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张莉  魏鹤翀  欧德赟 《金融研究》2019,465(3):92-110
中国的高经济杠杆率和地方债务风险受到广泛关注,目前较少研究地方债务中的银行贷款,而地方融资平台的土地抵押贷款是其中重要的融资来源。本文首次利用爬虫工具获取了中国土地市场网上的土地抵押数据,并且搜集了地方融资平台名单,通过对比融资平台和非平台公司的土地抵押信息,发现地方融资平台在抵押金额和抵押率上,都显著高于非融资平台的土地抵押。我们进行了各种稳健性检验,通过采用PSM方法,降低样本选择偏误,发现结果是稳健的。此外,本文还探究了背后的政治经济学因素,发现中西部的抵押金额和抵押率显著高于东部;未到期的城投债存量越大,土地抵押越大;地方政府的经济增长压力越大,土地抵押也越大。这一定程度上意味着,融资平台获得的土地抵押较高,是出于地方政府强烈的举债动机和对信贷市场的干预,导致信贷资源的无效率配置。即使是土地抵押这种相对来说风险较小的融资渠道,依然可能蕴含着地方债务风险,这也为地方债务融资的抵押率高提供了证据。  相似文献   

中小商业银行与中小企业间的金融合作   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
一、中小企业可选择的融资途径及其融资瓶颈 1.商业银行等金融机构的抵押贷款及信用担保 商业银行对中小企业的放款通常有两种方式:抵押贷款和信用担保.抵押贷款方式要求企业在申请借款时以净资产向银行进行抵押,抵押率通常为房地产的70%、机器设备的50%、动产的25%、设备的10%为上限.  相似文献   

<正> 随着我国第三产业阵容的日益壮大,第三产业中的私营和个体工商户抵押贷款工作正逐步恢复和扩大。这种短(贷款时间短)、小(贷款金额小)、快(资金周转快)、稳(本息收益稳)的抵押贷款种类,在提高信贷资产质量,降低和避免贷款风险.增加银行和社会效益方面的作用日显突出.并作为金融改革市场化取向的又一渠道,越来越受到各专业银行的重视和个体工商户的欢迎。目前,个体抵押贷款主要有定期存单和有价证券抵押贷款,抵押率在90%以内,此项业务主要放在储蓄部门办理;二是自有房地产抵押贷款,抵押率在70%以内,此项业务主要放在信贷部门办理.从目前情况看,个体抵押贷款业务与市场经济需求发展相比,显得步伐不够大,进展不够快,范围不够广。究其原因:  相似文献   

美国的住房抵押贷款市场经历了三个发展阶段,目前已进入证券化阶段.所谓次级抵押贷款,是相对于优质抵押贷款而言,美国金融制度的改变和房地产市场的发展促进了次级抵押贷款市场的发展.次级抵押贷款市场危机的特征是借款者被取消抵押品赎回权和抵押贷款坏账高涨,金融机构濒临破产.直接导致此次美国次级抵押贷款市场危机爆发的原因是房价泡沫的破灭和利率上升.掠夺性放贷和监管缺位是美国次级抵押贷款市场存在的主要问题.  相似文献   

张先生的企业经过两年的发展已经渐上轨道,日前准备开拓新的市场想要收购一家企业,但从各方面调集资金后,尚有200万元的资金缺口。张先生希望通过将价值150万元的房产和一辆60万左右的爱车抵押给银行以获得相应贷款填补资金缺口。但是目前商业银行还不接受汽车的抵押贷款业务,而房产抵押贷款根据性质仅能为50%的抵押率,加上长达一个月的办理时间也是个大问题。张先生虽然身家较丰厚,无奈资金套在房产汽车上,拥有的价值350万元的股票也不愿在股市上扬的时候割肉抛出。找亲戚朋友的话,一是不好开口,另外也筹措不了那么多资金。那么,张先生该怎么办?  相似文献   

商业银行抵押贷款问题调查   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
抵押是商业银行重要的信用风险缓释技术之一。本报告分析了本轮经济增长中抵押贷款的增长趋势及其风险,比较了国内13家金融机构内部有关抵押的管理制度以及各监管当局现行的抵押监管要求和香港金融管理局抵押品监管指引,指出商业银行要根据抵押资产价格走势调整抵押率、准确定价、充足拨备,避免经营的剧烈起伏。监管当局也要加强经济景气分析和有关抵押资产价格走势分析,对抵押率进行监测,并制定有关抵押问题的监管指引。  相似文献   

