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杨晓兰  沈翰彬  祝宇 《金融研究》2016,438(12):143-158
本文以投资者在东方财富网股吧针对创业板上市公司发表的90多万条帖子为研究对象,通过IP地址识别,构建本地关注指标;并利用计算机文本挖掘技术,提取网络发帖所体现的情绪倾向,构建投资者情绪指标。实证结果显示,本地关注对股票收益率的影响取决于投资者情绪,当投资者持积极情绪时,本地关注对股票收益率有显著的正向影响;当投资者持消极情绪时,该影响显著为负。在积极情绪和消极情绪下本地关注对股票交易量都有显著正向影响,但积极情绪下的影响程度比消极情绪下更大。此外,本地关注与投资者情绪的交叉效应在上市公司样本数量较多的北京、广东、江苏、上海、浙江这五个区域都存在,并与整体样本的特征基本一致,但在样本数量较少的其他区域并不完全一致。  相似文献   

基于中国文化情境,使用跨层次分析方法考量领导情绪劳动对变革型领导和员工组织认同的影响。结果表明:浅层行为与组织认同负相关,深层行为、真实情绪表现分别与组织认同正相关;变革型领导在领导情绪劳动与员工组织认同关系中起部分中介作用;领导成员交换关系在变革型领导与员工组织认同之间起调节作用。因此,企业领导宜调节自己的情绪和塑造自己变革型领导风格,增强员工组织认同感,提升管理效率。  相似文献   

投资者情绪、企业投资行为与资源配置效率   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于中国资本市场的经验数据,文章实证研究了投资者情绪对企业投资行为影响的经济后果。结果发现,投资者情绪与企业过度投资显著正相关,而与投资不足呈显著的负相关关系;投资者情绪的冲击对企业当前和未来绩效的影响表现为"正向影响——负向影响——逐渐消退"的过程。这意味着,在中国资本市场中,投资者情绪对资源配置效率具有"恶化效应"与"校正效应"的两面性,而其"总体效应"表现为资源配置效率的降低。上述研究发现对于深入理解投资者情绪影响对企业投资行为所产生的经济后果具有重要意义,也有助于我们从微观企业的视角反思金融危机对实体经济的影响。  相似文献   

随着互联网技术的不断渗透,共享单车、共享汽车等共享经济形态机遇与挑战并存。网络社交媒体作为目前投资者交流与传递投资信息的重要渠道,能够成为量化投资者情绪的数据来源。以2017年1月1日至2017年6月30日东方财富网共享单车概念股的股吧信息为研究对象,通过网络文本挖掘技术构造投资者情绪、投资者关注度、投资者互动程度三个指标,并与股票收益进行相关性分析和混合回归分析。结果发现,共享单车市场中投资者情绪高涨、关注度增强能够提升概念股的股票收益水平,而投资者互动度与股票收益负相关。此外,积极情绪、消极情绪对股票收益的影响存在差异。  相似文献   

本文选取我国2011年至2017年间日频度股票ETF数据,以主成分分析法构建反映投资者非理性心理的投资者情绪指标,根据逐笔交易数据构造表征投资者交易行为的买卖非均衡指标,实证研究了投资者情绪和投资者交易行为对ETF折溢价的影响。研究结果显示,投资者情绪及投资者交易行为分别对ETF折溢价具有显著正向影响;投资者情绪及投资者交易行为对ETF折溢价的联合影响也显著为正。进一步地,文中还检验了在含有Fama-French三因子作用的条件下以及机构持股比例作为调节变量的条件下,投资者情绪及投资者交易行为对ETF折溢价的影响,实证结果依然相同。  相似文献   

本文基于互联网真实行为数据,包括各大论坛、贴吧、官方新闻的文本数据作为研究对象,利用情绪倾向分析进行文本挖掘构造互联网情绪指标,建立多指标回归模型预测生猪价格.实证结果显示,互联网情绪指标、互联网价格指标与生猪价格指标密切相关,当网民整体表现出比较积极的情绪时,会促进对猪肉的消费,生猪价格上升;反之,网民的消极情绪会导致猪肉消费需求的下降,这时政府可以加大鼓励政策,促进生猪价格的上升.  相似文献   

