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亚洲金融危机使韩国政府意识到出口导向型增长模式的脆弱性,韩国政府于是将政策重心逐步从促进出口贸易转向刺激国内消费。然而,在经济转型过程中,韩国的家庭债务持续攀升,成为威胁经济增长和金融稳定的主要风险,对韩国经济社会产生一系列不利影响。文章对韩国家庭债务的特征、起因、影响等问题进行深入研究,并结合中国实际得出一些有益的启示。  相似文献   

By describing a transformed life cycle of emergency management, this paper re-envisions how emergency managers may prepare for, respond to, recover from, and mitigate against disaster impacts in the future. Additionally, this paper also reveals how the broader social, political, economic, and cultural levels must change to foment a culture of safety with and for people with disabilities. The authors use the framework to identify how future wireless technologies can empower people with disabilities with regards to individual (or household) emergency preparedness and in coping with the drastic life changes following a disaster.  相似文献   

This article investigates how land acquisition during urbanization affects labor allocation decisions of farm households in China. We develop an agricultural household model by including land acquisition to examine its impacts on nonfarm labor participation and income. Two data sets (self-designed household surveys at Xingwen County in 2012 and the China Household Finance Survey (CHFS) data covering 29 provinces in 2013) are adopted for empirical analysis. The results find that land reduction has significantly positive effects on the probability and the share of family nonfarm labor allocation from both data sets. We also find that land acquisition increases the household income of the land acquisition group in CHFS data.  相似文献   

利率市场化是指金融机构在货币市场经营融资的利率由市场供求来决定,它包括利率决定、利率传导、利率结构和利率管理的市场化。文章考察了德国利率市场化改革的特点及其对金融业发展的积极影响。德国利率市场化改革分步骤平稳推进。改革后,在全能银行模式下德国金融业没有出现象美、英那样的银行集中倒闭危机;银行贷款在非金融部门融资中仍居于主导地位,而住户部门的金融资产结构发生显著变化;德国的货币政策主要是通过改变银行的流动性来影响金融市场利率,进而间接影响银行信贷政策以及实体经济。  相似文献   

Analyzing the distributional impacts of economic crises is anever more pressing need. If policymakers are to intervene tohelp those most adversely affected, they need to identify thosewho have been hurt most and estimate the magnitude of the harmthey have suffered. They must also respond in a timely manner.This article develops a simple methodology for measuring theseeffects and applies it to analyze the impact of the Indonesianeconomic crisis on household welfare. Using only pre-crisishousehold information, it estimates the compensating variationfor Indonesian households following the 1997 Asian currencycrisis and then explores the results with flexible nonparametricmethods. It finds that virtually every household was severelyaffected, although the urban poor fared the worst. The abilityof poor rural households to produce food mitigated the worstconsequences of the high inflation. The distributional consequencesare the same whether or not households are permitted to substitutetoward relatively cheaper goods. The geographic location ofthe household matters even within urban or rural areas and householdincome categories. Households with young children may have suffereddisproportionately large adverse effects.  相似文献   

At less than 34%, Switzerland has the lowest home ownership rate in Western Europe. This may seem odd given the economic strength of the country. We use household survey data for five Swiss cantons to explore some possible reasons for this. We estimate a tenure choice equation that allows us to analyze the impacts of a number of key variables on the ownership rate. We pay particular attention to the relative cost of owning and renting, which is a function of house prices, rents, and the user cost of owning. The latter is a function of income tax policy and expected house price inflation, among other things. We also measure mortgage underwriting criteria and consider rent control and other policies affecting rental housing. By simulating a number of hypothetical changes to taxation and other policies, underwriting criteria, and price levels, we assess the importance of these variables in explaining the ownership rate. We conclude that high house prices—relative to household incomes and wealth—and the tax on imputed rent are the most important causes of Switzerland’s low ownership rate.  相似文献   

本文基于房价持续增长的现实背景,利用中国家庭追踪调查数据,以家庭住房数量为核心检验住房投资对城镇家庭创业选择的影响及作用机制。研究发现,相比无房家庭,自有住房家庭的创业概率并未显著提高;当家庭有多套住房时,才能显著提高创业概率。同时,对仅有一套住房的家庭,住房价值对家庭创业没有显著影响。但对有多套住房家庭而言,住房价值能显著提高创业概率。本文发现住房投资尽管能够通过缓解信贷约束、增加风险偏好等机制促进创业,但也会对创业产生显著的挤出效应。只有在政府坚持住房去金融化和"房住不炒"的调控政策下,住房投资对家庭创业的促进作用才能逐步占据主导。  相似文献   

