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政策性银行开展土地金融业务的实践与探索   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
分析我国土地市场的现状及存在的问题,介绍国家开发银行开展土地金融业务的情况,探讨国家开发银行开展土地金融业务的对策。  相似文献   

个人金融业务是当前商业银行具有较强竞争力、创新力的业务之一,同时也是商业银行盈利的重要来源,各家商业银行都布下重兵,积极争夺市场份额,个人金融业务的开展到了“逆水行舟,不进则退”的地步。  相似文献   

近年来国内碳金融业务发展迅速,从长期看已成为必然趋势。本文研究了碳金融体系的核心内容,分析了目前国内银行业在碳金融业务方面的最新进展,论述了我国发展碳金融的必要性与商业银行参与碳金融体系建设和发展碳金融业务的重要意义,最后给出了商业银行开展碳金融业务的相关建议。  相似文献   

本文通过分析商业银行在汽车金融体系中的竞争优劣势,从而提出商业银行在开展汽车金融业务所进行的策略,为我国商业银行的汽车金融业务面临的严峻形势,提出一个合理解决商业银行在汽车金融业务发展方面问题的路径。  相似文献   

商业银行是碳金融的市场主体,国际商业银行的碳金融业务开展广泛,但我国商业银行目前开展碳金融业务存在认知不深刻,参与度不高,银行利益缺乏保证,面临政策风险,金融产品单一等问题。在巨大的机遇和挑战下,我国商业银行应该积极而广泛地参与碳金融业务,开展碳金融创新,防范低碳业务风险,完善组织结构。  相似文献   

刘静 《云南金融》2011,(7X):85-86
"碳金融"是指服务于限制温室气体排放的相关金融活动,商业银行开展碳金融业务可以促进我国经济的健康快速发展,能够推进商业银行经营战略转型,使其收入结构进一步优化。商业银行开展碳金融业务,应进一步健全碳金融交易的制度建设,制定具有操作性强的碳金融交易操作规程,从而增强商业银行的碳金融交易业务能力。本文从碳金融市场的发展现状及国内商业银行碳金融业务的开展情况出发,在分析碳金融业务的意义的基础上,提出了相关的发展建议。  相似文献   

"碳金融"是指服务于限制温室气体排放的相关金融活动,商业银行开展碳金融业务可以促进我国经济的健康快速发展,能够推进商业银行经营战略转型,使其收入结构进一步优化。商业银行开展碳金融业务,应进一步健全碳金融交易的制度建设,制定具有操作性强的碳金融交易操作规程,从而增强商业银行的碳金融交易业务能力。本文从碳金融市场的发展现状及国内商业银行碳金融业务的开展情况出发,在分析碳金融业务的意义的基础上,提出了相关的发展建议。  相似文献   

我国商业银行碳金融实践存在的问题及发展对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
商业银行是碳金融的市场主体,国际商业银行的碳金融业务开展广泛,但我国商业银行目前开展碳金融业务存在认知不深刻,参与度不高,银行利益缺乏保证,面临政策风险,金融产品单一等问题。在巨大的机遇和挑战下,我国商业银行应该积极而广泛地参与碳金融业务,开展碳金融创新,防范低碳业务风险,完善组织结构。  相似文献   

文章对国内商业银行个人金融业务的发展现状进行了全方位的分析,阐述了PA银行开展个人金融业务的核心竞争力,提出加强我国商业银行个人金融业务发展的创新建议。  相似文献   

李亚楠 《时代金融》2013,(27):177+186
文章从分析农村商业银行开展小微金融业务的必要性入手,对于农村商业银行如何更好地发展小微金融业务给出了相关建议。  相似文献   

We investigate the effect of the power of creditors, property rights protection, and institutional quality, on bank profits using a panel of 498 banks from 46 countries. Results show that better institutions and stronger property rights protection reduce bank profits, while stronger power of creditors drives up bank profits significantly. Results imply that better institutions and enhanced property rights protection lead to greater flow of credit allowing firms and investors to undertake more profitable ventures. By extension, stronger creditor rights erect steeper barriers to external finance for firms and investors. National indicators of economic freedoms may be more important to lowering the spread than strict creditor rights. Seemingly, credit markets fail when economic institutions fail or when governments intervene into these markets in ways that impede the safety and soundness of financial transactions and private contracting.  相似文献   

We examine the likelihood and value relevance of related party transactions in family firms. Based on an extensive hand-collected sample, we find that founder-led family firms are more likely to enter into related party transactions than other firms. We also find that the founder-led family firm valuation premium is reduced when these firms disclose related party transactions, especially opportunistic related party transactions. We also examine the significant change in related party transaction reporting regulations enacted in 2006 and find that it led to a decline in the number of value-decreasing related party transactions for founder-led family firms. We find a corresponding decrease in the detrimental effect of related party transactions on founder-led family firms’ valuation. Our results suggest that changes in the 2006 SEC related party transaction reporting regulations better protected minority shareholders from wealth extraction via related party transactions in founder-led family firms.  相似文献   

