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In this paper we derive a series expansion for the price of a continuously sampled arithmetic Asian option in the Black–Scholes setting. The expansion is based on polynomials that are orthogonal with respect to the log-normal distribution. All terms in the series are fully explicit and no numerical integration nor any special functions are involved. We provide sufficient conditions to guarantee convergence of the series. The moment indeterminacy of the log-normal distribution introduces an asymptotic bias in the series, however we show numerically that the bias can safely be ignored in practice.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a methodology for pricing basket options in the multivariate Variance Gamma model introduced in Luciano and Schoutens [Quant. Finance 6(5), 385–402]. The stock prices composing the basket are modelled by time-changed geometric Brownian motions with a common Gamma subordinator. Using the additivity property of comonotonic stop-loss premiums together with Gauss-Laguerre polynomials, we express the basket option price as a linear combination of Black & Scholes prices. Furthermore, our new basket option pricing formula enables us to calibrate the multivariate VG model in a fast way. As an illustration, we show that even in the constrained situation where the pairwise correlations between the Brownian motions are assumed to be equal, the multivariate VG model can closely match the observed Dow Jones index options.  相似文献   

We consider the option pricing model proposed by Mancino and Ogawa, where the implementation of dynamic hedging strategies has a feedback impact on the price process of the underlying asset. We present numerical results showing that the smile and skewness patterns of implied volatility can actually be reproduced as a consequence of dynamical hedging. The simulations are performed using a suitable semi-implicit finite difference method. Moreover, we perform a calibration of the nonlinear model to market data and we compare it with more popular models, such as the Black–Scholes formula, the Jump-Diffusion model and Heston's model. In judging the alternative models, we consider the following issues: (i) the consistency of the implied structural parameters with the times-series data; (ii) out-of-sample pricing; and (iii) parameter uniformity across different moneyness and maturity classes. Overall, nonlinear feedback due to hedging strategies can, at least in part, contribute to the explanation from a theoretical and quantitative point of view of the strong pricing biases of the Black–Scholes formula, although stochastic volatility effects are more important in this regard.  相似文献   

We develop a new approach for pricing European-style contingent claims written on the time T spot price of an underlying asset whose volatility is stochastic. Like most of the stochastic volatility literature, we assume continuous dynamics for the price of the underlying asset. In contrast to most of the stochastic volatility literature, we do not directly model the dynamics of the instantaneous volatility. Instead, taking advantage of the recent rise of the variance swap market, we directly assume continuous dynamics for the time T variance swap rate. The initial value of this variance swap rate can either be directly observed, or inferred from option prices. We make no assumption concerning the real world drift of this process. We assume that the ratio of the volatility of the variance swap rate to the instantaneous volatility of the underlying asset just depends on the variance swap rate and on the variance swap maturity. Since this ratio is assumed to be independent of calendar time, we term this key assumption the stationary volatility ratio hypothesis (SVRH). The instantaneous volatility of the futures follows an unspecified stochastic process, so both the underlying futures price and the variance swap rate have unspecified stochastic volatility. Despite this, we show that the payoff to a path-independent contingent claim can be perfectly replicated by dynamic trading in futures contracts and variance swaps of the same maturity. As a result, the contingent claim is uniquely valued relative to its underlying’s futures price and the assumed observable variance swap rate. In contrast to standard models of stochastic volatility, our approach does not require specifying the market price of volatility risk or observing the initial level of instantaneous volatility. As a consequence of our SVRH, the partial differential equation (PDE) governing the arbitrage-free value of the contingent claim just depends on two state variables rather than the usual three. We then focus on the consistency of our SVRH with the standard assumption that the risk-neutral process for the instantaneous variance is a diffusion whose coefficients are independent of the variance swap maturity. We show that the combination of this maturity independent diffusion hypothesis (MIDH) and our SVRH implies a very special form of the risk-neutral diffusion process for the instantaneous variance. Fortunately, this process is tractable, well-behaved, and enjoys empirical support. Finally, we show that our model can also be used to robustly price and hedge volatility derivatives.  相似文献   

In this paper we derive Fourier transforms for double-sided Parisian option contracts. The double-sided Parisian option contract is triggered by the stock price process spending some time above an upper level or below some lower level. The double-sided Parisian knock-in call contract is the general type of Parisian contract from which also the single-sided contract types follow. The paper gives an overview of the different types of contracts that can be derived from the double-sided Parisian knock-in calls, and, after discussing the Fourier inversion, it concludes with various numerical examples, explaining the, sometimes peculiar, behavior of the Parisian option. The paper also yields a nice result on standard Brownian motion. The Fourier transform for the double-sided Parisian option is derived from the Laplace transform of the double-sided Parisian stopping time. The probability that a standard Brownian motion makes an excursion of a given length above zero before it makes an excursion of another length below zero follows from this Laplace transform and is not very well known in the literature. In order to arrive at the Laplace transform, a very careful application of the strong Markov property is needed, together with a non-intuitive lemma that gives a bound on the value of Brownian motion in the excursion.   相似文献   

