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正万亿险资获准入市创业板零门槛超预期1月7日,保监会下发《关于保险资金投资创业板上市公司股票等有关问题的通知》(以下简称《通知》),正式放开保险资金投资创业板上市公司股票。与以往保险资金进入新的投资领域限制有诸多不同,此次《通知》除了基本规范外,几乎没有设置任何比例、门槛等限制。意味着保险资金投资创业板股票的账面余额,纳入股票资产统一计算比例,只受保险资金投资于股票和股票型基金的账面余额不高于本公司上季末总资产20%的  相似文献   

陈蕾 《中国外资》2011,(16):27-28
随着保费规模的日益扩大,保险资金的收益越来越引起人们的关注,同时保险投资的盈亏是维持保险公司能否持续经营的重要保证。本文以246个交易日的上证指数、上证基金指数、国债指数和一年期上海银行间同业拆放利率为样本数据,运用收益率映射估值法的VaR模型对我国保险资金运用的风险进行了实证测度,并且对我国其绩效进行评价。实证结果表明:从上述实证过程可以看出,我国保险资金的投资回报率比较低,并且保险资金投资于股票和基金的风险过高从而会带来潜在损失,缺乏效率。  相似文献   

随着保费规模的日益扩大,保险资金的收益越来越引起人们的关注,同时保险投资的盈亏是维持保险公司能否持续经营的重要保证.本文以246个交易日的上证指数、上证基金指数、国债指数和一年期上海银行间同业拆放利率为样本数据,运用收益率映射估值法的VaR模型对我国保险资金运用的风险进行了实证测度,并且对我国其绩效进行评价.实证结果表明:从上述实证过程可以看出,我国保险资金的投资回报率比较低,并且保险资金投资于股票和基金的风险过高从而会带来潜在损失,缺乏效率.  相似文献   

本文基于pair_Copula_CVaR模型对保险投资组合进行优化.选用977个交易日的上证指数、上证国债指数、上证基金指数和SHIBOR为样本数据,采用GARCH模型对单个资产建模,运用pair_Copula模型估计投资组合的联合分布,并通过Monte Carlo方法得到投资组合未来收益的多个可能情景,求得组合VaR和CVaR,得到使CVaR最小时的投资比例.实证研究表明,为了使风险值最小,保险资金可以将大部分的资金投资到风险较小的银行存款和国债中,适当地投资到风险较大的股票和基金中.通过理论最优比例结合实际情况可动态调整保险投资的结构,有利于保险资产的合理配置和保险资金的高效利用.  相似文献   

一直以来,大力主张保险资金直接入市的人,习惯于说国外的保险公司投资于股票的比例有多高。的确,“它山之石,可以攻玉”,我国保险资金运用可以借鉴国外的经验,但这必须建立在对国外保险资金投资于股票全面正确的认识基础上。我最近查阅了国外一些资料,发现目前国内有些文献对国  相似文献   

贾渝 《金融博览》2010,(6):58-59
2009年12月25日,保监会公布了《保险资金运用管理暂行办法(草案)》(下称《草案》),并向社会公开征求意见。保险资金运用是保险公司在经营过程中,将积聚的保险资金部分用于投资,使保险资金得到增值的业务活动。保险资金运用的相关政策一直受到各界高度关注,从提高投资股票的比例到允许保险资金进行海外投资,从投资不动产到投资股权,监管机构不断放宽保险资金的运用渠道,保险资金的收益率在稳步提高,同时市场风险也在逐渐积累。  相似文献   

本文针对保险投资组合的风险度量和最优投资策略问题,使用Copula函数得到了不同资产构成的投资组合收益的联合分布,并利用度量了投资组合的整体风险,然后比较了几种风险度量模型的效果。针对的不足,引入作为投资组合的优化目标建立了保险投资组合的最优投资策略模型,以期解决保险资金的最优配置问题,并对我国的保险风险管理体系提出了自己的一些建议。  相似文献   

本文以目前保险资金运用的现状和问题为背景,采用“两步法”研究保险资金的动态资产配置问题:首先,采用计量经济学方法建立结构方程模型,研究宏观经济与保险资金可运用的各资产收益率之间的定量关系;其次,借鉴Black Litterman模型对不同时间区间的保险资金资产配置进行实证研究,并对最优资产配置结果进行比较。研究发现,在不同约束条件和不同时间区间下,最优资产配置不尽相同,但其收益-风险特征均优于市场组合。同时,时间区间越短,预测效力越高。据此,对Black Litterman模型在保险资金运用领域的实用性进行了讨论,并对我国的保险投资实践提出了可行性建议。  相似文献   

