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"十二五"期间,我市旅游产业呈现持续、快速、健康发展的良好势头,各项指标与"十一五"末相比实现倍增,提前完成"十二五"规划任务。然而,旅游业的本质特征决定了将旅游业定位于主导产业或支柱产业必须十分谨慎。本文运用主导产业或支柱产业的选择基准,对旅游业的产业地位进行了分析,同时,结合信阳市的实际情况,提出了信阳旅游业不应直接定位于主导产业或支柱产业,而应看后续未来的发展。  相似文献   

"互联网+"作为互联网发展下的新业态,已然将我国经济社会发展带进了一个新的时代。不少的传统行业在"互联网+"的大环境下发生着改变,而且还是朝着与以前办事方式截然不同的方向发展。在这样一个时代背景下,旅游业及旅游创业可以说是深受其影响,开始朝着有区别于以前传统的运营方式的大方向转变,而且这种转变还要加快进程,否则会对以后该行业的未来发展造成严重的负面影响。这里通过讨论在"互联网+"时代,旅游业及旅游创业教育是如何主动改变并发展的。  相似文献   

突如其来的新冠肺炎疫情给我国旅游业的快速发展按下了"暂停键",与旅游相关的各行业几近停滞,伴随着我国旅游业产业链的日渐完善,产业之间的依赖程度增强等因素,都会将疫情带来的冲击翻倍。当下旅游业由于行业发展的需求特征、供给特征和竞争特征因而呈现出对外部环境变化的"敏感性",但是"敏感"并非等同于"脆弱",并不能影响我国旅游业总体向好的整体表现,应该充分利用疫情的缓冲期,考虑完善旅游业职能体系,积极探索行业发展的未来方向,并重视旅游发展科技赋能、行业协同等途径,建构起保障我国旅游业稳定发展的长效机制。  相似文献   

大理白族的民俗文化资源非常丰富,具有非常高的旅游开发价值,促进了大理旅游业的快速发展,现阶段旅游业已经成为大理经济发展的主要支柱产业。但是大理旅游业在为当地经济做出巨大贡献的同时,也严重影响了白族传统文化的保护和传承,这就要求人们在旅游业的发展和白族传统文化保护之间寻找一个平衡点。本文就大理白族文化旅游的开发进行探析,旨在为人们提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

旅游业是第三产业的重要组成部分,随着信息技术尤其是物联网、云计算、移动通讯技术的快速发展,"智慧旅游"应运而生。智慧旅游是现代旅游业的新模式,加快智慧旅游的发展,对于加速渭南旅游业和经济发展具有很大的作用。本项目通过对渭南市智慧旅游的调查研究,发现智慧旅游发展过程中存在的问题,提出针对性建议。  相似文献   

随着旅游业的快速发展,旅游管理这一行业也应运而生。如何在旅游管理中加入中国的传统文化,促进旅游业与中国传统文化的有效融合,从而促进旅游管理的健康发展,促进中国传统文化的可持续发展,是当下亟需考虑的问题。本文分析了中国传统文化的内涵,探讨了近几年中国传统文化对旅游管理的影响,并提出了中国传统文化在旅游管理中的应用策略,希望为中国旅游管理的发展提供可供借鉴的参考性意见。  相似文献   

随着互联网技术的不断发展,互联网已经与越来越多的传统行业进行融合,以实现传统行业的更好发展。基于对"互联网+"理念的研究,结合乡村旅游业的发展现状,本文提出"互联网+"背景下乡村旅游发展的策略,以实现乡村旅游业的更好发展。  相似文献   

正中国旅游研究肇始于20世纪80年代,是随着中国旅游业的发展应运而生。虽然中国旅游业是改革开放后第一个"睁开眼睛看世界"的行业,但中国旅游业的发展路径与大多数发达国家迥然不同,中国是在短缺经济的环境中优先发展入境旅游的。随着中国社会经济由双轨制逐渐并轨成单轨制,旅游市场由入  相似文献   