美国次级抵押贷款危机无止境的蔓延,不只影响到债券、股票和商品市场,更直接地表露在外汇市场上。美元下跌恰逢连阴雨,日元套息交易平仓,欧元等非美货币悲喜交加,上涨、下跌被市场情绪左右。"当前美国次级抵押贷款市场危机形式就像剥洋葱一样,当你剥掉外层时,内层的味道会更糟糕。"这是国外一个首席市场策略分析师对美国次级抵押贷款危机进行的形象比喻。的确,备  相似文献   

本文运用了Merton结构化模型对我国商业银行住宅抵押贷款信用风险进行了实证研究,研究显示,无风险利率与抵押率比住房价格波动率对预期损失有更大的影响。该研究对我国商业银行加强信用风险管理有一定的实践意义。  相似文献   

<正>2009年11月,中国农业银行华坪县支行以永兴乡养牛大户余某某所拥有的271.7亩林地为抵押,按照50%的抵押率授信其100万元循环贷款,发放了首笔林权抵押贷款50万元,华坪农行在丽江市率先开启了林权抵押贷款业务。华坪县被列入云南省林权抵押贷款23个重点推进县之一。至今,时间已经过去3年,至2012年9月末,全县林权抵押贷款余额3525万元,占全县各项贷款总额的1.14%。林权抵押贷款涉及农户53户,养殖企业1户。与全县林权办证19929户相比,涉及农户不到0.3%。林权抵押面积达9552.75亩,占全县林权使用面积210.83万亩0.45%。  相似文献   

构建农地经营权抵押贷款三方主体"政府—金融机构—借款人"的演化博弈模型,理论推导出政府主导策略和市场主导策略下金融机构响应农地经营权抵押贷款的演化稳定策略,并运用仿真实验对影响金融机构放贷行为的关键因素进行验证.研究表明:借贷人还款积极性高,无论政府采取何种策略,金融机构放贷意愿都强烈,而借贷人还款积极性低,采取政府主导策略有助于提高金融机构放贷意愿.通过仿真实验发现,政府主导策略下地方政府采取风险补偿、准确估计抵押物价值、提高借款人违约成本及降低处置成本等方式,能够提高金融机构放贷积极性;市场主导策略下,仅能调低抵押率来提高金融机构放贷意愿.基于此,从地方政府提高农地经营抵押贷款政策执行力、优化农地经营权评估科学性以及加快农村信用体系建设等方面加强推进农地经营权抵押贷款的探索.  相似文献   

This study investigates how firm risk factors affect bank loan pricing. Although firm-specific stock price crash risk affects bank loan costs directly, it also prompts other risks, including financial restatement and litigation, which in turn trigger higher bank loan costs. Strong internal and external governance mechanisms help reduce agency problems and improve information transparency, alleviating the adverse effect of stock price crash risk on loan costs. Our results confirm that bankers take good corporate governance into account in their bank loan decisions. We also show that bond investors price the adverse effect of stock price crash risk, prompting higher corporate bond costs. Futher evidence suggests that banks impose stricter non-price terms, such as smaller loan size, shorter loan maturity, and a higher likelihood of collateral requirement, on firms with higher crash risk.  相似文献   

Collateral and loan rates are observed to be highly cyclical in their use for bank lending. The effects of such cyclicality on corporate investment are analyzed in this paper using a dynamic model. We find that more collateral causes firms to select riskier (/safer) projects if the loan rate rises above (/falls below) the expected investment return. We show that the incentive effect of loan rates becomes stronger with greater collateral, with the two credit terms having larger incentive effects on lower-quality firms. These results offer a new explanation for why lenient collateral policies are associated with rising loan rates in economic upturns but stricter collateral requirements come with falling loan rates during downturns.  相似文献   

There are very few studies concerning the recovery rate of bank loans. Prediction models of recovery rates are increasing in importance because of the Basel II-framework, the impact on credit risk management, and the calculation of loan rates. In this study, we focus the analyses on the distribution of recovery rates and the impact of the quota of collateral, the creditworthiness of the borrower, the size of the company and the intensity of the client relationship on the recovery rate. All our hypotheses can be confirmed. A higher quota of collateral leads to a higher recovery rate, whereas the risk premium of the borrower and the size of the company is negatively related to the recovery rate. Borrowers with an intense client relationship with the bank exhibit a higher recovery rate.  相似文献   

