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一、住房公积金增值收益分配核算相关规定按照《住房公积金会计核算办法》(以下简称“《办法》”)的规定,设置“业务收入”、“业务支出”、“增值收益”和“增值收益分配”等科目进行住房公积金增值收益分配的核算。“业务收入”和“业务支出”科目分别用于核算各项住房公积金业务活动中的业务收入和业务支出。  相似文献   

大连市住房公积金核算业务计算机应用分析建设银行辽宁省大连市分行房地产信贷部赵广慧建设银行大连市分行作为大连房改金融配套业务的主要单位之一,在实施住房公积金核算计算机系统管理、软件开发与应用、日常业务处理与维护中担负着大量工作,几年来在住房公积金核算的...  相似文献   

作为住房公积金财务核算的主要依据,财政部(1999)第187号文件制定的《住房公积金会计核算办法》和(1999)财综字59号《住房公积金财务管理办法》以及财政部(2000)第12号文件《住房公积金会计核算办法补充规定》难以适应目前住房公积金业务发展的要求。文章论述了住房公积金财务核算中的特点,指出了住房公积金财务核算管理中存在的问题,并提出了相应的解决对策,促进住房公积金管理。  相似文献   

依据国务院颁布的<住房公积金管理条例>的规定,财政部商建设部于1999年7月、10月份先后出台了<住房公积金财务管理办法>和<住房公积金会计核算办法>.目前我国的住房公积金管理机构-住房公积金管理中心及其分支机构都是依据这两个办法对其管理的住房公积金进行财务管理和会计核算的.但具体到住房公积金的业务收入和支出的核算,各地在实际操作过程中又略有差异.依据财政部<住房公积金会计核算办法>的第一章第二条之规定,住房公积金中心自身业务应与住房公积金业务分帐核算,住房公积金中心自身业务的会计核算,执行<事业单位会计制度>,而对其所管理的住房公积金的会计核算采用什么样的会计制度则未作出具体的规定,为此,笔者走访了部分住房公积金管理机构,对其所采用的住房公积金的会计核算制度及具体做法进行了调研,发现我国目前在住房公积金业务收支的会计核算上主要存在下列三种做法.  相似文献   

按照《住房公积金管理条例》(下称《条例》)规定,住房公积金管理中心(下称公积金中心)是不以盈利为目的的事业单位,负责住房公积金的运作管理,业务收入与业务支出的差额为增值收益,有三种用途:贷款风险准备金,公积金中心管理费用,城市廉租房建设补充资金。住房公积金增值收益扣除风险准备金和管理费用后的余额为增值净收益。  相似文献   

住房公积金增值收益余额的权属应该如何明晰,本文通过对住房公积金增值收益问题的出现,进行了归属与分配的分析,探究了住房公积金增值收益归属分配问题存在的原因,并在此基础上提出了完善增值收益分配运用的建议:统一标准,合理配置住房公积金的增值收益;建立增值收益的监督保障机制等。目前公积金管理运作模式的不成熟,有待于今后统一标准,合理有序地配置住房公积金的运作及收益分配。  相似文献   

《住房公积金会计核算办法》自2000年1月1日正式施行后,规范和加强了住房公积金的会计核算,维护了住房公积金缴存人的合法权益.但是,《住房公积金会计核算办法》中存在一些问题,如利息预提与其他住房公积金业务的会计核算原则不一致、业务年度与会计年度不一致、预提利息存在与年度结息跨年度不在一个会计核算期内、在一个业务年度内存款利率调整等矛盾情况,势必对住房公积金会计核算产生影响,会计核算也不能全面、真实的反映住房公积金年度收益情况,并对年度增值收益分配产生一定影响.  相似文献   

随着住房公积金制度的不断发展及管理机构的调整理顺,住房公积金业务得到了快速发展,其规模不断扩大。为了管好、用好老百姓圆住房梦的钱,又确保保值增值,住房公积金管理部门就必须探索完善管理措施,建立成熟与完善的内控制度,使住房公积金管理步入科学化、制度化、规范化轨道。  相似文献   