We document that, in recent years, over 60% of convertible bond issuers conduct concurrent transactions including share repurchases, call option purchases, warrant sales, seasoned equity offerings, and stock lending program initiations. We investigate the determinants of issuers' choice of concurrent transactions and find that a proxy for capital supply (flows to convertible bond arbitrage hedge funds) is a significant determinant. Option purchases are more likely when capital supply is low and the convertible is dilutive to earnings. SEOs are more likely when firms have valuable growth opportunities and capital supply is low. Convertible issuers establish lending programs when arbitrageurs likely encounter difficulty shorting their stock, suggesting that these firms facilitate short selling in their own stock. These results suggest that, in the convertible bond market, the influence of capital supply extends beyond the issuance decision to the use of concurrent transactions and that these transactions offer important flexibility to issuers. We find that average equity market announcement effects differ when issuers conduct concurrent transactions. Consistent with models of adverse selection, concurrent transactions that reduce the dilutive impact on earnings, thereby making the design more debt-like, are associated with less negative announcement effects. Conversely, concurrent transactions that increase the dilutive impact on earnings, thereby making the design more equity-like, are associated with more negative announcement effects.  相似文献   

关联交易可以降低交易成本和交易风险,提高企业价值,但也可能成为控股股东对上市公司或中小股东进行利益侵占的手段,对企业价值造成负面影响。通过实证分析的方法检验我国A股上市公司关联交易对企业价值的影响,结果显示,在全部关联交易类型中,购买商品、销售商品、资产重组、提供或接受劳务、担保抵押、许可协议、其他计入收入方的交易这7类对企业价值具有负面影响,且关联交易总体的发生也降低了企业价值。为抑制非公允关联交易的发生,建议优化上市公司的股权结构、完善独立董事和监事会制度、完善关联交易的信息披露制度等。  相似文献   

针对我国存量房交易中存在的买卖双方低报交易价格问题,税务部门提出应将评税技术应用于房地产交易计税价格核定。丹东、杭州、南京作为试点城市建立了各自的存量房交易计税价格批量评估体系,其他城市可以学习和借鉴这三个城市的经验,再结合本地房地产市场情况,建立符合本地实际的应用房地产估价技术评估存量房交易价格申报工作的路径与方法。房地产评税技术的完善,一方面可以打击当前存量房交易中普遍存在的用“阴阳合同”逃避交易税费的行为;另一方面可以为正在推进的房产税改革以及住房保有环节征税等提供技术支持。  相似文献   

防范关联交易风险保护银行债权安全   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
耿丹丹 《金融论坛》2005,10(5):48-51
随着关联企业这种企业联合体的产生与推广,关联交易已经渗透到经济生活的各个领域,并产生了深刻的影响。在肯定关联交易积极作用的同时,我们也应该注意到不正当关联交易给银行债权带来的潜在风险。例如,关联企业之间通过不正当的关联交易来转移资产、逃避债务,从而使银行债权落空的情况在中国屡见不鲜。因此,如何防范关联交易风险、维护银行债权安全就成为一个亟待解决的问题。在本文中,笔者着力研究了不正当关联交易给银行债权带来的危害及其成因,提出了防范关联交易风险、保护银行债权的对策,并对完善我国公司法提出了一些立法建议。  相似文献   

P2P(peer-to-peer)网络借贷是一种借助网络平台,由个人与个人间互为借贷双方的小额借贷交易。它作为互联网与民间借贷相结合的新兴金融模式,具有较高的信用风险。采用排序选择模型,基于 ex-celVBA 数据挖掘技术截取多个 P2P 网站数据,对平台信用风险的影响因素进行实证分析,结果表明:个人特征、信用变量、历史表现、借款信息分别对网络借贷信用风险存在正向影响,由此发现网站提供的信息对投资者避免信用风险没有起到实质作用。  相似文献   

Secondary life insurance markets are growing rapidly. From nearly no transactions in 1980, a wide variety of similar products in this market has developed, including viatical settlements, accelerated death benefits, and life settlements and as the population ages, these markets will become increasingly popular. Eight state governments, in a bid to guarantee sellers a “fair” price, have passed regulations setting a price floor on secondary life insurance market transactions, and more are considering doing the same. Using data from a unique random sample of HIV+ patients, we estimate welfare losses from transactions prevented by binding price floors in the viatical settlements market (an important segment of the secondary life insurance market). We find that price floors bind on HIV patients with greater than 4 years of life expectancy. Furthermore, HIV patients from states with price floors are significantly less likely to viaticate than similarly healthy HIV patients from other states. If price floors were adopted nationwide, they would rule out transactions worth $119 million per year. We find that the magnitude of welfare loss from these blocked transactions would be highest for consumers who are relatively poor, have weak bequest motives, and have a high rate of time preference.  相似文献   

The Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) describes its public interest function as “…developing standards that result in accounting for similar transactions and circumstances in a like manner and different transactions and circumstances…in a different manner (Facts about FASB).” This statement implies that rule-makers possess an expertise that makes analogizing transactions or circumstances to other transactions or circumstances unproblematic. In this paper we utilize two instances of standard-setting, SFAS 123R and SFAS 143, to demonstrate from FASB's analogic reasoning in these cases that similarity and dissimilarity are not so easily ascertained. A judgment about similarity invariably involves ignoring some perspectives of similarity that would lead to substantially different conclusions about the appropriate accounting. We also illustrate via the two examples the inherent value judgments that underlie the conclusions reached by FASB and how these value judgments raise questions about the ethics of the current standard-setting process.  相似文献   

Despite the remarkable importance of project finance in international financial markets, no quantitative models to measure and quantify the risk associated with a deal for the project's lenders have been developed yet. The topic has recently become crucial, since the New Basle Capital Accord gives banks a choice of whether to adopt simpler (but possibly higher) standard capital requirements or to develop internal rating models for project finance transactions. The paper proposes how Monte Carlo simulations may be used to derive a Value‐at‐Risk estimate for project finance deals and discusses the critical issues that must be considered when developing such a model.  相似文献   

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