Ratings Based Approach,以下简称“IRB”法)在风险管理中的地位和作用。  相似文献   

随着新资本协议计划的正式发布,对于风险管理手段落后的国内银行业来说是严峻挑战.中国人民银行也初步确立了在促进国内银行业加强内部风险管理的基础上,力争按照"内部评级法"实施资本监管的指导思想,引导各行依照新巴塞尔协议建立自己的内部评级体系.国家开发银行正在积极探索内部评级方法,初步建立了以客户信用评级、行业信用评级、地区信用评级为基础的内部信用评级体系.  相似文献   

对我国商业银行实施内部评级法的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建立并完善商业银行的信贷风险内部评级法,是控制信用风险的关键所在,目前这一点已经在我国商业银行业界达成共识.新巴塞尔资本协议创设的内部评级法,是一种具有较高风险敏感度的处理方式,可以为各国商业贷款风险识别与管理提供依据.从《巴塞尔新资本协议》的技术要求来看,巴塞尔银行监督委员会高度重视内部评级法在风险管理和资本监管中的作用,并鼓励有条件的银行建立和发展内部评级模型.这显示内部评级法作为新协议的一项核心内容,正成为全球银行业风险管理的主流模式.如何根据我国情况有选择地借鉴新巴塞尔资本协议,通过内部评级法建立起严格科学的贷款质量分类管理体系,以有效地控制信用风险,这是我国商业银行目前需要深入研究的问题.  相似文献   

巴塞尔新资本协议对银行风险管理提出了更高的要求,强调了风险计量的精确性、敏感性和标准化,突出了内部评级法(Internal Ratings-Based Approaches,IRB)的重要地位和作用。本文试从巴塞尔新资本协议对银行信用风险管理中实施内部评级法的有关要求入手,结合我行目前实施内部评级法可能存在的不利因素,提出实施内部评级法的初步构想。  相似文献   

中国银行新一代客户信用评级系统   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
一、评级系统建立的背景客户信用评级,也称内部评级,是银行准确评估借款人的资信水平,测算借款人的违约概率,把握授信风险,从源头上提高授信资产质量的一种有效途径。在巴塞尔新资本协议中,最引人注目的是对信用风险进行估值的内部评级法(IRB,InternalRating-BasedAp-proach)的推出。建立内部信用评级体系是适应新的监管要求的必然趋势。巴塞尔新协议代表了新的监管趋势和要求,只有适应了这一趋势和要求,银行才能在日趋国际化、多元化的市场中获得生存与发展。建立内部信用评级体系是提高银行核心竞争力的重要手段。新资本协议对于银行风…  相似文献   

浙江省瓯江滩坑水电站 项目实施地区:浙江 投资总额:464168.33万元 项目内容描述:建设规模为3×200兆瓦、年发电量10.23亿千瓦时。 湖南省雷公洞防洪水库项目 项目实施地区:湖南 投资总额:24531万元  相似文献   

一季度地方经济飘红 截至4月24日,除上海和西藏外,我国29个省区市公布了第一季度的经济成绩单。除新疆外,其他28个省区市一季度GDP增速均超越全国的11.9%的水平,其中更有18省区市的增速超15%。  相似文献   

In an era where dependence of information systems is significantly high, the threat of incidents related to information security that could jeopardize financial information held by organizations is serious. Alarming facts within the literature point to inadequacies in information security practices, particularly the evaluation of information security controls in organizations. Research efforts have resulted in various methodologies developed to deal with the information security controls assessment problem. A closer look at these traditional methodologies highlights various weaknesses that prevent an effective information security controls assessment in organizations. This paper develops a methodology that addresses such weaknesses when evaluating information security controls in organizations' financial systems. The methodology uses the fuzzy set theory which allows for a more accurate assessment of imprecise criteria than traditional methodologies. It is argued that using the fuzzy set theory to evaluate information security controls in organizations addresses existing weaknesses identified in the literature and leads to a more precise assessment. This, in turn, results in a more effective selection of information security controls and enhanced information security in organizations. The main contribution of this research is the development of a fuzzy set theory-based assessment methodology that provides for a thorough evaluation of information security controls in organizations. Overall, the methodology presented herein proved to be a feasible technique for evaluating information security controls in organizations' financial systems.  相似文献   