目前,我国住房公积金在使用过程中存在大量闲置、使用率不高等问题,很多资金被长期沉淀在银行中,因此如何实现住房公积金沉淀资金保值增值是现阶段值得考虑的课题。本文从住房公积金沉淀资金产生的原因出发,阐述了加强管理住房公积金沉淀资金的重要性,并提出了几点住房公积金沉淀资金保值增值的路径,目的在于实现住房公积金沉淀资金保值增值,提高住房公积金的使用效率。  相似文献   

我国自1992年开办委托性住房金融业务以来,商业银行的住房公积金业务就伴随着住房公积金制度的改革和业务的发展一同成长。住房公积金业务持续高速增长势头和逐步扩大的市场基础,为银行发展住房公积金业务提供了较大发展空间;住房公积金政策和法制环境的日益完善,为银行展业提供了有利外部条件;住房公积金业务经营风险小、业务稳定性好、经济效益高的特点,符合商业银行业务发展的方向。  相似文献   

证券投资基金的收益主要包括利息收入,股利收入和资本利得。在甸证券市场发育不完善的现阶段,出于会计谨慎性原则的考虑,证券投资基金的收益不应包括股票股利和未实现的资本利得。在收益分配方面,管理层对证券投资基金收益分配政策的限制过程多过死,不利于投资基金业的健康发展,基金持有人大会在基金收益分配政策的制定上应当享有更多的决定权。  相似文献   

我国现行集体土地收益分配制度存在以下缺陷:农民集体和农民未能分享土地征收过程中产生的发展性利益;失地农民土地权利受到侵害;土地征收过程中政府所获收益比重过大。造成土地征收收益分配制度出现缺陷的原因是土地的动态发展性收益、农民的土地权利保障缺失及地方政府对土地财政的依赖性。针对我国现行土地征收收益分配制度存在的缺陷,本文提出以下对策建议:针对土地发展权建立合理制度;切实开展确权登记,赋予农民分享土地增值收益的法律凭证;增加中央参与土地收益的分配比例。  相似文献   

江轩宇  林莉 《金融研究》2022,502(4):57-76
利用2006-2019年沪深A股数据,本文考察了会计信息可比性对企业劳动收入份额的影响。研究发现,会计信息可比性的增强显著提高了企业的劳动收入份额,表明会计信息质量的提高有助于员工更好地分享企业的发展成果。进一步研究结果表明,(1)降低资本成本及增大自主研发强度是会计信息可比性提高企业劳动收入份额的两大作用路径;(2)会计信息可比性的增强主要提高了普通雇员的劳动收入份额,对高管劳动收入份额的影响并不显著;(3)会计信息可比性对劳动收入份额的影响存在一定异质性,当企业自身融资约束程度较高、信息透明度较低,或可比公司的会计盈余质量较强时,会计信息可比性与劳动收入份额的正相关关系更强;(4)会计信息可比性通过提高劳动收入份额,提升了企业的价值创造能力。  相似文献   

财务会计是确定企业经济效益的工具。在企业外部,通过财务会计提供的企业利润信息,借助资本逐利天性,引导投资者的理性决策,客观上"自发地"实现社会资源的配置效率。在企业内部,经营者通过会计提供的利润信息,决策并引导资源在产品之间的有效率配置和有效率生产。因此,会计就是一个服务于提高经济效率的工具。当一个时期的会计能够满足实现提高经济效率的需要,它就对经济发展起促进作用;反之则会扭曲资源配置,阻碍经济发展。会计确定企业利润的方法,一定要与不同时期经济发展状况相适应,以满足合理引导资源配置、提高经济效率的需要,这是促进会计变革的根本动力。功利性利用会计未尝不可,但如何成功地功利性利用会计,是一个需要继续研究的问题。  相似文献   

