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环境管理对酒店绩效的影响越来越受到人们的关注。国外学者使用了不同的方法来研究其关系,但至今没有一个明确的定论。以"波特假说"为代表的学者认为,环境管理所带来的效益可以弥补环境管理所需的费用,并让酒店产品产生差异化,增加新的竞争力。然而,一些学者却认为,对环境管理的投入会减少酒店的利益和酒店的竞争力,因为其所节约的成本不足以弥补所要付出的费用。为了对这两种观点在实践中的表现进行验证,该文通过对广州高星级酒店的调查,获取第一手数据,借SPSS统计软件的相关功能,确定酒店环境管理对其绩效的影响表现。结果显示,酒店环境管理的投入越多,其对绩效的积极影响越明显。同时,酒店环境管理中的几个变量对酒店绩效存在着不同程度的影响,可得到酒店环境管理对其绩效产生影响的回归方程。最后,文章提出了一些建议及研究展望。  相似文献   

环境管理对酒店绩效的影响越来越受到人们的关注。国外学者使用了不同的方法来研究其关系,但至今没有一个明确的定论。以“波特假说”为代表的学者认为,环境管理所带来的效益可以弥补环境管理所需的费用,并让酒店产品产生差异化,增加新的竞争力。然而,一些学者却认为,对环境管理的投入会减少酒店的利益和酒店的竞争力。因为其所节约的成本不足以弥补所要付出的费用。为了对这两种观点在实践中的表现进行验证,该文通过对广州高星级酒店的调查,获取第一手数据,借SPSS统计软件的相关功能,确定酒店环境管理对其绩效的影响表现。结果显示,酒店环境管理的投入越多,其对绩效的积极影响越明显。同时,酒店环境管理中的几个变量对酒店绩效存在着不同程度的影响,可得到酒店环境管理对其绩效产生影响的回归方程。最后,文章提出了一些建议及研究展望。  相似文献   

特许经营作为一种企业战略,已经成为现代企业网络化扩张的一种主要模式.本文以旅游酒店为研究对象.首先分析了基于特许经营的旅游酒店联盟网络及其缋效的内涵.其次,根据特许经营旅游酒店联盟网络绩效的含义,文章提出了特许酒店的企业战略、受许酒店的联盟能力、受许酒店的网络关系、联盟网络的竞争优势4个测量指标,运用问卷调查和统计分析方法,得知这些因素对特许经营旅游酒店联盟网络绩效都有影响,并得出了它们的影响程度的强弱.  相似文献   

在激烈的市场竞争中,创新被视为酒店取得竞争优势的有效方式.现有研究主要关注酒店创新的过程和绩效,忽视了个体消费者对服务创新的感知和评价.鉴于此,文章通过分析不同类型服务创新产生的影响作用,探讨怎样的创新更有利于提升顾客感知价值和品牌态度.通过实地调研经济型酒店服务创新项目,使用探索性因子分析和验证性因子分析,指出顾客感知酒店服务创新的4个维度分别是服务流程创新、服务设施创新、参与制度创新和服务内容创新.影响研究发现,顾客感知酒店服务创新对其感知价值和品牌态度存在积极影响,但不同维度的影响效果和作用机理差异较大,消费者创新性对上述影响关系具有一定调节作用.基于以上结论,对酒店服务创新工作的开辰提供对策建议.  相似文献   

度假酒店服务绩效感知环节及要素探索性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨韫  颜麒 《旅游学刊》2011,26(7):36-43
在酒店质量管理研究中,学者们一直致力于对影响酒店服务质量的绩效要素进行深入广泛的研究,遗憾的是,这些研究大都是单纯基于奥利弗的预期—失验理论。为了更有效地评价服务质量表现,近年来,学术界开始推崇多元化层次理论。基于度假酒店的服务特点和服务绩效多层评价理论,文章将服务接触与汝萨和奥利文的服务三要素作为多层理论研究框架,运用深度访谈、焦点小组讨论,以及文献综合分析等相结合的定性研究方法,分析了顾客感知度假酒店服务绩效各环节的相关评价要素,并进一步讨论了顾客感知度假酒店服务绩效要素与传统酒店的区别。研究结果暗示了度假酒店在服务管理过程对"度假理念"的诠释是获得顾客满意的关键。  相似文献   

如何对日益增多的目的地营销投入进行科学的绩效评估成为学界与业界共同关注的问题.囿于国内学者尚未对该问题给予足够重视,文章首先论述了目的地营销绩效的内涵及其实施意义,并在对国内外相关研究进行文献梳理的基础上归纳出当前该领域4个主要研究方向,分别是目的地具体营销活动的绩效评估研究、营销效率研究、营销审计研究以及营销绩效评估体系构建研究.在此基础上,借鉴营销价值链思想,构建了目的地营销价值链模型,并从4个方面(分别是目的地的营销主体及其营销活动、绩效生成机制、绩效指标以及模型调节因素)对该模型进行了详细论述.  相似文献   

