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本文通过巨鹿金银花产业不同经营主体以及相关服务机构进行调研,对巨鹿金银花产业链及产业链融资进行了SWOT分析,研究发现,巨鹿金银花产业具有地形气候、种植经验及种植品种优势,在种植环节、加工及销售环节、融资环节和其他方面具有劣势,面临着扶贫政策、普惠金融支持政策及互联网高速发展的机遇,以及同业竞争的挑战。巨鹿金银花产业链及产业链融资适宜采用SWOT分析中的WO扭转型战略,通过补齐金银花产业链、提高金融产品和服务的创新机制、利用金银花产业链实现产业脱贫促进产业链融资及减少融资约束。  相似文献   

本文在对重庆市金融机构开展农业产业链融资调查的基础上,将农业产业链融资模式归纳为园区主导型产业链融资、政府主导型产业连融资、核心企业主导型产业链融资三类。结合案例分析,认为三种融资类型分别与农业产业化发展的不同阶段相对应。农业产业链融资的成效主要包括降低信贷风险和成本,促进金融资本与农业长期结合,为农业担保创造条件;但也存在金融机构操作风险高、产业链结构性缺陷、土地流转不规范、抵押替代物估值难等制度障碍。最后,研究得出促进农业产业链融资进一步发展的启示。  相似文献   

"融资难"是困扰小微企业发展的世界性问题。本文探寻了保险参与小微企业融资过程的四种模式,通过与政府部门、银行、担保机构、租赁公司共同建立融资保险机制,实现风险分摊、损失共担,提高小微企业融资可获得率。  相似文献   

家庭农场作为我国新型的农业经营主体,对我国农业发展起着不可或缺的作用。但是,农业的弱势性、投资风险较高等因素导致我国家庭农场面临着融资成本高、融资难等问题。荷兰独特的产业链融资模式促使家庭农场迅速发展,运用农业产业链商业信用融资和金融信用融资化解了家庭农场融资难题。因此,基于农业产业链融资视角借鉴荷兰家庭农场的产业链融资可以为我国家庭农场融资提供新思路。  相似文献   

从传统而低毛利的饲料业务起家的唐人神,一路沿着产业链的增值空间层层递进,进而成为全产业链的新玩家。  相似文献   

金融支持生猪产业发展已形成部分典型模式,它们借助合作社或担保公司或全产业链等平台,初步实现了养殖户与银行的双赢。但要确保这些模式可持续发展,仍有一些问题亟待克服。为此,需要地方政府与金融机构联动,在担保机制、保险机制和期货工具等方面进行进一步创新。  相似文献   

柳曳 《证券导刊》2011,(11):87-87
唐人神集团股份有限公司(简称:唐人神SZ002567)前身系成立于1992年的湖南湘大实业有限公司,是首批农业产业化国家重点龙头企业。集团致力生猪产业链一体化经营,经过近20年的创业发展,现已经形成了“品种改良、安全饲料、健康养殖、肉品加工、品牌专卖”五大产业发展格局,  相似文献   

基于产业链的动漫企业集合债研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,在国家多项政策的大力扶持下,我国动漫产业发展迅速,但缺乏有形资产抵押物、难以获得贷款融资等问题制约着动漫产业的发展。本文概述了我国动漫产业发展的现状,分析了动漫产业链上、中、下游各阶段的风险与收益特征,将处于产业链上游高风险、高收益的动漫制作企业和低风险、低收益的中游发行企业及下游衍生品开发与销售企业联结起来,创造性地构建了横向组合、纵向组合两种企业集合债融资模式,并分析了该融资模式的优势,为加强动漫企业投融资的风险控制、解决动漫企业融资难的问题提出了新的途径。  相似文献   

金融机构洗钱与恐怖融资风险管理研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
童文俊 《海南金融》2011,(12):46-48
为避免洗钱与恐怖融资活动所带来的合规风险、操作风险和信誉风险,金融机构必须制定有效的洗钱和恐怖融资风险管理机制:评估洗钱与恐怖融资风险、设计与实施风险控制程序、评价与改进风险管理.反洗钱监管部门应负有对金融机构洗钱与恐怖融资风险管理机制的审查与监督职责.  相似文献   

