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旅游类专业实训基地是为教学实施而建设的提供实践操作、实训教学、学生职业素质培养为主要内容的教学场所,是重要的教学实践环节,关系到旅游人才培养的质量。本文通过对五星联盟旅游高职类院校实训室文化建设的调研对比,从物质、制度以及精神三个层面。来探讨实训基地文化建设的内容以及方法策略,通过实训基地文化建设,可以增强在校的高职旅游专业学生的综合素质,有利于其后续发展。  相似文献   

导游职业能力是高职旅游专业学生的专业核心能力之一,景区导游实践是提升导游职业能力的主要途径,也是院校培养学生职业能力的主要方式。韶山景区是湖南旅游专业学生实习的主要地区,散客地接导游是学生实践的主要岗位,学生在韶山景区导游实践中核心能力要求突出表现为导游讲解能力、线路策划能力、人际沟通能力和营销能力,本文针对相关能力提出了导游服务提质发展的方法与途径。  相似文献   

随着我国经济与科技的不断发展,教育行业面临着转型与革新,因此重视专业技术性人才的培养战略完成,对实现国家高职教育课程标准要求有着积极的作用。从高职院校旅游专业的实训基地建设来看,为了给高职院校学生提供更为有利的教学条件,继而实现对旅游专业的空间拓展,在新时代的背景条件之下,已经成为相关高职院校所共同关注的问题。  相似文献   

随着时代的不断发展,社会对人才的需求越来越多,对人才的要求也越来越高,而各大院校是培养优秀人才的重要场所,是人才的输出地,如今人们的生活质量水平在不断提高,很多人在闲暇之余都会出门旅游,因此如今的旅游业在快速的发展,在旅游业发展的过程中,旅游专业人员占据着非常重要的地位,影响着这个旅游服务的质量和人们对旅游企业的形象。社会对于旅游人才的要求也在不断提高,因此相关院校应该注重提高旅游人才的专业能力,但是在提高专业能力的同时也要重视培养学生的职业素质。  相似文献   

高职旅游类专业教育的目标是为培养现代化旅游业所需的高素质技能型专门人才。一方面要培养学生的社会适应性,提高学生的学习能力,以及学会交流沟通和团队协作的能力;另一方面要提高学生四个能力——实践能力、创造能力、就业能力和创业能力。本文分析了当前高职院校考核现状,综合高职旅游类专业的考试特点,以及旅游行业人才需求情况,提出建立与职业能力相适应的考试考核方法,以及之相适应的考试考核观念。  相似文献   

在中职旅游餐饮类专业中有效地渗透地方特色文化,培育高素养、高技能的旅游人才,为旅游经济服务,具有重要的现实意义。本文结合地方文化的特色与内涵,分别从旅游餐饮专业建设的迫切需要,也是当地旅游业发展的必然要求;促进学生个性发展,提高学生的综合职业能力;促进特色中职学校王牌专业的建设;促进地方特色饮食文化的传承和弘扬等方面分析了中职旅游餐饮类专业渗透地方特色文化的意义,并探讨地方特色文化渗透到专业教学中的策略。  相似文献   

近年来国内旅游发展迅速对于旅游服务行业人才的要求越来越高。作为高职院校旅游管理专业的学生来讲毕业去向更多的还是直接就业,旅游礼仪课程作为专业平台课,对于提升学生职业素养势在必行,加上课程本身实践性强,和岗位的结合度高,开展职业素养教育具有优势。针对目前旅游礼仪课程开展职业素养教育现状进行分析发现最主要的问题是教学内容和教学方法有待改进,需要更好的在教学中提升学生的职业信念,强化学生的职业知识和技能,促进学生良好的职业行为习惯的养成。  相似文献   

中职类学校在学生职业能力培养方面有自身的优势特点。且日常教学指导期间涉及到实践教学的类目也相对较多,围绕市场化发展背景对职业人才的专业能力要求,旅游酒店管理专业需要突显自身的职业特质,做好校内实训室的建设,帮助学生在校内获得旅游酒店管理的相关技能,为日后的就业奠定良好基础条件。  相似文献   