运用复杂网络方法,构建商业银行股票收益率网络,考量贷款利率市场化前后商业银行股票网络的拓扑性质变化.结果表明:贷款利率市场化前后,16家商业银行股票收益率相关系数没有发生显著变化,网络的平均路径长度及聚集系数也未发生明显变化,但贷款利率市场化后国有五大行股票收益距离更近,彼此相关性更强,网络中心节点变化较大.  相似文献   

基于BIS基准标准和国际借鉴,对中国人民银行LPR新机制的基准特征和未来曲线进行展望,得出结论:LPR报价机制选定MLF为利率锚发挥中期政策利率作用,是提高货币政策传导效率的优选方案;按照国际基准评测标准具有显著的特征,新基准曲线构建,有助于实现逆周期政策调控降低实体经济融资成本的目标。主要建议:稳预期,正确解读中期政策利率;推进存量贷款新基准的平稳转换,确立LPR贷款定价中基准地位;规划发展衍生产品市场,构建政策传导机制的市场环境。  相似文献   

This paper investigates whether a potential borrower's reporting reputation and financial condition affect commercial loan officers' loan judgments and recommendations after receiving an earnings forecast that predicts improved financial performance. The results suggest that the earnings forecast is perceived as more credible in the presence of (1) a reputation for objective reporting, and (2) strong financial condition. Also, a reputation for objective reporting allowed the borrower to more credibly convey the expected improvement in performance when financial condition was weak. However, while financial condition predictably affects loan recommendations (likelihood of granting the loan, interest rate), reporting reputation does not. While we find that commercial loan officers discount forecasts under similar circumstances as stock analysts, results suggest that the consequences of developing a reputation for aggressive reporting (e.g., aggressive selection of accounting methods and estimates within GAAP) may be greater in a stock valuation setting (prior research documents lower stock prices) than in a loan setting.  相似文献   

Loan pricing is an extremely important aspect of bank operations because loans are typically over two-thirds of bank assets. Many researchers have analyzed the theoretical and empirical impact of how different factors should and do affect fixed rate loan rates and loan prepayments. However, a theoretical decision making model for maximizing expected profit in a declining rate environment has not been developed. After describing the conditions for the optimal loan rate, we develop numerical solutions for it under varying conditions. The varying conditions include the trend in interest rates, volatility of interest rates, and loan maturity. We thank Yen Low and Hamed Bagherpour for their assistance.  相似文献   

Optimal Loan Interest Rate Contract Design   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper analyzes optimal loan interest rate contracts under conditions of risky, symmetric information for one-period (static) and multi-period (dynamic) models. The optimal loan interest rate depends upon the volatility of, and co-variation among the market interest rate, borrower collateral, and borrower income, as well as the time horizon and the risk preferences of lenders and borrowers. For a risk-averse borrower with stochastic collateral, variable interest rate contracts are, in general, Pareto optimal. For plausible assumptions, the optimal loan interest rate for the multi-period model often exhibits muted responses to changes in market interest rates, making fixed rate loans a reasonable approximation for the optimal loan. Hence, in the absence of optimal contracts, long-term (short-term) borrowers tend to prefer fixed rate (variable) contracts.  相似文献   

Using a stylized real options model, we show that discretion over the timing of charging off a non-performing loan could be economically justified when collateral values are uncertain and there is a chance of loan recovery. The implied hypothesis of an “uncertainty dependence” aspect in loan charge-offs is empirically tested and validated using a panel of European banks. A welfare-maximizing regulator might want to let banks pursue such discretionary loan charge-off behavior, with the problem of distinguishing it from alternative capital management and income smoothing objectives, while transparency-seeking accounting standards setters would presumably not.  相似文献   

徐枫 《金融论坛》2004,9(9):57-61
银行间同业拆放市场利率是我国主要的货币市场利率,也是最早实现市场化的利率.对商业银行来说,同业拆放利率是商业银行决定贷款利率与存款利率的重要标准.本文通过建立单整自回归平均移动模型ARIMA,研究一年期人民币银行贷款利率、一年期人民币储蓄存款利率、三年期凭证式国债利率、法定准备金年利率、回购利率、消费价格指数、综合股价指数、金融机构各项贷款与存款总额比值和人民币对美元汇率这些因素对我国银行间拆放利率的影响.研究结果表明:一年期人民币银行贷款利率和回购利率是影响我国银行间同业拆放利率的主要因素.  相似文献   

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