Investment officers of publicly held property/casualty companies wrestle with the question of how best to contribute to shareholder value. Should they view themselves as managers of a closed‐end investment company that happens to be funded by insurance underwriting? Or should they instead be investing funds primarily to defease the firm's liabilities and thus support the operations of a company whose principal value derives from its insurance activities? The authors of this article suggest that the investment policy of most insurance companies should have two primary objectives: (1) immunizing insurance reserves with a fixed‐income portfolio and (2) earning “abnormal returns” on surplus in “a responsible and disciplined” way. The latter means adhering to an asset allocation approach that takes account of the risk‐reward tradeoffs presented by a broad variety of investment types as well as the accounting treatment of investment income. Both accounting and economic considerations lead the authors to suggest that after‐tax net investment income (“NII”), as defined by U.S. GAAP, is the best benchmark of performance. While focusing mainly on the fixed income part of the portfolio, the authors suggest active management and portfolio approaches that aim to produce a growing, but relatively stable NII. Consistent with GAAP's treatment of NII (which includes interest income but excludes most capital gains) as “recurring income,” the authors argue that the market appears to assign significantly higher multiples to NII than to other sources of reported income.  相似文献   

所得税会计处理相关问题的思考   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
所得税会计是企业会计活动的重要组成部分,会计方法的选择应体现会计准则与税法的双重要求。通过分析我国现行所得税会计处理方法,结合我国所得税会计工作的实际,利润表债务法仍应是目前的首选方法,对所得税费用应进行适度分摊。  相似文献   

This paper presents the first comprehensive study on the determinants of public pension fund investment risk and reports several new important findings. Unlike private pension plans, public funds undertake more risk if they are underfunded and have lower investment returns in the previous years, consistent with the risk transfer hypothesis. Furthermore, pension funds in states facing fiscal constraints allocate more assets to equity and have higher betas. There also appears to be a herding effect in that CalPERS equity allocation or beta is mimicked by other pension funds. Finally, our results suggest that government accounting standards strongly affect pension fund risk, as higher return assumptions (used to discount pension liabilities) are associated with higher equity allocation and portfolio beta.  相似文献   

This paper examines U.S. firms' accounting for share repurchases and the accounting choice provided to Delaware-incorporated firms between the treasury and retirement methods. This accounting choice does not affect income, cash flows, or net assets, but it nevertheless affects financial reporting transparency and the allocation of equity between retained earnings and contributed capital. According to Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), the accounting choice to record share repurchases should reflect management's intended disposition of the repurchased shares. We compare characteristics of Delaware-incorporated treasury and retirement firms and find that the choice between the two accounting methods is not always consistent with GAAP, but neither is it random; rather, this choice is related to a number of firm characteristics including firm growth, industry membership, trading exchange, and price–earnings ratio. We also find that a firm's accounting method for share repurchases is associated with a firm's propensity to make future share repurchases.  相似文献   


The increasing risk of poverty in retirement has been well documented; it is projected that current and future retirees’ living expenses will significantly exceed their savings and income. In this paper, we consider a retiree who does not have sufficient wealth and income to fund her future expenses, and we seek the asset allocation that minimizes the probability of financial ruin during her lifetime. Building on the work of Young (2004) and Milevsky, Moore, and Young (2006), under general mortality assumptions, we derive a variational inequality that governs the ruin probability and optimal asset allocation. We explore the qualitative properties of the ruin robability and optimal strategy, present a numerical method for their estimation, and examine their sensitivity to changes in model parameters for specific examples. We then present an easy-to-implement allocation rule and demonstrate via simulation that it yields nearly optimal ruin probability, even under discrete portfolio rebalancing.  相似文献   

In retirement a pensioner must often decide how much money to withdraw from a pension fund, how to invest the remaining funds, and whether to purchase an annuity. These decisions are addressed here by introducing a number of income drawdown schemes, which are relevant to a defined-contribution personal pension plan. The optimal asset allocation is defined so that it minimizes the expected loss of the pensioner as measured by the performance of the pension fund against a benchmark. Two benchmarks are considered: a risk-free investment and the price of an annuity. The fair-value income drawdown rate is defined so that the fund performance is a martingale under the objective measure. Annuitization is recommended if the expected fair-value drawdown rate falls below the annuity rate available at retirement. As an illustration, the annuitization age is calculated for a Gompertz mortality distribution function and a power law loss function.  相似文献   

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