近些年来,高职院校越来越重视学生在校时专业技能的培养,越来越多的把学生在社会中需要的专业技能的培训提前转移至校内培训,这样学生就可以学校与社会嵌入式就业,从而真正的达到专业培养目标。青岛职业技术学院旅游管理专业的学生专业技能之一就是讲解能力的培养,本文主要就旅游管理专业学生在校史馆讲解时遇到的问题进行分析并给出意见。  相似文献   

随着旅游行业的迅速发展,使得市场上急需具备俄语水平的专业人才,高职院校需要培养专业的旅游俄语人才,满足市场的需求。但是当前高职院校的旅游俄语教学中存在一系列问题,因此,必须对旅游俄语这一课程的课堂教学进行创新改革,以满足社会和市场对旅游俄语专业人才的需求。可以通过培养学生的学习兴趣、创新教学方法、选择合适的教材、提高教师专业水平、改革考核评价方式、重视基础教学、培养学生的实践能力等方法,促进学生俄语表达能力和旅游专业技能的提高。  相似文献   

论实现世界旅游强国的人才建设   总被引:30,自引:0,他引:30  
陈志学 《旅游学刊》2001,16(3):34-38
目前,我国旅游人才建设仍存在总量不足、分布不合理、结构不理想、急需人才缺乏、人才外流严重等问题,为此,需要在确立积极的人才资源开发目标和工作思路,实施人才队伍建设工程,创新用人机制,优化人才环境等方面作出积极的探索。  相似文献   


The purpose of this article is to present a study which explores the origin of applied creativity in the culinary industry, in Taiwan. A total of 36 Chinese and Western cuisine chefs from five-star hotels and top restaurants were interviewed to provide the data from this study. The findings indicate that the role of applied creativity in the culinary industry has played a key role in culinary change and evolution in Taiwan. Culinary creativity has its own distinct characteristics, such as time limitations and market acceptance, which are acquired through building blocks of professional skills and experience. The study contributes to understanding the role of applied creativity in the culinary industry.  相似文献   

A number of authors believe that tour guide training may hold a key to passing on the concept of sustainable tourism to tourists. Savannah Guides Limited (SGL) is an organisation for tour guides interpreting and protecting the tropical savannahs of northern Australia. This paper examines the provision of intensive professional development schools, which the SGL organisation provides, to raise standards of professionalism for nature-based tour guides in remote regions. Its framework is based on Schein's three levels of organisational culture model, and Black and Ham's 10-element performance-based tour guide certification programme. Active participant observation of the development school process and a self-administered questionnaire to SGL members were used to understand the organisation's success. The main motivations for tour guiding are explored, as are the ways in which tour guides acquire knowledge. It is suggested that the provision of professional development schools in nature-based tourism regions benefits the guide and the tour guiding industry, and contributes to the protection of the natural environment. It is proposed that the SGL training model of professional development schools and certification be adopted by tour guiding organisations in other regional destinations as a way of nurturing and advancing quality tour guiding and professionalism.  相似文献   

After its introduction in 1992, the balanced scorecard (BSC) has attracted considerable interest from both scholars and practitioners. This is evidenced by the increasing number of publications addressing BSC and the large number of professional events devoted to it. However, there is little research on BSC in the hospitality and tourism industry. This study aims to contribute towards filling this significant gap through studying 106 top-ranked journal articles on BSC, of which 37 belong to the hospitality and tourism industry. In so doing, the study highlights the research focus that has been placed so far on BSC and examines its trends and the relationships amongst its perspectives. It also provides valuable input to identify gaps currently impeding BSC development in the hospitality and tourism industry, recommends future research opportunities intended to improve understanding and practice of BSC along with building up on emerging research topics like sustainable tourism and new tourism management.  相似文献   