An issue in the pricing of contingent claims is whether to account for consumption risk. This is relevant for contingent claims on stock indices, such as the FTSE 100 share price index, as investor’s desire for smooth consumption is often used to explain risk premiums on stock market portfolios, but is not used to explain risk premiums on contingent claims themselves. This paper addresses this fundamental question by allowing for consumption in an economy to be correlated with returns. Daily data on the FTSE 100 share price index are used to compare three option pricing models: the Black–Scholes option pricing model, a GARCH (1, 1) model priced under a risk-neutral framework, and a GARCH (1, 1) model priced under systematic consumption risk. The findings are that accounting for systematic consumption risk only provides improved accuracy for in-the-money call options. When the correlation between consumption and returns increases, the model that accounts for consumption risk will produce lower call option prices than observed prices for in-the-money call options. These results combined imply that the potential consumption-related premium in the market for contingent claims is constant in the case of FTSE 100 index options.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a new pricing formula based on a modified Black–Scholes (B-S) model with the standard Brownian motion being replaced by a particular process constructed with a special type of skew Brownian motions. Although Corns and Satchell [2007. “Skew Brownian Motion and Pricing European Options.” The European Journal of Finance 13 (6): 523–544] have worked on this model, the results they obtained are incorrect. In this paper, not only do we identify precisely where the errors in Although Corns and Satchell [2007. “Skew Brownian Motion and Pricing European Options”. The European Journal of Finance 13 (6): 523–544] are, we also present a new closed-form pricing formula based on a newly proposed equivalent martingale measure, called ‘endogenous risk neutral measure’, by which only endogenous risks should and can be fully hedged. The newly derived option pricing formula takes the B-S formula as a special case and it does not induce any significant additional burden in terms of numerically computing option values, compared with the effort involved in computing the B-S formula.  相似文献   

Pricing options on a stock that pays discrete dividends has not been satisfactorily settled because of the conflicting demands of computational tractability and realistic modelling of the stock price process. Many papers assume that the stock price minus the present value of future dividends or the stock price plus the forward value of future dividends follows a lognormal diffusion process; however, these assumptions might produce unreasonable prices for some exotic options and American options. It is more realistic to assume that the stock price decreases by the amount of the dividend payout at the ex-dividend date and follows a lognormal diffusion process between adjacent ex-dividend dates, but analytical pricing formulas and efficient numerical methods are hard to develop. This paper introduces a new tree, the stair tree, that faithfully implements the aforementioned dividend model without approximations. The stair tree uses extra nodes only when it needs to simulate the price jumps due to dividend payouts and return to a more economical, simple structure at all other times. Thus it is simple to construct, easy to understand, and efficient. Numerous numerical calculations confirm the stair tree's superior performance to existing methods in terms of accuracy, speed, and/or generality. Besides, the stair tree can be extended to more general cases when future dividends are completely determined by past stock prices and dividends, making the stair tree able to model sophisticated dividend processes.  相似文献   

In the paper by Melnikov and Petrachenko (Finance Stoch. 9: 141–149, 2005), a procedure is put forward for pricing and replicating an arbitrary European contingent claim in the binomial model with bid-ask spreads. We present a counter-example to show that the option pricing formula stated in that paper can in fact lead to arbitrage. This is related to the fact that under transaction costs a superreplicating strategy may be less expensive to set up than a strictly replicating one.  相似文献   

We consider the pricing of American-type basket derivatives by numerically solving a partial differential equation (PDE). The curse of dimensionality inherent in basket derivative pricing is circumvented by using the theory of comonotonicity. We start with deriving a PDE for the European-type comonotonic basket derivative price, together with a unique self-financing hedging strategy. We show how to use the results for the comonotonic market to approximate American-type basket derivative prices for a basket with correlated stocks. Our methodology generates American basket option prices which are in line with the prices obtained via the standard Least-Square Monte-Carlo approach. Moreover, the numerical tests illustrate the performance of the proposed method in terms of computation time, and highlight some deficiencies of the standard LSM method.  相似文献   

The interrelation between the drift coefficient of price processes on arbitrage-free financial markets and the corresponding transition probabilities induced by a martingale measure is analysed in a discrete setup. As a result, we obtain a flexible setting that encompasses most arbitrage-free binomial models. It is argued that knowledge of the link between drift and transition probabilities may be useful for pricing derivatives such as barrier options. The idea is illustrated in a simple example and later extended to a general numerical procedure. The results indicate that the option values in our fitted drift model converge much faster to closed-form solutions of continuous models for a wider range of contract specifications than those of conventional binomial models.  相似文献   

This research extends the binomial option-pricing model of Cox, Ross, and Rubinstein (1979) and Rendleman and Barter (1979) to the case where the up and down percentage changes of stock prices are stochastic. Assuming stochastic parameters in the discrete-time binomial option pricing is analogous to assuming stochastic volatility in the continuous-time option pricing. By assuming that the up and down parameters are independent random variables following beta distributions, we are able to derive a closed-form solution to this stochastic discrete-time option pricing. We also derive an upper and a lower bounds of the option price.  相似文献   