本文运用扩展卡尔曼滤波的方法估计出投资者情绪指数,将上证综指收益率与理性情绪指数和非理性情绪指数进行广义脉冲响应函数分析。得出理性情绪与非理性情绪都在第2个月对上证综指收益率具有最大的正向冲击;收益率对理性情绪的正面影响具有较长的持续效应,对非理性情绪的正面冲击逐渐减小。  相似文献   

情绪劳动人力资源管理的新兴研究领域,也是组织行为学的热门话题。情绪劳动是指员工因为工作需要而表现出特定的情绪要求得过程。员工的情绪对个体工作绩效、组织绩效、服务管理等具有重要影响。因此组织应该重视员工的情感内容,科学合理的对员工进行情绪劳动管理,从而提高工作绩效,帮助员工个人更好服务组织。  相似文献   

风险与收益的关系一直以来是学术界关注的重点问题,媒体新闻的内容和情绪会改变投资者决策并影响股票市场,因此从新闻情绪的角度分析风险收益的关系是十分有意义的。本文采用新闻文本数据构建了新闻情绪这一指标,并利用滚动回归的方法构建新闻情绪风险指数,基于2005—2020年的中国沪深两市A股上市公司数据对新闻情绪风险和股票收益之间的关系进行研究。研究结果表明,新闻情绪风险较高的公司具有更高的市场风险和波动性,同时这些公司还具有市值较小、上市时间较短的特征;此外,新闻情绪风险较高的投资组合具有较低的超额收益,在公司规模相同的条件下依旧得到了相同的结论。由此可见,中国股票市场存在新闻情绪的低风险定价异象。  相似文献   

本文基于我国企业会计准则国际趋同背景,综合运用价值相关性理论和投资者情绪理论,以2007-2011年持有PE公司股权的A股上市公司为样本,实证检验PE公司IPO核准公告的信息含量和IPO公允价值的价值相关性。研究发现,IPO核准公告具有显著的信息含量,而且与IPO公允价值显著正相关。同时,投资者情绪对IPO核准公告和IPO公允价值之价值相关性有显著的正向影响。但是,机构投资者对IPO核准公告信息含量的影响并不显著。本文的研究结论对我国全面引入国际趋同的公允价值计量规范之经济后果评估,以及投资者情绪和机构投资者在传递市场有效信息中的作用,具有重要的政策参考意义。  相似文献   


Financial authorities basically regard low financial literacy rate and poor information and communication technology as the major challenges facing financial inclusion drive, particularly among rural dwellers in Nigeria. No study has assessed the cause of low financial inclusion from the financial services marketers’ emotional labor perspective. This quantitative study attempted to close this gap by exploring how emotional labor variables relate to financial services sales performance and job satisfaction among bank marketers. Primary data were collected from 417 bank marketers operating in Edo and Delta States. Partial least squares structural equation modeling was used to test the formulated hypotheses. The outcomes show that surface acting has a significant negative effect on financial service sales outcomes and job satisfaction, while deep acting was found to have a significant positive effect on financial service sales outcomes and job satisfaction among bank marketers.


The aim of this paper is twofold: first to examine the extent to which customer perceptions of employee deep/surface acting influence customer deep/surface acting; second to assess the degree to which customer deep/surface acting strengthens/weakens the level of relationship quality (RQ). Survey data were collected from (291) respondents from 13 banks located in Jordan. Two key findings emerged from the current study. First, when customers encountered authentic employees (i.e., deep acting), they were more likely to modify their internal feelings to match the required displays, and less likely to express unauthentic emotions. On the other hand, when customers encountered unauthentic emotions, they were less likely to express unauthentic emotions. Second, customer deep acting is found to be positively associated with relationship satisfaction, commitment, and trust, whereas customer surface acting is negatively associated with relationship satisfaction and trust. This study adds to the body of knowledge on the antecedents of RQ through identifying customer emotional regulation as a key determinant of that.  相似文献   


There is a growing recognition among researchers and practitioners that the workplace is not the strictly cognitively-managed environment it was once assumed to be. Emotions play a large role in organizational life, and emotional intelligence (the ability to recognize, use and manage emotions) has become a skill that may allow accountants to perform better in a variety of areas such as leadership, client relations, and perhaps even decision-making. In addition, it is a skill that employers seem to value and that may be important to personal development as well. Thus, accounting education must attempt to inculcate emotional intelligence in its graduates in addition to technical knowledge. This paper investigates the level of emotional intelligence of accounting students using the MSCEIT, an instrument that measures ability rather than acquired competencies. The results show that the level of emotional intelligence of the students in the sample could be a concern. There is no evidence that one term of traditional accounting education can be expected to provide an opportunity for improvement. Thus, attempts to increase the emotional intelligence of the students may require targeted educational interventions.  相似文献   