This paper studies the effect of a change in real estate wealth on the consumption behaviour of Italian households, using the Bank of Italy’s Survey of Household Income and Wealth dataset. We relate annual household consumption to capital gains in housing, controlling for characteristics such as age. In line with the empirical predictions of our model, we find the oldest households—which are less affected by the higher costs of future rent—to be the most affected by increases in real net housing wealth. Younger households, on the other hand, are not significantly affected in their consumption decisions by house price increases. We also take into account the fact that benefiting from capital gains is conditional on owning housing wealth and estimate the different impacts of house price changes on the savings behaviours of both homeowners and renters. Our estimates suggest that house price increases raise consumption not only for homeowners but also for renters.  相似文献   

This article investigates the impacts of the macroprudential policy of limitation on credit growth in housing market on Korean economy to find empirical and theoretical implications. Empirical results based on VAR models show that macroprudential policies like LTV and DTI in Korea have significant and persistent effect on real household credit and real house price. This article further addresses implications of optimal macroprudential and monetary policy in Korea by employing a standard DSGE model. The results suggest that the time-varying macroprudential policy responding to the borrower’s debt to income ratio is most effective in stabilizing household debt among the macroprudential policy rules considered, but produces a moderate downturn of the economy.  相似文献   

尹志超  仇化  潘学峰 《金融研究》2021,488(2):114-132
在构建以国内大循环为主体,国内国际双循环相互促进的新发展格局下,把握扩大内需这一战略基点,激发居民消费潜力,是推动经济高质量发展的关键之一。住房已经成为中国家庭财富的重要组成部分,一方面可通过财富效应促进家庭消费,另一方面也可能由于“房奴效应”降低家庭消费。因此,住房财富对家庭消费的影响方向并不确定。本文基于2013-2019年中国家庭金融调查数据,研究了住房财富对家庭消费的影响,并检验了住房财富影响家庭消费的可能渠道。研究发现,住房财富对城镇家庭消费有显著促进作用,并显著改善了家庭消费结构,住房资产具有财富效应。进一步研究发现,住房财富能够缓解流动性约束,从而提高家庭消费水平。异质性分析表明,住房财富对不同类型的消费具有不同的促进作用,不同地区和拥有住房数量的差别均会对住房财富产生不同影响。根据本文研究,在控制风险的前提下,可发挥既有住房财富对平滑家庭消费的积极作用,促进家庭消费增长,改善家庭消费结构,进一步推进家庭消费升级。  相似文献   

文章基于对广东省34地农户稻作保险购买行为的调研,采用开放的二分选择式条件估价法获取1772户农户水稻保险支付意愿(Willingness To Pay,WTP)数据,运用Tobit模型针对稻作风险、农户风险意识、风险管理替代工具和农户家庭特征四类二十个因素进行了检验和讨论。研究表明,产量变异系数、风险损失频率等七个因素对支付意愿的影响最为显著性,家庭纯收入、对农业保险的认同等四个因素对支付意愿的影响较为显著,保险免赔率、生产总成本等六个因素对支付意愿有一定影响,而稻作面积、是否参与过其他保险等三个因素的影响甚微,文章最后根据测算结果提出了发展广东省农业保险的政策建议。  相似文献   

The rapid digitization of economy and the widening of digital divide have attracted the attention and interest of many researchers. In such a context, this paper aims to identify the causal effect of the digital divide on household consumption. Using the 2017 and 2019 waves of the China Household Finance Survey (CHFS) data, we find that the digital divide has led to a significant reduction in household consumption. Besides, such a negative correlation results from the combined effects of (i) rising unemployment, (ii) intensified liquidity constraints, and (iii) declining financial literacy. Furthermore, it is discovered that the digital divide has different impacts on households depending on the specific consumption category, thus hindering the diversification of consumption. Our findings are expected to shed some light on the little-documented evidence with profound implications for the socioeconomic policies on the application of technology to enhance the efficiency and inclusiveness of the digital economy.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the effect of observed food price changes on household consumption (welfare) in Tanzania and from this simulates the welfare effect attributable to tax (tariffs and VAT) reforms. The three rounds of the Tanzania Household Budget Survey (1991/92, 2000/01 and 2007) are used to apply Deaton’s method based on median unit values (prices) and household budget shares. The results indicate that real price increases over 1991–2007 have reduced welfare of the average household by 20 per cent of 1991 income, and the loss was fairly evenly distributed between the 1990s and 2000s. The welfare loss was much greater for the poor, especially the rural poor (a 27 per cent reduction), compared to the non-poor (in particular the urban non-poor, who suffered a five per cent loss). Although we cannot establish explicit links between tax reforms and domestic commodity price changes, to assess the extent to which welfare changes can be explained by tax reforms we simulate the effects of tax changes on domestic price changes. The simulation shows that tax reforms (tariff reductions) offset the welfare losses for all household groups, especially in the 1990s; although the differences were small, the urban poor benefit more in relative terms from tax reforms whereas the rural poor benefit least (the effect on the non-poor was similar irrespective of location).  相似文献   