In this paper, we provide a new dynamic asset pricing model for plain vanilla options and we discuss its ability to produce minimum mispricing errors on equity option books. Given the historical measure, the dynamics of assets being modeled by Garch-type models with generalized hyperbolic innovations and the pricing kernel is an exponential affine function of the state variables, we show that the risk-neutral distribution is unique and again implies a generalized hyperbolic dynamics with changed parameters. We provide an empirical test for our pricing methodology on two data sets of options, respectively written on the French CAC 40 and the American SP 500. Then, using our theoretical result associated with Monte Carlo simulations, we compare this approach with natural competitors in order to test its efficiency. More generally, our empirical investigations analyse the ability of specific parametric innovations to reproduce market prices in the context of an exponential affine specification of the stochastic discount factor.  相似文献   

In this paper we investigate the possible values of basket options. Instead of postulating a model and pricing the basket option using that model, we consider the set of all models which are consistent with the observed prices of vanilla options, and, within this class, find the model for which the price of the basket option is largest. This price is an upper bound on the prices of the basket option which are consistent with no-arbitrage. In the absence of additional assumptions it is the lowest upper bound on the price of the basket option. Associated with the bound is a simple super-replicating strategy involving trading in the individual calls.  相似文献   

In the present paper, we convert the usual n-step backward recursion that arises in option pricing into a set of independent integral equations by using a z-transform approach. In order to solve these equations, we consider different quadrature procedures that transform the integral equation into a linear system that we solve by iterative algorithms and we study the benefits of suitable preconditioning techniques. We show the relevance of our procedure in pricing options (such as plain vanilla, lookback, single and double barrier options) when the underlying evolves according to an exponential Lévy process.  相似文献   

As a means of validating an option pricing model, we compare the ex-post intra-day realized variance of options with the realized variance of the associated underlying asset that would be implied using assumptions as in the Black and Scholes (BS) model, the Heston, and the Bates model. Based on data for the S&P 500 index, we find that the BS model is strongly directionally biased due to the presence of stochastic volatility. The Heston model reduces the mismatch in realized variance between the two markets, but deviations are still significant. With the exception of short-dated options, we achieve best approximations after controlling for the presence of jumps in the underlying dynamics. Finally, we provide evidence that, although heavily biased, the realized variance based on the BS model contains relevant predictive information that can be exploited when option high-frequency data is not available.  相似文献   

This paper uses option pricing to examine how the presence of hazardous materials affects real estate value. The property owner has two options. The first option is to remove the hazardous materials at the best time. The second option, embedded in the first one, is to redevelop the property at the best opportunity. The owner has three possible timing strategies with respect to the exercise of these two options: remove the hazardous materials first and retain the option to redevelop the property later, remove and redevelop at the same time, or do nothing. Conditions under which the presence of the hazardous materials may either expedite or postpone the decision to redevelop are also derived. If the regulatory environment does not allow the property owner to make optimal timing decisions with respect to the exercise of these options, then our results provide an indication of the cost of regulation as measured by the additional loss in property value.  相似文献   

We propose a new accurate method for pricing European spread options by extending the lower bound approximation of Bjerksund and Stensland (2011) beyond the classical Black–Scholes framework. This is possible via a procedure requiring a univariate Fourier inversion. In addition, we are also able to obtain a new tight upper bound. Our method provides also an exact closed form solution via Fourier inversion of the exchange option price, generalizing the Margrabe (1978) formula. The method is applicable to models in which the joint characteristic function of the underlying assets forming the spread is known analytically. We test the performance of these new pricing algorithms performing numerical experiments on different stochastic dynamic models.  相似文献   

An important issue in derivative pricing that hasn't been explored much until very recently is the impact of short selling to the price of an option. This paper extends a recent publication in this area to the case in which a ban of short selling of the underlying alone is somewhat less ‘effective’ than the extreme case discussed by Guo and Zhu [Equal risk pricing under convex trading constraints. J. Econ. Dyn. Control, 2017, 76, 136–151]. The case presented here is closer to reality, in which the effect of a ban on the underlying of an option alone may quite often be ‘diluted’ due to market interactions of the underlying asset with other correlated assets. Under a new assumption that there exists at least a correlated asset in the market, which is allowed to be short sold and thus can be used by traders for hedging purposes even though short selling of the underlying itself is banned, a new closed-form equal-risk pricing formula for European options is successfully derived. The new formula contains two distinguishable advantages; (a) it does not induce any significantly extra burden in terms of numerically computing option values, compared with the effort involved in using the Black–Scholes formula, which is still popularly used in finance industry today; (b) it remains simple and elegant as only one additional parameter beyond the Black–Scholes formula is introduced, to reflect the dilution effect to the ban as a result of market interactions.  相似文献   

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