保监会2014年1月13日发布《关于修改〈保险资金运用管理暂行办法〉的决定(征求意见稿)》,拟将第十六条修改为:"保险集团(控股)公司、保险公司从事保险资金运用应当符合中国保监会相关比例要求,具体规定由中国保监会另行制定。中国保监会可以根据情况调整保险资金运用投资比例。"此举旨在进一步推进保险资金运用体制的市场化改革,提高保险资金运用效率。《保险资金运用管理暂行办法》第十六条,分别对保险集团(控股)公司、保险公司投资于银行活期存款等资产、无担保企业(公司)债券和非金融企业债务融资工具、股票和股票型基金、未上市企业股权、不动产、  相似文献   

在股票价格的连续时间扩散模型中引入跳跃行为可以更好的描述股价的不连续变化和股票收益率分布的有偏、尖峰厚尾等特征,本文利用Bernoulli跳-扩散过程来对我国股指的价格动态进行建模,根据日收盘价格数据用EM算法计算了模型参数的极大似然估计量,参数估计结果与近年股票指数的总体波动变化趋势,以及股指收益率存在跳跃、尖峰厚尾和非对称等特征相一致,并且可以作为Poisson 跳-扩散过程中参数的近似估计。  相似文献   

We investigate an optimal investment problem of an insurance company in the presence of risk constraint and regime-switching using a game theoretic approach. A dynamic risk constraint is considered where we constrain the uncertainty aversion to the ‘true’ model for financial risk at a given level. We describe the surplus of an insurance company using a general jump process, namely, a Markov-modulated random measure. The insurance company invests the surplus in a risky financial asset whose dynamics are modeled by a regime-switching geometric Brownian motion. To incorporate model uncertainty, we consider a robust approach, where a family of probability measures is cosidered and the insurance company maximizes the expected utility of terminal wealth in the ‘worst-case’ probability scenario. The optimal investment problem is then formulated as a constrained two-player, zero-sum, stochastic differential game between the insurance company and the market. Different from the other works in the literature, our technique is to transform the problem into a deterministic differential game first, in order to obtain the optimal strategy of the game problem explicitly.  相似文献   

We study an optimal investment control problem for an insurance company. The surplus process follows the Cramer-Lundberg process with perturbation of a Brownian motion. The company can invest its surplus into a risk-free asset and a Black-Scholes risky asset. The optimization objective is to minimize the probability of ruin. We show by new operators that the minimal ruin probability function is a classical solution to the corresponding HJB equation. Asymptotic behaviors of the optimal investment control policy and the minimal ruin probability function are studied for low surplus levels with a general claim size distribution. Some new asymptotic results for large surplus levels in the case with exponential claim distributions are obtained. We consider two cases of investment control: unconstrained investment and investment with a limited amount.  相似文献   

We introduce a model to discuss an optimal investment problem of an insurance company using a game theoretic approach. The model is general enough to include economic risk, financial risk, insurance risk, and model risk. The insurance company invests its surplus in a bond and a stock index. The interest rate of the bond is stochastic and depends on the state of an economy described by a continuous-time, finite-state, Markov chain. The stock index dynamics are governed by a Markov, regime-switching, geometric Brownian motion modulated by the chain. The company receives premiums and pays aggregate claims. Here the aggregate insurance claims process is modeled by either a Markov, regime-switching, random measure or a Markov, regime-switching, diffusion process modulated by the chain. We adopt a robust approach to model risk, or uncertainty, and generate a family of probability measures using a general approach for a measure change to incorporate model risk. In particular, we adopt a Girsanov transform for the regime-switching Markov chain to incorporate model risk in modeling economic risk by the Markov chain. The goal of the insurance company is to select an optimal investment strategy so as to maximize either the expected exponential utility of terminal wealth or the survival probability of the company in the ‘worst-case’ scenario. We formulate the optimal investment problems as two-player, zero-sum, stochastic differential games between the insurance company and the market. Verification theorems for the HJB solutions to the optimal investment problems are provided and explicit solutions for optimal strategies are obtained in some particular cases.  相似文献   


This article considers the compound Poisson insurance risk model perturbed by diffusion with investment. We assume that the insurance company can invest its surplus in both a risky asset and the risk-free asset according to a fixed proportion. If the surplus is negative, a constant debit interest rate is applied. The absolute ruin probability function satisfies a certain integro-differential equation. In various special cases, closed-form solutions are obtained, and numerical illustrations are provided.  相似文献   

