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参与型旅游小镇规划模式研究——以金门金湖镇为例   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目前,公众参与已经成为旅游规划界的热点问题.旅游小镇由于其规划尺度小、当地居民根植性强、规划开发与社区发展关系紧密,因此研究中具有显著的代表性和重要的现实意义.本文基于相关文献研究,在小镇空间尺度上,讨论公众参与在旅游规划中的价值和意义,提出参与型旅游小镇规划原则,构建参与型旅游小镇规划的理论模型,提出规划的框架和具体操作步骤,并以金门金湖镇为例,具体分析规划各阶段居民参与的内容、形式,经由个案阐述操作经验得出决策者、规划者、当地居民和其他相关人员在参与型旅游规划步骤中的角色与功能,以期能为具资源潜力的小镇或较大尺度旅游城市的相关规划模式、政策、法令制定提供参考与借鉴.  相似文献   

论旅游地形象策划的参与型组织模式   总被引:41,自引:2,他引:41  
游客和社区居民对旅游地的认知是旅游地形象策划的社会基础,因此需要有一个建立在广泛意义上的社会参与机制,以保证旅游地形象策划的科学性和系统性,而传统的旅游地形象策划模式显然缺乏这一机制,本文以此为基础,探讨了旅游地形象策划的系统组织程序,并据此提出了旅游地形象策划的参与型组织模式。  相似文献   

良好的乡村旅游社区参与能够发挥多重功能:延长乡村旅游地作为旅游目的地的生命周期,为其塑造良好的旅游地形象.同时,促使当地居民的经济、生活状况得到提升和改善.因此,良好的社区参与是乡村旅游可持续发展的重要保障.文章以北京市平谷区黄松峪乡雕窝村为例,运用AHP层次分析法将社区参与复杂的内涵进行逐层分析,发挥其定量分析与定性分析相结合的优点,对乡村旅游的社区参与情况进行比较客观的评价,从社区参与的角度为乡村旅游可持续发展提供参考.  相似文献   

本文以旅游资源型小城镇安徽省灵璧县为例,以居民对旅游影响的感知、态度为基础,利用自组织神经网络方法,对居民旅游影响感知进行分类研究,并对分类结果进行深入剖析.通过分类研究,把握旅游地居民感知特征,为旅游地的可持续发展、旅游规划提供依据.同时作者将分类结果与前人对不同发展阶段旅游地的分类结果进行比较分析.验证了旅游地发展阶段理论,证实了神经网络方法在居民旅游影响感知分类研究中的适用性,促进了旅游学科与更多方法的融合.  相似文献   

关注旅游地居民这一利益主体的诉求,重视他们的利益,有利于消除他们与其他利益相关者的潜在冲突,实现旅游地可持续发展.采用深度访谈、问卷调查的方法对南昆山乡村社区居民的利益诉求进行研究.因子分析表明,居民的利益诉求可归为4个因子,由强到弱依次是保障经济利益、优化民主管理机制、维护提升景区环境、塑造良好旅游文化氛围.基于各社会人口统计学特征,用单因素方差分析方法分析了居民利益诉求的差异,并进一步发掘差异背后的深层问题.深度访谈反映居民对部分利益要求有更为具体而复杂的表达,居民要求程度低的利益,并非都得到了较好满足.研究还将弱权利意识型古村落社区“应以心理增权优先”的理论推广到生态旅游地乡村社区.基于以上分析,最后从规范研究的角度对高效和谐解决旅游发展中的社区居民利益问题,实现有序开发与可持续发展提出了建议.  相似文献   

基于单纯感知模型的游客满意度研究   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
如何创建令游客满意的旅游地,是旅游学者、旅游地政府和旅游从业者研究旅游地竞争力的主要目标和任务.已有研究验证了单纯感知模型要比期望差异模型更适合于游客总体满意度的测量.本文以九寨沟和庐山为例,应用独立样本t检验比较了两地游客感知之间的差异,两地逐步回归模型发现,游客总体满意度是由诸多因素共同影响的,并且不同旅游地游客总体满意度的影响因素不同.两地游客总体满意度与忠诚度之间都存在着显著的相关关系,但游客的推荐行为比重游行为对旅游地有着更为重要的意义.  相似文献   