This paper investigates the effect of changes in health status on household financial wealth and financial portfolio choice. It is shown that the impact of health events on household financial and non-financial wealth is asymmetric. A diagnosis of a new disease leads to a larger decrease in financial wealth than in non-financial wealth. Moreover, we find that the puzzle pertaining to the relationship between health status and portfolio choice discussed in the extant literature generally disappears after controlling for differences in the amount of financial assets held by healthy and sick people. The results suggest that the effect of changes in health status on household financial portfolios is indirect. A health shock significantly reduces household total financial wealth, in turn leading households to restructure the composition of their financial assets.  相似文献   

This article uses panel data estimations on annual data from 10 Central and Eastern European countries to assess the effect of different macroeconomic variables on the dynamics of corporate and household saving. The analyses show that changes in the macroeconomic environment affect the saving rates in both sectors, but with marked differences across the two sectors. The differences are most pronounced for the output gap, the real interest rate, the inflation rate, and the current account balance. Some variables, including the unemployment rate and changes in the real exchange rate, are unimportant in both sectors. The different results for the two sectors underscore the importance of analyzing the factors driving the dynamics of corporate and household saving separately.  相似文献   

Could the simplifying assumptions made in project appraisalbe so far from the truth that the expected benefits of publicinvestments are not realized? Using data for Vietnam, commonlyused estimates of the benefits from irrigation investments basedon means are compared with impacts assessed through an econometricmodeling of marginal returns that allows for household and areaheterogeneity using integrated household-level survey data.The simpler method performs well in estimating average benefitsnationally but can be misleading for some regions, and, by ignoringheterogeneity, it overestimates gains to the poor and underestimatesgains to the rich. At moderate to high cost levels, ignoringheterogeneity in impacts results in enough mistakes to eliminatethe net benefits from public investment. When irrigating aslittle as 3 percent of Vietnam's nonirrigated land, the savingsfrom the more data-intensive method are sufficient to coverthe full cost of the extra data required, ignoring other benefitsfrom that data.  相似文献   

The paper considers how people should plan their saving, given certain assumptions about inheritance and changes in household circumstances. The results are produced by a model that takes into account tax and state benefits as well as various private savings vehicles. It concludes that, for many households, saving for retirement through a ‘pension’ might not be optimum and that the best strategy is to vary the incidence and allocation of saving in response to changes in household circumstances.  相似文献   

In this paper, we provide micro-econometric evidence on the determinants of life insurance demand in China, the largest emerging market in the world. We employ the China Household Income Project (CHIP) dataset for the year 2002 in the analysis. The timing is ideal, because of the nature of the less well developed capital markets and social security systems in China in 2002, which sets a suitable stage to study the insurance demand behavior of emerging markets. The results indicate that both the human capital protection motive and the asset allocation motive are important in explaining the purchase of life insurance in China. In addition, we present three empirical regularities: (1) the positive correlation between the returns to human capital and the returns to market portfolio decrease the demand for life insurance; (2) both the current wealth and future income of a household exert curvilinear impacts on life insurance demand; (3) the breadth of a households social connections has substantial impacts on life insurance demand.  相似文献   

文章介绍了有关汇率变动影响企业投资的相关文献,指出汇率水平变化通过价格效应和成本效应两条途径影响企业投资,其影响程度与企业类型、成本加成、垄断力量等有关。而关于汇率波动对企业投资的影响则有正向、负向和关系不明确三种结论并存。在当前人民币汇率波动不断加大的背景下,从理论上弄清汇率变动与企业投资之间的关系具有重要意义。  相似文献   

We provide empirical evidence on the labour market impacts of COVID-19 in the UK and assess the effectiveness of mitigation policies. We estimate the relationship between employment outcomes and occupational and industrial characteristics and assess the effects on consumption. Seventy per cent of households in the bottom fifth of the earnings distribution hold insufficient assets to maintain current spending for more than one week. We compare the effectiveness of the UK's Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme and of Economic Impact Payments in the US. The EIPs are more effective at mitigating consumption reductions as they have full coverage, depend on household structure and are higher for low-income workers.  相似文献   

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