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常胜越 《中国外资》2008,(6):179-180
China has the greatest numbers of both teachers and students worldwide ,who teach and learn English. Therefore ,to analyze the obstacles of learning English for Chinese is necessary. This article gives the idea of differences between Chinese and English mainly in languages and cultures fields. Through these we can see clearly that "differences" are the biggest obstacle in language learning.  相似文献   

在中越边境贸易结算中,通过正规银行渠道结算并没有占据主导地位,很多的边贸经营户倾向于通过"地摊银行"完成边贸结算。"地摊银行"的业务范围和规模也不断发展壮大。本文通过回顾边贸结算的发展历史,比较中越两国有关法律制度以及"地摊银行"与商业银行业务操作模式,阐述了"地摊银行"相对于正规商业银行的竞争优势,分析了"地摊银行"能够与正规商业银行竞争的原因,并基于此提出了限制和监管"地摊银行"经营的几点建议。  相似文献   


Original Papers

The Renaissance of the Big Cities—and the Opportunities for Berlin  相似文献   

2010年,中国经济乍暖还寒,经济发展不确定性很大,小企业业务发展经济条件复杂,但同时又面临着良好的政策环境和市场基础。为促进小企业业务的快速健康发展,加快公司业务的结构调整和战略转型,建设银行宁波市分行进一步转变发展方式。  相似文献   

钱国宏 《金融博览》2013,(10):82-83
很多人都知道家庭理财是一项“技术活”,只是没有把它放在一定位置和高度上。在我家,近年来一直沿用仿照足球比赛阵形而“创建”的“1352理财阵法”,全家人深受其益。  相似文献   

夏冬友 《金融纵横》2000,(12):15-17
朱锫基总理年初在江苏省调研时指出:“农村信用社是联系农民的金融纽带,要采取有效措施支持和引导农村信用社发展,使它成为新形势下农村金融的主力军”。这充分体现了以江泽民同志为核心的党中央对农村信用社工作的高度重视,为今后农村信用社的改革与发展指明了方向。但从我们在泾县调查的情况看,  相似文献   

刘倩文 《中国外资》2013,(24):235-235
Arthur Andersen LLP is formerly one of the Big Five accounting firms in the world. However, in 2002, it voluntarily surrendered its licenses to practice as Certified Public Accountants in the United States, and was out of the 89 years career in the audit profession. Meanwhile the global branches of the firm is revoked and acquisition. This thesis analyses this event from a leadership and organizational culture perspective. It will elaborate from three aspects, including the organizational culture, internal integration, external environment and changing.  相似文献   

胡征成 《金融博览》2009,(19):68-68
为有效化解小企业贷款难问题,不少银行近来都成立了专门机构,并推行“信贷工厂“模式,此举对提高服务效率,促进小企业信贷业务发展具有重要意义。  相似文献   

中央经济工作会议和全国金融工作会议高度重视农村金融服务工作。2012年中央一号文件也强调指出,要为“三农”服务,从资金投入、机构新设、政策扶持、产品刨新等方面,进一步提高农村金融服务质量和水平。这对于中部农业大省的湖北来说,既是机遇,也是挑战。作为银行监管部门,湖北银监局围绕“改革,发展、稳定”这条主线,强化监管引领作用,督导辖内涉农银行业金融机构秉承“三真理念”,即怀着“真情实感”,做到“真抓实干”,拿出“真金白银”,察实情、出实招、求实效,  相似文献   

对于一个产品来说.什么叫“贵”,什么叫“不贵”,完全在于顾客的感受。有人花10000元买一条项链说“不贵”,有人花1000元买一条项链会说“贵”。因为产品的“贵”与“不贵”跟产品本身没有太大关系。而跟顾客的自我感受有关系。他认为值就不贵.不值就贵。今天我要与各位一线的销售人员分享一下如何打好“价值战”,而不是“价格战”:引导顾客关注的是“价值”.而非“价格”。  相似文献   

何怀宏 《金融博览》2013,(17):22-23
在西方语言中”人文”一词来自拉丁语“humanitas“,这个词既有”文化”,“教化”、”教养”、“文雅”的意思,又有“人性“、“人格”.  相似文献   

KEVIN是我的意大利籍朋友,他是一家金融机构的高级合伙人,今年42岁,3个孩子的父亲。我在三年前的一次奢侈品论坛上认识他,当时他每天要工作12到15个小时,精疲力竭,就连和家人一起吃顿晚饭都觉得很奢侈,这让他深感愧疚和不安。他睡眠不足,没有时间运动,很少正常吃饭,要么干脆不吃,要么边干边吃。  相似文献   

偶结识 林若若大学毕业,从省城通过竞聘来到鸭绿江边的一个县级市财政局工作。转过年。恰逢“金财工程”大规模建设,信息中心正缺网络管理人员,局领导便将她调整到这个岗位。  相似文献   

Comparing the InsurTech ecosystems of the United States and Germany (Europe), there are significant regional differences in the choice of business models. While many InsurTechs in the United States have opted for the business model of a fully licensed insurer, this business model is much less common in Europe. In Europe, many InsurTechs seem to shy away from applying for a license as an insurer and limit themselves to the business model of a broker or a managing general agent. This paper analyzes the factors that influence an InsurTech's choice of business model when deciding whether or not to apply for an insurance license. It examines the impact of different local market environments on these decisions, as well as the role that access to venture capital plays in business model decisions and how regulators and their actions influence the decision-making process.  相似文献   

3月.中国城市房价同比上涨11.7%,为五年来最大同比涨幅。遏制房价迫在眉睫!  相似文献   

We examine international linkages between daily time series of US and Australian 3-month treasury bills and 10-year government bonds from 1987–1995, paying particular attention to the effects of macroeconomic announcements in both countries. The two countries' interest rate data are modeled by a bivariate exponential generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity (EGARCH) formulation. The results suggest that market participants believed the Reserve Bank of Australia targeted the consumer price index (CPI), while the Federal Reserve targeted economic activity. Monetary policy announcements had significant effects on interest rates, as well as on their volatility in the short term. US macroeconomic activity announcements significantly moved Australian interest rates, particularly at the short end. Australian interest rates moved significantly in response to the previous day's US interest rate shocks. The conditional volatility of the Australian interest rate changes was also significantly influenced by lagged US interest rate shocks, as well as by surprises in US macroeconomic announcements. Some macroeconomic news announcements raised conditional volatilities, while others reduced them. Overall, there was a remarkable and complex array of linkages between the two countries.  相似文献   

针对此前热议的温州“购房门”事件,温州纪委书记陶时梅告诉记者,温州市旧城改建指挥部以暂定价销售的一百四十三套剩余房中,一百四十一套已经办理了结算和缴款手续,即补交了差价。(7月1日《中国新闻网》)  相似文献   

近年来,中国人民银行金融电子化建设取得了巨大发展,计算机和网络技术被广泛地运用到各项业务系统及内部管理,日常使用频率和系统更迭频繁,对金融电子信息安全管理提出了更高的要求。对于人员结构和知识层次老化的基层县市支行而言,金融信息风险系数更高,面临的问题更加突出。  相似文献   

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