近年来,我省旅游业以邓小平旅游经济思想指导,认真贯彻国家旅游局关于旅游业发展的总体思路,在全省经济产业结构调整中,各级党委、政府全力推动旅游业的发展,全社会共同关心、各部门积极支持,为旅游业创造了良好的发展环境,使全省旅游业保持了持续、快速、健康发展的良好势头?实践使我们体会到,领导重视、社会支持是旅游业发展的根本。  相似文献   

旅游产业高度化的本质特征:产业融合与信息化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、旅游业转型升级的实践探索 我国旅游业谋求"转型"由来已久,1992年国务院发布的《关于试办国家旅游度假区有关问题的通知》中就指出:"为进一步扩大对外开放,开发利用我国丰富的旅游资源,促进我国旅游业由观光型向观光度假型转变,加快旅游事业发展,国务院决定在条件成熟的地方试办国家旅游度假区."此后,在我国旅游界,有关"我国旅游业将从传统的观光旅游向度假旅游转型"的观点逐渐流行,甚至认为,发展休闲度假旅游是我国旅游产业转型升级的不二选择.  相似文献   

全球化背景下旅游业迅速发展,旅游目的地文化变迁日益显著,并引起人们的关注.作为世界文化遗产的丽江大研古城自旅游开发至今吸引了来自世界各地的大量游客,古城原生文化也经历着某种程度的变迁.文章在两次实地调研的基础上,综合运用访谈法和观察法,以古城酒吧发展的视角,探求反映古城文化变迁过程,并应用乔治·里茨尔“虚无”与“实在”理论分析古城酒吧发展过程中“虚无”与“实在”的表征及动因.  相似文献   

朱桃杏  陆林 《旅游学刊》2005,20(6):82-88
论文通过对国外《Tourism Management》、《Annals of Tourism Research》及国内《旅游学刊》3大期刊近10年来发表的有关文化旅游的82篇文献进行研究方法的分类和分析讨论,从概念与综述、文化旅游地景观厦其形象研究、文化旅游者厦市场研究、文化旅游赍源厦开发研究、文化旅游环境与保护研究、文化旅游管理研究、文化旅游理论与方法研究7个方面对文化旅游研究内容进行了综述,井对近年朱国内外文化旅游研究的重点问题和未来研究方向进行了分析。  相似文献   

Medical tourism is a rapidly growing industry in which people travel to other countries to receive medical treatments. In 2010, Korea attracted 81,789 foreign medical tourists who spent approximately US$100 million. The aims of this study are to analyze general trends in the medical tourism market, identify problems, or obstacles that affect the development of medical tourism in Korea, provide solutions to overcome these obstacles, and propose better policies. This study employed qualitative research methods, including content analysis of written publications and in-depth interviews. According to the results of the analysis of Korean medical tourism, the weaknesses of the system include insufficient promotion, the lack of a centralized administrative support system, the absence of differentiation strategies with respect to competing nations, an insufficient number of medical tourism professionals, and an inadequate legal system. In addition, this study identified threats that include competition from other countries offering medical tourism, the emergence of new competitors in East Asia, unexpected global crises, and international antagonism against Korea. This article discusses solutions addressing these weaknesses and threats and presents strategies that Korea can adopt to become one of the premier destinations for medical tourism.  相似文献   

为解释一个特定的乡村为何会选择旅游发展道路,为何会长期延续旅游发展道路,并最终实现旅游主导的乡村变迁,笔者同时参考了旅游地生命周期假说这一旅游地演化研究领域的经典理论与来自新制度经济学的路径依赖理论,提出"起点-动力"假说.起点即由历史赋存和偶然事件所组成的发展初始状态,动力即自然环境、社会、经济、文化、政治等发展要素之间的复杂关联和相互作用.这一假说强调一种垮学科、多视角的研究方法,在追求普遍解释力的同时,也充分考虑到不同地区都在严格意义上具有独特的发展环境.  相似文献   