福建省屏南县通过政府发起组建信息平台,将政府资源、金融机构以及农户三方有机地链接在一起,通过三年的发展,无论种养殖户还是处于产业链上的小微企业都获得了银行的融资。本文从社会资本的角度,对这一平台如何降低贷前审查和贷后监督成本以及违约风险进行了深入的分析,以期为金融机构以及地方政府进行农村金融服务创新提供借鉴。  相似文献   

This paper aims to show two things. The first is how Japanese culture has contributed to the development of Japanese cost accounting history. The second is to reveal the research possibilities of cost accounting history. This paper also reviews the salient features of several important examples of these aspects of cost accounting practice in Japan. It therefore explores, through some practical illustrations, how and why Japanese cost accounting differs from that found in the West.  相似文献   

正The last two decades have been a definitive era in the evolution of the accountancy profession.In the wake of major corporate scandals at the turn of the century,an international public debate arose on the need for more effective and well-considered regulation;this debate then reignited during the global financial and sovereign debt crises.  相似文献   

正Many Institute members know they cannot rely purely on technical knowledge and business acumen to remain competitive.As soft skills are increasingly important,Jemelyn Yadao finds out how CPAs can maintain  相似文献   

【正】The China Journal of Accounting Research‘‘CJAR’’(ISSN 1755-3091)publishes quarterly.It contains peer-reviewed articles and commentaries on accounting,auditin...  相似文献   

The Government Railways of Japan (GRJ) established a fixed assets accounting system on the accruals basis after the Second World War. The revaluation of tangible fixed assets was indispensable for GRJ's introduction of depreciation in 1948. GRJ scheduled the revaluation to secure a reasonable depreciation expense, because the company had applied the replacement method to all tangible fixed assets since its foundation in 1869. At the same time, GRJ assumed the balance of the revaluation reserve account to be a means of dealing with possible future accumulated losses.  相似文献   


This paper describes how to apply Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) techniques to a regime switching model of the stock price process to generate a sample from the joint posterior distribution of the parameters of the model. The MCMC output can be used to generate a sample from the predictive distribution of losses from equity linked contracts, assuming first an actuarial approach to risk management and secondly a financial economics approach. The predictive distribution is used to show the effect of parameter uncertainty on risk management calculations. We also explore model uncertainty by assuming a GARCH model in place of the regime switching model. The results indicate that the financial economics approach to risk management is substantially more robust to parameter uncertainty and model uncertainty than the actuarial approach.  相似文献   

The paper presents and estimates a model of the prices of oil and other storable commodities, a model that can be characterized as reflecting the carry trade. It focuses on speculative factors, here defined as the trade-off between interest rates on the one hand and market participants' expectations of future price changes on the other hand. It goes beyond past research by bringing to bear new data sources: survey data to measure expectations of future changes in commodity prices and options data to measure perceptions of risk. Some evidence is found of a negative effect of interest rates on the demand for inventories and thereby on commodity prices and positive effects of expected future price gains on inventory demand and thereby on today's commodity prices.  相似文献   

This paper investigates whether religious traditions influence firm-specific crash risk in China.Using a sample of A-share listed firms from 2003 to 2013,we pro...  相似文献   

This paper undertakes a comparative analysis of financial management in the British motor industry in the 1950s and 1960s. We question whether US ownership automatically implied greater financial control and immunity from capital market pressures and discuss whether the problems BMC/BMH (British Motor Corporation/British Motor Holdings) experienced were symptomatic of the absence of financial imperatives among British management at this time. Finally we widen the agenda to place our findings on financial management into a wider literature dealing more generally with the problems of managerial control and corporate governance within the motor vehicle industry in the 1950s and 1960s.  相似文献   

The paper aims to give an overview of the evolution of the British aluminium industry after 1945. Its objective is to analyse the national character of the sector's evolution over the post-war period. The case seems to illustrate the so-called British economic 'failure' often quoted by economic historians writing about the period (Jones, 1997). Nevertheless, geographical, financial, managerial and cultural factors are crucial to understanding Britain's inability to sustain a domestically owned aluminium industry.  相似文献   

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