Professional sport teams strive to cultivate a large, loyal fan base. Relationship marketing is well suited for developing loyal customers. Professional sport teams provide youth sport camps mostly for added revenue streams and marketing extensions. However, research neglects to investigate which relationship factors may help build or reignite long-term fan development. This exploratory study examined the efficacy of these camps on factors theorised for developing long-term customer loyalty. Parents of camp participants were evaluated because they may appeal to teams interested in short- and long-term results. Using repeated measures MANOVA, matched pre- and post-camp data were collected from 70 parents of participants from four different NBA teams’ youth sport camps around the United States. Data analysis revealed the camps were effective in enhancing team identification, attitudes toward the team, and team satisfaction. Results suggest that youth sport camps assist in building customer relationships with parents. Further, the benefits of relationship marketing efforts may extend beyond primary participants via the familial socialisation process. The three aforementioned precursors to fan loyalty showed significant increases after parents’ experience with the teams’ youth sport camp. These findings highlight a possible marketing platform that can serve both short- and long-term objectives for professional basketball teams.  相似文献   

Using terror management theory as a theoretical base, and drawing upon pertinent tourism studies, this conceptual paper represents one of the first attempts to systematically identify and predict post-COVID travel and tourism behaviors. Several salient proximal and distal post-COVID travel behaviors are identified or predicted. Their psychological and phenomenological roots, behavioral manifestations, and potential impact on tourism are discussed. This research intends to offer some foundational building blocks to better understand travel and tourism behaviors and to inform tourism theory and practice in the post-COVID era.  相似文献   


The convention, exposition, and meeting industry (CEMI) has been growing at an unprecedented rate with cities of all sizes building or expanding their convention centers. While the cities may or may not have made good decisions, the underlying base for these judgements has not taken into account those characteristics of the city that convention attendees deem important. This research fills this void by delineating sixteen different city traits that impact on conventioneer destination attractiveness and develops scales for each. For each scale, applications to major convention cities are provided as examples. The framework provides an empirical base for convention decision making that was not previously possible. The extant research offers a means by which convention center operators and city policy makers can compare themselves to other cities or centers and identify their strengths and weaknesses. Thus, entities using this approach can better position themselves in the market with a resulting increase in success with conventions.  相似文献   

This article presents a discussion on research associations as facilitators of knowledge networks in a community of tourism research and marketing professionals. The Travel and Tourism Research Association was selected for a case study to examine factors, attitudes, and behaviors in relation to professional networking of its members. Perceptions of knowledge networks, and of the association as a network facilitator, are discussed in the contexts of social networks and capacity-building of a scientific community. While the observations are made of a small sample from a single association, results of the study have potential implications for understanding and nurturing professional networks in an applied research community.  相似文献   

The tourism literature has increasingly recognised the importance of integrating tourism and culture with other value chains. Though the value of such integration is uncontested, it does raise several questions relating to stakeholder collaboration. Despite substantial research in this field, there remain gaps in our knowledge of the micro-dynamics of stakeholder collaborations in building tourism/cultural systems. This paper contributes to this debate by investigating the micro-level interactions among stakeholders during the conceptualisation of a large collaborative project: a Cultural District. Drawing on Actor-Network Theory (ANT) the research shows that, though rigid sequential planning is not viable, conceptualisation is facilitated by deploying three ANT rules: enrolling actors, fact-building and circulating translations. These rules are used to define a “conditional path” whereby specific actions are activated when controversies emerge.  相似文献   

In a previous issue of this journal we developed a moral philosophical account of the relations between the paradigmatic leisure profession, leisure management, and it's clientele. Professional status was characterized as a set of relations necessarily involving moral authority and not merely technical expertise as is commonly supposed. In that account, professional paternalism was interpreted and justified differently in relation to the specific roles and relations incorporated in leisure management ranging from national policy planning to operational delivery. That position is developed and contextualized here by setting out an account of the nature of utilitarianism which is commonly thought to underwrite state paternalism in policy issues. The account charts the development within utilitarian thinking from its classical hedonistic beginnings in the thinking of Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill into more sophisticated versions of welfarism in Amartya Sen. The essay sets out some critical difficulties in the application of a moral theory to leisure practice. It explores the limits to which utilitarian theories may specifically underwrite the leisure professional working in the public sector in a manner which, though paternalistic, is not disrespectful of the autonomy of its clients: citizens and consumers.  相似文献   

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