随着区域旅游竞合关系的演化,行政驱动对优化区域旅游空间关系的作用渐趋弱化,而地区间的文化影响机制相对稳定,文化资源和文化空间的跨行政区分布是一种普遍的空间现象,文化旅游已经成为推动区域旅游协同发展的重要动力.区域文化旅游的协同发展,要在整合行政资源的基础上,积极响应旅游地的公众认知和市场需求,实现区域旅游的协调和可持续发展.文章以南京都市圈为例,围绕区域文化旅游的发展状态、区域协同发展的现实基础和基本条件等设计调研项目,采用社会调查和定量分析相结合的方法,分析公众对区域文化旅游协同发展的认知和评价情况.研究发现,文化旅游区域协同的空间认知分异规律存在文化资源导向性、交通区位导向性和文化关联导向性的特征.这一特征有助于厘清政府主导的区域文化旅游发展思路,有助于旅游地文化旅游资源的有效整合和深度开发,进而选择符合自身特点和发展阶段的区域文化旅游协同发展模式.  相似文献   

旅游地是推进旅游业低碳化发展的重要实践主体,但长期面临旅游企业、旅游者低碳生产与消费内在动力不足,低碳发展长效落实机制缺乏,监督管理成本过高等问题。提升旅游地低碳发展系统协同效率,推动低碳发展措施高效实施是实现旅游业高质量发展的迫切议题。本研究以区块链技术为支撑,以低碳信息共享为基础,基于供需协同、低碳优先、共同参与、可持续性、系统性5项原则,尝试构建以旅游企业、旅游者、第三方评估机构、政府部门、社区居民五大利益相关者为主体,以低碳信息共享、低碳发展激励、低碳发展规制、低碳发展补偿4项区块链平台运行机制为支持的旅游地低碳发展模式,通过正向激励机制、反向规制机制、补偿机制推动低碳"信息互联网"向"价值互联网"转变,为旅游地低碳发展提供技术支撑。同时,本研究意图突破传统低碳旅游研究局限,拓展可持续旅游分析视角。  相似文献   

南岭国家森林公园旅游企业主导的社区参与模式研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
社区是生态旅游利益相关者的关键角色之一.本文在有关社区参与生态旅游的理论研究和文献综述的基础上,针对我国生态旅游社区参与的实残,选取具有代表性的南岭国家森林公园为案例,通过对当地社区、旅游企业及政府等相关利益主体及其相互关系的研究,提出了"旅游企业主导的社区参与模式",并探讨了该模式可持续运作的关键环节和优化模式.因子分析的结果进一步表明,社区主人翁意识、公共福利、教育培训机会以及经济收益等,是影响社区参与生态旅游的自主性和可持续性的重要因素.研究结果丰富了生态旅游社区参与的理论,并对我国生态旅游的社区实践具有一定的参考价值.  相似文献   

旅游地社会文化环境变迁机制试研究   总被引:28,自引:3,他引:25  
杨俭波 《旅游学刊》2001,16(6):70-74
本文探讨的重点,包括以下方面:①制约旅游地社会文化环境变迁的动因在于外界旅游流对旅游地的静态平衡系统产生冲击和干扰,分析旅游地社会文化环境变迁,必须从构成“流“的要素入手;②旅游者及其携带而来的物能流与旅游地各主体要素(政府机构、旅游企业、旅游地原生居民等)的竞争与协调产生旅游地社会文化环境变迁的动力机制.  相似文献   

This paper investigates and compares the effects of residents' perceptions of the impacts of tourism on community participation and support for tourism development across urban and rural world heritage sites (WHSs). Partial least squares – structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM), has been employed to perform the analysis. The results reveal significant differences between the effects of residents' perceptions and community participation on support for tourism development in urban and rural destinations. However, the findings did not support any differences between the effects of positive perceptions on community participation, and the indirect effects of negative perceptions on support for tourism development. This study makes a significant theoretical contribution to the urban and rural tourism and residents’ perceptions literature by comparing rural and urban WHSs residents. Furthermore, this study has a number of practical implications for the local authorities of rural and urban WHSs.  相似文献   

Many researchers have used stage-based and life cycle models to describe destination development and local residents’ changing reactions to tourism. Typically, they report that resident attitudes towards tourism, and its perceived outcomes for host populations, worsen with increasing experience and involvement in tourism. However, stage-based models traditionally focus on mature destinations in developed countries. In contrast, scholarship on ecotourism derives largely from developing countries and suggests that increased participation leads to more favourable outcomes and attitudes towards tourism. This paper breaks new ground by exploring attitudes to tourism in an emerging destination in a developing country and linking that exploration to a revised stage-based model. It uses ethnographic data to evaluate responses to recent tourism development in Nicaragua. While findings are complex and do not support a linear relationship between the level of experience in tourism and the attitudes of local residents, they do indicate a relationship between these two theoretical perspectives that can be used to inform one another. Notably, workers in tourism are more critical of the tourism industry than residents are. Important amendments to stage-based models are suggested that will assist tourism planners with the creation of more sustainable, community-centred development.  相似文献   

