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基于扎根理论的滑雪旅游度假区经营要素与理念识别   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着国民消费的升级,滑雪度假已然成为冬季旅游的消费新热点。经营要素与经营理念是旅游目的地成功发展的必备基础。为更好地提升我国滑雪旅游度假区的竞争力,本文通过对来自6个世界冰雪强国的11名旅游部门及滑雪企业负责人的访谈,运用扎根理论与内容分析法,从供给侧的角度识别出滑雪旅游度假区成功经营的基础要素与核心竞争力要素,以及人才专业性、体验性、异质化开发、持续创新、绿色发展五大经营理念。据此建议我国滑雪旅游度假区高质量发展需从地方感营造、游客体验、市场培育、生态保护等方面入手,来完善经营要素体系,提升市场竞争力。  相似文献   

旅游产业高度化的本质特征:产业融合与信息化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、旅游业转型升级的实践探索 我国旅游业谋求"转型"由来已久,1992年国务院发布的《关于试办国家旅游度假区有关问题的通知》中就指出:"为进一步扩大对外开放,开发利用我国丰富的旅游资源,促进我国旅游业由观光型向观光度假型转变,加快旅游事业发展,国务院决定在条件成熟的地方试办国家旅游度假区."此后,在我国旅游界,有关"我国旅游业将从传统的观光旅游向度假旅游转型"的观点逐渐流行,甚至认为,发展休闲度假旅游是我国旅游产业转型升级的不二选择.  相似文献   

旅游度假区内的农民问题   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
旅游度假区内的农民问题李海瑞国家旅游局我国的国家旅游度假区,大多在人口稠密的东部和南部沿海地区,且占地面积大,不可避免地有不少农村被划进度假区的版图。例如我应邀考察过的江南两家度假区,面积都有10平方公里左右,区内散布的自然村落数十个,农户2000多...  相似文献   

旅游度假区是近年来旅游消费转型升级的建设热点,从全局视角认识国家级旅游度假区的空间分布特征和影响因素对于优化中国度假旅游产业布局、促进度假区高质量发展,以及建设世界级度假区具有重要意义。本文在回顾中国旅游度假区发展历程的基础上,以2015—2020年45家国家级旅游度假区为数据基础,对其空间分布特征和影响因素进行了初步分析。研究表明:(1)当前国家级旅游度假区尚处于起步发展阶段,整体上呈现出东多西少、南多北少的空间分异格局;(2)国家级旅游度假区初步形成了“大分散、小集中”的集聚形态,呈现出以浙江、江苏为核心的“单核主导型”空间格局;(3)国家级旅游度假区的空间分布受到诸多自然因素和人文因素的共同作用,其中,资源禀赋是度假区空间分异的制约性因素,国家政策引导是度假区空间分异的关键性因素,市场发育程度是度假区供需格局差异的内在动力,假日制度直接影响度假者出行距离和目的地选择进而影响度假区空间分布,大型赛事活动是度假区空间分异的助推因素。据此为国家级旅游度假区空间格局优化和高质量发展提出相关建议,最后对当前及今后一段时间内中国旅游度假区高质量发展研究的相关问题进行了展望。  相似文献   

张金山 《旅游学刊》2011,26(12):10-11
纵观世界范围内度假旅游的发展历程,可以梳理一条大致的脉络或规律。从度假旅游的区域范围来看,最初度假旅游以郊区短途旅游为主,随着经济社会不断发展和交通条件的不断改善,度假旅游开始向长途旅游以及全世界范围扩展,开始从发达国家或地区向发展中国家或不发达地区拓展。当长线旅游发展到一定阶段,大城市郊区的短线度假旅游开始迅速增长,在20世纪90年代已经开始成为欧美一些重要城市广受欢迎的消费热点。  相似文献   

加快我国旅游度假区建设的几点思考 为进一步推动我国旅游度假区的健康发展,邱毅勇、张吉林日前在《旅游通讯》(1993年第4期)上撰文《关于加快我国旅游度假区建设的几点思考》,指出应当认真总结前一阶段的经验,解决好以下三方  相似文献   

