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商业银行要围绕引发操作风险的内外部驱动因素建立和完善操作风险管理体系,该体系应包括环境、组织、流程、保障等四个子系统。操作风险作为商业银行整体风险的一部分,其管理战略必须置于银行风险管理战略之下。同时.要建立操作风险管理的预警机制以及快速反应机制,加强对操作风险的系统控制,实现操作风险管理信息的共享等。  相似文献   

商业银行操作风险管理组织架构存在问题探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为风险管理系统的商业银行操作风险管理,操作风险的风险管理理念、策略和政策都需要通过具体的风险管理部门来实施,独立的操作风险管理组织架构是操作风险管理战略得以落实、政策得以实施、过程得以体现的保障。本文通过对我国商业银行操作风险管理组织架构现状的分析,以及与国际活跃银行在操作风险管理组织架构实践的比较,探讨了我国商业银行操作风险管理组织架构存在的主要问题,为恰当的操作风险管理组织架构设计提供前提准备。  相似文献   

我国商业银行操作风险亟待进一步加强管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前,我国银行业在操作风险管理理念、操作风险管理框架以及操作风险管理手段上明显滞后,对操作风险尚未有一个全面、系统的认识,仅仅是停留在操作性风险和稽核监督的层面上。正是这种认识上的局限性造成了国内银行业对操作风险理解上的误区,并成为制约国内银行业操作风险管理实践的主要因素。加强商业银行的风险防范工作,成为当务之急。  相似文献   

我国保险企业操作风险特点评析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
风险管理是保险企业实现集约化经营管理的主要内容之一。保险企业的风险主要是保险业务风险、投资风险和操作风险。操作风险的定义方法较多,新巴塞尔协议把操作风险定义为由于不足的或错误的流程、人员、系统或外部事件导致损失的风险。定义包括法律风险,不包括战略风险和名誉风险。这一定义在国际金融界得到了普遍认可。国际上许多保险企业也采用了这一定义。近年来操作风险管理得到了国际金融界的普遍重视,先进的国际保险公司已经把操作风险管理列为风险管理的内容之一。我国保险企业虽然也意识到风险管理的重要性,但对操作风险仍不熟悉。随着中国保险业的发展,国际保险企业与中国保险企业在国内市场上的竞争将日益激励,为了缩小与国际保险企业操作风险管理技术的差距,更加从容的应对挑战,我国保险企业应该开始进行适合自身特点的操作风险管理研究和实践。  相似文献   

防范商业银行操作风险的几点建议   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
钱敏 《中国金融》2005,(16):16-17
随着海内外银行业对所面临风险的认识更加清晰以及银行风险管理制度的逐步健全,我们看到.操作风险已被广泛认为是仅次于信用风险、市场风险之后商业银行面临的第三大主要风险。巴塞尔新资本协议将操作风险与信用风险、市场风险一并纳入对金融机构的监管框架,这既是近年来国际金融界日益注重操作风险管理的制度体现、同时也是从全面风险管理和保持银行阵系稳定的角度对操作风险管理提出的新要求。今年年初以来,国内银行大要案件频频曝光,并呈现出同类案件屡次发生的特点,中国银行业面临操作风险的严重程度已颇为令人担忧。对于正处下股份制改革关键时刻的中国银行业来说,应当将防范操作风险当作风险管理的重要内容,针对主要薄弱环节,及时健全操作风险防范机制。  相似文献   

目前,我国商业银行的操作风险是其主要风险。而业务运营环节的操作风险作为商业银行操作风险管理的重要内容,由于其点多面广等特点,已成为商业银行操作风险管理的重点。本文以全新视角解读商业银行业务运营过程中操作风险发生的机理及特点。同时,在全面客观分析工商银行操作风险管理现状及问题的基础上.提出了加强工商银行操作风险管理的对策及措施。  相似文献   

本文从风险理念、组织架掏、管理体系、管理技术四个层面分析了国内银行操作风险大案频发的深层次原因。从风险理念看,主要是银行重业务发展轻风险管理与内部控制;重信用风险轻操作风险;重条线管理轻全面管理等。从组织架构看,主要是总行对分支行机构的有效管控模式缺失;专门负责操作风险管理的职能部门缺失;各部门间操作风险管理的协调机制缺失。从管理体系看.主要是没有将操作风险真正纳入全面风险管理框架;没有将人的管理真正纳入操作风险管理范畴:没有将流程管理真正纳入操作风险管理内容。从管理技术看,主要是系统控制缺乏,全面监控缺乏,突击检查缺乏,操作手册缺乏。  相似文献   