In contrast to the substantial work on resident perceptions toward tourism development, relatively little is known about residents' emotional responses. By applying cognitive appraisal theory, this study aims to identify the causes and consequences of resident emotions toward Tourism Performing Arts (TPA) developments across urban and rural communities. Based on a quota sampling method, surveys of 438 and 435 residents were undertaken in two typical urban (Hangzhou) and rural (Yangshuo) TPA destinations in China. Results revealed that rural residents reported a higher intensity of positive emotions and were more supportive towards TPA development. Positive emotions (i.e., happy, loving and grateful) for rural and urban residents were elicited by outcome desirability, fairness, and coping potential whereas negative emotions were generated differently. Complex emotions, rather than specific emotions were found to be related behavioral intentions towards TPA development. Findings suggest targeted strategies such as promoting TPA in urban communities and offering preferential local access for rural communities.  相似文献   

赋权理论与旅游发展中的社区能力建设   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:9  
伴随着旅游业的急速增长,作为旅游业利益相关者中之弱势群体的社区,亟须予以不同层面的赋权以提高其参与能力.赋权是一个建立意识、增强能力和发展技能,通向更多参与、更加平等、更大影响的行动过程.本文通过对国内不同地域社区旅游目的地的追踪研究,在赋权理论的框架下,提出旅游发展中社区能力建设的基本路径.  相似文献   

The involvement of host communities (or destination residents), particularly in developing countries, is critical to the success of tourism development and to the creation of a “Just Destination”. This paper investigates host community perceptions about obstacles to their participation in tourism development in Lombok, Indonesia, providing new insights into institutional influences on tourism opportunities and issues. Purposive and snowball sampling techniques targeted separate groups of destination residents who live in a developed tourism destination, a less developed tourism destination, a remote rural village far away from tourism destinations, as well as a group of university students. Data were collected through in-depth interviews, qualitative questionnaires and observation, and were analysed using content analysis. Results show three main institutional factors inhibit host community participation in tourism: tourism agencies, private sector providers and tourism infrastructure, and perceptions of the negative impacts of tourism. The underperformance of state tourism agencies and private sector providers resulted in a lack of tourism infrastructure and limitations on host community opportunities to participate in tourism development and businesses. The findings suggest the need for improvement in the training of state tourism agency employees, better coordination among government agencies, and improved education and training for tourism operators.  相似文献   

Set in Malaysia’s Lenggong Valley World Heritage Site (WHS), this paper uses stakeholder theory to explore the heterogeneity of positive and negative perceptions among residents and their effects on residents’ support for and participation in sustainable tourism development. Data from 221 completed questionnaire surveys revealed heterogeneous negative perceptions across residents’ age, level of education and economic involvement in tourism. Moreover, residents’ positive perceptions had a positive effect on their support for and participation in tourism development. This study contributes to the resident perception literature by using stakeholder theory to conceptualise the heterogeneity of residents’ perceptions and by examining the effects of those perceptions on their support for and participation in tourism development in a rural WHS destination in the developing world. Furthermore, the findings of this study have practical implications for local authorities aiming to improve residents’ support and participation in tourism planning for sustaining tourism development.  相似文献   

The aim of this case study is to increase our understanding of the role of entrepreneurs in enhancing the competitiveness of a rural tourism destination. A literature review of the research on destination competitiveness with a focus on the roles of different stakeholders is first presented, followed by a narrative about rural tourism development, the competitiveness of rural destinations and the role of entrepreneurs in establishing successful destinations. The data consists of six case studies and nine semi-structured interviews among tourism entrepreneurs and managers at a rural tourism destination in Finland. The findings challenge the prevailing DMO dominated approach to destination competitiveness development, and call for the acknowledgment of collaboration between small tourism enterprises in the enhancement of rural destinations. Municipalities have a crucial role as facilitators of the entrepreneurial environment, but without innovative, committed, and risk-taking entrepreneurs no destination will flourish.  相似文献   

左冰  保继刚 《旅游学刊》2008,23(4):58-63
增权是目的地获得可持续发展的重要前提.缺乏关于政治和权力关系的分析,仅将社区参与作为一个经济和技术过程而不是政治过程,是当前社区参与旅游发展在实践中不能取得真正进步的原因.本文对西方增权理论以及旅游研究中有关增权的研究成果进行了介绍和分析,认为旅游增权这一新兴理论的提出必将对未来发展中国家的旅游实践产生深刻的影响.文章剖析了西方旅游研究者仅仅关注于社区增权模式的局限性,提出个人增权先于社区增权的观点,并指出在把增权理论应用于中国的旅游实践时,除了西方学者倡导的信息增权和教育增权外,还需要将增权的范围扩展到"个人权利"的增进和制度增权,通过国家政治制度的建设保障个人权利和社区增权的合法性.  相似文献   

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