财务管理信息系统信息集成模式研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
一、引言财务管理信息系统(FMIS,Financing Management Information System)是商业银行对数据质量要求最高、涉及数据范围最为广泛的管理信息系统之一,它不仅关系到外围客户数据、前台交易数据、后台财务数据、内部风险控制数据、跨行资金交易清算数据等大型数据库之间的采集,而且还涉及数据在网点、支行、分行、总行等多层次的无缝传递。但是,目前商业银行普遍存在着基于FoxPro的小型数据库系统、Novell网络系统的会计信息系统和基于C/S体系结构、Sybase分布式数据库管理系统、Unix网络系统的账务处理系统的多网络平台(Novell、Unix…  相似文献   

Risk information and communication of health risks play a large role in medicine. With the growing importance of genetics and genomics in medicine, the importance of risk communication will even increase in the future. This paper starts with a discussion on the concept of medical risk information and then focusses on genetic risk information. Three examples of genetic risk information are discussed (carrier testing, susceptibility testing and pharmacogenomics testing) in order to exemplify the broad variety of types of risk information and their specific challenges for medical counselling.  相似文献   

The information technology (IT) industries are dynamic in nature. Technological change is rapid and product life-cycles short. Convergence is profoundly changing the structure and dynamics of the IT industries. To successfully track these trends and understand the IT industries it is essential to have a framework for ordering thoughts and data, and for analysing what is going on. This article outlines the development of a new framework for the IT industries, which can encompass a range of industry and market statistics and provide a model capable of generating insights into the relationships between IT products, services, markets and industry subsectors.  相似文献   

We study dynamic information disclosure by a sender attempting to persuade a partially informed receiver to take an action. We consider vertical and horizontal information. With vertical information, an optimal disclosure plan is static. If the sender cannot commit to the disclosure plan, there exists a simple Markov equilibrium with sequential disclosure. Shrinking the time interval to zero gives rise to full disclosure almost instantly. With horizontal information, the sender often benefits from sequential disclosure. Assuming partial commitment and a special receiver‐type space, a Markov equilibrium exists and almost instant full disclosure arises in the limit.  相似文献   

This study aims to develop and evaluate a model that seeks to measure the impact of Accounting Information System Quality, Internal Control System Quality and Non-Financial Information Quality on company success (Decision-Making Success and Non-Financial Performance). This model is empirically tested with data obtained from the managers of 381 Portuguese companies. We use structural equation modelling in the analysis of causal relationships between different constructs. The results show that information and control systems quality (accounting and internal control) have a direct impact on Non-Financial Information Quality and an indirect impact on Decision-Making Success. The results also indicate that Quality Non-Financial Information does not contribute directly to Non-Financial Performance but contributes indirectly via Decision-Making Success. The exploratory variables prove to be crucial for the companies’ Non-Financial Performance, accounting for its 62% variance. Previous research focuses primarily on financial information quality and financial performance. This study is the first to empirically prove that information and control systems contribute favourably to the transparency and value-relevance of non-financial information and, consequently, to business success.  相似文献   

Our previous attempt resulted in a paper by the same five authors, “Quantum information and accounting information: their salient features and conceptual applications,” published in the July–August 2006 issue of the Journal of Accounting and Public Policy. We now extend the previous paper to examine topological quantum computation, a remarkably innovative approach to decoherence and imprecise quantum computation. In this approach, exotic topological states are created for a natural medium to store and manipulate quantum information globally throughout the entire system. The process is intrinsically protected against imprecision and decoherence. We also explore conceptual, if not technical, applications of topological quantum computation to accounting. This is done by introducing topology’s inherent emphasis of qualitative characteristics to traditional accounting which has been dominated by quantitative characteristics. Here, financial statements’ monetary amounts may be contrasted to internal controls’ error frequencies. Part I of the paper deals with applications of topology to quantum information, after a brief introduction to basic tools. In particular the use of Fibonacci anyon and its powerful results are explained. Part II deals with applications of topology to accounting information. Part III deals with applications of topology to other potential fields.  相似文献   

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