品牌资产是酒店品牌竞争优势的重要来源.传统上,研究者从财务角度和顾客角度测量酒店品牌资产,但二者都是外部视角的品牌资产,没有考虑员工在创建酒店品牌资产中的作用,因而不能回答酒店品牌资产的根本来源.基于员工的品牌资产的提出,为酒店品牌资产的管理提供了一个全新的视角,能够从根本上回答酒店品牌资产的来源,有助于构建酒店品牌资产管理体系的完整架构.文章首先回顾了财务、顾客和员工这3种视角的品牌资产,提出了酒店品牌资产管理的整体模型,详细论证了3种视角的品牌资产之间的内在关系.文章提出了基于员工的品牌资产金字塔模型,用以指导酒店企业有效管理基于员工的品牌资产.最后,文章归纳了研究结论对酒店品牌的管理启示,以及研究不足和有待透一步研究的议题.  相似文献   

基于细节服务的酒店形象影响因素研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郑胜华  何一 《旅游学刊》2008,23(2):29-35
细节服务作为酒店管理多元化发展的一个分支,对挖掘、整合和利用酒店资源,发现、赢得和稳定客户,识别、利用和树立良好的酒店形象有着不可忽视的作用.本文首先从细节服务的视角出发,剖析了细节服务的关键因子及其对酒店形象的影响.在此基础上构建了基于细节服务的酒店形象影响因素模型,并提出了相应假设;然后运用统计方法对其进行了验证,实证结果基本符合本文的研究构思和假设;最后,本文就如何依托细节服务提升酒店形象提出了相应对策.  相似文献   

在以往的服务管理研究中,服务绩效的影响因素很多,然而没有文献研究员工对服务的概念性界定对服务绩效的影响.基于行为识别理论,文章提出服务认知-行为模式对一线员工的服务绩效存在影响.该研究利用旅行社业和饭店业402名一线服务员工的问卷调查数据,部分验证了所提出的假设,实证结果发现:(1)对顾客理解型服务认知一行为模式具有最高的角色外服务绩效,对工作规范型服务认知-行为模式具有最低的角色外服务绩效;(2)对工作规范型服务认知-行为模式具有最低的角色内服务绩效,对顾客理解型和手段型服务认知-行为模式具有较高的角色内服务绩效.  相似文献   

酒店服务的异质性和顾客需求的多样性使得服务失误在所难免。服务补救成为酒店修复服务失误,赢得顾客口碑和再次光顾的重要举措。在酒店管理实践中,货币补偿颇受管理者青睐,通常被作为应对服务失误的首要选择。然而,货币补偿是否为服务失误发生时的最优选择?文章以高星级酒店为研究背景,对服务失误进行情境设计,检验不同失误归因下货币补偿和非货币补偿的补偿满意度差异。数据分析结果显示:酒店因素导致的服务失误情境下,相比货币补偿而言,非货币补偿具有更好的补偿效果;其他顾客因素和顾客自身因素导致的服务失误情境下,货币补偿与非货币补偿间没有显著效果差异。此外,补偿满意度对顾客信任、重购意向与口碑有显著正向影响。  相似文献   

This study aims to investigate the implementation of customer relationship management (CRM) and its effect on relationship marketing (RM) and business performance, through an analysis of the hotel industry in Taiwan. A survey on hotels, including general and tourist hotels, and bed and breakfasts (B&Bs) was conducted, and a total of 560 questionnaires were returned. The results showed that implementing CRM has a significant and positive influence on the RM effect, positively affecting business performance for both hotels and B&Bs. However, a comparison of the influential paths of relationship models between hotels and B&Bs showed that, for hotels, the Internet service and customer support functions of the CRM strategy are the main sources of influence on the RM effect and business performance, whereas for B&Bs, the marketing support function of the CRM strategy alone influences the RM effect and business performance. To achieve higher performance, the different types of hotel enterprises should understand their main advantage before implementing key CRM strategies.  相似文献   

Drawing on social exchange and conservation of resources theories, this study investigates genuine emotions as a mediator of the effects of internal marketing practices on customer-oriented behaviors. Data collected from customer-contact employees in the four- and five-star hotels in Antalya, one of the most popular tourism destinations in Turkey, were used to assess the aforesaid relationships. The results from structural equation modeling reveal that management’s simultaneous emphasis on internal communication, training, and internal market research as the indicators of internal marketing practices fosters customer-contact employees’ genuine emotions displayed in service encounters. Such internal marketing practices as well as genuine emotions boost employees’ customer-oriented behaviors, as manifested by enjoyment and needs. As hypothesized, genuine emotions partly mediate the effects of internal marketing practices on customer-oriented behaviors. Theoretical and management implications associated with the abovementioned results are discussed.  相似文献   

