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本文以1978-2007年中国经济为考察对象,分析宏观经济要素的波动性和协动性,归纳总结中国经济周期的特征事实.本文研究显示,运用奇异谱分析方法分析GDP增长率和其他经济要素增速的波动,发现存在着三种类型经济周期:9.3年左右的朱格拉周期,4.8年左右的政治经济周期和3.5年左右的基钦周期,而不是单一经济周期.运用格兰杰因果检验方法研究发现,9年左右朱格拉周期,深层次原因在于外部因素(净出口和外资)周期性冲击,而非是通常意义上的固定设备更新投资;4.8年左右的政治经济周期,与政府官员换届效应关系密切.此外,城市化和科技资本存量的增速,分别存在15.1年和26.4年周期振荡现象,二者水平提升将有助于延长经济周期.  相似文献   

张明 《金融博览》2021,(9):42-43
什么是金融周期? 大家想必对经济周期(Economic Cycle)一词耳熟能详且感同身受.根据百度百科的定义,经济周期也称商业周期或景气循环,是指经济活动沿着经济发展总体趋势而经历的有规模的扩张与收缩,也即国民总产出、总收入与总就业出现的周期性波动变化.一般而言,经济周期可分为复苏、繁荣、衰退、萧条四个阶段.根据短中长来划分,经济周期可区分为基钦周期(3~4年)、朱格拉周期(9~ 10年)、库兹涅茨周期(15 ~ 25年)、康德拉季耶夫周期(50 ~ 60年)等.  相似文献   

资本周期也称朱格拉周期,主要是资本支出波动引起的经济波动。随着经济周期四个阶段的演变,大宗商品价格也呈现周期性波动。根据美国的经济周期和大宗商品的实证研究可以发现,国际大宗商品的周期性波动较为明显,在过热、滞胀阶段,能源类大宗商品和工业品的走势出现较为明显的分化,即能源类的收益明显优于工业品。根据中国资本周期和国内大宗商品的波动研究,发现国内大宗商品沪铜和沪胶的周期性较为明显,而大豆的周期性不明显。  相似文献   

:将经济周期和金融周期的变化同时纳入杠杆率模型,分别建立中国上市公司的衰退模型和扩张模型,结合企业融资约束,研究经济周期、金融周期的周期异步性对企业杠杆率的直接效应和间接效应。研究发现:周期异步性对企业杠杆率的直接效应呈逆周期性特征,间接效应呈顺周期性;衰退期时,再融资企业杠杆率对周期性变动比融资受限企业更为敏感。研究对于监管当局综合经济周期、金融周期,制定、调整、完善企业债务融资政策,帮助企业深入理解债务融资环境,提升债务融资能力具有参考和借鉴意义。  相似文献   

郭平 《上海金融》2015,(2):15-20
本文采用2006-2013年工业39个细分行业数据,分析了经济周期波动中货币政策的效力变动情况,研究表明:扩张性的货币政策在经济周期波动中的效力变动并不显著,而紧缩性的货币政策在绝大部分行业中都表现出其在经济衰退期的效力要大于经济扩张期。此外,本文还从金融摩擦的视角,通过构建产业金融摩擦指标来对货币政策的效力变动进行解释,实证结果发现资产负债率、偿债能力系数、短期负债占比指标加剧了经济周期波动中货币政策的效力变动,而国有企业属性能够通过削弱金融摩擦进而减少货币政策效力变动。  相似文献   

周潮 《甘肃金融》2009,(1):53-56
经济周期波动是现代经济社会具有的一种普遍现象.马克思在《资本论》中指出:经济周期是"现代工业特有的生活过程",这种过程实质上反映了宏观经济在运行过程中反复出现的对其均衡状态的偏离与调整过程.美国经济学家韦斯里·克莱尔·米歇尔(wesly ClaIr Mitchell)曾经给经济周期下了这样一个定义:"经济周期是以商品经济为主的国家总体经济活动的一种波动,一个周期是由很多经济活动的差不多同时扩张,继之以普遍的衰退、收缩与复苏所组成的;这种变化重复出现."……  相似文献   

阎豫桂 《新金融》2008,(9):41-45
2000年至今,中国经济进入新一轮上升经济周期,本轮经济周期经历了8年持续上涨,呈现出上升持续时间长、周期跨度大、波动幅度小的特点,是之前从未有过的。本文从流动性视角分析本轮上升周期的因素特征。经检验,流动性是本轮上升周期的突出因素,货币不仅是“非中性”的,而且具有自我调节的“内生性”,在2008年从紧的货币政策实施后,本轮经济上升周期将可能终结,经济增速放缓,但降幅不大。  相似文献   

2000年至今,中国绛济进入新一轮上升经济周期,本轮经济周期经历了8年持续上涨,呈现出上升持续时间长、周期跨度大、波动幅度小的特点,是前所未有的.本文从流动性视角分析本轮上升周期的因素特征.经检验,流动性是本轮上升周期的突出因素,货币不仅是"非中性"的,而且具有自我调节的"内生性",在2008年从紧的货币政策实施后,本轮经济上升周期将可能终结,经济增速放缓,但降幅不大.  相似文献   