在商业银行操作风险管理当中,关键风险指标(KRI)、损失数据收集(LDC)和风险与控制自我评估(RCSA)是操作风险管理的三大工具。关键风险指标、损失数据收集和风险与控制自我评估在操作风险管理中的作用不同.  相似文献   

基于委托代理理论看保险公司的操作风险   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈婷 《上海保险》2011,(10):45-48
一、操作风险与委托代理理论(一)操作风险界定国际上风险管理的实践表明,有什么样的风险认识,就会有什么样的风险管理水平。因此,对操作风险进行合理界定是对操作风险有效管理的前提和基础。操作风险的定义方法很多,2004年6月,巴塞尔委员会颁布了新巴塞尔协议。新协议指出,  相似文献   

2004年6月26日,巴塞尔银行监管委员会公布了《资本计量和资本标准的国际体议:修订框架》,即“新巴塞尔协议”,决定于2006年在十国集团内实施。新巴塞尔协议的重要特点之一就是在继承旧协议的最低资本金要求、外部监管、市场约束这三大支柱的同时,在“最低资本金要求”这第一支柱中,独立提出了操作风险的概念,并与信用风险、市场风险一起,共同构成银行风险资本的计量和监管框架。2007年中国银监会出台《商业银行操作风险管理指引》界定了操作风险的基本概念,提出了商业银行构建操作风险管理体系的基本要求,明确了相关监管规定。同年建设银行总行下发了《中国建设银行操作风险管理政策》、《关于贯彻落实〈中国建设银行股份有限公司操作风险管理政策〉的实施意见》等文件,对建设银行操作风险管理和监管提出具体要求和规定,对完善建行操作风险管理体系,不断提高操作风险管理水平,促进建设银行各项业务的健康持续发展起到重要作用。然而操作风险的特点决定了基层行操作风险的防范是一项系统工程,需要长期不懈的努力。  相似文献   

Book Review     
Organisational risk propensity directly affects the decision‐making behaviour of employees, with linked impacts on the ongoing prosperity of the organisation. The literature on an individual's risk behaviour is extensive. However, few studies investigate the risk propensity of an organisation. This study uses primary data from interviews within a major change programme in a FTSE100 pharmaceutical organisation to explore the characteristics of organisational risk propensity. The data are analysed using open coding procedures from Grounded Theory in order to fragment the category of ‘organisational risk propensity’ into some constituent properties and dimensions. An integrative framework is then inductively derived which provides insights into risk propensity within the case context; together with some cues for implementing changes to the organisation's risk propensity if so desired. The output from this research also provides a useful base from which to develop a survey instrument for assessing organisational risk propensity.  相似文献   

There do not exist acceptable risk criteria of any industrial activity in Russia. The authors analysed worldwide criteria of acceptable risk, industrial accident frequencies in Russia, and the real state that the technological equipment is in. Risk-reduction measures would require a significant amount of material input in Russia. In the present condition of the Russian economy this is practically impossible. For that reason, the establishment of risk levels of 10?6 or less (fatalities per year) for the population living near major hazards plants (that would correspond to international practice) cannot be arranged for all industrial activities at present. Therefore, the following structure of zoning can be offered for individual risks. For existing potentially dangerous objects: (1) a risk level larger than 10?4 deaths per year is a zone of inadmissible risk; (2) a risk level between 10?4 and 10?5 deaths per year is a zone of rigid risk control; (3) a risk level below 10?5 deaths per year is a zone of acceptable risk. For new plants: the risk levels should be reduced one order of magnitude for each zone. Taking into account the results of the analysis of emergencies in Russia, the criteria of societal risk are also presented.  相似文献   

This article considers how risks are responded to through behavioral adaptations and avoidance strategies. We observe that such behavior can become totemistic and have a limited relationship to the risk it ostensibly answers to. Drawing upon examples such as recycling and original data from a study on drink‐spiking avoidance, the article sets out a new concept for discussing and understanding such risk‐related behavior: the ‘risk ritual’. We elaborate upon this concept in the article, identifying a number of tendencies in risk rituals and drawing upon anthropological and sociological work on the nature and uses of ritual. We compare the ‘risk ritual’ to religious and community rituals, exploring the connections between the former and the rain dance, religious ablutions, abstinence from eating meat on a Friday, and rite of passage ceremonies. Influenced by the cultural approach to risk, we argue that risk rituals, like rituals more generally, are shaped by social conditions, currents, and processes, such as the emphasis on personal responsibility for risk management and the desire to mark out the ‘sacred’ and the ‘profane’. The article concludes that ritualistic risk behavior is better viewed as functional rather than irrational.  相似文献   