当前国内对于温泉度假旅游的需求逐步增大,温泉旅游度假区的种类繁多,温泉旅游度假区的生态景观设计就要和人们的需求相结合。本文先就温泉旅游度假区生态景观设计原则以及要求加以阐述,然后就生态景观设计的措施详细探究,希冀能借此研究,对促进实际设计工作的开展有所裨益。  相似文献   

正一、度假乡居模式(一)核心理念形成淡江乡村就是一个野奢度假综合体的核心理念。通过乡村闲置农宅的统一改造统一收租,并进行整体改造与度假化利用,将村落打造成为有特色有一定规模的高品质的乡村旅游度假区,围绕旅游要素塑造成以"淡"字为特色的乡村度假品牌。(二)村落特征1.村落具有良好生态环境与传统旅游不同,度假乡居模式对于乡村区位交通的要求较低,  相似文献   

国内旅游度假区开发与管理分析   总被引:17,自引:3,他引:14  
国内旅游度假区开发与管理分析□王国新度假旅游现已成为欧美人的一种普通生活方式,因而欧美国家在度假休闲地开发与管理方面积累了许多经验可供借鉴。度假区的开发与管理不同于一般性饭店或景点。一般暂住饭店主要为旅游者提供舒适的住宿环境和美味的饮食,其本身并不是...  相似文献   

随着全国度假旅游市场竞争的日趋激烈,培育和维持忠诚的游客、不断提升游客忠诚,成为每一个旅游度假区正在面临和亟待解决的重要问题。为了探究亚布力旅游度假区已到访游客的具体特征,对已到访游客发放问卷并进行问卷调查。此研究可以为亚布力滑雪旅游度假区在制定和实施管理营销策略时提供参考借鉴,以期不断促进东北甚至全国相似旅游度假区的可持续发展。  相似文献   

There is a widespread presumption that the development of tourism resorts brings direct and indirect benefits to the area where they are located. There has been extensive critical discussion about the magnitude and distribution of these benefits. This paper adds to knowledge of these benefits by investigating the causes of under-utilisation of tourist resort capacity, typified by the problem of “empty beds”. Many owners of holiday homes in tourist resorts choose not to rent out their property when they are not making personal use of it, thereby reducing income earning potential of businesses in the area. This paper reports on a qualitative and quantitative study of holiday home owners at a ski resort in France. While personal use of properties was low, 40% of owners had never rented out their property. Analysis of the data converged on four emergent themes to explain this apparent reluctance to rent out: fears about the social habits of renters; issues of freedom and flexibility in use of their property; life course changes which forced renting/non-renting decisions; and financial issues. Financial issues were not a driver of investment/rental decisions, but derived from other social and lifestyle factors. The paper makes suggestions about how resort management can help to reduce owners' reluctance to rent, and thereby alleviate problems associated with empty beds.  相似文献   

Although sustainable tourism comprises economic, social and environmental aspects, economic analysis has been less evident in the literature. This paper takes an economic perspective to evaluate the contribution of holiday home owners to a local economy. Tourism destinations which are at the mature stages of the tourism lifecycle wish to maximise revenue from tourism while minimising costs such as overcrowding. A prime objective has to be to attract the more economically valuable tourists. In this paper an analysis of North Wexford in Ireland poses questions such as: How does the holiday home owners’ expenditure in the local area compare to that of traditional tourists? Do they purchase different types of goods? What levels of local expenditure do holiday home owners engage in for the upkeep or development of their second properties? What are the implications of these findings? The results show that there are clear economic benefits for an area that people deem attractive enough to build or purchase a holiday home in. This type of tourist has a high annual spend relative to other tourists and much of this expenditure seems to be concentrated in the local area. These findings need to be incorporated into the broader debate regarding the advantages and disadvantages of holiday home owners and the possibility of them comprising a route to sustainable development for local tourist areas.  相似文献   