<正> 一、1992年宏观经济形势回顾与分析 1992年中国经济的高增长是从1990年上半年开始的经济增长回升的延续和加速,从那时算起到1992年底(尚未最后截止),这次经济增长扩张期已经持续了30多个月,这次扩张期的长度,长于改革以来的任何一次经济增长周期。扩张期的进一步延长,表明中国经济增长周期中的扩缩比例(即扩张期/收缩期)有所提高,这无疑是一种良好的经济运行演变趋势。但是,在1992年中国经济高增长过程中,也呈现出以下三个明显特征。  相似文献   

金融市场会随经济周期的波动而波动,掌握金融市场波动的规律有助于通过策略的优化来获取收益。本文以经济周期理论为依据,通过对我国银行间债券市场的周期变化进行实证分析,提出了在经济周期及市场周期中各阶段的债券投资策略优化建议。  相似文献   

We investigate whether there is information useful for identifying U.S. business cycle phases contained in subnational measures of economic activity. Using a probit model to forecast the National Bureau of Economic Research expansion and recession classification, we assess the incremental information content of state‐level employment growth over a commonly used set of national‐level predictors. As state‐level data adds a large number of predictors to the model, we employ a Bayesian model averaging procedure to construct forecasts. Based on a variety of forecast evaluation metrics, we find that including state‐level employment growth substantially improves nowcasts and very short‐horizon forecasts of the business cycle phase. The gains in forecast accuracy are concentrated during months of national recession.  相似文献   

This paper examines business cycle variation in the earnings-returns relation. Earnings are more persistent when growth rates are high (i.e., in an expansion) than when growth rates are low (i.e., in a recession). Earnings are more persistent when production is high (i.e., in a credit crunch period) than when production is low (i.e., in a reliquification period). Relatedly, earnings response coefficients are larger in expansions (credit crunch periods) than in recessions (reliquification periods). Thus, earnings persistence and earnings response coefficients are positively associated with the rate of growth in economic activity and the level of economic activity.  相似文献   

We study the nonlinear propagation mechanism of tax policy in a heterogeneous-agent equilibrium business cycle model with search frictions in the labor market and an extensive margin of employment adjustment. The model exhibits endogenous job destruction and endogenous hiring standards in the form of occasionally-binding zero-surplus constraints. After parameterizing the model using U.S. data, we find that the dynamic response of employment to a temporary change in the labor income tax is highly nonlinear, displaying sizable asymmetries and state dependence. Notably, the response to a tax rate cut is at least twice as large in a recession as in an expansion.  相似文献   

In this article we analyze the effectiveness of fiscal policy—for a group of four Central and Eastern European countries. The recent literature shows that fiscal multipliers in the developed economies are higher during recession than expansion. So far, similar empirical analyses have been lacking for CEE countries. The results presented in this article show that fiscal multipliers in CEE countries differ with respect to the phase of the business cycle. Based on the SVAR methodology in which we allow for deterministic regime switching, we show that the government spending multipliers are significantly higher when the output gap is negative.  相似文献   

Did sunspot forces cause the Great Depression?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We apply a dynamic general equilibrium model to the period of the U.S. Great Depression. In particular, we examine a modification of the real business cycle model in which the possibility of indeterminacy of equilibria arises. In other words, agents’ self-fulfilling expectations can serve as a primary impulse behind fluctuations. We find that the model, driven only by these measured sunspot shocks, can explain well the entire Depression era. That is, the decline from 1929 to 1932, the subsequent slow recovery, and the recession that occurred in 1937-1938.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a forward-looking model for time-varying capital requirements, which finds application within Basel II. The model rests on the relationship between default rates and the business cycle: by positing two regimes, expansion and recession, and by forecasting the associated probabilities, the default probability for each rating class is defined as the expected value of a default rate whose distribution is a mixture of an expansion and a recession distribution. The application to US data over the forecasting period 1971–2002 provides evidence that the model makes it possible to preserve the risk sensitivity of the capital requirement and at the same time to dampen procyclicality.  相似文献   

自美国经济陷入衰退以来,很多学者从不同角度对美国经济前景进行了分析。目前大致有三种判断:即V型、U型和L型走势。但这些研究绝大多数采用西方经济学的研究方法。本文从马克思主义经济学的视角,通过对美国历史数据分析,并与20世纪90年代日本经济陷入长期衰退时的情况进行比较,结论是美国经济呈U型走势的可能性很小,也不大可能呈现L型走势。  相似文献   

We provide robust evidence that news shocks about future investment‐specific technology (IST) constitute a significant force behind U.S. business cycles. Positive IST news shocks induce comovement, that is, raise output, consumption, investment, and hours. These shocks account for 70% of the business cycle variation in output, hours, and consumption, and 60% of the variation in investment, and have played an important role in 9 of the last 10 U.S. recessions. Our findings provide strong support for shifting focus to IST news shocks when investigating the role of news in driving U.S. business cycles.  相似文献   

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