In this article, we attempt to estimate whether financial inclusion, expressed as financial accessibility, has a positive effect on reducing income inequality. Furthermore, we estimate the effect of such financial inclusion on economic growth by reducing income inequality. From the results of our empirical analysis, we can draw the following three conclusions. First, income inequality has a very negative effect on GDP growth. The negative relationship between income inequality and GDP growth is strong in low-income countries. In addition, income inequality has a stronger effect on reducing economic growth in high-fragility countries. Second, progressivity is not a major factor in reducing income inequality in low-income countries or in high-fragility countries. Finally, financial inclusion improves the relationship between income inequality and economic growth. The reduction in income inequality through financial inclusion changes the negative relationship between income inequality and economic growth into a positive relationship. This trend is stronger in high-fragility countries than in low-fragility countries.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to explore the relationship between the type of service failure, age and the customer's negative emotions after a service failure; as well as the relationship between these emotions, the recovery strategies executed and service recovery satisfaction. The proposed model is tested on a sample of financial services customers who suffered some type of failure. The results indicate that the customer's age has a negative impact on the intensity of the negative emotions experienced after a service failure. In addition, the type of service failure (process or outcome) interacts with the age variable on its effect on these negative emotions. Finally, results also show that recovery strategies offset the negative effect of negative emotions on customer satisfaction and that a compensation strategy is more efficient if offered quickly.  相似文献   

This study investigates the moderating effects that an organizational unit's hierarchical level and control systems have on the relationship between budgetary participation and performance. Using moderated regression analyses, we find a three-way interactive effect on performance between hierarchical levels, types of control systems, and budgetary participation. Further analyses reveal that at the high level of a hierarchy, budgetary participation has a positive relationship with performance and this relationship is stronger for organizational units that use output control than for those that use behavior control. By contrast, at the low level of a hierarchy, budgetary participation has a negative relationship with performance and this relationship is stronger for organizational units that use output control than for those that use behavior control.  相似文献   

尹力博  魏冬 《金融研究》2022,500(2):117-134
本文选取中国沪深A股2002年至2018年的季度数据,从公司层面考察了劳动杠杆(由劳动力成本粘性特征导致的企业利润变化率大于产出变化率的经济现象,可理解为不考虑固定成本时经营杠杆的特殊表现形式)对股票截面收益率的定价效力。结果发现:(1)劳动杠杆对截面收益率具有显著负向影响,具体表现为高劳动杠杆公司的收益率低于低劳动杠杆公司的收益率;(2)该影响在控制了公司特征后依然显著存在;(3)该影响在不同经济周期下表现不同:在经济下行期,负向定价效力更为明显。进一步地,本文通过生产率冲击和工资冲击这两个风险来源探究了劳动杠杆的作用机制。结果表明,劳动杠杆一方面通过生产率冲击产生显著正向影响,另一方面通过工资冲击产生显著负向影响。但后者的影响程度显著强于前者,两者的相对重要性取决于上市公司的技术水平。相关结果能够为公司应对劳动力成本上升、理解劳动杠杆的定价机制及相关投资策略的制定和风险管理等提供经验支持。  相似文献   

This paper assesses the effect of fiscal rules on sovereign bond spreads over the short and medium term, for 34 advanced countries and 19 emerging market economies, over the period 1980–2016. Our results, based on impulse response functions, show that the dynamic impact of fiscal rules on sovereign yield spreads is negative and statistically significant, at around 1.2–1.8 percentage points, implying lower government borrowing costs. This result stems essentially from the advanced economies subsample. We also find that more fiscally responsible countries are the ones for which a fiscal rule reduces the government's borrowing costs. Moreover, in times of recession, a fiscal rule leads financial markets to reduce the risk premiums on government bonds. Finally, when it comes to design features of fiscal rules, independent monitoring of compliance to the rule, done outside government, also reduces sovereign spreads.  相似文献   

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