We consider an optimal time-consistent reinsurance-investment strategy selection problem for an insurer whose surplus is governed by a compound Poisson risk model. In our model, the insurer transfers part of the risk due to insurance claims via a proportional reinsurance and invests the surplus in a simplified financial market consisting of a risk-free asset and a risky stock. The dynamics of the risky stock is governed by a constant elasticity of variance model to incorporate conditional heteroscedasticity as well as the feedback effect of an asset’s price on its volatility. The objective of the insurer is to choose an optimal time-consistent reinsurance-investment strategy so as to maximize the expected terminal surplus while minimizing the variance of the terminal surplus. We investigate the problem using the Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman dynamic programming approach. Closed-form solutions for the optimal reinsurance-investment strategies and the corresponding value functions are obtained in both the compound Poisson risk model and its diffusion approximation. Numerical examples are also provided to illustrate how the optimal reinsurance-investment strategy changes when some model parameters vary.  相似文献   

Housing price jump risk and the subprime crisis have drawn more attention to the precise estimation of mortgage insurance premiums. This study derives the pricing formula for mortgage insurance premiums by assuming that the housing price process follows the jump diffusion process, capturing important characteristics of abnormal shock events. This assumption is consistent with the empirical observation of the U.S. monthly national average new home returns from 1986 to 2008. Furthermore, we investigate the impact of price jump risk on mortgage insurance premiums from shock frequency of the abnormal events, abnormal mean and volatility of jump size, and normal volatility. Empirical results indicate that the abnormal volatility of jump size has the most significant impact on mortgage insurance premiums.  相似文献   

We consider an insurance company whose surplus is represented by the classical Cramer-Lundberg process. The company can invest its surplus in a risk-free asset and in a risky asset, governed by the Black-Scholes equation. There is a constraint that the insurance company can only invest in the risky asset at a limited leveraging level; more precisely, when purchasing, the ratio of the investment amount in the risky asset to the surplus level is no more than a; and when short-selling, the proportion of the proceeds from the short-selling to the surplus level is no more than b. The objective is to find an optimal investment policy that minimizes the probability of ruin. The minimal ruin probability as a function of the initial surplus is characterized by a classical solution to the corresponding Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman (HJB) equation. We study the optimal control policy and its properties. The interrelation between the parameters of the model plays a crucial role in the qualitative behavior of the optimal policy. For example, for some ratios between a and b, quite unusual and at first ostensibly counterintuitive policies may appear, like short-selling a stock with a higher rate of return to earn lower interest, or borrowing at a higher rate to invest in a stock with lower rate of return. This is in sharp contrast with the unrestricted case, first studied in Hipp and Plum, or with the case of no short-selling and no borrowing studied in Azcue and Muler.  相似文献   


We consider an optimal reinsurance-investment problem of an insurer whose surplus process follows a jump-diffusion model. In our model the insurer transfers part of the risk due to insurance claims via a proportional reinsurance and invests the surplus in a “simplified” financial market consisting of a risk-free asset and a risky asset. The dynamics of the risky asset are governed by a constant elasticity of variance model to incorporate conditional heteroscedasticity. The objective of the insurer is to choose an optimal reinsurance-investment strategy so as to maximize the expected exponential utility of terminal wealth. We investigate the problem using the Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman dynamic programming approach. Explicit forms for the optimal reinsuranceinvestment strategy and the corresponding value function are obtained. Numerical examples are provided to illustrate how the optimal investment-reinsurance policy changes when the model parameters vary.  相似文献   

We study the dynamic investment strategies in continuous-time settings based upon stochastic differential utilities of Duffie and Epstein (Econometrica 60:353–394, 1992). We assume that the asset prices follow interacting Itô-Poisson processes, which are known to be the so-called reaction–diffusion systems. Stochastic maximum principle for stochastic control problems described by some backward-stochastic differential equations that are driven by Poisson jump processes allows us to derive the optimal investment strategies as well as optimal consumption. We shall furthermore propose a numerical procedure for solving the associated nested quasi-linear partial differential equations.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study a barrier present value (BPV) maximization problem for an insurance entity whose surplus process follows an arithmetic Brownian motion. The BPV is defined as the expected discounted value of a payment made at the time when the surplus process reaches a high barrier level. The insurance entity buys proportional reinsurance and invests in a Black–Scholes market to maximize the BPV. We show that the maximal BPV function is a classical solution to the corresponding Hamilton–Jacobi–Bellman equation and is three times continuously differentiable using a novel operator. Its associated optimal reinsurance-investment control policy is determined by verification techniques.  相似文献   

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