Using social facilitation theory, this study evaluates the mediating effects of service interactions with hotel employees on the relationship between tourist motivation and place attachment. The moderating effects of nationality and hotel star-rating on these relationships are also examined. The overall model tested on a sample of 545 international visitors to the island of Mauritius showed that service interactions mediated the relationship between tourist motivation and place attachment. Partial least squares-structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) multi-group analysis found that the relationships among the constructs differed according to tourists’ nationality and the hotels’ star rating. The findings have important implications for hotel managers and destination marketing and management.  相似文献   

Internal marketing is a concept where firms apply marketing tools to attract and retain the best employees that will later affect business performance in monetary and nonmonetary terms. This article deals with the effect of internal marketing in hotels on their performance, based upon data obtained from India. Researchers identified the constructs of internal marketing: interfunctional coordination and integration, job satisfaction, job security, empowerment, employee motivation, vision of the organization, quality of service, employee development, strategic reward, and senior leadership. Researchers analyzed the effects of these processes on interactive marketing and thereby business performance. This study seeks to help organizations design their own internal marketing plan by outlining the important elements necessary to improve the business performance of hotels.  相似文献   

In this article it is argued that the formulation of planning policy for tourism in general, and the hotel industry in particular, requires detailed information on the temporal characteristics of visitor flows in relation to the capacity of the industry to accommodate them. In this light, a detailed analysis is performed on weekly fluctuations in visitor flows to hotels in Yorkshire and Humberside, as revealed by daily occupancy returns in 99 hotels over the study period.Clear temporal and spatial patterns are identified and linked with differences in market orientation, between areas, between hotels and between different seasons.Stepwise regression analyses relating occupancy performance to a range of hotel characteristics confirms the importance of market orientation and identifies other correlates of weekly occupancy pattern.Finally, the marketing and planning implications of the results are discussed, and different marketing options for improved occupancy performance are outlined.  相似文献   

This study aims to investigate how conventions and exhibitions attract exhibitors and the effects of exhibition attendance on business performance. For this purpose, this study constructed a theoretical model to discuss the relationships of the latent variables. According to the conceptual framework of this study, exhibition marketing included five facets: selling activity, information gathering, relationship building, exhibition image, and extension service. This study then conducted confirmatory factor analysis to test the inner quality of the measuring model, and applied structural equation modeling to test the research hypotheses. The subjects were 350 Taiwanese companies that had previously attended exhibitions. The empirical results showed that selling activity, information gathering, exhibition image, and extension service have positive significant effects on exhibition attendance, while the exhibition attendance also positively influences the business performance. Moreover, exhibition attendance has a partially moderating effect on exhibition marketing and business performance.  相似文献   

This research explores and develops a hotel sustainability business model (HSBM) to study the sustainability orientation of the Slovenian hotel industry. Based on a comparative analysis of the existing sustainability and triple bottom line models, the usual content of a three-line HSBM (economic, environmental and sociocultural) was extended to include customer satisfaction, environmental education and power to implement changes. Financial, marketing and tourism sustainability experts investigated best practices in sustainability measurements and gathered appropriate sustainability indicators; expert opinion and the Delphi method refined and reduced an initial 79 indicators to 36 operational indicators, able to fulfil the HSBM's sub-categories within the extended triple bottom line. The HSBM's concept was used to study the sustainability of Slovenian hotel firms to reveal how important these indicators are for hotel managers and do they monitor them. Results indicated strong importance and measurement of economic and marketing indicators, such as profitability and customer satisfaction. Following the socialist tradition, companies recognise the importance of human resources, but the importance of environmental education and awareness building, biodiversity, and the establishment of partnerships with stakeholders to implement sustainable tourism development are neglected. Economic performance was, for example, monitored by 66% of respondents, environmental performance by 28% and social performance by 42%.  相似文献   

中国饭店30年海内外文献回顾与比较   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
通过对海外三大学术数据库及国内<旅游学刊>的检索,本文对有关中国饭店的中英文论文进行分析、分类.根据研究内容,从战略与发展、市场营销、服务质量和人力资源管理4个方面系统地评述了中国饭店发展30年的历程.反映了海内外学者对中国饭店的关注热点和研究议题.在文献分析的基础上,文章对海内外学术研究进行了对比分析,并对未来研究进行了探讨,以期为国内外相关研究提供借鉴.  相似文献   

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