Sanctions have been increasingly used as a diplomatic practice among international actors. Although sanctions have offered important insights into the global tourism system, relevant understandings require further research endeavour. This study explores border resident perceptions of sanctions and tourism in the case of North Korea. It involves an analysis of in-depth interviews with residents of Dandong - the largest Chinese border city facing North Korea. The findings reveal that the economic and tourism development of both North Korea and Dandong are considered to be disrupted by sanctions. In addition to the perceived negative impacts brought by sanctions, the study also uncovers relevant positive impacts. Furthermore, it suggests that sanctions tend to be interpreted and evaluated by residents through short- and long-term perspectives. The study advances the emerging interdisciplinary progress of tourism and sanctions through unpacking and highlighting the influences of sanctions on residents and tourism of border city.  相似文献   

This article demonstrates how large-scale tourist mobility data can be linked with network science approaches to better understand tourism destinations and their interactions. By analyzing a mobile positioning dataset that captures the nationality and movement patterns of foreign tourists to South Korea, we employ a few metrics to quantify the network properties of tourism destinations, aiming to reveal the collective dynamics of tourist movements and key differences across nationalities. According to the results, the number of inbound tourists to destinations follows a log-normal distribution, which indicates a notable heterogeneity of destination attractiveness. Although this finding holds across different nationalities, we find that tourists from different countries tended to visit different places in South Korea. A community detection algorithm partitions South Korea into several tourism regions, each covering a set of destinations that are closely connected by tourist flows. The implications for transportation development and regional tourism planning are discussed.  相似文献   

“送客入村”是湖南省协同多方力量推进乡村发展的有效模式,在脱贫攻坚与乡村振兴有效衔接的特殊阶段,系统总结其创设历程、内涵和运行特点、彰显其意义,具有重要价值。“送客入村”模式的运行促成村寨游客量全面增长,但村寨间差异明显,村寨游客总量及其增量均表现出5个等级,出现了“明星村”集群现象,表现出客流“增长亮点片” “负增长交叉分布”的特征。“送客入村”形成的市场机会呈现出3个等级,表现出“市场机会集聚块” “市场机会集聚带”特征,验证了精品线路建设的效果。“送客入村”运行效果的村寨间差异与自身文化内涵、A级旅游景区、交通通达条件有关。“送客入村”模式成功运行的经验归纳为:协同多方力量推进乡村发展是有效途径、“双管齐下”驱动乡村经济市场运作是有效方式、乡村旅游精品线路建设是坚实基础、特色村寨的获益能力培育是有力抓手、广度与深度“两维梯次推进”是持续发展的重要方略。细究“送客入村”模式得到以下启示:应重视政府与市场协同作为,注重村民经营意识与技能的“市场培育”,特别要培育示范户与带头人,注重提升“内生动力”。“送客入村”模式可为乡村旅游发展提供一定的借鉴。  相似文献   

Cultural tourism constitutes an alternative strategy of sustainable urban development for improving quality of life. The main objective of this type of tourism is to transform regions characterized by cultural resources into ideal places for vacation, residence or business. In this study residents' perceptions of cultural tourism were examined in a case study of Gwangju, Korea. It was found that the majority of the respondents were aware of the importance of cultural tourism and that they argued that it could contribute to urban development. The findings also suggest that there is a strong relationship between the respondents' characteristics and their perceptions of the impact of cultural tourism on urban development.  相似文献   

Studies have attempted to understand tourism issues between politically divided countries, yet few studies have argued that tourism between such states has a strong generational component. This study examines the generational differences in South Koreans’ international stereotypes and tourism destination images of North Korea. While generational differences existed in international stereotypes, there were no differences in tourism destination images between generational cohorts. Young female South Koreans were likely to view North Korea more positively than males in the same generation, and generational differences were present in the intention to visit North Korea and the perception of peace through tourism.  相似文献   

延边朝鲜族自治州地处东北边陲,旅游资源丰富,近年来旅游业发展迅速.中国朝鲜族是从朝鲜半岛琦入中国国境的跨界民族,与韩民族具有血缘关系和特殊的历史文化关系.作为中国朝鲜族曩大的聚居地,延边旅游业的发展与境外民族国家韩国怎息相关.本文通过SWOT分析,提出以当前中韩两国良好的政治经济文化环境为背景.充分利用跨界民族的优势条件,正视存在的问题,抓紧有利时机,是廷边发展旅游业的战略选择.  相似文献   

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