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We use university endowment funds to study the relationship between asset allocation decisions and performance in multiple asset class portfolios. Although endowments differ substantially in asset class composition, policy portfolio returns and volatilities are remarkably similar across the sample. The risk-adjusted performance of the average endowment is negligible, but actively managed funds generate significantly larger alphas than passive ones. This is consistent with endowment managers exploiting their security selection abilities by over-weighting asset classes in which they have superior skills. Contrary to both theory and prevailing beliefs, asset allocation is not related to portfolio returns in the cross-section but does indirectly influence performance.  相似文献   

We examine a linear capital income tax and a nonlinear labor income tax in a two-type model where individuals live for two periods. We assume that taxes are paid only in the second period in which the agents receive both labor and capital income and may shift income from labor to capital. The two types of individuals may differ with respect to wage rate and initial resource endowments. In the absence of income shifting, endowment variation motivates a capital income tax which would not exist where there is pure wage rate variation. In the latter circumstance, income shifting would indeed establish a case for a capital income tax while adding variation in resource endowments would ambiguously affect the case. The asymmetric information case for a capital income tax must be traded off against distortionary effects not only on savings, but also on labor as an agent may earn labor income which is reported and taxed as capital income.   相似文献   

This paper addresses the applicability of the convex duality method for utility maximization, in the presence of random endowment. When the underlying price process is a locally bounded semimartingale, we show that the fundamental duality relation holds true, for a wide class of utility functions and unbounded random endowments. We show this duality by exploiting Rockafellar’s theorem on integral functionals, to a random utility function.  相似文献   

We show that the relation of second order stochastic dominance, which has found widespread use in models of economic behavior under uncertainty, may be described in terms of conditional expectation. If a distribution G second order stochastically dominates another distribution F, then there are random variables g and f with distributions G and F, respectively, such that g can be obtained from f by iterated conditional expectation. In terms of insurance, this shows that the less risky distribution can be obtained by a sequence of insurance contracts each one insuring against the residual risk left over from the previous contracts.  相似文献   


In the present paper we discuss various results related to moments and cumulants of probability distributions and approximations to probability distributions. As the approximations are not necessarily probability distributions themselves, we shall apply the concept of moments and cumulants to more general functions. Recursions are deduced for moments and cumulants of functions in the form Rk [a, b] as defined by Dhaene & Sundt (1996). We deduce a simple relation between the De Pril transform and the cumulants of a function. This relation is applied to some classes of approximations to probability distributions, in particular the approximations of Hipp and De Pril.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider two portfolios: one of m endowment insurance contracts and one of m whole life insurance contracts. We introduce the majorization order, Schur functions, and parametric families of distribution functions. We assume that the owners of the portfolios are exposed to different members of a known parametric family of distributions and study the effect of this stochastic heterogeneity on the premiums and death benefits of the insurance contracts. We show that the premiums paid in both contracts are Schur concave and that the death benefit awarded in the whole life contract is Schur convex. We provide upper and lower bounds for the premiums and for the death benefit, and compute the bounds for four parametric families of distribution functions used frequently in the Actuarial Sciences.  相似文献   

Models with constant conditional correlations are versatile tools for describing the behavior of multivariate time series of financial returns. Mathematically speaking, they are solutions of a special class of stochastic recurrence equations (SRE). The extremal behavior of general solutions of SRE has been studied in detail by Kesten [Kesten, H., 1973. Random difference equations and renewal theory for products of random matrices. Acta Mathematica 131, 207–248] and Perfekt [Perfekt, R., 1997. Extreme value theory for a class of Markov chains with values in d. Advances in Applied Probability 29, 138–164]. The central concept to understanding the joint extremal behavior of such multivariate time series is the multivariate regular variation spectral measure. In this paper, we propose an estimator for the spectral measure associated with solutions of SRE and prove its consistency. Our estimator is the tail empirical measure of the multivariate time series. Successful use of the estimator depends on a good choice of k, the number of upper order statistics contributing to the empirical measure. We introduce a new criteria for the choice of k based on a scaling property of the spectral measure. We investigate the performance of our estimation technique on exchange rate time series from HFDF96 data set. The estimated spectral measure is used to calculate probabilities of joint extreme returns and probabilities of large movements in an exchange rate conditional on the occurrence of extreme returns in another exchange rate. We find a high level of dependence between the extreme movements of most of the currencies in the EU. We also investigate the changes in the level of dependence between the extreme returns of pairs of currencies as the sampling frequency decreases. When at least one return is extreme, a strong dependence between the components is present already at the 4-hour level for most of the European currencies.  相似文献   

We propose a new parametric model – the generalized excess mortality (GEM) model – for converting excess mortality from clinical to insured population. The GEM model has been formulated as a generalization of the excess death rate (EDR) model in terms of a single adjustment parameter (m) that accounts for a partial elimination of a clinical study’s EDR due to the underwriting selection process. The suggested value of the parameter m depends only on the ratio of the impairment’s prevalence rate in the insured population to that in the clinical population. The model’s development has been implemented in two phases: the design phase and the validation phase. In the design phase, the data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey I pertaining to three broad impairments (diabetes, coronary artery disease, and asthma) have been used. As a result, the following equation for the parameter m has been proposed: mk?=?(Pi,k/Pc,k)n, where Pi,k, Pc,k are the prevalence rates of impairment k under study in the insured and the clinical populations, respectively, and n a single universal parameter with its value best approximated as n?=?0.5 (95% confidence interval 0.5–0.6). In the validation phase, several independent clinical studies of three other impairments (Crohn’s disease, epilepsy, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) were used. As it has been demonstrated in the validation phase, for a number of impairments, the GEM model can provide a better fit for observed insured population mortality than either one of the conventional EDR or mortality ratio models.  相似文献   

United States university and college endowments now hold close to one‐third of their portfolios in private equity and hedge funds. We estimate the implied beliefs of endowments on these alternative assets’ returns relative to equities and bonds. At the end of 2012, the typical endowment believes that its private equity investments will outperform a portfolio of conventional assets by 3.9% per year, and hedge funds will outperform by 0.7% per year. Taking into account the implied equity exposures in alternative asset positions, the effective equity holding of endowments is approximately 60%.  相似文献   

Multifractal models and random cascades have been successfully used to model asset returns. In particular, the log-normal continuous cascade is a parsimonious model that has proven to reproduce most observed stylized facts. In this paper, several statistical issues related to this model are studied. We first present a quick, but extensive, review of its main properties and show that most of these properties can be studied analytically. We then develop an approximation theory in the limit of small intermittency λ2???1, i.e. when the degree of multifractality is small. This allows us to prove that the probability distributions associated with these processes possess some very simple aggregation properties across time scales. Such a control of the process properties at different time scales allows us to address the problem of parameter estimation. We show that one has to distinguish two different asymptotic regimes: the first, referred to as the ‘low-frequency asymptotics’, corresponds to taking a sample whose overall size increases, whereas the second, referred to as the ‘high-frequency asymptotics’, corresponds to sampling the process at an increasing sampling rate. The first case leads to convergent estimators, whereas in the high-frequency asymptotics, the situation is much more intricate: only the intermittency coefficient λ2 can be estimated using a consistent estimator. However, we show that, in practical situations, one can detect the nature of the asymptotic regime (low frequency versus high frequency) and consequently decide whether the estimations of the other parameters are reliable or not. We apply our results to equity market (individual stocks and indices) daily return series and illustrate a possible application to the prediction of volatility and conditional value at risk.  相似文献   

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