次贷危机后的保险业风险管理问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2007年美国发生的次级贷危机再次将风险与风险管理的问题摆在了全球金融业面前,而以风险为主营业务的保险业更需要系统思考风险管理对于本行业健康运营的内在意义。本文从风险管理行为动机、非系统性风险的分散、系统性风险的控制三个方面分析了保险业影响危机发生及受到危机冲击的原因,进一步明确了今后保险业风险管理的发展方向,并提出通过建立合理目标、完善信息沟通机制和治理结构等为风险管理提供有效内部支持。  相似文献   

We define (d,n)-coherent risk measures as set-valued maps from into satisfying some axioms. We show that this definition is a convenient extension of the real-valued risk measures introduced by Artzner et al. [2]. We then discuss the aggregation issue, i.e., the passage from valued random portfolio to valued measure of risk. Necessary and sufficient conditions of coherent aggregation are provided.Received: February 2004, Mathematics Subject Classification (2000): 91B30, 46E30JEL Classification: D81, G31  相似文献   

Literature has traditionally shown the potentially harmful consequences of risk-taking in a variety of domains. Less scholarly attention, however, has been directed to the study of risk-taking in the computer use domain. Using scanned data from 1902 computers, we sought to analyze the potentially harmful consequences that sensation-seeking and computer use risk perceptions and attitudes had on users’ computer vulnerability. Results of the study indicated that general sensation-seeking as well as computer use risk perceptions and risk attitudes were predictive of computer harm. The general measure of sensation-seeking was predictive of both risk perceptions and risk attitudes which in turn translated into the existence of malicious software in users’ computers.  相似文献   

This exploratory study investigates the risk perception and risk management strategies of Western multinational enterprises in the Middle East. A sample of 49 German companies operating in Saudi Arabia provides the empirical setting for this research. The study reveals that cultural risk is assessed as more important in the business environment than political, financial, and economic risk. The most critical risk factors are not sufficiently included in the methodology of country risk measures, which are often used as a source for country‐specific risk information. In terms of risk management strategies, participating firms use mostly informal approaches rather than structured hedging or insurance products. Furthermore, we find that firm size has implications on the perception of some risk factors and for the level of risk management sophistication.  相似文献   

Trading units within the banking and dealer community that trade exotic instruments are well aware of the hazards of using traditional tools in analysing the risks resulting from positions taken in their specialised markets. The global risk management systems within these organisations have been slower to recognise the new risk profiles created by more recently traded exotic instruments. For traditional risks that are separable , the evaluation of risk at the individual trading units and the subsequent aggregation of risk across trading units captures the risks inherent in the portfolio. However, with non-traditional, non-separable risks, this division (by trading unit) and subsequent aggregation (by risk managers) of risks may obscure an increasing amount of risk found in the firm's trading operation.  相似文献   

Risk perception and risk management in Norwegian aquaculture   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This exploratory study seeks to provide empirical knowledge about fish farmers' risk attitudes, risk sources and risk management tools by presenting the results from a survey among Norwegian fish farming companies. The results show that fish farmers think of themselves as only moderately risk averse compared, for instance, to crop and livestock farmers. The most important sources of risk are considered to be future salmon prices, institutional risks and fish diseases, while keeping costs low is the most important risk management tool.  相似文献   


Risk-taking has been a major field of interest for scientists and for applied purposes since decades. However, many researchers have noted that the current measurement instruments fail to show adequate validity and predictive power. Given the recent calls to develop new measures, this paper aims to highlight six key points that should be kept in mind when constructing or using measures of risk-taking concepts. Specifically, we encourage risk-taking scholars (a) to pay close attention to the terminology used in studies, (b) to distinguish measures of general and specific risk-taking, (c) to distinguish risk-taking from the appeal of risky activities, (d) to keep in mind the subjectivity of risk-taking, (e) to consider the measurement of passive risk-taking, and (f) to favour more realistic risk-taking tasks. Overall, these recommendations should help researchers to design and use more relevant risk-taking measures.  相似文献   

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