While many popular Mediterranean holiday resorts have plumped for mass tourism, encouraging cheap package deals and ‘low- to middle-market’ consumers, Cyprus has gone the other way. A. Andronicou, Director General of the Cyprus Tourist Organisation, discusses why Cyprus has opted to encourage ‘up-market’ tourism and outlines some of the planning principles followed by his organization and practical difficulties encountered.  相似文献   

Despite the fact that all-inclusive package holidays play a major role in the tourism developments of sun and sea destinations, relatively little research has been done within the hospitality literature to investigate the relationships between satisfaction with all-inclusive, destination satisfaction and loyalty to a destination. Moreover, the measurement of satisfaction with all-inclusive resorts is lacking. Therefore, the aim of this study is to examine relationships between satisfaction with all-inclusive resorts, satisfaction with destination, and destination loyalty, in order to understand the generation of tourist satisfaction with all-inclusive resorts. Based the previous theoretical and empirical evidence in the related literature, a questionnaire survey was conducted during summer 2008 at Antalya, a major sun and sea tourism destination of Turkey. The data were analyzed using several statistical techniques. The results suggested that there were significant relationships between satisfaction with all-inclusive resorts, satisfaction with destination and destination loyalty. It is also noteworthy that an all-inclusive package tour is the most popular traveling mode for tourists visiting Antalya.  相似文献   

This study measures tourist judgments on service quality in alpine ski resorts. An attribute based method was employed in order to estimate weighting schemes both for quality judgments across different tourism activity domains and different quality dimensions within winter resorts and to quantify an overall quality measure. A linear regression and Sirgy's congruity model of customer satisfaction/dissatisfaction were adopted. The results indicate that there exists a linear relationship between the overall quality measure and the partial judgments of each domain/dimension. This allows deciphering the relevance of different domains of tourism activity and quality dimensions within the process of making quality judgments.  相似文献   

国外滨海旅游研究综述   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
滨海旅游作为现代旅游增长最快的领域,从20世纪70年代起受到了广泛关注。本文通过对国外相关书籍和期刊文献的整理,对国外滨海旅游研究进行归纳和评述,着重分析其研究焦点,如海岸地貌、海岸环境和人类活动的交互作用、滨海度假区的发展模型、滨海度假区游客行为、海岸管理几个方面,以期为中国滨海旅游的健康发展提供借鉴,并借此推动国内旅游学术界对滨海旅游的进一步研究。  相似文献   

This paper traces the development of geographical interest in tourism during the past half century and examines the range and scope of the geography of tourism. The available literature is reviewed and suggestions are made regarding possible research aveneus and theoretical developments. Six major areas of interest are identified: spatial aspects of supply, spatial aspects of demand, the geography of resorts, patterns of movements and flows, the impact of tourism, and models of tourist space. Through an emphasis on spatial interaction an attempt is made to provide some cohesion and synthesis for this body of knowledge which constitutes the basis of the geography of tourism.  相似文献   

Human thermal perceptions are closely related to success in the tourism sector. However, a single climatic parameter or thermal index based on empirical equations cannot fully assess the thermal conditions at tourist destinations. While examining Taiwan and Eastern China, this study attempts to determine tourist thermal perceptions based on physiologically equivalent temperature (PET) and thermal comfort classifications (TPCs) for temperate and (sub)tropical regions. Seasonal distribution maps of PET indicate that Taiwan and Eastern China are perceived as comfortable during spring and autumn for those residing in temperate regions, while only the southern region during spring and the northern region during summer are perceived as comfortable for those residing in (sub)tropical regions. Furthermore, the annual thermal comfort distribution (ATCD) is determined to identify comfortable months for 20 tourist destinations. The PET frequencies, which are calculated using hourly climate data, describe climate variability and change. This climate information will prove useful to tourism authorities, travel agencies, resorts and tourists.  相似文献   

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